4 - $ 7 THE- - SUN, MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 19l8j or Austro-Hungnrja- n duplicities and FRANCE PROTESTS VPAPERSSATBOCHE falsehoods. On the acceptance of that WILL FINANCE Where the Germans Are, Retreating to the North, Freeing Rheims. truth In ;ller)ln and Vienna the course US. and the duration of tho war must de- pend." y GERMAN SEIZURES MUST bUKRENDEKI RAILROADS IN NEED Only Unconditional fiarrrniler. Tho lltralil i "The ,rm! Is not In sight, but It I Appeals to SlMin OvcV Strip- "Times" nnd "Tribune' AVnnt brotightappreclsbly nearer by events of McAdoo Announces Loans Will tho last Yortnlcht. The Hun Is not vet ping V,Homes of Citi- Fight to Finish Made J broken, but he Is cracking all along the Be Wade. to Combat High J inc. unre the Hun cracks It is a Ques zens in Alsace. - Tlain to Geririany. tion of but a short time before ho breaks. Interest Charges. --Ml that Is needed to speed tho, day of uis cwnpicie disillusionment anu jus breaking Is for Foch to keep up his RELMUSALS AltE AFPBOVD NO BARGAIN, 'WORLD' IDEA hammering. AID ONLY AS LAST RESORT "Thero will be no armistice. There will be no neKotlatlonn until Germany Great Britain Alse , Indorsps oTt Hammering prefaces It plea with unconditional' sur- - to Ad- Let Foch Keep rjundor. We hayc Just begun to fight 1" Secretary. Explains Flan Manifesto Tliat Satisfac- Until the Cracking Foo Is vance i'nnds Is to Stabilize tion Wilt Bo Exacted. Broken, "Herald" View. BOCHES PREPARE TO Money Rates. QUIT BELGIAN COAST Special Call Despatch to Tat Sex. newspapers comment this Sp Despatch Sox. New York tciil to Tits Vslf, esen-ed- Copyright, all rlgliti on Germany's Would End London's Danger Oct, C. As further FrancW-'declslo- morning as folldtrs latest Wariukotok, a O'ct. S. n fusts, In peace .manoeuvre : and Expose Rhine to Raids. effort toward stabilizing money rates In for nu- Railroad Adminis to punish the Germans their The Times: - the United States the merous crimes Is seen the culmination of Special Cable Despatch to Tnc Sex. tration will advance funds to railroads "It Is now nearly four years since the mort- many campaigning on the Copyright, UtS; rights reserved. under Government control to meet months of TJiMer'put certain questions ,to the alt gage bond Issues maturing before July part of the newspapers for adequate German people: 'Will the Germans PAftrs, Oct. 6. According to reports 1, 1919, In every case where tho rail- blindly Insist on having their Waterloo, rrtichtng Paris this morning there Is roads cannot obtan necessnry funds Henela, A their Sedan their tit. too? In- without paying unreasonable Interest In the early days of burning and million Germans liaVo sacrificed, a eery Indication that the Germans cry up to the len tend shortly to Belgian rates and 1comm,lsslons'. villages a went million Jerman homes are desolate, abandon the This announcement follows the default Government to take) stepa to prevent Must other millions file and yet other coast, notably Zecbrugge and rfstend. on Chicago and Western Indiana notes repetitions by' threatening retaliation. millions mourn before the people of Most of the heavy guns protecting the' nnd dlfficultyln renewing notes of ths In court reason Germany take the of to- - Baltimore and Ohio Railroad without No action was taken, and then followed and liberty their appeal from the const have already been removed, long human i. , paying high Interest 'tnd commission the ruthless air' raids and the Imperial and mllltaiy canto that rushes Annul ...i.i.n i.i. Biu.ca ui iiiuiii.iuils....i.i y range bombardment of Pari by the Ger- While In possess'.on of tho Belglaryi fees. supergun. enemy's recent them to their ruin." Since that day Government funds will he lent to rail- man In 'the .many died, Ger- roast tho Germans were In easy reach ictreats he has demonstrated 'unmistak- more millions have and roads at 6 per cent. These loans will many Is nngulah. In time of London with' their Gothas, the dis- ex- ably his decision to .leave nothing but a' land of It be made only after the roads havo to ask again If that pooplo will not tance bolng only about a hundred" miles every to do their own ruins behind him. , oscli wayi , From Antwerp, hausted effort break Us chains and be free to Join the whlcli'ls financing. Director-Gener- al The Government's recent note was llliery to their next stand, tho dis- In this connection oW-cl- peoples In pacV of be : universally approved.' Besides the al of other nations tho McAdoo cald peace and civilization. tance from London will be doubled, and cooperation note warning the' Berlin Govern- In will strong "While the which the Gov pun- In no other way can they qualify addition the Allies have has received and Is receiving ment that further .crimes will be ft ernment for that creat fellowship. Tho door battfrles of guns between bankers, capitalists and inves- ished the Government Issued another Antwerp and tho coast, maklhg further from tho last night, stating It had been learned will never be .opened by false hearted tors of the country generally In the huge "proposals for negotiation such an the aids on the British capital virtually out of financing war provid- il'at the. Qerrnan Government had of question. task the andeof Chancellor now makes, belled In this the ing vast credits Imperatively de- ordered tho sale of all valuables .found an of si:: eight region north- high On the other If the Germans fall the in the houses of .French citizens who gY advance to miles iu the northeast and Nogent l'Abbesse and, crossing the Aisne, they have reached the very moment of their making by the hand. manded for our requirements nnd for our formerly 'Germany. ground to the north, with the Germans still, going strong toward Ber- arrogant words of, the Kaiser, who Injbxck Jo Antwerp the Rhine Valley will been tho same lived In west of Rheu'nyi the French finally have freed that city from the con- bo within comparatively easy raiding allies has admirable at At Colmar, Alsace, a syndlcato was lin. At present they are about eleven miles from Rheims. his proclamation o tho army and the 'tlmo there has been a tendency on the tinuous 'bombardment to which it has been subjected by'the Germans navy yesterday announced that he had distance for the allied filers. The re part Wme money formed to buy such furniture. Such East of the Suippe the French in the Champagne and the Ameri- tirement from the coast, furthermore, of bankers and lenders acts are In opposition to declarations, for four years. Fort Brimont, the point from which the Germans, shelled cans continued progress, although at a more leisurely gait. There 'decided. In accord with our allies over to demand exorbitant rates on railroad by ana their again to offer peaco to the enemy, but will bo a hard blow to German pride. are fully protected and for made the German Government' the city, was 'one of nearly places , many operation tin region being; lmvc upon loans which against German The French a dozen taken. are indications that the this .is held back It will only be an honorable peace for The insisted the which there Is no Justification. las. ports iv therefore havo protested throirxh the The French npw hold the' heights to the east, in the vicinity of until additional progress has been madelto the west and in tbe north. which we extend our hands.' That Is retention of these ns the first "Through the War Finance Corpora- Spanish to put an end to siHTlelent proof either thet Wllhclm does slep In nttalnlng the German tion, In other ways Government dreara of world power. It will be a day farm loan banks and such acts. rest the o'ctock not know what Is going on or that tho the powers of the Government have been of distance before It proposal of Prince Maximilian Is not black, with disaster wli!. the Germans Thursday, outdistancing- the troops ori OFFICIAL REPORTS OF THE FIGHTING. PANIC SPREADS IN have to move bsck from the coast. exercised for the etabllir.ntlon of Interest Approved In Great Britain. their flanks. made n good faltli. rates and the prevention of excessive "President Wilson dots know what Is money. Special to 8n. As tho Americans advanced In the charges for the use of In j LOXDOX, Oct. 6. Fplloiclng are the' official report of operations in France .going' on. No man on earth Is better "Thero Is sufficient capital and credit - Copyright. Ull: at right. reserved. centre the Germans to the 'right and left ana BRITISH TO EXTEND or them refused to be dislodged and Belgium as issued by thcsexrral tear offices: f TURKEYANDAUSTRIA informed, hone better understand the In this country at present to meet legiti- London, Oct. '6. The decision of resisted to the utmost. The enemy was BRITISH (NIUHT) We Improved Renened attacks of the French and German purposes. He can be trusted to mate needs If carefully conserved and France to take reprisals upon Germany our positions slightly In engage- des make on answer to these , overtures USE OF COAL DUST urcd, and there Is no reason why exces- upon able to potir a withering enfilading fiie local Italians at the Chemln Dames for outrages humanity In devastat- upon attacking was ments southeast nnd north of were repulsed. which will leave no doubt as to the sive rates should b. demanded where the ing French and Belgian' territory and tho forces, which only silenced when the line was .
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