Localizing Habitat Agenda Research Project A CASE STUDY OF THE ORANGI PILOT PROJECT- RESEARCH AND TRAINING INSTITUTE, KARACHI, PAKISTAN Prepared for a Research Project of the Max Lock Centre, Westminster University, London, UK By Arif Hasan (Draft, 18 April 2003) With assistance from Anwar Rashid, Israr A. Rana and Architects Parween Rehman, Salim Aleemuddin and Masooma Mohib Arif Hasan & Associates, Architects and Planning Consultants 37-D, Muhammad Ali Society, Karachi – 75350 (Pakistan) Tel/Fax: (92.21) 452 2361 E-mails: [email protected]; [email protected] C o n t e n t s List of Boxes List of Appendices Abbreviations and Local Terms 1. Introduction 2. Context 2.1 Pakistan 2.2 Karachi 2.3 Orangi 3. Stakeholders Analysis 3.1 The BCCI (now Infaq) Foundation and the Orangi Pilot Project Institutions 3.2 The Orangi Communities 3.3 The Orangi Union Councils 3.4 Government Agencies 3.5 NGOs and CBOs Outside of Karachi 3.6 Academic Institutions 4. Process 4.1 The Beginnings 4.2 The Low Cost Sanitation Programme in Orangi 4.3 Replication through NGOs and CBOs 4.4 Replication through Government Agencies and Donor Programme 4.5 The Housing Programme of the Orangi Pilot Project 4.6 Education Programme 4.7 The Youth Training Programme and its Spin-Offs 4.8 New Issues for the Orangi Pilot Project-Research and Training Institute 5. Impact and Policy Implications 5.1 Impact 5.2 Policy Implications 6. LESSONS LEARNT Appendices ii List of Boxes Box 2.1 : Waste Pickers and the Recycling Industry Box 2.2 : SHEHRI-Citizens for a Better Environment and the KBCA Oversee Committee Box 2.3 : The Citizens-Police Liaison Committee (CPLC) Box 2.4 : The Informal Subdivisions of Yakoobabad Box 3.1 : The Organisational Culture of the OPP Box 3.2 : The OCT and KHASDA Programmes Box 3.3 : Citizens Education Related Initiatives in Islamia Colony Box 3.4 : Orangi Welfare Project (OWP) Box 3.5 : UC 6 and OPP-RTI Cooperation Box 4.3.1 : The Work of the Youth Commission for Human Rights (YCHR), Lahore Box 4.3.2 : The Work of the Anjuman Samaji Behbood, Faisalabad Box 4.3.3 : The Work of the Lodhran Pilot Project Box 4.3.4 : OPP-RTI Procedures and Principles Box 4.7.1 : OPP-RTI’s Youth Training Programme Box 4.7.2 : Citizen’s Position Paper on Water and Sanitation Policy for Karachi Box 4.7.3 : Sewage, Drainage and Treatment Plants – Responsibilities, Finances, Issues and Policy Changes Needed Box 4.8.1 : The Urban Resource Centre Box 4.8.2 : CBOs-NGOs Contact iii List of Appendices Appendix 1 : Sources used for the Preparation of this Study Appendix 2 : Local Government Structure in Pakistan Appendix 3 : Poverty in Pakistan Appendix 4 : Socio-economic Data, Pakistan Appendix 5 : Maps Showing Post-Independence Growth of Karachi Appendix 6 : Karachi (Urban): Summary of Socio-Demographic Data Appendix 7 : Comparison between Different Income Localities of Karachi Appendix 8 : Map of Orangi 1987 Appendix 9 : The Logic and Evolution of the OCT’s Micro Credit Programme Appendix 10 : A Case Study of the Ghaziabad Falahi Committee, Orangi Town Appendix 11 : Statistics: Sewage Construction Outside Orangi Appendix 12 : Results of the 1989 Schools Survey in Orangi Appendix 13 : The Development of Human Resources at the OPP Appendix 14 : Map of the Scale of OPP-RTI Supported Underground Sewage Lines in Orangi Appendix 15 : Photographs iv Abbreviations and Local Terms Abbreviations ADB Asian Development Bank ASB Anjuman Samaji Behbood ATDO Appropriate Technology Development Organisation BCCI Bank of Commerce and Credit International BES Bright Education Society CDN Community Development Network CHSP Community Health Sciences Programme CPLC Citizens-Police Liaison Committee CRC Conservation and Rehabilitation Centre CTA Chief Technical Advisor DAP Department of Architecture and Planning DCO District Coordinating Officer DG Director General DMC District Municipal Committee DIG Deputy Inspector General EDO Executive District Officer FAUP Faisalabad Area Upgrading Project FMC Faisalabad Municipal Corporation GFC Ghaziabad Falahi Committee GKSP Greater Karachi Sewerage Plan HDI Human Development Index IFIs International Financial Institutions IG Inspector General ISAL Subdivision of Agricultural Land KAD Katchi Abadi Directorate KAIRP Katchi Abadi Improvement and Regularisation Programme KAUP Katchi Abadis Upgrading Programme KBCA Karachi Building Control Authority KDA Karachi Development Authority KESC Karachi Electricity Supply Corporation v KHASDA Karachi Health and Social Development Association KMC Karachi Metropolitan Corporation KMTP Karachi Mass Transit Project KPF Khushal Pakistan Fund KTC Karachi Transport Corporation KUDP Karachi Urban Development Programme KW&SB Karachi Water & Sewage Board KWWMP Korangi Waste Water Management Programme LCGO Local (City) Government Ordinance LPP Lodhran Pilot Project MD Managing Director MGD million gallon per day MNA Member of National Assembly MQM Mohajir (refugee) Quami Movement NESPAK National Engineering Services Pakistan NIPA National Institute of Public Administration NOC No Objection Certificates NWFP North-West Frontier Province OCT Orangi Charitable Trust O&M operation and maintenance OPP Orangi Pilot Project OWP Orangi Welfare Project PILER Pakistan Institute of Labour Education and Research PPAF Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund R&D Research and Development RTI Research and Training Institute SAP South Asia Partnership SBCO Sindh Building Control Ordinance SDC Swiss Development Cooperation SDM Sub Divisional Magistrate SKAA Sindh Katchi Abadi Authority SLGO Sindh Local Government Ordinance SPAs Sub Project Areas TBA traditional birth attendant vi TTRC Technical Training and Resource Centre TVO Trust for Voluntary Organisations UC Union Council UNCHS United Nations Centre for Human Settlements URC Urban Resource Centre WASA Water and Sewage Agency YCHR Youth Commission for Human Rights YTP Youth Training Programme ZMC Zonal Municipal Council Local Terms anjumans associations bisi unofficial community saving schemes challans demand notes bhatta illegal gratification chowki post chowkidar caretaker dais traditional birth attendants dabboo a board game dallals middlemen gutter baghaicha a sewage farm kabaris collectors of clean waste katcha temporary katchi abadis squatter settlements kundimen municipal garbage collector kutchra kundis neighbourhood garbage dumps maddrassah religious school misali illaqa exemplary area mohalla neighbourhood nazim mayor naib deputy nallas natural drains paan betel leaf vii pucca permanent Ramdhan the Muslim month of fasting tanzeem organisation tasla a flat metal dish tehsil sub-districts thalla building component manufacturing yard thallewalas owners of building component manufacturing yards thana police station zari gold thread work on cloth viii Localizing Habitat Agenda Research Project A CASE STUDY OF THE ORANGI PILOT PROJECT- RESEARCH AND TRAINING INSTITUTE, KARACHI, PAKISTAN 1. INTRODUCTION1 Pakistan is a poor country. According to the UNDP Human Development Report 2002, its Human Development Index (HDI) rank is 138 out of 173 countries. Poverty is also increasing in Pakistan. In 1987-88 it was 17.6 per cent and in 1998-99 it was 36.2 per cent. According to the Human Poverty Index, 44 per cent of the population of the country is currently living below the poverty line. It has low literacy figures, bad governance and almost 60 per cent of its urban population lives in un-serviced or under-serviced informal settlements2. A number of government programmes, often supported by loans and advice from International Financial Institutions (IFIs) for improving social and physical conditions in these settlements have been initiated but none of them have been able to meet their objectives or to prevent the development of new informal settlements. Karachi is Pakistan’s largest city and has a population of about 12 million. More than 50 per cent of the Karachi population lives in squatter settlements or katchi abadis as they are called, and the formal sector is able to meet no more than 30 per cent of the city’s housing demand. Government programmes for katchi abadi regularisation and improvement, as in the rest of Pakistan, have had very little success in the past because of an absence of community participation, inappropriate engineering and planning standards, excessive costs coupled with shortage of funds, increasing dependence on foreign loans and the resulting culture of corruption and patronage3. Orangi Town is an administrative unit of Karachi. It has a population of 1.2 million of which 86 per cent lives in katchi abadis4. In 1980, the Orangi Pilot Project (OPP) was established as a result of an understanding between Agha Hasan Abidi, the Chairman of the Bank of Commerce and Credit International (BCCI) Foundation, a Pakistani charity, and Dr. Akhtar Hameed Khan, a renowned Pakistani social scientist. The purpose of the project was to develop models of community participation and local resource mobilisation that could overcome the problems government programmes face in upgrading poor settlements and in poverty alleviation. Dr. Khan identified four main issues that needed to be tackled in Orangi and developed models around them. These issues were sanitation, health, education and employment. In 1988 the project was upgraded into four independent institutions: the OPP-Research and Training Institute (OPP-RTI) which deals with sanitation, housing, education, research, documentation and advocacy; the Orangi Charitable Trust (OCT) that operates a micro-credit programme; 1. This
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