~f* Wfit hilltop Betos V Representing Georgians Oldest Independent Institution of Higher Learning" Volume VII, Number XV LoGraagt College , taCrange,Goorgia Tuesday,January 12, 1965 Quadrangle Ball Panthers Play Plans Completed Crucial Game Plans have been finalized for have their entries in by Janu- recognition. the first annual Quadrangle ary 22nd, the contest deadline. To say that Wednesday's Shorter- LaGrange basketball Although the Hawks are not Queen contest, according to • - • TICKETS AVAILABLE _ a slouch on offense, the coll- Mickey Johnson, editor of the The Student Entertainment game is crucial is probably the biggest understatement of egians from Rome are the third LC yearbook. Committee reported last week best defensive team, allowing that tickets for the Quadrangle the season. Johnson said that eleven or- Shorter has its best team in only 53.9 points per game to ganlzations have been asked to Ball went on sale last Thurs- the opposition, according to lat- day In the Student Center and history after coming within a enter candidates. These organi- hair of the Georgia Intercolle- est statistics of the National zations are the six Greeks, the downtown at Mansour's. Association of Intercollegiate According to the Committee giate Conference championship four classes and Circle K. Any each of the last two years Athletics. girl who placed in the Home- the tickets will be on sale every LaGrange, on the other hand, week day except Wednesday in and Hawks' (formerly the Gold coming contest is not eligible, Wave) Coach Bill Foster says, is the fifth most accurate shoot- and fraternity sweethearts are the Student Center. The prices ing team nationally.firing at a of the tickets are the same as Toombs N. lay, "This is the one." not eligible. Panther Coach Al Mariotti, 51.3 percentage for the sea- those that were sold for the son. Judging will be on January Homecoming Dance - $4.50 a who concedes that Shorter~has 29th at 6:30. The contestants Jaycees Honor the talent of a championship The Hawks have a definite will meet with the judges at couple and $3.00 stag. advantage over the Panthers Approximately the same num- team, says a victory by his an informal tea In Smith when it comes to their season ber of tickets as the Homeconv LC Professor team is "an absolute must." Parlor, and, after consultation The Atlanta Journal Sunday records. There is nothing short ing Dance will be sold. Tickets Dr. Toombs H. Kay, Jr., the judges will make their de- about Shorter's winning margin. will be on sale as long as they professor of religion at La- said that "it is clear that the cision. championship fight will again The Hawks averaging margin of last. Grange College has been chosen 23.3 is ninth best according to Johnson emphasized that the Since it is expected that more as one of the top five nomi- be among Shorter, LaGrange and Valdosta State (defending the NAIA. judges are being Instructed tickets will be sold off cam- nees for the Outstanding Young However, LaGrange is not too to make their selection primar- pus for this dance because of Men Award for 1964 in this champion)." Not only are Shorter and La- far behind and has a 16 point ily on beauty and poise. a bigger promotion campaign community. winning margin -- good for The selection was based on Grange rated among the top than was used with the Home- placing the team twenty-first in The Quadrangle Queen will the following seven qualifica- small colleges in Georgia, but coming Dance, the Committee that national category. be crowned at the Quadrangle strongly suggests that those stu- tions: they are also receiving national Continued on page four Ball on February 6th. Featur- dents wanting tickets buy them 1. Contribution to community ed at the ball will be nation- as soon as possible. welfare during the year 1964. ally-known entertainer Johnny 2. Participation in all-around Tillotson and the Tarns. Young Harris community activities. Bishop To Dedicate Johnson urged the presidents 3. Evidence of lasting contri- of the eleven organizations to Professor To Be butions to community activities. 4. Exhibition of leadership Buildings In March abilities. Chape/ Speaker BY MARY PROPS T Tomorrow's cnapel speaker 5. Evidence of personal or Dedication services for the culty members and their wi- Sfunt Night ■will be Dr. Jesse Warwick. business progress. new home of the President and ves. At this time the home will Presently Dr. Warwick is direc- 6. Cooperation with individuals the Chapel have been scheduled be dedicated by Bishop John tor of religious life at Young and civic organizations. Is Scheduled for the first jveek oi spring Owen Smith, of the Atlanta area Harris College where he also 7. Reason fpr recommendation. quarter. According to the fa- of the Methodist Church. teaches Bible. He also serves Dr. Kay is involved with many culty planning committee, the The twenty-sixth will witness For January as pastor of the Sharpe Me- community'activities. He is the ten o'clock service of de- mortal Methodist Church. teacher of the Adult Fellow- busy three days of events will BY MARILYN CLEMENTS also include the formal opening dication in front of the Chapel Dr. Warwick earned his Bac- ship class at the First Metho- of the Hubert T. Quillian Build- also led by Bishop Smith. And The annual Stunt Night, spon- helor of Arts degree from the dist Church, a Boy Scout coun- the formal opening of the Quil- sored by the Women's Athletic University of Georgia, the Bac- selor, and a member of the Ing, in which the administration offices are presently located. lian Building following the con- Association will be held Fri- helor of Divinity degree from Harwell Avenue Elementary On the evening of March 25, elusion of the services. day, January 22. E ach class will Emory, and the Doctor of Theo- School's Parent Teacher Asso- a reception will be held at the Throughout the morning the sponsor a skit which will last logy from Boston University. ciation. In addition, he Is a home of the President for an Student Christian Association approximately 15 minutes with Dr. Warwick has served chur- writer for a series of articles-- estimated one hundred invited and the S. G. A. will be joint- five minutes between each skit ches in G.eorgia and In New "LaGrange College Perspec ly responsible for campus for the removal of scenery and Eneland. tives-'VContinued on Daee three guests including trustees, fa- props. tours. From 10:30 to 12:30 f J the administration will enter- " An admission of 25 cents will tain faculty and off-cam- be charged to every student/ pus guests at a buffet brunch regardless of participation in a In the Simpson Room of the skit. Money raised by the af- gymnasium. fair is used for the purchase Open house will be held Sun- of trophies and awards given day, March 28, for Alumni, by the WAA. Parents, and interested public. The skits will be judged by According to President Henry, a panel of three judges which around nine hundred people are will Include Mrs. Waights G. expected to be on our campus Henry, Jr., Dr. S. C. Rainey, during the day. a local optometrist, and Dr. Funds for the construction Virgil Davis, professor of his- of the Chapel were contributed tory at LaGrange College. by the Callaway Foundation, Inc. The Quillian Building,nam- A circulating trophy will be ed in memory of Hubert T.Qull- awarded to the class present- lian, President of LaGrange ing the best skit, and a class College from 1938-1948, was winning three years in succes- originally constructed as a li- sion keeps the trophy. This brary with funds donated by year's Senior class was award- William N. Banks of Newnan. ed the trophy last year. Mr. Banks, a former Chair- In an interview last Friday, man of the Board of Trustees, Mildred Eldson, president of also provided additional funds the WAA stated that they are for the remodeling of the build- hoping for participation from Sap el is rapidly progessing in its construction to meet the deadline for March 26.] ing. The new President's home everyone because without it was made possible gifts from Stunt Night could not be a suc- The picture on the left depicts the addition of the bell tower , and the one on the right; trustees and friends of the col- cess. shows the interior and the frame for the rose window. lege. See The Hawk Hanged In Effigy Pep Rally 10 p.m. Tonight Let's Beat The Hawks, Panthers n. Hlllt.. II.... January 12. H65 P... i King Says Sit Up And Take Notice BY MICKEY JOHNSON W\t Hilltop Bttos That Mind To most LaGrange College This little tid-bit of news students, the city of LaGrange means a lot, both to the city is a place to buy necessary of LaGrange and to the Col- Makes Man articles that can't be found in lege. New people will be com- EDITORIALS the book store, and a place to ing in, there will be more BY KEN CHAPMAN go to the show on the week- money in the economy, and, As mentioned in last week's ends. The more informed pro- therefore, new businesses will Hilltop News, Dr. Martin Lu- bably know^ that LaGrange has open. The opportunities for all ther King, Jr., winner of the I a couple of cotton of us are good, and we should Support Our Panthers! Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, [ mills and two ra- take note of these.
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