GOD THE FATHER Genesis the God of the living 10:21), a revealer of God the Creator (Mt 22:32) secrets (Dan 2:47) Begins His Earthly Work (1-11); God the αβ Jehovah Rophe— αβ the One who walks Sovereign Establishes “My Healer” (Ex in our midst (Deut His Plan (12-50) 15:26) 23:14) αβ the everlasting αβ Jehovah Nissi— αβ THE LORD YOUR God, the Creator (Is “My Banner” (Ex GOD (Deut 28:58) 40:28-31), Elohim 17:15) αβ God of Jeshurun (Gen 1:1) αβ Compassionate and and eternal God αβ LORD [YHWH- gracious, slow to (Deut 33:26-27) Yahweh or Jehovah anger, rich in love Joshua God Fulfills His or Yehovah…] God and faithfulness, Promise for the Land [Elohim] (Gen 2:4) maintaining love to αβ the living God and αβ God Most High, thousands, and Lord of all the earth Possessor of heaven forgiving (Joshua 3:10-11) and earth (Gen and earth (Gen wickedness, Judges 14:18,19) who rebellion, and sin God Tests His People performs all things (Ex 34:6,7) αβ Jehovah Shalom— for me (Ps 57:2) αβ Jealous (Ex 34:14) “My Peace” (Judges αβ my shield, my Leviticus 6:24) exceedingly great God the Holy Provides Ruth True Worship reward (Gen 15:1) God Portrays His αβ Jehovah Redemption αβ Lord [Adonai- M’Kaddesh—“He αβ the famous One “lord, master”] G OD Who Makes You among Israel (Ruth [YHWH] (Gen Holy” (Lev 20:7-8) 4:14) and throughout 15:2,8) Numbers all generations (Ps αβ You-Are-The-God- God Chastens His 135:13) People in Love Who-Sees (Gen 1 & 2 Samuel 16:13) αβ the One who speaks God Chooses His King αβ Almighty God (Gen and then acts, who αβ LORD of hosts (1 17:1-2) promises and fulfills Sam 1:3), the αβ Jehovah Jireh— (Num 23:19) Portion of Jacob and Deuteronomy “My Provider” (Gen Maker of all things God the King Loves 22:14) His People (Jer 10:16), the Exodus αβ the faithful God Great, the Mighty God the Savior αβ God (Jer 32:17-18) Redeems His People (Deut 7:9) αβ Baal Perazim αβ the Great I AM— αβ God of gods and [“Master of the Eternal Now (Ex Lord of lords, the Breakthroughs”] (2 3:14) great God, mighty Sam 5:20) αβ the God of and awesome (Deut αβ Tower of Salvation Abraham, the God of 10:17), our Praise and Great Isaac, and the God and our God (Deut Deliverance (2 Sam of Jacob (Ex 3:15)— 22:51) GOD THE FATHER 1 & 2 Kings return—Neh 1-6, 11- αβ the saving refuge of God Rules the Nation 13) His anointed (Ps αβ God of the hills Esther 28:8) AND God of the God Protects His αβ God of glory (Ps valleys (1 Kings People Job 29:3) 20:28) God Tries His Servant αβ my helper (Ps αβ The One who αβ The living 30:10) dwells between the Redeemer, αβ my hiding place (Ps cherubim, God of all “Vindicator” and 32:7) the kingdoms of the “Protector of the αβ the Fashioner of earth (2 Kings Family Rights” (Job every individual 19:15-19) 19:25) 1 & 2 Chronicles heart (Ps 33:15) Psalms God Preserves His αβ the Great Listener God Enjoys True αβ Royal Seed Worship (Ps 34:15,17; Deut αβ God of our αβ my Glory and the 9:19) salvation (1 Chron One who lifts up my αβ our Vindicator (Ps 16:7-36; see Ch.17) head (Ps 3:3) 35:24; Ps 54:1) αβ greater than all αβ righteous God, who αβ the Upholder of the gods (2 Chron 2:5) searches hearts and righteous (Ps 37:17) the One who fills αβ minds (Ps 7:9), a and all who fall (Ps His temple/resting just judge (v.11) 145:14) by His right place and consumes αβ my portion and my hand (Ps 63:8) our dedication to cup (Ps 16:5; Ps αβ my delight (Ps Him (2 Chron 7:1-3; 73:26), the fullness 40:8) 1 Cor 3:16 & Rom of joy (Ps 16:11) αβ the God of my life 12:1-2 → Heb αβ my strength, my (Ps 42:8) 12:28-29) rock, my fortress, αβ my exceeding joy the One who hears, αβ my deliverer, my (Ps 43:4) forgives, and heals God, my refuge, my αβ a very present help (2 Chron 7:14) shield, the horn of in trouble (Ps 46:1) Ezra & Nehemiah the King of all the God Restores His my salvation, my αβ the King of all the People stronghold (Ps 18:1- earth (Ps 47:7) God Rebuilds His City 2), my support αβ our guide even to αβ Restorer of (v.18), the L ORD my death (Ps 48:14) worship; who lays God (v.28) αβ Creator and the foundation αβ my rock and my Sustainer of a clean (Zerubbabel’s redeemer (Ps 19:14) heart (Ps 51:10-12) group—Ezra 1-6,esp αβ Jehovah Rohi—“My αβ My Strong One, my Ch.3), who reforms Shepherd” (Ps 23:1) defense (Ps 59:9), (Ezra’s group—Ezra αβ my light and my God of mercy 7-10), who finishes salvation, the (v.10,17) (Nehemiah’s group strength of my life αβ a shelter for me, a and his second (Ps 27:1) strong tower from GOD THE FATHER the enemy (Ps 61:1- Proverbs αβ Our Redeemer from God Teaches True 3), my Everlasting (Is Wisdom lovingkindness, my 63:16, Ps 73:35) αβ He who makes our high tower, my αβ the Potter (Is 64:8), paths straight (Prov shield and the One the only God who 3:5-6) in whom I take acts on behalf of αβ the great God who refuge (Ps 144:1-2) those who wait for formed everything αβ the Him (Is 64:4) (Prov 26:10) (Prov 26:10) Jeremiah Hope/Confidence of Ecclesiastes God Reveals His Heart all the ends of the God Unveils Our the Fountain of earth and of the Finitude αβ farthest seas (Ps αβ He who sets Living Waters (Jer 17:13) 65:5) eternity in our hearts 17:13) Jehovah αβ Rider on the and makes all things αβ clouds, YAH (Ps beautiful in its time Tsidkenu—“My 68:4), a father to the (Eccl 3:11) Righteousness” (Jer Song of Solomon fatherless and a 23:6) God Extols Human defender of widows αβ Father to Israel, defender of widows Love Which Serves as who satisfies His (v.5), the God who a Metaphor for our is our salvation, who Relationship with Him people with His daily bears our Isaiah goodness (Jer God Manifests His burdens (v.19), a 31:9,14) Great Salvation God of deliverances αβ the Sovereign L ORD αβ the Mighty One of (v.20) (Jer 32:17), the God Israel (Is 1:24) αβ Shepherd of Israel of all mankind αβ my song (Is 12:2) and God of hosts (Ps (v.27) αβ the Rock of Lamentations 80:1,7) Ages/Rock God Weeps αβ our dwelling place eternal/everlasting αβ He who draws near (Ps 90:1-2) Rock (Is 26:4), the moment He is αβ Holy and awesome Upright One/Most called upon (Lam (Ps 111:9) Upright (v.7) 3:55-57 & Lam αβ the Great Reviver αβ God of Justice (Is 2:19), whose (Ps 119:88) 30:18) compassions fail not αβ He who keeps αβ the Lawgiver (Is and are new every Israel, our keeper 33:22; James 4:12) morning, whose and our shade at our αβ the Holy One of faithfulness is great right hand (Ps Israel, Creator and (Lam 3:22-26) 121:4-5) Ezekiel King of Israel (Is αβ The Master Builder God Envisions Hope 43:14-15) (Ps 127:1) αβ Jehovah αβ the High and Lofty αβ the Exalted One (Ps Shammah—“The One who inhabits 148:13) Lord Is Here” (Ezek eternity, whose name eternity, whose name 48:35) is Holy (Is 57:15) GOD THE FATHER Daniel Jonah loud singing (Zeph God Preserves His God Loves the World 3:17) Servants αβ God of heaven Haggai αβ the Ancient of Days (Jonah 1:9) God Restores His (Dan 7:22) αβ Mercy, ‘Loyal Worship Hosea Love’ (Jonah 2:8; αβ Shaker of heaven God Loves the Sinner 4:2) and earth and all the αβ He who draws us Micah nations (Hag 2:6-9) into the wilderness God is Incomparable Zechariah to speak kindly to us αβ the exalted God God Remembers (Hos 2:14) who requires us to αβ a Zealot for Zion αβ He who betroths us do justice, love (Zech 8:2) Malachi to Him forever in mercy, and walk God Sends His righteousness and humbly with Him Messenger justice, in (Mic 6:6-8) αβ our one Father (Mal lovingkindness and Nahum 2:10) God Avenges His mercy, and in Matthew People faithfulness (Hos God Announces His αβ a strong hold in the 2:19-20; see v.16) King day of trouble (Nah αβ He who tears us to αβ the Unconditional 1:7) heals us that we may Lover (Mt 5:44-46: 1 αβ He who restores the live in His presence Jn 4:16) excellence (Hos 6:1-3) αβ Our Father in [“majesty,” αβ He who loves heaven (Mt 6:9; 1 “beauty,” or freely (Hos 14:4) Chron 29:10-15) Joel “wonder”] of His αβ Owner of the God Announces His people (Nah 2:2) kingdom and the Day Habakkuk power and the glory αβ Restorer (Joel 2:25) God Enlists the Nations forever (Mt 6:13) αβ One who roars from αβ He who will fill the αβ Provider & Zion (Joel 3:16) Supplier of all our Amos earth with the Supplier of all our God Displays His knowledge of His needs (Mt 6:25-34; Displeasure glory as the waters Phil 4:19; 2 Pet 1:2- αβ He who calls for cover the sea (Hab 4) justice to run down 2:14) αβ the Lord of the like water and Zephaniah harvest (Mt 9:35-38) God Shelters His righteousness like a αβ The Church Planter People mighty stream (Mt 15:13; Is 60:20- αβ a warrior who gives (Amos 5:24) 22) Obadiah victory; who rejoices Mark God Judges His over His people with God Presents His Enemies gladness, who Servant αβ He who brings renews His people in αβ the voice from down the prideful in His love, who exalts heaven (Mk 1:11; heart (Obad 2-4) over His people with Mk 9:7; Jn 12:28) GOD THE FATHER αβ the Blessed One & αβ the Divine Nature αβ He who completes the Power (Mk (Acts 17:29) the work He began 14:61-62) Romans in us (Phil 1:6), who God Defends His Luke works in us both to God Becomes True Righteousness will and to do for Man αβ the God who gives His good pleasure αβ the Highest (Lk life to the dead and (Phil 2:12-13) 1:35) calls things that are Colossians αβ Lord of heaven and not as though they God Exalts Christ as earth (Lk 10:21-22) were (Rom 4:17) Lord αβ Giver of the αβ He who searches αβ the Rescuer (Col kingdom (Lk 12:32) our hearts (Rom 1:13) 1 Thessalonians and Giver of the 8:27; Ps 139:23-24) God Encourages His Holy Spirit (Lk αβ the God who is for Holy Spirit (Lk αβ Church 11:13: Jn 14:16) us (Rom 8:31) αβ
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