>C. i -v^- . , i ’■■ X ... '.. V , 'V ■.'■V..' ,:.■■■ ...... y ' r , . .1 • i .. MONDAV, m ay 14, 19M PAGE SIXTEEN ATtraxe Daily Net Preas Sun ^anril|(0t(r Svraing H$(ralb F«r tha Week |M M Tha Weather May It, IWi FerMaat H V. s. WMther liareaa world la hero to atay. Tha homo ia Arthur L. Nichols, 26 Delmoftt Tha JToly Family Mothera CTrcle Delivers Sermon hart to atay. The diespsr queatioh 12,094 . OooMkmal nUa late tonight; Lmv St., is today celebrating, his 80th. will meet Wednesday night at 8 1 la what kind of a home will wc se-M. IVedneeday eloady, amo- About Town anniversary with the Hartford Nar o'ptbck at the home of Mrs. Walter | I On Pa^l Home , have," thq, minister aaid.. i Register Now for Member •( this Aadlt •tonal rata ending ,1a taw, tioukl Bank and Trust Co. He is a ,I)oll Jr., 180 Porter St. A rummage | "In the ideal home, all will ahare . Oareaa OrcsOatlMi moler la aftemooa. blgh la^2a A teugbtcr. Paula LouiK. waa clerk In the Audit Department. skle will be held. " i the necessary work. Home chores Matu;heiter~—A City of Village Charm 66a. bom at Ilartfortl Hospital May. 4 I Plays in World are a blessing,” the Rev. Mr. Neub- YWCA PLAY SCHOOL to Mr. and Mra. Kenneth Jackson. Manchester High School/ stu­ Manchester Lodge, No._73. A. F. M Garden SU The nsatemal grand­ and A, M.. will hold a special com-; — r . v„- ert continued. “Too much do we as MARY JAYNE CRANDEIX, Director dents who were selected aa town • "In the Intimate bonds of family I pgrjfitu indiige and ‘pamper our ■ (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN,, TUESDAY, MAY 15, 195$ ' :t parents are Mr. and Mrs. Walter officers for the day vw be the munlcatlon at the Masonic Tern-1 life may be found, on a smaller { children until a national rnagaaine ALICE McKAY. Assistant \ ■ ((Ciaoalficd AdrortUlag aa Page 14) PRICE FIVE CBNTB \ E. Fox, dO Garden St., and the pa­ guests of the Rotarv/Club at its pie tomorrw night. at 7:30. 'D'* 1 scale, all the questions and prob-j can title an.-arttcle ‘Our Parasitic; ternal grandparents are Mr. and meeting tomOrrowynight at 6:30 lodge w-ill ^have as guests mem-1 ’ Four and Five Year Olds Accepted Mrs. Frad Jukson, 103 Summit lems and relationships that give us; Children.' Though doing too ' Hours: H :30 to 11 :.10 A. M. Daily at the Manchest^'pourttry Club. bers of the Temple Guard of Spinx great concern in our World. As much for our children, we leave l .St Temple A.A.O.N.M.S., who will ex-; Jesus indicated. aH men over th e; them unprepared aa adults for the! For Information Call: ’The SalvaUon . Army Home emplify the Master Mason degree' world are our brothers under one realities of -.the world. Besides YWCA Office—79'North Main Street—MI 3-72«»6 The Past Mistress Club of the League w'pr meet tomorrow after­ on a class of candidates. At the! heavenly father;" said the Rev.: sharing the work, the ideal home \ Daughters of liberty. No, 125 noon at o'clock at the Citadel. concliision of the meeting, there 1 John R. Neubert in a sermon de-! will surround the child with faith . lO U . w'Ul hold lU monthly meet­ H ratesw will be Mrs. Majoi- will be a social hour and refresh-1 llvered at the Community Baptist; In hIS highest and best possibilities.; ing Wednesday night at 8 o'clock Jeremiah Sweet and Mrs. Thomas ments. * . t Church Sunday, morning, . i When Jesus caHed Cephas 'Peter,'; at the home of Mrs. Muriel Auden, well. :. ' i Power Using a Famiily Week Topic, i nveanlng rock. Jeaua revealed his ; 9 Durkin’S t A meeting of the Orange conven- "Home Is a Little World, ” the min-1 faith In Peter'a posslbUiltes for: at Mary Bushnell Cheney Auxiliary, I tion committee will be 1held to- ister pointed out that "world peace i the time.' Peter was anything but Miss Ann Goldsmith, dajightei ry. No. IS.'GSWV, wiU meet to- , „i-ht at 7:30 in Orange 1Halt. begins St the breakfast table. Gov-' stable. The best -home will also Mr. and Mrs. Norris W. Goldsmith. night at 7;30 H> the State Attnoiy. I ernment. Industry, brotherhood, give Iraiiiing In democracy as 53 Strickland S t, Is o n ^ f the Plans will he made at this time (nr ! A son was born at St. Frahelg and religion are our dally busine.ss' family problema are worrked oqt. le t’s make a date/ soenl members of the RbckfojrT College the observance of Memoiial Day. Hospital Friday to .Mr.' and Mrs. i in this little world that we call the I Also, a taste for the things that Glee Club;, Rockford^ll.. \yhleh Edgar Beaumont Jr., 14 Waddell home. The building unit of a happy 1 are excellent and abiding would be | will present" a concept Saturday in Hose Co. 1 of the MFD will hold Rd. and pesccful world is the amaller, cilltivated in the home we,'want,” , ■n»-. — -Aitr-------- - commemoration rfXhc 300th an­ its monthly meeting, tonight at 8 unit of the home Just as the build- said the minister, niversary of tha'Dirth of Mosart. o’clock at the fire headquarters. A regular meeting*of DAV Aux­ Carolyn Marie Fitzgerald ing unlt-bf a.svtbatance is a mole-1 ' "Finally, and most_ ImporlanUy.' Main at Hilliard .St. iliary, No. 17. will be'held Wednes­ cute. Rearrange Mie parts of the j "concluded the paatoV, “all home •‘Clerical Work Measurement” 1s day at 8 p.m. at fhe_ VFW Home. Mrs. Myra B. Fitzgerald, 12 molecule and you make a'new sub-' life would be lived under the con-; the aubta» to be presented by St. Bridget's Mothers Circle ^ill Mrs. Ruth Daddario will -be in stance: Rearrange the homes and; selous presence of the Holy Spirit, Paul B/Mulllgan, New York Cfty •hold si xmeetlng tonight at R charge of the social hour.' Bralnard Pl„ announces the en­ you make a new world. j Clirist would be the unseen guesU R ed s W a n t Artm^Cut m ana^m ent consultant, at a o'clock at the home of'Mrs. Julius- \ gagement oLher daughter, Carolyn “Though many, if not most of at every meal, the ailent listener ^ ^ 8 R eds meaung of .the Hartford Chapter, Randazzn. 80 Bolton St. Co-hos- Idiantohomoh Tribe. Sn. 58. Marie Fitzgerald, to Bernard Stev­ home activities which used to be to every conversation. However ■ leaseii wiil be Mra. Oliver Jyllka iety for the Advancement, of lORM. w-lll; meet ' tohight at 8 en Kershaw, son of Mr', and Mrs. done In the home, are now done urgently America needs three mU-' B ig T h r e e V)<l (anagement Thursday night at 8 and Mrs; John Areto. » o'clpcK^rt Trnkei Hall. Steven F. Kershaw, 43EJ Dutch outside the home, there are some { lion soldiers, she needs more .[^Move Men o’clock at I the Hotel Bond. Point Lane, Hartford. functions which cannot be taken urgently 60 million Christtan Setling hit the stock'market The Manchester Garden Club / SetbaeftX ss well as mljiUry . Miss Fitzgerald is employed at over by /Outside ' agencies. Thw homes.” Daughters of liberty. No. 17, today In a follow-through to will hold lU monthly meeting to­ v/h|Bt, will ye ;i syed at the'card the Southern New Eng'and Tele­ C u t F o rc e s yesterday'! break on news of a DOLT, will hold a regular meeUng night at 8. o’clock in the Fcdi^ra- party being\ eponsored by St. phone Co.,-and her fiance ia em­ Riiaalan cut in armed forces. [To A-Work In Orange Hall tomorrow night at U , room Center Cliurch HoUse. Brldget'a C orn^tone Club tonight ployed by the Underwood Corp. By ROY BSSOVAN Leading issues took losses 8 o’clo^. A,memorial service for Mrs. Gilbert, Ashley of Welhera- at. 8:15 In the chUrch hall. Tlcke’s ... .No, definite date has been set for i . ^ii deceased members will be held. Moscow, May IS </P)—Rus­ of 31 to'.34 s share in a burat Washington, May .15 (ff)- ■ field, well knbwn flower arranger, will be avallafalf ^ i h e door, and the wedding. „ 1 of selling that delfiyed the Officers afe requested to wear will demonstrate her technique. refreshi.icnta will bC s--ved. The MIRRORS sia has 'told the woHd i£ will Secretary of State Dulled white. A/aocial hoiir with refresh- high-speed ticker tape briefly' said today Russia’s propm^ Plans for Thuraday's annual plant .public is cordially InAled. cut its armed forces by 1,- !4n reporting trans-actions. mento,/.Mfs. Annie Ferine rhalf- sale of the rluh . at the Com­ The Advisory Board of Man-' _ Headed for Davy Jones armod forceg cut would not man,. l follow the meeting. ' >< .1 \ I,.— . Chester‘Assembly, No. 15. .Order of AUTO GLASS 200,000 men within the next The market w’as lower from munity Y will be.completed. Mem­ Mrs. Eleanor Martin, president of, Rainbow for. ,fin.Girls, willwilt have a The levered bow of the- 2,477-ton lumber schooner Hownrd Olaon lists badly to port ss it wal­ .vear and challenged the Big the start but the sinking spell appreciably alter Soviet mili- bers have the privilege of inviting the Second Congregatlona lows in a calm PaciUc Ocean off Point Sur, 20 miiea aouth of Monterey,;Calif.,‘May 14.
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