^LLionPO Box 6483, Ithaca, NY 14851 607-273-8519 SUMMER 1996 NEWSLETTER AND CATALOG SUPPLEMENT Anyone who has read more than a few books on Tibetan Buddhism will Sarnath, India: have encountered references to the Six Yogas ofNaropa. These six—in- ner heat, illusory body, clear light, The Deer Park Project consciousness transference, forceful projection, and the bardo yoga—rep- resent one of the most popular Ti- for World Peace betan Buddhist presentations of yo- gic technology. These teachings, given by the Indian sage Naropa to Early in 1996 during the Tibetan When Lord Buddha announced the Marpa gradually pervaded thousands Buddhist Losar celebration at Sarnath, date of his Mahaparinirvana, many of of monasteries and hermitages India, over 100 persons attended an his disciples were distraught and throughout Central Asia regardless informal consecration and dedication asked him, "What shall we do? How of sect. Tsongkhapa's discussion of ceremony for the newly completed will those who do not see you receive the Six Yogas is regarded as one of Deer Park Project for World Peace. your teachings?" Buddha told them the finest on the subject to come The temple, Padma Samye Chokhor that his followers should journey to out of Tibet. His treatise has served Ling, is situated directly between the and meditate at the holy places where as the fundamental guide to the sys- place of Buddha Shakyamuni's re- his enlightened activities occurred, tem as practiced in the more than union with his five disciples and where including: three thousand Gelukpa monasteries, he first turned the Wheel of Dharma • Lumbini, the birthplace of the Lord nunneries and hermitages across at Deer Park. Over 2,500 years ago, the Buddha; TSONGKHAPA'S Central Asia over the past five-and-a- Lord Buddha may very well have • Bodhgaya, the place of the Lord half centuries. walked through what is now this Buddha's enlightenment; SIX YOGAS OF Glenn H. Mullin is an internation- temple ground. • The Deer Park at Sarnath, where the ally renowned author and Tibet- The Ven. Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Lord Buddha first turned the Wheel NAROPA ologist who has lectured and con- Rinpoche will inscribe upon a marble of Dharma; ducted workshops at universities and stone in elegant calligraphic style the trans., ed. and intro. by tarn- f «|■ human development institutes following dedication prayer and ac- • Shravasti, where the Lord Buddha Glenn H. Mullin spent each rainy season in retreat throughout the United States, knowledgment: Padmasambhava Buddhist Center 276 pp., #TSSIYO $18.95 for 25 years and where he performed September "With great devotion we pay hom- miraculous activities; Continued on page A age and offer this deed to the Three Jewels: Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, Lord Buddha Shakyamuni came • Rajgir, Vulture's Peak Mountain, to all masters of the wisdom lineage into this world 2,540 years ago. At the where Lord Buddha turned the sec- of the glorious Nyingmapas. May this age of thirty-five, he reached enlight- ond Wheel of Dharma, bringing forth monastery become the source of in- enment. Seven weeks later he turned the Prajnaparamita teachings; THE GOLDEN spiration for study, contemplation and the Wheel of Dharma for the first time • Sankeya, where the Lord Buddha meditation upon the teachings of at the Deer Park in Sarnath, India. descended from Tushita heaven LETTERS COLDEH Buddha Shakyamuni and Guru Thereafter, he taught continuously (after paying respect and gratitude The Tibetan Teachings Padmasambhava." throughout his life in many sacred to his mother); LETTERS places until his Mahaparinirvana. of Garab Dorje, First Continued on page 10 Dzogchen Master trans. & ed. by John Reynolds foreword by Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche 389 pp. #GOLE $18.95 Three Statements That Strike the 1996 USA Visit Essential Path is an ancient Dzogchen revelation that introduces the practi- Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche will be Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche is the under Rabjam Rinpoche's auspices, tioner to the nature of his or her own in America to attend the anniversary grandson and spiritual heir of Dilgo over 170 monks—many of whom are mind. One of the most immediately ceremonies for Khyentse Rinpoche in Khyentse Rinpoche, one of the fore- refugees ranging in age from five to accessible commentaries, and one Boulder, Colorado. He will also teach most Tibetan Buddhist masters of this eighty—study and practice there. very widely known among Tibetan in New York City, Sante Fe, Kansas century. Born in 1966, Rabjam During this teaching tour, Rinpoche Dzogchen practitioners, is that of Prologue City, Washington DC, Los Angeles, Rinpoche began receiving teachings will be giving the transmissions from Patrul Rinpoche, the nineteenth-cen- Homage to my benevolent Root Guru, and San Francisco in September and at the age of three on his revered Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche's own tury Dzogchen master. Both this and he who possesses unequaled compas- October. grandfather's lap and today holds this terma one by H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche are in- sion. Here I shall explain a little of the unbroken lineage. He was raised and In October, Aperture will publish cluded here. One of the main purposes method of practice associated with trained by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche Journey to Enlightenment: The Life of these texts is to provide the practi- the essential points represented by the and traveled throughout the world and World of Khyentse Rinpoche, a tioner with a direct cognition of view, the meditation, and the with him. book of 130 color photos by Matthieu Dzogchen, the Primordial State. conduct. Since his grandfather's passing in Ricard (see catalog section for com- The following is an excerpt from a First, since my own Guru in his es- 1991, Rabjam Rinpoche has taken over plete description). Matthieu Ricard section entitled "The Special Teaching sence fully embodies and unifies the responsibilities of transmitting will be accompanying Rinpoche on his of the Wise and Glorious King". Khyentse Rinpoche's teachings. Continued on page 9 Rinpoche is the seventh in the line Continued on page 19 of the Rabjam succession. The second Rabjam Rinpoche founded Shechen Monastery in Kham, Tibet. Many great Bulk Rate masters trained at Shechen Monastery including Shechen Kongtrul, Shechen U.S. Postage Paid Gyaltsab, Khenpo Gangshar (Trungpa Ithaca, NY 14851 Rinpoche's tutor), and the great sage Permit No. 746 ::,,, Mipham Rinpoche. The monastery was completely destroyed during the Cultural Revolution and is being re- built with the support of Rabjam Rinpoche. Schechen Rabjam Rinpoche In the early 1980s Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche built Shechen Tennyi Dargyeling Monastery a few hundred H.H. the Dalai Lama in yards from the great Stupa of Kentucky and Indiana Baudhanath in Nepal and established pages 17 & 19 Rabjam Rinpoche as its abbot. Today, Living and Practicing in Daily Life: A Teaching by Lama Lodu Rinpoche The following teaching was given in you get the true understanding within. Remember, "If I am happy, this hap- response to a two-part question pre- The Bodhisattva attitude is very piness which I experience so pleas- sented during Lama Lodu Rinpoche's important; without it, you cannot prac- antly, I wish for all living beings with- visit to Taos, New Mexico, earlier this tice Vajrayana and Mahayana Bud- out exception. May everyone experi- year. dhism. When your mind is motivated ence this happiness just as I have." In one hundred percent by this pure atti- this way happiness becomes purifica- tude, then your body, speech and mind tion, true practice and accumulated Question: How does one live in the naturally turn toward the positive. merit. Secondly, "If I suffer physical world and do spiritual practice skill- From the Mahayana and Vajrayana or mental pain, may I take on with my fully when one has no spiritual perspective, even if you are not able suffering the suffering of all sentient teacher, and how does one who al- to sit on your cushion in front of your beings, without exception." So our ready has a path live and work in a altar because of children, because of suffering also becomes useful as pu- world where others don't share it? a job, because you have all kinds of Answer: Those who have no spiritual distractions in the world, you can still guide and are motivated by a strong practice. You must get true advice Expressing loving-kindness aspiration can practice on their own from your teacher and have confi- and compassion can be until a good spiritual guide is found. dence in him or her and also in the done anywhere. There is Those who have the intention to do teachings. Then your activity in the always an opportunity for good things will, sooner or later, meet world will offer the same opportunity applying kindness and a qualified teacher. for enlightenment as that gained on With the motivation to do benefi- your cushion. compassion to others and for using your body, cial things and to follow the spiritual Question: Would you please explain path, body, speech, and mind can be how tliis done? speech and mind in right used to generate right attitude and action. right actions through kindness and Answer: For guidance in such situa- compassion. One should also be mo- tions, we can turn to one of the great tivated to develop the constant wish Tibetan masters, Machig Labdron, the rification and gives us a deeper sense that all beings experience happiness founder of the Chod practice. She was of the bodhisattva conduct. This ap- and freedom from suffering. As a re- an extremely accomplished yogi and proach is highly useful for those who sult, one's body, speech and mind will teacher. Although most Buddhist have no time to formally practice in a become engaged in expressing com- teachings travelled only from India to world full of responsibilities and dis- passion.
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