AERaNAUTICS Rotating mirror cameras--Configuration-- Applications--Fabrication--Effectiveness; Solar Documents eclipse--Optical measurements; Lwreclipse-- Optical measurements; Optical measurement; Martin 15168 (Z) -MPR-JuL 66 Optical images--Tracking; Mirrors--Application-- Martin Company Configuration; Sun--Optical measurement; Moon-- FLUERIC D. C. ATTWUDE COhZ'ROL SYSTEM Optical measurement; Photomultipliers--Applications; MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Prisms (Optics) --Applications; Optical scanning-- W. J. Westerman, 31 Jul 66, 21p Parameters; Optical instruments--Design; Optical DA-01-021-AMC-15168 (2) scanning--Applications Attitude control systems--Components--DevelopmenG Directional control guidance; Fluid control systems; Rand RM-5056 Bistable circuits--Effectiveness; Delay circuits-- Rand Corporation Effectiveness REDUCTION OF THE EQUATIONS OF RADIATIVE TRANSFERFORAPLANE-PARALLELPLANETARY NASA CR-521 ATMOSPHERE - Part II Wichita State University Zdenek Sekera, Jut 66, 57p AN EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE FLOW AF 49 (638)- 1700 FIELDS ABOUT DELTA AND DOUBLE-RELTA WINGS Radiative transfer--Mathematical analysis--Theory; AT LOW SPEEDS Planetary atmospheres--Conductivity- -Reflective William H. Wentz, Aug 66, 14% effects; Rayleigh scattering; Electromagnetic waves-- NGR-17-003-003 Scattering--Reflection NASA TND-3602 SA0 SR 210 Lewis Research Center Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory BLADE ELEMENT PERFORMANCE OF AXIAL-FLOW A STUDY OF FLARE STARS PUMP ROTOR WITH BLADE-TIP DIFFUSION FACTOR Leonard H. Solomon, 12 May 66, 57p OF 0.66 NsG 87-60 Max J. Miller, Sept 66, 33p Stars--Properties--Luminescence; Variable stars-- NASA E-3138 Properties --Tables--Luminescence--Observations-- Photographic ~~~ly~is--Spe~tra ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES Books QB475 K91 John Daniel Kraus, 1910- QC994.9 A852 RADIO ASTRONOMY P. D. Astapnko McGraw-Hill, 1966 ATMOSPHERIC PROCESSES IN THE HIGH LATITUDES Radio Astronomy OF THE SOUTHERN HEMXSPHERE Jerusalem, Israel Program for Scientific Trans- Documents lations, 1964 Meteorology--Antarctic regions; Meteorology-- AFCRL 65-422 Southern Hemisphere; Atmosphere; Winds California Institute of Technology SOLAR SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRO- Documents HELIOGRAPHY CINEMATOGRAPHY - 15 Apr 65 - 14 Apr 66 AFCRL 66-333 Harold Zirin, 20 May 66, 5p Oklahoma University AF 19(628)-5082 A CONSIDERATION OF SOME OF THE FACTORS, Solar observations--Atmospheric effects-- AFFECTING ATMOSPHERIC COMPOSITION STATIC Instrumentation--Optimization; Solar spectrum-- STABILITY AND MOTION BETWEEN 20 AND 100 KM - Observations ; Spectroscopy; Motion picture cameras-- Final Scientific Rpt 1 Mar 65 - 31 Mar 66 Applications; Motion pictures--Effectiveness V. S. Whitehead, Apr 66, Bop AF 19(628)-4767 AFCRL 66-518 Atmosphere--Composition--Turbulence--Density-- Te Company Stability; Atmospheric motion; Wind--Velocity-- ROTATING-IMAGE OPTICAL SCANNER - Final Turbulence; Coriolis effects; Ozone--Density; Report Jun 65 - May 66 Osygen--Density; Stratosphere--Density--Stability; P. S. Sugino, Aug66, 78p Mesosphere--Density--Stability AF 19(62S)-5181 (continued) 1- AFCRL 66-346 HRRO MISC 9 Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories George Washington University HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL DISTRIBUTIONS OF WORK PROGRAM - Fiscal Year 1967 ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE, 30 TO 90 KILOMETERS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN TRAINING, Arthur J. Kantor, May 66, 24p MOTIVATION, AND LEADERSHIP Atmosphere--Pressure distribution; Altitude-- 30 Jun 66, 127p Meteorological effects; Latitude--Meteorological DA-44- 188-ARO-2 effects; Diurnal variations--Calculations; Military personnel--Training; Training-- Climatology; Atmospheric data--Graphs ; AF Surveys Optimization--Methods--Effectiveness ; in Geophysics 181 Training devices--Requirements; Military training--Optimization; Research program I AFCRL 66-359 administration--HRRO; Training--Program Pennsylvania State University plan AN IONOSPHERIC ESTIMATE OF NITRIC OXIDE CONCENTRATION IN THE D-REGI3N HRRO TR 66-7 A. P. Mitra, 15 Feb 66, 21p George Washington University AF 19(628)-4014 PROJECTED MANPOWER NEEDS, AND PROJECTED D-layer--Ionization--Electron density; Nitric oxide-- TRAINING REQUJREMENTS FOR OPERATORS AND Density; Atmosphere--Composition; PSU/ 1R SR 265 USERS OF FUTURE STINFO SYSTEMS Jun C. Dennis Fink, Jun 66, 40p Army Natick Labs TR 66-7-ES DA-44- 188-ARO-2 Army Natick Laboratories Information indexing--Personal requirements; YLTMA WINTER MICROCLIMATE Documentation--Personnel requirements; Howard L. Ohman, Jun,66, 33p Information networks--Personnel requirements; Temperature--Arizona; Wind--Arizona--Velocities-- Libraries--Personnel requirements; STINFO; Direction; Climate--Arizona--Statistical analysis-- Operations research; STINTRAC; Personnel-- Desert regions; Diurnal variations; Elevations-- Requirements - -Training; Training--Require ments - - Climatic factors; Climatology; Army Natick Labs ES- Problem areas; Operators (Personnel)--Require- 24 ments--Training; Information centers--Personnel requirements;, Consumer--Training BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES HRRO TR 66-9 Books George Washington University AN EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION OF A DRIVER HB171 K44 SIMULATOR FOR SAFETY TRAINING John Maynard Keynes, 1883-1946 James A. McKnight, Jun 66, 32p THE GENERAL THEORY OF EMPLOYMENT, DA-44-188-ARO-2 INTEREST, AND MONEY Motor vehicle operators--Safety measures ; Harcourt, Brace & World, n. d. Simulators--Effectiveness; Training devices-- Economics; Money; Interest and usury Effectiveness ; Passenger vehicles--Operation-- Human engineering; Operators (Personnel)-- PC779 D554 Safety measures--Training; Motor vehicle operators-- DICTIONAR ENGLEZ-ROMAN Training Bucuresti, Editura Stiintifica, 1965 English language-Dictionaries-Rumanian IDEP Conf -4 Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation INTERSERVICE DATA EXCHANGE PROGRAM- Q141.G7 C953 Proceeding of the Fourth National Conference James Gerald CrowYler, 1899- 22 Apr 66, 140p STATESMEN OF SCIENCE: HENRY BROUGHAM, Conferences--IDEP; Data exchange--Program plan-- WILLIAM ROBERT GROVE, LYON PLAYFAR, Requirements; Information retrieval THE PRINCE CONSORT, THE SEVENTH DUKE OF DEVONSHJRE, ALEXANDER STRANGE, RICHARD MIT/ SSMTG 1841(34)QPR-61 BURDON HALDANE, HENRY THOMAS TIZARD AND Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Solid State FREDERICK ALEXANDER LINDEMANN and MolecuIar Theory Group London, Cresset Press, 1965 SOLIDSTATE AND MOLECULAR THEORY GROUP- Scientists - Great Britain; Science and state - Quarterly Progress Report Number 61 Great Britain 15 Jul 66, 27213 NOnr 1841 (34) NSF (3-24908 NSF-GP-3241 Documents (continued) 2 Solid state physics--Bibliography; MIT/ SSMTG-- NASA CR-570 History; Molecular physics--Bibliography; Baylor University Scientific personnel--MIT/ SSMTG; Indexes--MIT/ PHYSIOLOGIC OBSERVATIONS ON RACE CAR SSMTG DRIVERS Vincent P. Collins, Sep 66, 114p RTD Index-"OD-1966 NsG-730 Research and Technology Division. Air Force Systems Command NASA SP-5041 TECHNICAL OBJECTIVE DOCUMENT (TOD) RELEASE Westinghouse Electric PROGRAM CARDIOVASCULAR MONITORING 1966, 20p William J. Jones, 1966, 4% Indexes --RTD--TOD; Air force research--Require- Physiological sensors--Performance; Biochemistry-- mer& - -Ir?dexeE Theory; Data transmission systems; Medical research--Data reduction; Data storage systems; BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES Signals--Modulation--Amplification; Electrodes-- Application; Cardiovasoular system--Monitoring Books equipment--Observations QP601 W231 CHEMISTRY Charles Walter ENZYME KINETICS; OPEN AND CLOSED SYSTEMS -Boob Ronald Press Co., 1966 Enzymes QD77 V872 Paul Von Stein Documents ORGANIC REAGENTS IN INORGANIC ANALYSIS Chemical Publishing Co., Inc., 1942 DASA 1778 Chemical tests and reagents; Chemistry, Analytic- Lovelace Foundation for Medical Education and Research Qualitative; Chemistry, Inorganic PATHOLOGY OF DIRECT AIR-BLAST INJUFlY Thomas L. Chiffelle, Apr 66, 6% QDl8l.BR 575 DA-49- 146-XZ-055 Zvi Enrico Jolles Pathology; Blast--Pathological effects--Physiological BROMINE AND ITS COMPOUNDS effects; Overpressure--Physiological effects; Humans--Academic Press, 1966 Blast effects; Air blast--Physiological effects Bromine Douglas Paper 3871 QD181.S S382 Douglas Aircraft Louis Clarence Schroeter, 1929- MODIFICATIONS OF THE EFFECTS OF RECUMBENCY SULFUR DIOXIDE: APPLICATIONS IN FOODS, UPON PHYSIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS BY PERI3DIC BEVERAGES, AND PHARMACEUTICAIS CENTRIFUGATION Pergamon Press, 1966 J. W. Nyberg, 21 Apr 66, 19p Sulphur dioxide --Bibliography AF 04(695)-679 Personnel--Acceleration effects; Bioastronautics; QD281. P6 S989 Centrifuges--Capabilities- -Effectiveness--Per- B. L. Johnson and Murray Goodman formance - -Tes t results- -Phys iological factors ; SYMPOSIUM ON NEW ASPECTS OF ELASTOMER Motion sickness--Physiological effects; Space biology-- 'STEREOSPECIFIC POLYMERIZATION Test methods--Test results; Stress (Physiology) American Chemical Society, 1966 Elastomers-Addresses, essays, lectures; EA TR 4003 Polymers and polymerization-Addresses, essays, Edgewood Arsenal lectures; Organometallic compounds-Addresses, EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF SPHERE AND SHELL- essays, lectures FRAGMENT WOUNDS OF SIFT TISSUES - May 62 - Oct 65 TP157 E57 Janice A. Mendelson, Aug 66, 68p Engineering Equipment Users Association Panel M/ 23 Wound ballistics--Pathological effects--Physiological PNEUMATIC SYSTEMS OF HANDLING INCLUDING effects; Wounds & injuries--Analysis--Therapy; FLUIDIZATION Fragmentation ammunition--Damage assessment; Constable, 1963 Tissues (Biology ) -- Model test results Chemical engineering--Apparatus and supplies; Pneumatic-tube
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