Meeting of the Trust Board Friday 23rd May 2014 Dear Members There will be a public meeting of the Trust Board on Friday 23rd May 2014 at 3:00pm in York House Conference Room, Great Ormond Street, London, WC1N 3JH. Company Secretary Direct Line: 020 7813 8230 Fax: 020 7813 8218 AGENDA Agenda Item Presented by Author STANDARD ITEMS 1. Apologies for absence Chairman Verbal Declarations of Interest All members are reminded that if they have any pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, in any contract, proposed or other matter which is the subject of consideration at this meeting, they must disclose that fact and not take part in the consideration or discussion of the contract, proposed contract or other matter, nor vote on any questions with respect to it. 2. Minutes of Meeting held on 27th March 2014 Chairman J 3. Matters Arising/ Action Checklist Chairman K 4. Interim Chief Executive Report Chief Executive Verbal ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 5. NHS Foundation Trust Final Accounts and Annual Audit Committee L Report 2013-14 including Chair/ Chief Finance Officer/ Company Annual Governance Statement Secretary Code of Governance Head of Internal Audit Opinion 6. Quality Report 2013-14 Co-Medical Director M 7. Annual Report of Audit Committee 2013-14 Chief Finance N Officer STRATEGIC ISSUES 8. Extended Working Update Director of Planning O and Information 9. Outpatient Improvement Project Director of Planning Presentation and Information & Campbell McKerracher, COO Meridian Productivity 10. Update on Referrer work Co-Medical Director Q (CC) 11. Productivity and Efficiency – the new programme Chief Operating Presentation Officer PERFORMANCE 12. Performance Report Chief Executive S Quality and Safety Co-Medical Director Targets and Indicators Chief Operating Officer Director of Human Workforce Resources &OD Chief Finance Finance Officer Patient Experience Chief Nurse 13. Safe Nurse Staffing Report Chief Nurse T 14. IPSOS Mori inpatient survey Chief Nurse U 15. Safeguarding Annual Report 2013-14 Chief Nurse V 16. Education Annual Report 2013-2014 Director of Human W Resources &OD GOVERNANCE 17. Compliance with the NHS provider licence Company Secretary X 18. Schedule of Matters reserved for the Board and Company Secretary 7 – to follow Members’ Council and Responsibilities of the Chairman and Chief Executive 19. Annual Risk Report 2013-14 Co-Medical Director Y 20. Update on CQC registration Company Secretary Z 21. Register of Seals Company Secretary 1 REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES 22. Audit Committee update – April 2014 meeting Chair of the Audit 2 Committee 23. Clinical Governance Committee update – April Chair of the Clinical 3 2014 meeting Governance Committee 24. Board of Directors Remuneration Committee Chair of the BoD 4 update – March 2014 Remuneration Committee & Chair Board of Directors Nominations Committee of the BoD update – March 2014 Nominations Committee 25. Finance and Investment Committee Update – April Chair of the Finance 5 2014 and Investment Committee 26. Members’ Council Update – April 2014 Chairman of the 6 Members’ Council Any Other Business (Please note that matters to be raised under any other business should be notified to the Company Secretary before the start of the Board meeting.) Next meeting The next Trust Board meeting will be held on Wednesday 24th July 2014 in York House, Great Ormond Street, London, WC1N 3JH. ATTACHMENT J Attachment J DRAFT Minutes of the meeting of Trust Board on 27th March 2014 Present Baroness Tessa Blackstone Chairman Mr Julian Nettel Interim Chief Executive Ms Mary MacLeod Non-Executive Director Ms Yvonne Brown* Non-Executive Director Mr John Ripley Non-Executive Director Mr David Lomas Non-Executive Director Mr Charles Tilley Non-Executive Director Mr Robert Burns Director of Planning and Information Professor Martin Elliott Co-Medical Director Mrs Liz Morgan Chief Nurse and Families’ Champion Mrs Claire Newton Chief Finance Officer Mr Ali Mohammed Director of Human Resources and OD In attendance Mr Robert Burns Director of Planning and Information Mr Matthew Tulley Director of Redevelopment Dr Anna Ferrant Company Secretary Ms Victoria Goddard Trust Board Administrator (minutes) Dr John Harley* Director of Infection, Prevention and Control (DIPC) 6 members of the public *Denotes a person who was present for part of the meeting 158. Apologies for absence 158.1 Apologies were received from Dr Catherine Cale, Interim Co-Medical Director and Professor Ros Smyth, Non-Executive Director. 159. Declarations of interest 159.1 No declarations of interest were received. 160. Minutes from the meeting on 20th January 2014 160.1 The minutes from the previous meeting were approved. 161. Matters arising/action checklist 161.1 The actions which had been taken were noted. 162. Interim Chief Executive Report 162.1 Mr Julian Nettel, Interim Chief Executive provided an update on the following items: Trust Board strategy day which took place on 26th February. ‘Our Commitment’ consultation which started in January and has seen over 1000 questionnaires returned from patients and families. 27th March 2014 Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust –Trust Board DRAFT 1 minutes Attachment J Launch of the ICH strategy in March ‘Duties of candour’ announced by the Secretary of State following the Francis Report, Professor Martin Elliott, Co-Medical Director taking the lead on how this will be embedded at GOSH. Media attention about potential newborn organ donation Visit to GOSH by Archbishop Desmond Tutu who visited Koala and Bear Wards. Offsted inspection which rated the Hospital School outstanding. 162.2 The Board noted the update. 163. Quality Strategy 163.1 Professor Martin Elliott, Co-Medical Director reported that the updated strategy had amended standard 4 and added a standard 11 around the need to improve standardisation in processes. He said that the format was likely to change later in the year but the content would remain the same. 163.2 Mr Nettel stressed that it was vital to translate the document into a format that all staff could implement in their roles and which would become embedded across the organisation. 163.3 Mrs Mary MacLeod, Non-Executive Director suggested that in order to improve the flow through ICU, training was required across the specialties around giving children with a long stay in intensive care overly burdensome treatment where the likelihood of success is very small. She stressed that a Board level discussion needed to take place. Mrs MacLeod added that Clinical Ethics consults had proved valuable, particularly in cases where there was disagreement between clinicians on a way forward. 163.4 Mr John Ripley, Non-Executive Director asked how the people strategy would support the implementation of the quality strategy. 163.5 Professor Elliott confirmed that recruitment would be based on the quality strategy and added that processes and procedures would be developed in each area for each standard. 163.6 The Board approved the Quality strategy and stressed that it must be implemented through a robust communications strategy. 164. Trust 2 year operational plan 164.1 Mr Robert Burns, Director of Planning and Information reported that the operational plan would be amended following feedback from the Finance and Investment Committee meeting. He added that the financial plan had also been considered by the committee. 164.2 Mr David Lomas, Non-Executive Director and Chair of the Finance and Investment Committee said that the committee had expressed some concern that costs were projected to grow faster than revenue and it had been agreed that the Executive Team would consider where there could be moderation of costs to a more sustainable level. He confirmed that the plan had been endorsed subject to this amendment. 27th March 2014 Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust –Trust Board DRAFT 2 minutes Attachment J 164.3 Action: It was agreed that the reference to being the top ranked children’s hospital in Europe would be removed and GOSH would continue to benchmark itself against North American institutions. 164.4 The Board commended the comprehensive plan and thanked Alex Faulkes, former Head of Planning and Performance for his work. 164.5 The Board approved the plan subject to the above amendments. 165. Information Management and Technology – direction of travel 165.1 Ms Rachel Williams, Chief Operating Officer reported that it was vital to ensure that changes were clinically led and that learning was gathered from other Trusts. 165.2 The Board stressed the importance of strong change management skills in an IMT programme director and of recognising the project as one of technology underpinning transformation. 165.3 The Board approved the direction of travel and supported rapid progress. 166. Performance Report 166.1 Quality and Safety 166.2 Professor Martin Elliott reported that there had been no significant change in the mortality rate or CVL infections which remained constant. He added that he was pleased to see the reduction in the number of arrests outside ICU which was as a result of the success of the deteriorating child programme. 166.3 Professor Elliott highlighted the significant improvement shown by Rheumatology in the timely completion of discharge summaries. 166.4 Patient Experience 166.5 Mrs Liz Morgan, Chief Nurse and Families’ Champion confirmed that the Trust was, from 1st April 2014, part of the Friends and Family test for inpatients. 166.6 Action: It was agreed that the draft results of the IPSOS Mori inpatient survey would be reported to the Trust Board in May. Mrs Morgan added that an additional, national, children’s inpatient survey would take place later in the year which would enable benchmarking. Ms Yvonne Brown left the meeting. 166.7 Targets and Indicators 166.8 Ms Rachel Williams, Chief Operating Officer reported that work was on-going around access to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). 166.9 Baroness Blackstone, Chairman queried the reason for the continued poor performance in the timeliness of discharge summaries.
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