NAGARA BOOKS ----------------------------------------- 231 -------------------------------------------------------------- -- 2825 Abulafia, David The Great Sea: a human history of the III TURKISH STUDIES (incl. Balkan) Medieterranean . xxxi,816p photos. maps Oxford/N.Y. 2013(11) 9780199315994 pap. 4,220 トルコ研究 Interweaving major political and naval developments with the ebb and flow of trade, Abulafia explores how commercial competition in the Mediterranean created both rivalries and partnerships, with merchants acting as 2819 intermediaries between cultures, trading goods that İbn Âbidîn were as exotic on one side of the sea as they were Hanefîlerde Mezhep Usûlü (Şerhu Ukûdi resmi'l- commonplace on the other. müftî) , inceleme-tercüme. ed. & tr. byŞenol Saylan 2826 342p (with Arabic text) Istanbul 2016 Acar, M. Şinasi 9786055245993 1,780 Osmanlı'dan Bugüne Gözümüzden Kaçanlar . 191p 2820 photos. illus. 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Turkey -- Court and courtiers -- Art patronage -- Through Adalet analysis of the flow of aid money and History expertise between the U.S. and Turkey, the planning of 2822 the American-funded Turkish highway network, and the İnalcık, Halil development of the Turkish tourism industry, Osmanlı Tarihinde İslâmiyet ve Devlet . (Seçme 2828 Eserleri - IX) viii,247p Istanbul 2016 Adang, Camilla & Sabine Schmidtke (ed.) 9786053327868 1,220 Contacts and Controversies between Muslims, Jews Islam & State -- Ottoman Empire -- History and Christians in the Ottoman Empire and Pre-Modern 2823 Iran . 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Osmanismus, Nationalismus und der Kaukasus: Ankara 2013 9789751626615 660 Muslime und Christen, Türken und Armenier im 19. und Turkey -- History -- Mahmud II, 1808-1839 20. Jahrhundert . (Reihe Kaukasienstudien, bd. 9) 336s Wiesbaden 2005 9783895004650 8,575 NAGARA BOOKS ----------------------------------------- 232 -------------------------------------------------------------- -- 2830 9781607813392 pap. 3,775 Afetinan, A. The rise of nationalism at the end of the Ottoman Life and Works of Piri Reis: the oldest map of Empire. America . tr. by L. Yolaç & E. Uzmen (TTK, VII-No. 2838 69/a1) 88p+xli plates Ankara 1987(75) 1,110 Ahmed Cevdet Paşa (1823-1895) Pirî Reis, -1554? -- Cartographers -- Turkey -- Târîh-i Cevdet. Hayatı..., I, II/1-2, III . haz. M. Biography İpmsirli, Ş.N. Aykut, & 'A. Özcan (T.T.K., III-2. Dizi-Sa. 15) 2831 5 vols. 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Turkish language -- Grammar Venedik Elçilerinin Rapiorlanna Göre Kanunî ve 2841 Pargalı İbrahim Paşa . xxxiv,172p Istanbul 2012 Akçapar, Burak 9786054052875 1,050 People's Mission to the Ottoman Empire: M.A. Ibrahim Paşa, 1493?-1536 - Venice -- Foreign Ansari and the Indian medical mission, 1912-13 . relations -- Turkey -- Sources xii,336p New Delhi 2014 9780198099574 3,980 2834 During the Balkan Wars of 1912-13, concerned Agâh Sırrı Levend Muslims around India mobilized to dispatch three Divan Edebiyatı: kelimeler ve remizler mazmunlar medical teams to treat wounded Ottoman soldiers. ve mefhumlar . 677p Istanbul 2015 2842 9789759956479 3,000 Akal, Emel Turkish poetry -- History and criticism Moskova-Ankara-Londra Üçgeninde: 2835 iştirakiyuncular, komünistler ve Paşa hazretleri . 559p Agâh Sırrı Levend Istanbul 2013 9789750511196 2,410 Eski Türk Edebiyatı Araştırmaları . (TTK, IV/A-2- Communism -- Turkey -- History 1.11. Dizi-Sa. 1a,b) 2 vols. Ankara 2016 2843 9789751631602 3,450 Akalın, Şükrü Halûk, et al. Turkish literature -- History and criticism Türkçe Sözlük. (Türk Dil Kurumu Yayinlari: 549) 2836 xxx,2763p Ankara 2011 repr. 9751600707 Ağıklaya-Şahin, Z., H. Streib, A. Ayten & R.W. Hood, Jr. 2,310 (ed.) 11. Baskı Psychology of Religion in Turkey . xiii,282p Leiden 2844 2015 9789004290860 19,775 Akbulut, Mehmet Yılmaz critical conceptual analyses and empirical studies The Scramble for Iran: Ottoman military and devoted to psychology of religion in Turkey. diplomatic engagements during the Afghan occupation 2837 of Iran 1722-1729 . 220p Istanbul 2017 Ahmad, Feroz 9786052380147 7,430 The Young Turks and the Ottoman Nationalities: This book is a study of the Ottoman military and Armenians, Greeks, Albanians, Jews and Arabs, 1908- diplomatic involvements in Iran during the critical years 1918 . xi,191p. Salt Lake City 2014 that followed the collapse of the Safavid dynasty. NAGARA BOOKS ----------------------------------------- 233 -------------------------------------------------------------- -- 2845 2853 Akçam, Taner Ak,incı, Mehmet Ali & Kutlay Yagmur (ed.) Ermenilerin Zorla Müslümanlaştırılması: sessizlik, The Rouen Meeting: studies on Turkic structures inkâr ve asimilasyon . 248p Istanbul 2014 and language contacts . (Turcologica, 114) x,328p ills. 9789750516825 1,340 Wiesbaden 2018 9783447110501 11,900 Armenian massacres -- Turkey -- History 2854 2846 Aksan, Virginia Akgümdüz, Ahmed Writing the Ottomans into World History . (Analecta Osmanlı Kanûnnâmeleri ve Hukûkî Tahlilleri, 10. Isisiana, CXLI) 473p Istanbul 2016 9789754285710 Kitap: IV. Murad, I. İbrahim ve IV. Mehmed devri 9,440 kânûnnâmeleri (1623-1687) . 1022p facs. Istanbul 2855 2015 9789757268734 7,200 Aktan, Ali (haz.) 2847 Muharrerât-ı Nâdire . (T.T.K., III-8. Dizi-Sa. 3) Akgümdüz, Ahmed Ankara 2018 9789751634504 2,310 Osmanlı Kanûnnâmeleri ve Hukûkî Tahlilleri, 11. Turkey -- Ottoman empire -- History Kitap: III. Ahmed, I. Mahmud ve II. Mahmud devri 2856 kânûnnâmeleri (1703-1839) . 1017p facs. Istanbul Akyürekli, Mahmut 2016 9789757268789 7,200 Şark Istiklal Mahkemesi 1925-1927 . 180p photos. 2848 Istanbul 2013 9786051051123 1,230 Akgümdüz, Ahmed, Said Öztürk & Yaşar Baş Şeyh Sait, 1865-1925 -- Kurds -- Insurgency -- Turkey - Üç Devirde Bir Mabed: Ayasofya . 893p ills. photos. - History Istanbul 2005 9757268356 20,840 2857 Ayasofya -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Istanbul Akyüz, Doruk 2849 Bir Osmanlı Kurmayının Gözünmden Rus-Japon Akgündüz, Ahmed Harbi: Milalay Pertev Bey'in gözlemleri . 261p Arşiv Belgeleri İşiğında, Somuncu Baba ve Neseb-i Istanbul 2017 9789759958572 1,080 Âlîsi (yüce nesebi) . 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