January 4, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H57 PROCEEDINGS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AFTER SINE DIE ADJOURNMENT OF THE 109TH CONGRESS 2D SESSION AND FOLLOWING PUBLI- CATION OF THE FINAL EDITION OF THE CON- GRESSIONAL RECORD OF THE 109TH CONGRESS 2D SESSION COMMUNICATION FROM THE HON. of Representatives, that I have been served H.R. 6338. To amend title 18, United States CURT WELDON, MEMBER OF CON- with a grand jury subpoena for testimony Code, to prevent and repress the misuse of GRESS, AFTER SINE DIE AD- issued by the U.S. District Court for the the Red Crescent distinctive emblem and the Southern District of California. Third Protocol (Red Crystal) distinctive em- JOURNMENT After consulting with the Office of General blem. DECEMBER 14, 2006. Counsel, I have determined that compliance H.R. 6345. To make a conforming amend- Hon. J. DENNIS HASTERT, with the subpoena is consistent with the ment to the Federal Deposit Insurance Act Speaker, House of Representatives, Washington, privileges and rights of the House. with respect to examinations of certain in- DC. Sincerely, sured depository institutions, and for other DEAR MR. SPEAKER: This is to formally no- REBECCA KUHN. purposes. tify you, pursuant to Rule VIII of the Rules f of the House of Representatives, that a grand BILLS PRESENTED TO THE PRESI- f jury subpoena for documents, issued by the DENT AFTER SINE DIE AD- U.S. District Court for the District of Colum- bia and addressed to ‘‘Custodian of Records, JOURNMENT HOUSE BILLS AND JOINT RESOLU- Office of Congressman Wayne Curtis Karen L. Haas, Clerk of the House re- TIONS APPROVED BY THE PRESI- Weldon,’’ has been delivered to my congres- ports that on January 3, 2007, she pre- DENT AFTER SINE DIE AD- sional office. Because the ‘‘Office of Con- sented to the President of the United JOURNMENT gressman Wayne Curtis Weldon’’ is not a States, for his approval, the following The President, after sine die adjourn- legal entity, I have treated the subpoena as bills. directed to me and have designated a mem- ment of the second session, 109th Con- ber of my staff as my Custodian of Records H.R. 482. To provide for a land exchange in- gress, notified the Clerk of the House for purposes of gathering documents that are volving Federal lands in the Lincoln Na- that on the following dates, he had ap- potentially responsive to the subpoena. tional Forest in the State of New Mexico, proved and signed bills and joint reso- and for other purposes. After I consult with counsel, I will make lutions of the following titles: the determinations required by Rule VIII of H.R. 486. To provide for a land exchange in- the Rules of the House. volving private land and Bureau of Land Management land in the vicinity of f Respectfully, Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, for CURT WELDON. the purpose of removing private land from f HOUSE BILLS AND JOINT RESOLU- the required safety zone surrounding muni- TIONS SIGNED BY THE PRESI- tions storage bunkers at Holloman Air Force COMMUNICATION FROM THE DENT SUBSEQUENT TO SINE DIE CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMITTEE Base. ON WAYS AND MEANS AFTER H.R. 1245. To provide for programs to in- December 21, 2006: crease the awareness and knowledge of SINE DIE ADJOURNMENT women and health care providers with re- H.R. 1492. An act to provide for the preser- vation of the historic confinement sites COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS, spect to gynecologic cancers. where Japanese Americans were detained HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, H.R. 4588. To reauthorize grants for and re- during World War II, and for other purposes. Washington, DC, January 2, 2007. quire applied water supply research regard- ing the water resources research and tech- H.R. 3248. An act to amend the Public Hon. J. DENNIS HASTERT, nology institutes established under the Health Service Act to establish a program to Speaker of the House, U.S. Capitol, Wash- Water Resources Research Act of 1984. assist family caregivers in accessing afford- ington, DC. H.R. 4709. To amend title 18, United States able and high-quality respite care, and for DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to Section Code, to strengthen protections for law en- 11142(c)(1)(B) of the Safe, Accountable, Flexi- other purposes. forcement officers and the public by pro- ble, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A H.R 5076. An act to amend title 49, United viding criminal penalties for the fraudulent Legacy for Users (Public Law 109–59), I ap- States Code, to authorize appropriations for acquisition or unauthorized disclosure of point the following people to serve on the fiscal years 2007 and 2008, and for other pur- phone records. National Surface Transportation Infrastruc- poses. H.R. 4997. To extend for 2 years the author- H.R. 6342. An act to amend title 38, United ture Financing Commission: ity to grant waivers of the foreign country 1. Zack Scrivner, Councilman, City of Ba- States Code, to extend certain expiring pro- residence requirement with respect to cer- visions of law administered by the Secretary kersfield, Contact information: 1501 Truxtun tain international medical graduates. Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301, (661) 304–4065. H.R. 5483. To increase the disability earn- of Veterans Affairs, to expand eligibility for 2. Dr. Adrian Moore, Vice President of Re- ing limitation under the Railroad Retire- the Survivors’ and Dependants’ Educational search, Reason Foundation, Contact infor- ment Act and to index the amount of allow- Assistance program, and for other purposes. mation: 3415 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 400, able earnings consistent with increases in H.R 6429. An act to treat payments by Los Angeles, CA 90034 (310) 391–2245. the substantial gainful activity dollar charitable organizations with respect to cer- Best regards, amount under the Social Security Act. tain firefighters as exempt payments. BILL THOMAS, H.R. 5946. To amend the Magnuson-Stevens December 22, 2006: Chairman. Fishery Conservation and Management Act f to authorize activities to promote improved H.J. Res. 101. Joint Resolution appointing the day for the convening of the first session COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF monitoring and compliance for high seas fisheries, or fisheries governed by inter- of the One Hundred Tenth Congress. MEMBER OF THE HON. CHRIS national fishery management agreements, December 29, 2006: CHOCOLA, MEMBER OF CON- and for other purposes. GRESS, AFTER SINE DIE AD- H.R. 5948. To reauthorize the Belarus De- H.R. 5782. An act to amend title 49, United JOURNMENT mocracy Act of 2004. States Code, to provide for enhanced safety H.R. 6060. To authorize certain activities and environmental protection in pipeline DECEMBER 20, 2006. by the Department of State, and for other transportation, to provide for enhanced reli- Hon. J. DENNIS HASTERT, purposes. ability in the transportation of the Nation’s Speaker, House of Representatives, Washington, H.R. 6164. To amend title IV of the Public energy products by pipeline, and for other DC. Health Service Act to revise and extend the purposes. DEAR MR. SPEAKER: This is to formally no- authorities of the National Institutes of H.R. 6344. An act to reauthorize the Office tify you, pursuant to Rule VIII of the House Health, and for other purposes. of National Drug Control Policy Act. VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:37 Apr 19, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD07\H04JA7.REC H04JA7 hmoore on PRODPC68 with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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