Amtrak Fact Sheet, Fiscal Year 2014 State of Ohio Amtrak Service & Ridership Amtrak serves Ohio with three long-distance trains: The Capitol Limited (daily Chicago-Cleveland-Pittsburgh-Washington, D.C.) The Cardinal (tri-weekly Chicago-Cincinnati-Washington, D.C.-New York) The Lake Shore Limited (daily Chicago-Cleveland-Buffalo-Boston/New York) During FY14 Amtrak served the following Ohio locations: City Boardings + Alightings Alliance 4,691 Bryan 6,597 Cincinnati 13,681 Cleveland 49,327 Elyria 6,721 Sandusky 9,840 Toledo 63,272 Total Ohio Station Usage: 154,129 (down 4.9% from FY13) Procurement/Contracts Amtrak spent $24,174,271 on goods and services in Ohio in FY14. Much of this was in the following locations: City Amount Cleveland $ 6,198,382 Columbus $ 1,137,333 Dayton $ 3,845,778 Miamisburg $ 1,634,462 Northfield $ 4,126,656 Sunbury $ 1,421,131 On October 28, 2010, Amtrak announced an order of 70 new electric locomotives from Siemens AG. The six-year, $466 million contract will create 250 jobs, primarily at a facility in Sacramento, but also at plants in Norwood, Ohio, and Alpharetta, Georgia. Amtrak took delivery of the first new locomotives in 2013. Amtrak Government Affairs: November 2014 Employment At the end of FY14, Amtrak employed 48 Ohio residents. Total wages of Amtrak employees living in Ohio were $4,112,914 during FY14. Station Improvements Cincinnati: Amtrak issued a letter of support and will provide expertise and staff resources to the City of Cincinnati’s efforts to add a station track at the historic Union Terminal. The new track also would have a new platform to provide full-length, level boarding for Amtrak’s Cardinal service. Elyria: Amtrak is working with Lorain County to develop plans for infrastructure improvements that would allow Amtrak to serve the recently restored, historic New York Central passenger station downtown. The old station, now the Lorain County Transportation and Community Center, serves local transit and intercity buses. 2 O L A C onneaut F North Kingsville F AMTRAK ROUTES IN U Lake SGhenoevra-eon -Lthei-Lmakeited B Ashtabula OHIO G eneva O Madison T Fairport Harbor Jefferson S ylvania E agleville Lyons Metamora Mentor-on-the-Lake Harbor View P ainesville As htabula P ioneer Alvordton P ut-in-Bay Toledo Oregon E astlake L ake Fayette Oakshade Holland Mentor R ock C reek Williston Kelleys Island Williams Fulton E uclid Wickliffe C hardon R oaming S hores Montpelier Wauseon L ucas R ossford Ottawa Andover E don West Unity Maumee Millbury P ort Delta Marblehead S imons Blakeslee P errysburg R ocky R idge C leveland C leveland Heights Orwell S tryker G enoa C linton Avon Lake Archbold Liberty Beachwood G eauga Waterville Oak Harbor S andus ky G ustavus E dgerton C enter Lorain Lakewood Middlefield Haskins Bay View Brooklyn G erald aband. Woodville Lindsey Vermilion Bedford Heights West Kinsman O Farmer B ryan Napoleon G rand R apids E lyria C uyahoga Welshfield Farmington Mecca McC lure C astalia Berea G Amherst Ney G ibsonburg Helena Fremont Huron P arma S olon Orangeville A Defiance Florida Henry Bowling G reen Trumbull C lyde E rie S trongsville Hiram C S herwood Wood Wayne S andus ky Milan Berlin Heights Aurora C ortland I Malinta C ustar Bradner L orain Twinsburg G arrettsville Defiance Wakeman Oberlin H Hicksville G reen S prings Bellevue C ygnet Brunswick R ichfield S treetsboro Warren Yankee C Jerry C ity Amsden Lagrange New Bavaria Holgate Deshler Old Fort Monroeville P eninsula Windham Lake C ecil North Baltimore Norwalk R avenna O Fostoria G irard Antwerp North C reek Belmore Olena Medina S tow Kent Niles T Wellington P aulding Arcadia Tiffin R epublic R ochester Hubbard West Leipsic McC omb North Fairfield Huron Akron P ortage C raig Beach P aulding S eneca S pencer H C ontinental Leipsic Attica Willard New London Medina Tallmadge S truthers P ayne Findlay New R iegel S ummit Youngstown G Haviland Nova Lodi Lakemore Atwater C loverdale G ilboa Melmore Bloomville C anfield R Hancock McC utchenville P lymouth G reenwich Wadsworth P oland Norton Limaville Mahoning U P utnam Ottawa Benton R idge West S alem R ittman S cott Kalida B Vanlue S hiloh G reen Alliance New Middletown R awson C arey C hatfield C ongress Hartville S C onvoy C olumbus G rove P andora S ycamore Bailey Lakes S alem S helby T Arlington Lattasburg C olumbiana Van Wert Bluffton J enera Wyandot Ashland Maximo T Wharton New Waterford I Delphos Upper S andusky C rawford R ichland Orrville North C anton Leetonia C airo P Van Wert Bucyrus Wooster Wren Beaverdam Dunkirk Forest As hland S tark Louisville E ast P alestine Venedocia E lida Nevada C restline Mifflin CapitoLlis bLonimited Ohio C ity Ontario O Willshire Lima Massillon C anton Hanoverton R ogers E lgin Allen P atterson Harpster Hayesville Wayne T Ada Mansfield Apple C reek Navarre McG uffey G rant Marseilles G alion R ockford S pencerville Alger Morral Brewster Malvern Minerva S ummitville P errysville C olumbiana Fort S hawnee Hardin Meeker Lexington S hreve Beach C ity Waynesburg C hattanooga Mendon Buckland Loudonville E ast Liverpool Kenton Hepburn S hauck Holmesville Zoar Mercer Waynesfield Marion C aledonia Nashville C arroll Wapakoneta Bellville Neptune R oundhead Millersburg S trasburg P arral Irondale Wellsville C elina La R ue Marion Mount G ilead Williamsport Holmes Dellroy C arrollton Ankenytown G lenmont Wabash S aint Marys Auglaize R idgeway Mount Victory Dover G reen C amp Morrow Fredericktown S herrodsville Montezuma Lakeview R ussells P oint C ardington S ugarcreek Killbuck New P hiladelphia Amsterdam C oldwater New Bremen P rospect Danville Toronto R ichwood K nox Tus carawas R ichmond Anna Jackson C enter L ogan Marengo Mount Vernon Blissfield Baltic S cio S aint Henry Minster Tuscarawas Fort Maplewood Bellefontaine Ashley Uhrichsville Jewett S teubenville S helby Broadway Magnetic S prings Mount Liberty G ambier G nadenhutten R ecovery North S tar Fort Loramie Warsaw De G raff Valley Hi Delaware Delaware Brandon Nellie Harris on Mingo Junction Newport S idney Union C os hocton P ort Washington S tillwater R ossburg C enterburg Deersville C adiz J effers on Marysville Ostrander Martinsburg Newcomerstown Ansonia Versailles West Liberty S unbury C ooperdale C oshocton Adena Hartford Utica Freeport Lockington C onesville North Lewisburg P owell S aint Louisville P lainfield Tiltonsville Darke P iqua C hampaign Flushing Dublin Westerville Johnstown Frazeysburg Kimbolton Antrim Holloway Yorkville G reenville Fletcher S aint P aris Urbana Martins Ferry C ovington Mechanicsburg L icking Hanover Dresden G uerns ey S aint C lairsville C hristiansburg Worthington G ranville Toboso P alestine P leasant Hill Miami Troy Hilliard Franklin Adamsville Old Washington Heath C ambridge Belmont C atawba Newark Arcanum Tremont C ity C olumbus New C oncord Lore C ity Bethesda Bellaire West Milton Upper Arlington Tipp C ity Hebron G ratiot Mus kingum Barnesville C astine New C arlisle S pringfield Byesville S enecaville S hadyside R eynoldsburg B elmont Vandalia London Urbancrest Zanesville P leasant C ity E nglewood Obetz G lenford Batesville Huber Heights C lark G rove C ity P ickerington C umberland Madis on G roveport Fultonham P hilo Ava Noble Miltonsburg P owhatan P oint Brookville Harrisburg Baltimore R oseville New Hope S outh C harleston S omerset Belle Valley S arahsville Yellow S prings Orient C arroll R ushville C rooksville Woodsfield Dayton Fairfield Lewisville C larington Midway Derby R oyalton P erry E agleport E aton New Lebanon Moraine Beavercreek Ashville Lancaster New Lexington C aldwell S tafford Mount S terling Monroe P reble G reene Jamestown Bremen Moxahala Antioch G ratis Montgomery Kettering Xenia Madison Mills Amanda Malta Dexter C ity G raysville S ugar G rove C amden Jeffersonville P ickaway R endville McC onnelsville Macksburg G ermantown C enterville Bowersville Fayette Williamsport C ircleville S hawnee Morgan West E lkton Franklin S pringboro R ockbridge Hemlock Lower S alem S S tockport Beverly I Waynesville Tarlton Logan Whipple Matamoras L Oxford Washington C ourt House Trenton S abina Murray C ity C hesterhill Lowell O Middletown Warren Laurelville Hocking B utler Kingston G louster Was hington Bens R un P Lebanon G ood Hope Union Furnace Adelphi Nelsonville Marietta A Hamilton Monroe Wilmington Frankfort C hauncey Amesville N S outh Bloomingville Mason C larksville C linton A Morrow Leesburg G reenfield C utler I Millville C hillicothe E agle Mills Athens Vienna D Fairfield Midland R os s C reola Forest P ark New Vienna S outh S alem N Maineville Athens S tewart I Massieville Londonderry Blanchester Zaleski Loveland Lynchburg Belpre North C ollege Hill McArthur Albany S hade O Blue Ash Dodsonville Hillsboro Bainbridge Vinton C oolville T Byer Hamilton Norwood Hamden Fayetteville Highland Marshall Waverly C ity Omega TRACK OWNERSHIP Wellston Harrisonville R eedsville Fort Batavia E ast Danville Buford S inking S pring C oalton Wilkesville Meigs C hester Thomas Williamsburg P ike P iketon Mowrystown Beaver R utland P omeroy Amtrak NS C lermont J asper Jackson Amelia Mount Orab R ocky Hill C incinnati Wakefield Vinton Middleport Bethel Macon S tockdale J acks on B rown C heshire R acine UP CP Cardinal Winchester P eebles R arden Hamersville S eaman Oak Hill C enterville Addison G eorgetown Adams Otway Moscow C herry Fork Minford R io G rande Felicity McDermott BNSF CN Neville Decatur G allipolis Higginsport West Union S cioto C hilo Lynx S outh Webster Bentonville P ortsmouth New Boston R ipley G allia CSX Other Manchester N Aberdeen R ome E ureka O Arabia T Bartles S Mays ville L awrence C rown C ity E Hanging R ock L Ironton R A South Shore- H HPurocntorvtilliengton C South Portsmouth As hland O T --Amtrak Government Affairs, summer 2011.
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