1936 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 3097 · 10354. By Mr. LORD: Petition of 75 residents of the city of Dickinson Hayden Murray Steiwer Dieterich Johnson Neely Thomas, Okla. Oneonta, N.Y., favoring the Townsend pension plan; to the Donahey Keyes Norbeck Thomas, Utah Committee· on Ways and Means. Duffy King Norris Townsend 10355. By Mr. McCORMACK: Resolution of Sergeant Fletcher Logan O'Mahoney Trammell Frazier Lonergan Overton Truman Jasper Post, No. 13, American Legion, Washington, D. C., George McAdoo Pittman Tydings Frank McCarthy, commander, 2308 Tunlaw Road NW., Gerry McGill Pope Vandenberg Gibson McKellar Radcliffe VanNuys Washington, D. C., unanimously approving Senate bill 2253 Gore McNary Reynolds Wagner and House bill 6427; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Guffey Maloney Robinson Walsh 10356. By Mr. MERRITT of New York: Petition signed by Hale Metcal! Russell Wheeler Harrison Minton Schwellenbach White 11 citizens of New York, urging that Congress restore to the Hastings Moore Sheppard District of Columbia its prohibition law by passing at the Hatch Murphy Smith earliest possible moment House bill 8739, introduced by Rep­ Mr. ROBINSON. I announce that the Senator from Ala­ resentative GUYER, of Kansas, during the first session of the bama [Mr. BANKHEAD] is absent because of illness, and that present Congress, since there is abundant proof at hand that the Senator from New Hampshire [Mr. BROWN], the Senator the return of the legalized sale of alcoholic beverages is not from West Virginia [Mr. HoLT], the Senator from Louisiana conducive to maintaining the high ideal of a model govern­ [Mrs. LoNG], and the Senator from Nevada [Mr. McCARRAN] ment presenting the highest American ideals, and that it is are unavoidably ·detained from the Senate. a real menace to the thousands of young sons and daughters Mr. DIETERICH. I announce that my colleague the residing in Washington in order to serve their Government; senior Senator from illinois [Mr. LEwis] is unavoidably to the Committee on the District of Columbia. absent. 10357. Also, resolution of the National Guard Association Mr. BYRD. I announce that my colleague the senior Sen­ of the State of New York, that the members of the National ator from Virginia [Mr. GLAss] is absent because of illness Guard Association of the State of New York, in convention in his family. assembled, most solemnly recommend that the Congress of Mr. AUSTIN. I announce that the Senator from Minne­ the United States be requested to enact legislation authoriz­ sota [Mr. SHIPSTEAD J is necessarily absent from the Senate. ing an allowance of $35 per month for quarters to each en­ The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-six Senators have an­ listed man of the United States Army detailed to duty with swered to their names. A quorum is present. the National Guard as sergeant-instructor while on such SOIL CONSERVATION AND THE SOUTHERN GREAT PLAINS WIND­ duty; that such payments and also any payments heretofore EROSION AREA made for rental of quarters for such noncommissioned of­ ficers shall be considered as an allowance to the individual; Mr. COSTIGAN. Mr. President, on February 27, during to the Committee on Military Affairs. the discussion of the conference report approved that day 10358. Also, petition signed by 26 members of the League by the Senate on the so-called farm relief bill (S. 3780), of Women Voters of New Rochelle, N.Y., urging support of otherwise known as the Soil Conservation and Domestic the pure food, drug, and cosmetic bill (S. 5) now under Allotment Act, the attention of the Senator from South consideration by the House of Representatives, and that Carolina [Mr. SMITH], who was in charge of the bill, was endeavor be made to restore it to the form in which it was drawn by the Senator from New Mexico [Mr. HATCH] to originally introduced in the Senate, in order that the health section 4 of the bill, carrying a $2,000,000 appropriation for and welfare of the citizens of the United States may be "allocation and payment to the States in the southern Great safeguarded; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Plains area." During subsequent discussion, as shown by Commerce. the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Of February 27, no definite bound­ 10359. Also, resolution of the Lehigh Valley Railroad aries to that area were clearly specified. Veterans Association, endorsing and urging the passage of The Senator from New Mexico and others, including my­ the Wheeler bill (S. 1632), providing for regulation by the self, representing in part, as we respectively do, substantial Interstate Commerce Commission of carriers by water for sections of the southern Great Plains area, were closely hire in interstate commerce; to the Committee on Interstate associated with the Senator from Arizona [Mr. HAYDEN] and Foreign Commerce. in the legislative stages in the Senate of the Soil Erosion 10360. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the Washington Cen­ Act of 1935. We are, therefore, specially desirous that the tral Labor Union; to the Committee on the Judiciary. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD shOW more particularly the bound­ 10361. Also, petition of the National Association of Letter aries of that area in any discussion of it or in any statutory Carriers, Branch No. 4, Nashville, Tenn.; to the Committee reference to it in connection with the appropriation. on the Post Office and Post Roads. While. the debate on the conference report was in progress in the Senate on February 27, I informally requested the Soil Erosion Service to provide a more definite description SENATE of the region in which the expenditures provided for in TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 1936 section 4 are to be used. The information arrived too late to be included in the discussion before the Senate approved <Legislative day of Monday, Feb. 24, 1936) the conference report. It has since been received. The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian on the expiration Dr. H. H. Bennett, Chief of the Soil Erosion Service, has of the recess. in his office various maps showing the boundaries of the THE JOURNAL various regional divisions of the Soil Erosion Service of the On request of Mr. RoBINSON, and by unanimous consent, United States. The southern Great Plains wind-erosion area the reading of the Journal of the proceedings of the cal­ is customarily referred to on the maps of that service as endar day Monday, March 2, 1936, was dispensed with, and "division 6", and embraces well outlined parts of Colorado, the Journal was approved. Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico. There is, therefore, no ambiguity in the Soil Erosion Service in the CALL OF THE ROLL statutory reference to the region in which the appropriated Mr. ROBINSON. I suggest the absence of a quorum. funds are to be expended. The Chief of the Soil Erosion The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. Service in a letter, under date of February 28, 1936, specifies The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following the portions of the States to which I have just referred that Senators answered to their names: are embraced within the southern Great Plains region. Adams Benson Burke Clark I ask unanimous consent that this letter of Dr. Bennett, Ashurst Bilbo Byrd Connally Austin Black Byrnes Coolidge Chief of the Soil Conservation Service, may be incorporated Bachman Bone Capper Copeland in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD as a part of my remarks. Bailey Borah Caraway Costigan ;Barbour Bulkley Carey Couzens The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objection, the letter Barkley Bulow Chavez Davis will be printed in the REcoRD. 3098 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MARCl\ 4 The letter is as follows: farming without interruption !n poor erop years. Long-time ad· justments, as I said last October, can be adapted to natural soil UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, advantages of regions and localities. SoiL CONSERVATION SERVICE, Sound farming is of direct interest not only to farmers but to · February 28, 1936. consumers. To the extent that the new plan succeeds in its aim Hon. EDWARD P. COSTIGAN, of preserving and improving farm lands, consumers will share United States Senate. substantially. in the benefits. · DEAR SENATOR COSTIGAN: The southern Great Plains region, as In years of surplus consumers may lightly take for granted the the term has been used in connection with the Wind-erosion prob- continuance of adequate supplies of food and fiber; but the recur­ lem, comprises: · ring dust storms and rivers yellow with silt are a warning that 1. Eight counties in southwestern Kansas, as follows: Stanton. nature's resources will not indefinitely withstand exploitation or Grant, Haskell, Morton, Stevens, Seward, Gray, and Meade. negligence. The only permanent protection which can be given 2. Four counties in southeastern Colorado, namely, Prowers, consumers must come from conservation practiced by farmers. Baca, Bent, and Las Animas (the eastern two-thirds of the For a long time I have felt that there was need for concerted county). action to promote good land use. Years ago, as Governor of the 3. The strip of eastern New Mexico covering the smooth plains State of New York, I took such steps as I could in that direction, country and comprising six counties--Union, Harding, Quay, and I described them in detail in a speech at French Lick, Ind., Curry, Roosevelt, and Lea; and parts of Chaves, San Miguel, Mora, June 2, 1931, on the subject Acres Fit and Unfit. De Baca, Colfax. 4. The three panhandle counties of western Oklahoma--cimar­ QUOTATIONS FROM 1931 SPEECH ron, Texas, and Beaver. I said that, having reached a determination as to the best use 5. Forty-three counties in northwestern Texas, as follows: Dal­ of land, "we arrived at once at the larger problem of getting men. lam, Sherman. Hansford, Ochiltree, Lipscomb, Hartley, Moore, women, and children-in other words, population-to go along Hutchinson, Roberts, Hemphill, Oldham, Potter, carson, Gray, with a program and carry it out." I said that "government itself Wheeler, Deaf Smith, Randall, Armstrong, Donley, Collingsworth, must take steps, with approval of the governed, to see that plans Parmer, Castro, Swisher, Briscoe, Hall, Childress, Bailey, Lamb, become realities." .
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