Administration of George Bush, 1991 / Apr. 24 Enough frivolity. But, look, as you con- southeast. When people ask how America sider your principles, goals, and actions for can become first in the world in math and math assessment, let me just ask you to science by the year 2000 I point to teachers keep a few questions in mind. Consider like Larry Williams, dedicated professionals what it means to be the best in the world who help all our children reach their poten- and the kind of balance our students will tial. need between theoretical math and prac- All of you help set off an American edu- tical applied skills for life. How can we cre- cational renaissance, and I thank you for ate tests to ensure not just that our best what you’ve done and for what you will students are as good as any in the world achieve. And I came over to tell you and, but that our average students achieve world- once again, to pledge to our Secretary of class status? How can we emphasize testing Education that we at the White House will that encourages better teaching, that do our level-best to back you up every inch doesn’t weed kids out but develops better of the way. math skills for all? Thank you all, and may God bless you. Every student, everyone, needs goals and challenges. Every school needs goals and Note: The President spoke at 1:47 p.m. in challenges. I hope your work will help every the auditorium of the National Academy of single American student and every Amer- Sciences. In his remarks, he referred to Sec- ican teacher reach our national education retary of Education Lamar Alexander; Frank goals. Press, president of the National Academy of Many of you, Lamar tells me, have al- Sciences; D. Allan Bromley, Assistant to the ready led the way. Consider one member President for Science and Technology; Presi- of today’s audience. Larry Williams, a math dent Mikhail Gorbachev of the Soviet Union; teacher of Utah High School in rural Ala- Thomas A. Romberg, member of the assess- bama, and a member of the Mathematical ment steering committee of the Mathematical Sciences Education Board, has lit a fire Sciences Education Board; Secretary of En- under his students, many of whom come ergy James D. Watkins; Gen. Colin L. Pow- from poor or disadvantaged homes. His ell, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; math teams can compete with any other and Larry Williams, member of the Mathe- teams in Alabama and throughout the matical Sciences Education Board. Remarks at a Ceremony for the Posthumous Presentation of the Medal of Honor to Corporal Freddie Stowers April 24, 1991 Welcome to the White House. I salute the honoree’s great-grandnephew, Staff the Vice President and Mrs. Quayle, and Sergeant Douglas Warren, of the 101st Air- Secretary Cheney, other members of our borne—he returned—he looks a little jet- Cabinet, General Vuono, distinguished lagged to me, but he returned just last night Members of Congress who are with us from Saudi Arabia. And I want to welcome today, and former Congressman Joe Dio- you home. Guardi. I’m especially glad Joe’s with us And we also—to do equal time to the here today. To the former Medal of Honor Air Force, why, we salute you, Mr. Stowers, recipients, I salute each and every one of also back here. He’s at Langley. you. To Georgiana Palmer and Mary So, it’s a lovely day here, and we welcome Bowens—the sisters of today’s honoree are each and every one of you to the White with us, and don’t they look lovely. We are House. We want to honor a true hero, a just delighted. And a note of more than trivial passing: man who makes us proud of our 425 VerDate May 04 2004 13:56 Jul 07, 2004 Jkt 019194 PO 00000 Frm 00437 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 D:\91PAP1\91PAP1.008 APPS10 PsN: 91PAP1 Apr. 24 / Administration of George Bush, 1991 heritage as Americans, a man who, in life Although he was mortally wounded during and death, helped keep America free. I the attack, Freddie Stowers continued to speak of Corporal Freddie Stowers, to press forward urging his men on until he whom posthumously we present our highest died. military award for valor: the Medal of On that September day, Corporal Stowers Honor. It’s an award for bravery and con- was alone, far from family and home. He science, the compendium we call character. had to be scared; his friends died at his Today, Corporal Freddie Stowers be- side. But he vanquished his fear and fought comes the first black soldier honored with not for glory but for a cause larger than the Medal of Honor from World War I. himself: the cause of liberty. He sought and helped achieve the triumph Today, as we pay tribute to this great of right over wrong. He showed, as this soldier, our thoughts continue to be with year has proved again, that an inspired the men and women of all our wars who human heart can surmount bayonets and valiantly carried the banner of freedom into barbed wire. battle. They, too, know America would not Seventy-three years ago, the Corporal be the land of the free, if it were not also first was recommended for a Medal of the home of the brave. Honor, but his award was not acted upon. The soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, In 1987, then-Congressman Joe DioGuardi coastguardsmen of Desert Storm—a group and my friend the late Mickey Leland, that includes Staff Sergeant Warren—all known to many here, from Houston, discov- these valiant Americans are heirs to the leg- ered the Stowers case while conducting acy of Corporal Stowers and the men of other research. And the Army took up the Company C. No nation could be more case. And last November, the Secretaries proud of its sons and daughters than we of the Army and Defense recommended are of them. that Corporal Stowers receive the Medal Today, we celebrate their achievements, of Honor. I heard his story, accepted their but we also heed these words echoing over recommendation enthusiastically. the centuries: Only the dead have seen the It’s been said that the ultimate measure end of war. We owe it to Freddie Stowers of a man is not where he stands in moments and those who revere his legacy to defend of comfort and convenience but where he the principles for which he died and for stands at times of challenge. On September which our great country stands. 28th, 1918, Corporal Freddie Stowers stood In that spirit, I am honored to welcome poised on the edge of such a challenge and two of his sisters—Georgiana Palmer, of summoned his mettle and his courage. Richmond, California, and Mary Bowens, He and the men of Company C, 371st of Greenville, South Carolina. They will ac- Infantry Regiment, began their attack on cept the award on behalf of their late broth- Hill 188 in the Champagne Marne Sector er, the text of which I will now ask Sergeant of France. Only a few minutes after the Major Byrne to read the citation. fighting began, the enemy stopped firing and enemy troops climbed out of their [At this point, the citation was read.] trenches onto the parapets of the trench, I think that concludes the service, but held up their arms and seemed to sur- I’d like to ask the Vice President and Sec- render. The relieved American forces held retary of Defense and General Vuono and their fire, stepped out into the open. As General Powell to come up and thank our our troops moved forward, the enemy recipients. And maybe the other members jumped back into their trenches and of the Joint Chiefs would join us. I think sprayed our men with a vicious stream of it would be most appropriate. machine gun and mortar fire. The assault annihilated well over 50 percent of Com- Note: The President spoke at 3:08 p.m. in pany C. the East Room at the White House. In his And in the midst of this bloody chaos, remarks, he referred to Vice President Dan Corporal Stowers took charge and bravely Quayle and his wife, Marilyn; Secretary of led his men forward, destroying their foes. Defense Dick Cheney; Gen. Carl E. Vuono, 426 VerDate May 04 2004 13:56 Jul 07, 2004 Jkt 019194 PO 00000 Frm 00438 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 D:\91PAP1\91PAP1.008 APPS10 PsN: 91PAP1 Administration of George Bush, 1991 / Apr. 25 Army Chief of Staff; former Representatives grandnephews; Secretary of the Army Mi- Joseph J. DioGuardi and Mickey Leland; chael P.W. Stone; Sean Byrne, Army Aide Georgiana Palmer and Mary Bowen, sisters to the President; and Gen. Colin L. Powell, of Corporal Stowers, and S. Sgt. Douglas Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Warren and T. Sgt. Odis Stowers, his great- Nomination of Nancy P. Dorn To Be an Assistant Secretary of the Army April 24, 1991 The President today announced his inten- State, 1986–1988. In 1986 she served as tion to nominate Nancy Patricia Dorn, of chief of staff and floor assistant for the Texas, to be an Assistant Secretary of the House Republican Deputy Whip Loeffler Army for Civil Works at the Department and press secretary and chief spokesman of Defense. She would succeed Robert W. for the Loeffler for Governor campaign in Page.
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