1 Broadband Sparse Array Focusing Via Spatial Periodogram Averaging and Correlation Resampling Yang Liu, John R Buck, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—This paper proposes two coherent broadband fo- propagating electromagnetic or acoustic field [4] [10]. This cusing algorithms for spatial correlation estimation using sparse paper considers the problem of enumerating and estimating linear arrays. Both algorithms decompose the time-domain array the DOAs of more sources than sensors using sparse arrays data into disjoint frequency bands through discrete Fourier transform or filter banks to obtain broadband frequency-domain for temporally broadband signals. snapshots. The periodogram averaging (AP) algorithm starts When the incoming sources are broadband in temporal in the frequency domain by estimating the broadband spatial frequency, it is possible to combine the spectral information periodograms for all bands and then averaging them to reinforce from multiple frequency bands to improve the precision of the sources’ spatial spectral information. Taking inverse spatial the spatial correlation estimates. Properly combining data Fourier transform of the combined spatial periodogram esti- mates the focused spatial correlations. Alternatively, the spatial across frequency bands reduces the large number of snapshots correlation resampling (SCR) algorithm directly computes the required in sparse array processing. This approach will be es- spatial correlations for each band and then rescales the spatial pecially useful in acoustical scenarios, which are often limited sampling rate to align at a focused frequency. The resampled in available snapshots due to the relatively slow propagation spatial correlations from all frequency bands are then averaged to speed for sound, large array apertures and non-stationary estimate the focused spatial correlations. The spatial correlations estimated from the AP or SCR algorithms populate the diagonals sound fields [11] [12]. Assuming the signal obervation time of a Hermitian Toeplitz augmented covariance matrix (ACM). is much longer than the signal correlation times, a commonly The focused ACM is the input of a new minimum description used processing approach is to decompose the broadband data length (MDL) based criteria, termed MDL-gap, for source into disjoint and uncorrelated narrow frequency bands using enumeration and the standard narrowband MUSIC algorithm Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) or filter banks [13]. The for DOA estimation. Numerical simulations show that both the AP and SCR algorithms improve source enumeration and DOA simplest follow-up step is to estimate the number of sources estimation performances over the incoherent subspace focusing or their DOAs separately for each frequency band and then algorithm in snapshot limited scenarios. average the results across all bands as the final estimate. This Index Terms—Coherent broadband focusing, Sparse arrays, method is referred to as incoherent signal subspace (ISS) Augmented covariance matrix, Periodogram averaging, Spatial method in th sense that it treats the snapshots from each band correlation resampling, Source enumeration, Direction-of-arrival as uncorrelated data [14] [15]. For source enumeration, the estimation, Snapshots-limited ISS method usually computes the information criteria, such as the Akaike information criterion (AIC [16]) or Rissanen’s I. INTRODUCTION minimum description length criterion (MDL [17]), for each PARSE linear arrays sample a spatial aperture with fewer band before averaged across all bands to achieve a final S sensors than required by a standard half-wavelength sam- estimate [18] [19]. For DOA estimation, subspace spectral pled array. Many sparse array designs prune or thin a uniform estimation methods such as MUSIC [20] are applied on each linear array (ULA), so the sparse array sensor locations fall band and then average the pseudo-spectra across all bands to arXiv:1912.11526v1 [eess.SP] 24 Dec 2019 on an underlying half-wavelength lattice [1]. Examples of estimate the source DOAs [14] [21]. sparse arrays in this class include minimum redundancy arrays While the ISS method works well for broadband signals (MRA [2]), coprime arrays (CSA [3]), and nested arrays in high SNR scenarios, the performance can suffer severely [4]. These arrays have many array processing applications for low SNRs and limited snapshots [22], which frequently including source detection [5], Direction-of-Arrival (DOA) occur in underwater acoustical environments. In contrast to estimation [6] [7] and spatial power spectral density (PSD) the ISS method, the coherent signal-subspace (CSS) method estimation [8] [9]. Assuming a large number of snapshots, exploits the correlations between signal subspaces at different sparse array processing techniques can localize more sources frequencies and combines the narrowband snapshots to con- than sensors by constructing augmented covariance matrices struct a single covariance matrix at a focused frequency [22] (ACMs) using the second or higher order statistics of the [23]. The focused covariance matrix can be estimated with a higher statistical precision reflecting the full time-bandwidth Dr. Yang Liu is with the Consumer Electronics Division, Bose Cor- product of the broadband sources [24]. Narrowband techniques poration, 100 the Mountain Rd, Framingham, MA 01701 USA (e-mail: yangliu [email protected]). Dr. John R . Buck is with the Depart- can therefore be applied on the focused covariance matrix with ment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Massachusetts lower thresholds on SNR and snapshots for broadband source Dartmouth, 285 Old Westport Rd, Dartmouth, MA 02747 USA (e-mail: enumeration and DOA estimation. [email protected]). This material is based upon research supported by the U.S. Office of Naval Research under award numbers N00014-13-1-0230, The major challenge in the CSS methods is to design N00014-17-1-2397 and N00014-18-1-2415. focusing algorithms to align the snapshots across frequency 2 bands to coherently estimate a single covariance matrix. Pop- each sensor are divided into L segments. Applying the discrete ular broadband focusing algorithms include rotational signal Fourier transform (DFT) to each segment forms multiple non- subspace focusing matrix (RSS, [23]), steered covariance ma- overlapping narrow frequency bands, from which we extract trices (STCM, [24]), DFT projection [25], weighted average of the frequency domain phasors at the frequencies of interest signal subspaces (WAVES [26]), beamforming invariance [27] f1, ..., fM ∈ [fmin,fmax] [13]. The segment duration is and auto-focusing [28]. Many of these focusing algorithms assumed much longer than the signal correlation time, such require preliminary estimates of the number of sources and that the different DFT bins are statistically uncorrelated. The their DOAs, which increase the computation cost and bias to vector of DFT coefficients (or complex phasors) for all N the final estimates. Moreover, these algorithms were primarily sensors and the lth snapshot at frequency fm is developed in the context of ULAs and do not apply directly x A s n to sparse array data. l(fm)= (fm) l(fm)+ l(fm), m = 1, ..., M This paper extends two broadband focusing algorithms orig- l = 1, ..., L, (2) inally proposed for ULAs to sparse arrays: spatial periodogram where xl(fm) is the N × 1 DFT coefficients vector, A(fm) is averaging [29] and spatial resampling [30]. Neither of these the N × D array manifold matrix at temporal frequency fm extensions require preliminary DOA estimates for broadband and sl(fm) is the D × 1 source amplitudes vector. The array focusing and can be applied on any sparse array geometry manifold corresponding to the nth element and the ith source with a contiguous coarray region, including MRAs, CSAs at frequency fm is and nested arrays. Constructing the ACM using the corre- j(2πfmdn/c)ui lations estimated from the spatial periodogram and spatially [A(fm)]n,i = e , (3) resampled correlations offers processing gains for both source where d is the location of the nth element with respect to the enumeration and localization over the ISS approach in [21], n array phase center and c is the field propagation speed. The especially in low SNR and few snapshots scenarios. source signal amplitudes are assumed uncorrelated zero-mean The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II and circular complex Gaussians s (f ) ∼ CN(0, σ2 ),i = discusses the broadband signal model and briefly reviews the i m i,m 1, ..., D and uncorrelated from the noise. The additive noise ISS method for broadband sparse array processing. Section is assumed zero-mean, white, and circular complex Gaussian III proposes the periodogram averaging (AP) and spatial n ∼ CN(0, σ2 I ). correlation resampling (SCR) based algorithms for broadband n N focusing. The focused ACMs from these algorithms are then the inputs for the new MDL-gap source enumeration algorithm B. Incoherent signal subspace method for sparse arrays and the standard narrowband MUSIC DOA estimator. The For the broadband signal model in (2), the ISS method performances of the proposed algorithms are compared with applies narrowband subspace processing to each frequency extensive numerical simulations in Section IV. Section V band and combines the estimation results across all bands concludes this paper. for the final estimate [14] [15]. The source enumeration and DOA estimation algorithms are often based on the eigenvalues II. INCOHERENT SPARSE ARRAY PROCESSING and eigenvectors
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