FORGOTTEN REALMS THE GREAT DALE UNAPPROACHABLE EAST CAMPAIGN GUIDE Sample file Character Options FORGOTTEN REALMS THE GREAT DALE UNAPPROACHABLE EAST CAMPAIGN GUIDE CREDITS ON THE COVER: Lead Designer: Joe Raso Nastya Lehn’s interpretation of Vesholva Yadrova Contributing Writers: Alex Clippinger, Anne graces the cover. Veshlova is a follower of Talona who Gregersen, Derek Nekritz, Elise Cretel, Emily Smith, stalks the Great Dale using poison and disease to Glenn Magas, Joe Raso, Oliver Clegg, R P Davis, influence the future of the region. Scott Bean BIBLIOGRAPHY Editing: Christopher Walz The following Forgotten Realms works were Layout: Travis Legge indispensable in crafting this volume: Cartography: Daniel F. Walthall, Dyson Logos, Joe Ed Greenwood, Jeff Grubb, and Karen S. Martin. Cyclope- Raso dia of the Realms. 1987. Cover Art: Nastya Lehn Ed Greenwood, Sean K. Reynolds, Skip Williams, and Rob Heinsoo. Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting. 2001. Internal Art Commissions: Daniel F. Walthall, Fez Inkwright, John Latta, Petar Penev Richard Baker, Matt Forbeck, and Sean K. Reynolds. Unap- proachable East. 2003. Internal Stock Art: Adela Quiles, Critical Hit, Dave Richard Baker, Ed Bonny, Travis Stout. Lost Empires of Allsop, Daniel Comerci, Dean Spencer, DM’s Guild Faerûn. 2005. Creator Resource (courtesy of Wizard of the Coast), Eric Pommer, Forrest Imel, Gary Dupuis, Jeffery Jeff Crook, Will Upchurch, and Eric L. Boyd. Champions of Koch, Jeremy Hart, Mathew Richmond, Nimgyu, Ruin. 2005. Rick Hershey, Rising Phoenix Games, Vagelio Kaliva, Brian R. James and Ed Greenwood. Grand History of the William McAusland Realms. 2007. Internal Art - Public Domain: Albert Bierstadt, Carl Bruce R. Cordell, Ed Greenwood, and Chris Sims. Forgot- Eduard Ferdinand Blechen, Sidney Richard Percy ten Realms Campaign Guide. 2008. Wizard’s RPG Team. Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide. 2015. Sample file DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild. All other original material in this work is copyright 2019 by Joe Raso and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild. Some artwork by © Adela Quiles, © Critical Hit at www.critical-hit.biz, © 2011 Dave Allsop, © Dean Spencer, © Daniel Comerci–danielcomerci.com, © Daniel F. Walthall, Elite Design Elements © Ris- ing Phoenix Games, © Eric Pommer–[email protected], © Forrest Imel, © Jeremy Hart, © Matt Richmond, Publisher’s Choice Quality Stock Art © Rick Hershey / Fat Goblin Games, Purple Duck Games © Gary Dupuis, © Vagelio Kaliva, and ©William McAusland, used with permission. All rights reserved. CREDITS 1 Character Options TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 4 About this Book Chapter 1 – Peoples 6 This book is a Player Character focused subset of the content from the Great Dale campaign guide - New Race – Volodni 6 specifically chapters 1 through 5 of that publication. Common Peoples 8 Insided this book you'll find a wealth of material to create characters that are emeshed with the lore of Chapter 2 – Classes 11 this part of Faerûn. The book is organized as follows: Barbarian 11 Chapter 1 describes the people who call this land Bard 11 their home, and introduces the Volodni, a new player character race. Cleric 11 Druid 13 Chapter 2 details how character class options fit Fighter 16 into this region, including numerous new archetypes Monk 16 specifically crafted for this land. Paladin 17 Chapter 3 outlines how character backgrounds Ranger 19 found in the Player’s Handbook translate to the Great Rogue 20 Dale. Three new character backgrounds are detailed Sorcerer 23 herein. Warlock 26 Chapter 4 provides a sampling of new feats for Wizard 29 players to consider. Chapter 5 showcases a host of new spells that could Chapter 3 – Backgrounds 31 be included for players or NPCs to use. Chapter 4 – Feats 39 What treasures will you find within? Chapter 5 – Spells 41 Spell Lists 41 Spell Descriptions 43 Appendix – Contribution Summary 50 AppendixSample –Art Listing 51 file 2 THE GREAT DALE - CHARACTER OPTIONS INTRODUCTION Welcome to the Great Dale! his volume details many aspects of a In the western edge of the Great Dale, the large wondrous region located in a remote corner settlement of Uthmere rises expectantly beside the of Faerûn—a land many refer to as the waters of the Easting Reach, rejuvenated from the TUnapproachable East. ravages of the Second Sundering. Dockyards that had The Great Dale is an ancient place. It is still lain useless for a century now bustle with life as its afflicted with the fiendish horrors left behind by piers once again kiss the waters. This has not gone the once-mighty Narfell Empire. Terrible secrets unnoticed, however, as enterprising individuals now lie hidden within ruins of broken stone or buried descended on Uthmere hoping to win some fortune in beneath the earth. this growing frontier town. A powerful council of druids now act as caretakers For those who dislike the bustle of city life, isolated for much of its sparsely populated territory. They farmsteads dot the Great Dale’s interior. Their seek to purge the demonic evils that still infest the residents live a simple existence dealing with the Dale and the great forests that surround it. These old persistent dangers that threaten any seeking to survive woods stand on ground where the veil that hides the here. Feywild is thin and its influence is still felt. Sample file TablE OF CONTENTS 3 CHAPTER 1 – PEOPLES Woody and Tough Tall and wiry, the volodni appear human-like but with tough woody flesh colored the browns and greens of NEW RACE – VOLODNI pine trees. They grow long, bark-like hair and view the world through shimmering black eyes. They tend to Never cut down a live tree in the forest. If the Nenty- use wooden weapons and wear leather armor dyed in ach’s druid’s don’t get ya, the pine folk will. the colors of their forest home. Stedd from Sarshal — Impilturan settler oldoni are the legacy of Nar refugees fleeing Calm and Remorseless demons unleashed during the ancient wars between Narfell and Raumathar. They sought Most pine folk seem emotionless and cold, though a Vshelter beneath the bows of an ancient forest. few can share the deep feelings of their distant human Therein a great sylvan power denied them refuge forebears. They have little use for laws imposed by unless they agreed to disavow their fiendish pacts rulers, preferring to live as their conscience directs and become one with the woods. Fearful of the them. They have long memories and are willing to destruction from which they fled, they readily agreed wait patiently to enact vengeance on those who have and were reborn as the pine folk, the volodni. wronged them. Sylvan Sentinels Many treefolk tend to be cold and dispassionate, remorseless and relentless in pursuit of any means which serves their ends. They remember every injury and have the patience of the bones of the earth when seeking revenge. Most tend to be disinterested in material possessions, as they have little need for them. Forest Protectors The woods bordering the Great Dale are the volodni’s home. They ferociously protect their forest from any who dare cut fresh wood or despoil their natural homes. They seek to regrow the ancient forests to their past expansiveness. The volodni have no love of civilization’s growth or anything else that threatens the forests they call home. Volodni Names The pine folk frequently use a human name combined with a cherished forested location such as Dasha of Pineridge, Malark of the Silverbrook, or Navarra of Mauberg’s Oak First Names: (Male) Avan, Evendur, Gorstag, Petro, Randall, Stor, Urth; (Female) Anva, Esvele, Miri, Olma, SampleTana, Zlatara; (Gender Neutral) file Baum, Jalon, Naury, Preed, Vancer Favored Locations: Bright Creek, Dancing Falls, Deep Limb, Goldmarsh, Sharpridge, Whiteoaks 4 THE GREAT DALE - CHARACTER OPTIONS Volodni Traits Your volodni character has a number of traits that are Nature’s Avenger. You know one cantrip of your common to all of their race. choice from the druid spell list. Wisdom is your Ability Score Increase. Treefolk are hardy and spellcasting ability for it. resilient, as well as intuitive. Your Wisdom and Languages. You can speak, read, and write Constitution scores increase by 1. Common and Sylvan. Age. Volodni reach adulthood in their mid-twenties and a few individuals live beyond 150 years. Alignment. Volodni firmly believe in an individual’s Original Source call to act as they see fit, so they lean toward chaos. The majority of the volodni traits presented in this Though they are seldom actively malicious, neither are section were first published by R.P. Davis in “Volodni they always benevolent, though volodni are good more – Treefolk Player Character Race”, which is available on often than not. the DM’s Guild. Size. Volodni are usually taller and leaner than Minor adjustments have been made to the original most humans, averaging nearly 6 ½ feet in height, but text, including replacing “Root and Branch” with weigh roughly the same as a typical human. Your size “Deep Slumber”, adjusting age to be consistent with is Medium. 3E’s version of the volodni, and providing directions Random Height: 5’4” + 2d10 for determining random height and weight for volodni characters. Random Weight: 110 lb. + (height roll) x (2d4) Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Darkvision. Accustomed to the gloom of the deep forest, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions.
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