![Livers Leave](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
s rrirs-.-- . : szzjz ME MORNING. A8T0R1AN., FRIDAY, JULY II, 1100 llshed In the English language In WHITE COLLAR LINt LEGAL NOTIt'K. LKOAL NOTK'tS America under Japanese management, it , NOTICK PUMJOATtON, , NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Is devoted to dissemination of Housework is hard AioAYithout roll and the GoldDtistJ Columbia River and Puget Bound Nav-- . JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. general Information suited to Japanese f Igatlon Company. I'tilted Slate Und Ottl.'s, Orvgon City, United State Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon. Juiy t, ikw, Oregon, July J. 1900. readers educated In English,' or to ltally Gattert leaves Astoria dally Nolle Is hereby slveii that In cotnpll. Telephone Main 661. Amei loans Interested In Japanese except Sunday at t p, m. Notlct Is hereby given that tn coin nc with the provisions cf th act of Leaves For' and dally except Bun-da- y Pllunco with the ,inivUlons of the act c hi reus entitled "An act for tlm sals : - 3, 117)1, . affair. .i- of emigres of J mi siitltled of timber lands In I tin of Call TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.-DAILY- Cleaning Silver at I a, states 1 rot Washing There Is a charm about the style of White Collar Line tickets an O, XL "An set for the sals of timber lands iiln. On nun, NavHdo, and laikwd ol ecowrlat tad rabblni tack elm of A N. tickets InUrchangeable on Balla lit the states of California. Oregon, Ne tou Territory," a extended to all Pub Japanese writers who have a fair illw Meant!?, th whole etrvlc caa be at tliticrl and llsaanln, vadn, snd Washington Territory," as lin Land states by act of August 4. ntvttraly iliiml la a Itw ailauits. Afttreaca A. J. TAYLOR, Astoria. rxtended to all public land state by W3. Luther Kugvr. of Seattle, county knowledge of English, though their eweltae ailnr thouta be pat laie (kept Aft SO ee D. Telephone ILL Met of AUKUMt 1MU, Otlillo M. LogSII, of King, stats of Washington, has this per year .....14, Mpecltllr earpoett COS tele-var- a U. SCOTT. Pent by mail, ht la tad cover i nop, (lied state- florid language Pt often as amusing to filer, wblch a MaapeeatuU of President of Astoria, county of Clin state of dsy In this olflcs his sworn Sent by malL per month M Oregon, has this day filed In this office ment No, blii, for th purchase of th 10 American readers as It Is Served by carrier, per month Gold Dust Visaing Powder her sworn statein'nt No, 6S43, for the N, K. M of Section No, 4 In Township The following quotation from the ed- LKOAL M)III'M purchase) of th H. W. i of Hoctlon No, No, N Range No, I W and will offur la added; eat the pas aa tbt rtac aaill ib water In Township No, ( N ttang No. 7 proof (u show th laud sought Is fen boillai potal, Ihea lift out each pltc vltfa that SEMI-WEEKL- itor's salutctory Is a ca.e In point: ' wtr ipooa mi Urea aoh lietactaa. wlplai i: ., nnd will offer proof to show that morn valuable for Us timber or atone " oalcaly chimoU a land sought Is inorw agricultural purposes, to by mull, per year. In advance 1100 Our editorial department shall contain viib tlie. The aircea Mcleaa-a- NOTICE 18 HKHEUY GIVEN the valuable for than for and Bent ill b hlbl Hushes and leoe lib . It timber or atone tlnui for agricultural eatitbllah his claim to suld land befor Posts? free to subscriber. brlc a brae which will radiate tld bits T It total fran mt tn fefrklt That the conmlttee on strevU and purtHses, aud to eatnhllsh lier claim tli lirglater snd Receiver of this uiltcs of the eerebral spice and pyrotechnics KvH.ui.i auut rua oiMauaV iiubllo way of th t'omnum tiouncll t said land heforo the Iteglater and at Oregon City, Oregon, on Mlaai-a.M- i 1900. communications intended for pab-'.IcaU- peculiar to our Individuality." of City of Aatorla and the super Receiver of this oillce at Oivgon City, Friday, the SMh day of MoptvmW, A'i Pal SANK tlx 11 should be directed to the editor. THI.I, OOMPaltt, luU'iulcnt of strc-'t- s and city surveyor Oregon, on names ss wltn The Tribune Is well printed on Oliasa Not Vrtb Wednesday, the 3d day October, llWO, Business communication! of all kinds or aiiui liv. have nifd with thK au of Bartholomew J, Burke, of Seaside must be addressed to heavy paper well edited, but more dltor and police Jiule, a certlllcalo of She name a wttnea.iea; Oregon, Jauie T. Burke,': of Heosl le, and remittances and JuIIvih t Olney, (liegon. B Oregon t Volga, 'Th Astorlan." the completion of the Improvement ' lurbe. of 'Hat lee HuibdUKh. of care In proof reading would Improve street from the north line of baattou tllusor, of Olney, Oieg.in, Jacob South Dakota, William Burke, of Ha or As- - Ivuk, of i 'Iney, On gou, John Ulutor, side, Oirgon, ad- Its appearance. of lUtiul turret to the south line The Astorian guarantees to Ita Corrects all blemish s No, 2014, by of Olney. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad- of any face, remove blot- - tor stnet under onllnnnce vertisers the largest circulation The publishers propose to extend Its IWi the A contractora, and Any nnd all nerjoiia chtlmlng ad versely th above. described lauds sts newspaper published on the Columbia SHlM. sun- - Clinton !tn, the illSuOin ln. GO EAST Unit unleas objections are filed thereto venely the above deacrlbed land ar reiuiated to nt their claim In this circulation throiiKh.iut the English bum, freckleaPl'l.nnd makes river. - to ill their claims In this ottlce on cr befor HMh d.iy . a beautiful complexion. tl'c tim- will be formally accepted at rfii''ted said of sp?aklng Japanese cettlements of th n VIA . 4 the next nu t tlnir of the Common Coun- - otl'ce on or before snld 3d day of Octo September, Woo. ' 1900, on ap- afinnrtinR t- - It. Monday, ber. C1IA8. O. MOORES, Advertising rate can be had world, UUliiUU0 WMh xcellentbt for ell of snid rliy. on manager. and as a means of Increasing ni 10th tluy of July. 1W0. CHAS. U, MtKMHCS. Register. plication to the business deranged stomach. the Keglaler, the now-exlstir- g familiarity and good 11. K. NELSON. Auditor nnd Police Judge of Asitorls. NOTICE FPU PUBLICATION, 4 feeling between Japan and America it lnte of Flint 1'utilliMton. July XI. 1900 NOTICK rtlt PL'ULICATION. For President will doubtless play an Important part. United States Land Olllco. Oregon City, Nt.iT ICS 13 UEREUY GIVEN t'nltcd States Iiid OITtce. Oregon City, Oregon. July S, Ym. WILLIAM M'KIXLEY, POSSIBLY Oregon,, juiy I, ivu. Notle u hereby given that In com Nebraska hogs sold In Omaha, May Thnt th rointnlttee on uttwtsi and pllsnc with the provisions cf the set ways Notice I hereby given that In com-I'llun- of coiigres Kit Juti 1, 1S7S, Of Ohio. 31, public of the Common Council of entitled 50 per head more than on You Are Not Aware of - - at it the ihe I tt- city of Aatorla and the auinTln- with tho provision of the act "An act for th tale of ilmUr land In congress 3, llii's, the same date four years ago. yet the t. iuleiit cf aire't and city surveyor of of of Jun entitled states of California, Oregi.n, N Fait Time find illy, hnvv Hlfd with the audi "An net for the sale of timber liuul la vada, ana Washington Territory." as Por Vice-Presid- World-Heral- Mr. Bryan's personal tor and police Jud, a certificate of l'ie slate of California, Orvftan. No- - extended to sll Public Ijind States by AND vudtt, nnd Washltigtoii rcrtitory." ot August 4, Clmrip organ, which Is published In Omaha.aa-strte- d th- - completion of the Improvement of m jt't im. Hsr C KOOSEVELT, THEODORE Commercial street from the west side extended to all public land states by bough, of Volga, county of Brokings, very vigorously during the 1S94 SUPERB SERVICE of Tnilh street to the west side of m-- t of Ausuat 4. lsjj. William C. Logan, tut or South Dakota, has (his day Of Xcw York. ct Astoria, county of Clatsop, state of filed. In this utiles his campaign that the prices of no farm ANDQUICKESTLINE Kluhth atre.'t. under ordinance No. Sill, sworn statement NOW OFFERED BY THE SHORTEST by Clinton Son. the contractors, and Oiegon, has this day filed In this oltlco No. 5237. for the purchase of th N. W, products could advance without the Hint mile otl "'tli'iiit are filed there hi sworn statement N i. 5243, for tho V of Section No. 1 In Township No. HAWAILKN FRUITS. TO (o the same will be (ormally nccplud piiithnee of the M. K. U of Section No, 4 N Rang No. 9 W., snd will offer free and unlimited coinage of silver. 3 th- - in Township No. N lUngo No, 7 proof to show sought Is at iirxt meeting of th Common ' that ths land t. Mon- - and will offer pnnif to show that more valuable It 29 St.Paul.Duliiili.Minni'aiiDlH.Chlca) council of said city, on for timber or stotts The Honolulu Republican of June sought I more Two billions two hundred millions of tluy. the loth day of July, the land valuable for than for agricultural purpose, and ta contains an Interview with a promi- and All Polns East H.
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