The Journal of PHARMACY and PHARMACOLOGY • §•• * • • • • • :: •!: < • • • • a a 3 3 B E D F oift* a ;i*P E x & J E , : f X Q K : B f l > iN , W. C . 1 for combined ORAL PENICILLIN and ‘ SULPHAMEZATHINE ’ Therapy ‘SULMEZIL’ preparations provide an ideal means of administering ‘Sulphamezathine’ and penicillin together. They have the advantage of containing what is undoubtedly the best sulphonamide for routine use and the most stable salt of penicillin that gives reliable absorption and effective blood levels. Presented in two convenient forms :— ‘Sulm ezil’ TABLETS Each containing 0.5 gramme ‘Sulphamezathine’ Sulpha- a n d dimidine B.P. and 150,000 units o f‘Dibencil’ benzathine penicillin. ‘ S u l m e z i l ’ ORAL SUSPENSION Containing in each fluid drachm, 0.5 gramme ‘Sulpha­ mezathine’ Sulphadimidine B.P. and 150,000 units ‘Dibencil’ benzathine penicillin. The Suspension is pleasantly flavoured and free from the characteristic taste of either penicillin or sulphonamide. It is a stable preparation and is particularly suitable for combined therapy in children. In the treatment of bacterial infec­ tions sensitive to either penicillin Note J Under the National Health Sendee or sulphonamide therapy, the basic cost of 25 ‘SULMEZIL’ TAB­ ‘S U LM EZ IL ’ TABLETS LETS is i3/4d. Free from P.T. The basic AND ORAL SUSPENSION cost of a 50 c.c. bottle of‘SULMEZIL' provide :— ORAL SUSPENSION ; (containing 14 teaspoonful doses) is 9/4d. Free from P.T. • Cover against a wide range of organisms • Cotter against mixed infections • Increased effectiveness • Maximum convenience IMPERIAL CHEMM^'^UKlil'A'teMArEUTICALS) LTD. A subsidiary company of •Imperial Chemical Industries Limited ph.456 Wilmstow, Manchester* *. The Journal of P H A R M A C Y and PHARMACOLOGY Successor to The Quarterly Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 33 BEDFORD PLACE, LONDON, W.C.l Telephone: CHAncery 6387 Telegrams: Pharmakon, Westcent, London Editor: C. H. Hampshire, C.M.G., M.B., B.S., B.Sc., F.P.S., F.R.I.C, Associate Editor: G. Brownlee, D.Sc., Ph.D,, F.P.S. Annual Subscription 50s. Single Copies 5s. Vol. VI. No. 7 July, 1954 CONTENTS page Review Article Non-Aqueous Acid-Base Titrations tn Pharmaceutical Analysis. By Per Ekeblad and Kurt Erne ... .. .. 433 Research Papers The Effect of Immune Serum on H/emagglutination by Ricin By E. G. C. Clarke ..................................................................440 Factors Influencing the Activity of Thrombin Preparations. By D. Maxwell Bryce .. .. .. .. .. 451 [Continued on page ii More Accurate Colorimetry Designed to meet the requirements of modern Long, evenly spaced density scale analytical methods, the S pek ker A bsorp­ and transmission scale. tio m eter incorporates the following useful Easily accessible slides for filters, features in a very convenient form. remote from heat of light source. Mains operation self-stabilised. Quickly adapted for Fluorimetry and Wear-free measuring device. Nephelometry. QUICK DELIVERY Write for booklet CH244 (Q.7) H1LGER & WATTS LTD. HILGER DIVISION 98 St. Pancras Way Camden Road London, N.W.I, England Telephone: GULliver 5571 HE ii The Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology July, 1954 CONTENTS PAGE (Research Papers—continued) T h e D e t e c t io n o f t h e A l k a l o id s o f Lupitws tennis in V is c e r a . By E. H. W. J. Burden, D. N. Grindley and Riad Mansour .. 461 P harmacological S t u d ie s in t h e A pocynaceous G e n u s A s p id o - s p e r m a M a r t , a n d Z u c c . Aspodosperma Album (V a h l ) R. Ben. a n d Aspidospenna Mcgalocarpon M u e l l . Ar g . By J. N. Banerjee and J. J. Lewis .. .. .. .. .. 466 S o m e O bservations o n t h e E f f e c t o f D i f f e r e n t D r y in g M e t h o d s o n t h e G l y c o s id e C o n t e n t o f t h e L e a v e s o f Digitalis lanata. By R. M. Dash and M. L. Frith .. 471 T h e C olorimetric E s t im a t io n o f G it o x ig e n in i n P r e s e n c e o f D igitoxigenin . By D. H. E. T a t t j e .....................................................476 T h e P r e p a r a t io n o f T w o B is -D ia z o D y e s f o r I n t r a v e n o u s I n j e c t i o n . By H. S. Grainger, Thelma Carr and G. F. Somers 481 Abstracts of Scientific Literature C h e m is t r y .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 484 B iochemistry .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 486 C hemotherapy ............................................................................................... 488 P harmacy .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 488 P harmacognosy .. .. ................................................................489 P harmacology and T herapeutics .. .. .. .. .. 489 New Apparatus .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 495 EDITORIAL COMMITTEE C. W. Maplethorpe, f.p.s., f.r.i.c. (Chairman), H. Berry, b.sc., Dlp.Bact.(Lond.), F.P.S., F.R.I.C., G. R. BOYES, L.M.S.S.A., B.Sc., P.P.S., F.R.I.C., J. H. BURN, M.A., m.d., f.r.s., G. A. H. Buttle, o.b.e., m.a., m.r.c.s., l.r.c.p ., Sir Henry H. D ale, o.m., g.b.e., m.d., f.r.c.p., f.r.s., H. Davis, b.sc., ph.D., f.p .s., f.r.i.c., J. H. GaDDUM, M.A., Sc.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., F.R.S., F. HARTLEY, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.P.S., F.R.I.C., W. H. LlNNELL, D.S c ., Ph.D., F.P.S., F.R.I.C., SlR HUGH LlNSTEAD, O.B.E., f.p .s., M.p,, A .D. Macdonald, m.d.,m.a., m.sc., H. G. Rolfe, b.sc., f.p .s., f.r.i.c., T. E. Wallis, d.sc., f.p.s., f.r.i.c. Secretary: F. W. Adams, b.sc., f.p .s., a.r.i.c. Abstractors: A. H. Beckett, b.sc., Ph.D., f.p.s., f.r.i.c., G. Brown, B.pharm., b.sc., f.p .s., H. Treves Brown, b.sc., f..p .s., H. Deane, b.sc., f.p.s., f.r.i.c., J. W, Fairbairn, b.sc., Ph.D., f.p.s., J. R. Fowler, B.Pharm., f.p .s., E. Hayes, b.sc., m.p.s.i., a.r.i.c., G. R. Kitteringham, b.sc., f.p.s., a.r.i.c., M. Mann, B.pharm., Ph.D., G. Middleton, B.SC., F.R.I.C., G. PATERSON, B.Sc., M.Sc., G. R. A. Short, f .p .s., G. F. Somers, b.sc., ph.D., f .p .s., J. B. Stenlake, b.sc., ph.D., f.p .s., a.r.i.c., R. E. Stuckey, b.sc., Ph D., f.p .s., f.r.i.c., T. E. Wallis, d.sc., f.p .s., f.r.i.c., S. L. Ward. July, 1954 The Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology STANDARDISED CULTURE MEDIA Every batch of ‘ Wellcome ’ Culture Media is both chemically and bacteriologi- cally standardised. The following range of media is available at economical prices for immediate dispatch from The Wellcome Research Laboratories, Langley Court, Beckenham, Kent (Telephone: Beckenham 3422), to whom all technical queries and requests for non-listed media should be sent. Allison and Ayling’s M edium Loejfler’s M edium Blood Agar Slopes Lowenstein-Jensen Medium Bordet Gengou Base MacConhey’s Lactose Bile Salt Agar Brewer’s Medium MacConkey*s Lactose Bile Salt Broth (Single and Double Strength) Bromo-cresol Purple Milk M e a t B r o th , R o b e r ts o n ’s Christensen's Vrea Medium Nutrient Agar, Slopes Desoxycholate Citrate Agar Medium (Hynes’ Modification) Nutrient Agar , f o r P la te s Dorset’s Egg Medium Nutrient Broth (with or without Glycerin) Petragnani*s M edium G e la tin (Nutrient) S ta b s Peptone Water G e la tin (Liq uid —5 per cent) M e d iu m Peptone Water Sugars Glucose Broth (all commonly used sugars, bromo-cresol purple indicator) Glucose Phosphate Medium for Voges-Proskauer and Potato Slopes Methyl Red Tests Sabouraud’s Glucose Agar Glucose M edium for Sabouraud’s Maltose Agar Voges-Proskauer Test Selenite F Enrichment Medium Horse Bloody Oxalated^ Normal (without preservative) Semi-solid Agar Sugars Horse Serum , N o , 2, N o r m a l S e r u m A g a r (Heated and without preservative) Starch Agar Hoyle’s Medium Yeastrel Agar Koser’s Citrate Medium Detailed price list on application ‘WELLCOME! CULTURE MEDIA A he supplied by BURROUGHS WELLCOME & CO. (The Wellcome Foundation Ltd.) LONDON IV The Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology July, 1954 -BAILLIERE Just Published BENTLEY’S TEXTBOOK OF PHARMACEUTICS Sixth Edition, revised by Harold Davies, B.Sc., Ph.D.fLond.), F.P.S., F.R.I.C., with the collaboration of M. W. Partridge, B.Pharm., B.Sc., Ph.D.(Fond.), F.P.S. and C. L. Sargent, F.P.S. “B e n tle y ” has long taken its place as the standard work on the subject and the sixth edition fully maintains the high standards of its predecessors.
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