University of Kentucky UKnowledge XXI International Grassland Congress / VIII International Grassland Congress Proceedings International Rangeland Congress Studies on Geographic Distribution of Wild Poa pratensis Population and Its Community Type in Yangtze, Yellow and Lancang River Source Region Shihai Yang Qinghai Academy of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, China Y. S. Ma Qinghai Academy of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, China Q. M. Dong Qinghai Academy of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, China J. J. Shi Qinghai Academy of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, China Y. L. Wang Qinghai Academy of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, China See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: https://uknowledge.uky.edu/igc Part of the Plant Sciences Commons, and the Soil Science Commons This document is available at https://uknowledge.uky.edu/igc/21/1-6/6 The XXI International Grassland Congress / VIII International Rangeland Congress took place in Hohhot, China from June 29 through July 5, 2008. Proceedings edited by Organizing Committee of 2008 IGC/IRC Conference Published by Guangdong People's Publishing House This Event is brought to you for free and open access by the Plant and Soil Sciences at UKnowledge. It has been accepted for inclusion in International Grassland Congress Proceedings by an authorized administrator of UKnowledge. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Presenter Information Shihai Yang, Y. S. Ma, Q. M. Dong, J. J. Shi, Y. L. Wang, L. Sheng, and X. D. Sun This event is available at UKnowledge: https://uknowledge.uky.edu/igc/21/1-6/6 Multifunctional Grasslands in a Changing World Volume Ⅰ 瞯 2 55 瞯 ] Studies on geographic distribution of wild Poa pratensis population and its community type in Yangtze ,Yellow and Lancang river source region S .H .Y ang ,Y .S .M a ,Q .M .Dong ,J .J .Shi ,Y .L .W ang ,L Sheng and X .D .Sun Qinghai A cademy o f A nimal and Veterinary Sciences ,No .1 Wei摧er Road ,Biological Industry Garden District ,X ining , Qinghai ,China ,Postcode 810016 ,E‐mail :Shihai _ Y ang@ yahoo .com .cn Keywords : Poa p ratensis ,geographic distribution ,community type ,Yangtze ,Yellow and Lancang river source region Introduction Poa p ratensis P .p ratensis belonged to herbage plPan.tp,rwahnitcehnsoisriginated from Europe and northern Asia . distributed widely temperature zone of northern hemisphere . 2003 whose rhiPzo.mpersataenresisvery strong is a kind of rhizome plant ,the ability to usurp on others space is much better ( Ma , ) .Nowadays , plant was used to pioneer plant seed to grazing lands ,being artificial rangeland and rebuild deteriorated grassland .But the study report on geographic distribution and plant community in Yangtze ,Yellow and Lancang river( short for YYLR) source region is much less .The objective of this study was to provide scientific reference value for further study . Materials and methods 31°39′ ~ 36°16′ 89°24′ ~ 102°23′ Our study site was in YYLR source region( N , E) of the east and southeast of Qinghai province . The administrative area include Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture ,Guoluo Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture ,Zeku County and Henan County of Huangnan Tibetan Automonous1P6refecture ,To1ngde County and Xinghai County of Hainan Tib3e6ta6n40A0uto2nomous Prefecture and Tanggula Township which are county and township ,and total land area in this region is k‐m .The climate in this region is dominated b‐y4S℃ou~th3ea℃st monsoon and high pressure o2f6S0ib~er7ia70and soil is alpine meadow coarse loam . The mean annual air temperature is ,and annual precipitPati.opnraitsensis mm . We choosed primarily six principal samples and six associated samples of typical distribution of wild 50p×op5u0lati2on with three replications in every sample50.T×h5e0hei2ght ,coverage ,density and underground biomass were measured by 50 × 5c0m 2square frame in principal sample within m area ,and height and coverage measured in associated sample within cm area . Meanwhile ,the altitude ,longitude and altidude were recorded with Global Positioning System ,and slope direction and degree were measured by compass instrument . Results P .p ratensis 96°30′24 96″ 100°57′31 2″ 33°07′29 34″ 34° 46′12 9″The wild d4°is2t4r′ib6ut2e4d″from 1.°38′E43to56″ . E of longitude ,between . N33a6n5d ~ 4500 . N whose span were . of longitude , . of latitu+de ,respectively .The range of al+titude is m m .There are tw+elve plant community types that w+ ere P .pratensis Geraniu+m spp . , P .pratensis E+lymus nutans , Potentilla , an+serina P .pratensis ,Lig+ularia , virgaurea P .pratensis+, P .anserina Aconitum ,+ tanguticum ‐P .pratensis , Deyeuxia+spp P .pratensis , E .nutan+s P .pratensis , Carex moocroftii P+.pratensis , P .pratensis Capsella1bursa pastoris , P . anserina P L.p .rvaitregnusrisea , 3P4畅.p6r3ate2n4s畅is25 2P6o畅ly1g2on1u3m畅4,6si8b畅i9ri7cum18畅,P27.fr6u畅t0ic8os1a1畅4S0cir4p7u畅s40, d3i畅st7ig4m2a9t畅ic5u6s (3T畅a6b9le ) . The important value of is , , , , , , , , , , , respectively in every community . Table1 G rassland ty pe o f each site . site grassland type P .p ratensis + Geranium sp p . Jimai Tow nship ,Dari County P .p ratensis + Elymus nutans ,Potentilla Jianshe T ow nship ,Dari County Potentilla anserina + P .p ratensis M anzhang T ow nship ,Dari County L igularia v ir gaurea + P .p ratensis M ulong Gama ,Kequ Tow nship ,Gande County P .anserina + A conitum tanguticum + P .p ratensis M ulong Wanma ,Kequ Tow nship ,Gande County Deyeux ia sp p . + P .p ratensis Longge mountain ,Suohu Rima T ow nship ,Jiuzhi County 摧 E .nutans + P .p ratensis Zhang e vally ,Suohu Rima Tow nship ,Jizhi County Carex moocro f tii + P .p ratensis Daw u T ow nship ,M aqin County P .p ratensis + Capsellabursa - p astori Hebei T ow nship ,T ongde County P .anserina + L .v irgurea sJielong T ow nship ,Yushu County P .p ratensis + Poly gonum sibiricum Jielong Tow nship ,Yushu County P .f ruticosa + Scir p us distigmaticus Jielong Tow nship ,Yushu County Conclusions P .p ratensis Based on preliminary investigation on the field ,the wild is a kind of wide ecPol.opgricaatelnsspiesctrum species . It could be suitable for growing in the shrub meadow ,river bank ,mountain slope and under forest . population were basically dominatedPsp.pecriaetsenasnisd secondary species in each plant community .So we can rehabilit‐ate degraded alpine meadow by scattering seeds of in order to change community succession stage that reached sub extreme community or extreme community . Reference 2003 Poa Ma p,Yrat.Sen.s,iLsi C,Yhi.nFes.e,LQain,Dgh.aZi .J,Loui r,Qna.lYo.f ,WA nanimg a,Ll a.Ynd. V,Sehtier,Jin.Jar.y&DScoinegnc,eQs .3M6‐.(7 ) .Study on cultivation and tame of . , , . Grasslands/Rangelands Resources and Ecology ——— Ecology of Grasslands/Rangelands.
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