V; I PAG* TWENTT-POUl THURSDAY, JANUARY 80,1888 Avm gc Daily Net Press Run The Weather lianrl;i?st(r lEttming If^raUi Forecaet et U. 8. Weather B m a a F er the Week Eaded January'25, 1858 \ * Snow begbinlng lato tonight The annual father and son han- necticut irfd. WMtsm Masssehu- The little rio w w of Jesus contintrtBg Saturday. Low to­ Mothers Circle will meet togiorrow qu<luet of the' Emanuel Lutheran SA Juniors Set aetts. Mu8euni4-«ague GET AHEAD WITH A About Town night at S o'clock at the home of ChlUrch Men will be held Feb. 7 in 12,633 night 24-28 degtooo. High Satur­ Luther Mall. Tickets, which are !% • R*v. Donald Aray of Dixfield, Mrs. Francis {lulUvan. 88 Pine St. To Direct Sei^pe Sees^afari Film Member e f the Audit day bi low 80s. Malnt, b« the fueat apeaker The co -h o st^ will be Mrs. Ekiwsrd available from Herbert Johnson or ______\^, Col. Booth-Tucker Bureeu e f Ctreulatlea win C^rl Matson, ma^ be. obtained up BiancheBter—-‘A City of Village Charm at the apecJal aervicea tomorrow Olschefaki^ * -Juntpr eoldiert of- ihe Salvation ’The Luts Junior Museum League BILL CLEAN-UP ■ ) until Monday evening, through Sunday at the Church of Heard at Citadel saw a film of an African safari re- Kingy^vid Lodge, No. 31, lOOF, Army will begin th* whpkend ac­ the Nazarene, concluding the centW completed by local people F Pay leftover eaaeoaal bille (Classtfled Advertlstng on Page 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS will r ^ t tomorrow-might at 7:30 Robert J. Smith, son of Mr. and MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1958 Youth Week emphaali. Servlcea tivities with a supper Saturday at and^et Miss Barbara Neill, new- and t^uee high monthly pay-, VOL. LXXVII, NO. 103 (SIXTEEN PAGES) in odd Fellows Hall. A social hour Mrs. Gerard C. Smith, 21 Overland Col. Muiisl Booth-Tucker spoke will be held tomorrow and Satur­ 6 p.m. at the Citadel. Signing o f to an overflow crowd at the Salva­ Iy.->'appointed part-time director of manta with a prompt loan hero. day at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday at wUf follow the buslneu meeting. Rd.,' has been named president of their renewal carda'wlU follbw. Wo M e to say -Yeti’’ when you the Wentworth Institute student tion Arm y Citadel last night ine museum, at its meeting last 10:45 a.m. and 7 p.m. Simday morning, the service will oak for a loan. Phone for yew band, Boston, MaSs. One of 26 grandchildren of Gen­ night at Bowers School auditorium. Over 60 members and friends Of be conducted by Juniors,, all o f eral William Booth, founder o f tbd Mrs. F. S. Klock and Richard loon in one vitit, or come in. l O A N ! Locals^ Money] The fund raiaing campaign of Manchester Emblem Club, No. whom are under 15 years of agS. Salvation Army, she told the sto^ Auer showed color film of a 30-day the Parent-Teacher G?oup oT Oak 251, last night attended the dem­ Francoeur Slatied Karen Krlnjak will give,the wel­ of missionary work in India. 'khe safari in Africa from which Mr, Leem $M»e »WI tiaiii mi InaiiredatlaweaM ____ Senate Funds Unit Hill School for the Blind, Hartford, onstration put on by a beauty con­ come. Young People’s Sergeant explained how her father,^civil and Mra. Klock and Auer have Juat m MAIN ST., 2nd FI., Ovw WMhrarth'i, MANCHESTOI Paiid for Union will preaent ‘‘Harmony Night.” sultant from a Hartford store. She Major Alton Munaie will deliver service man by profeiumm in returned. MIMmN S-4W * Aak far the V n INMtaiw conaiatlng of barber shop <juarteta demonstrated the correct way to- To Address Club the sermon, and a number'of other India, was converted in a Moody Mrs. W. J. Doherty Introduced OriN THunOAV iVlNINOt UNIIl I rJK Stress appy cosmetics. Mrs. Charles ^ ^ja and chorus, Saturday n l^ t at 8:30 Juniors will participate in the pro­ and Sankey revival. Heratumed to Mies, Neill who described some of Backs $1.4 Billion Chiefs 4 Carsl . in the achool auditorium. Lat'hrop Jr. was the model. Des­ lUiland M. Frnneoeur of West gram which is in . charge of London and became ajBllated with the present activities .of the mu­ sert was served by Mrs. John Hartford will be the guest speaker Mrs. Francis McCarthy, assistant the salvation Army. General seum and plans for future develop­ Mitchell, Mrs. Maurice Gaudet and at the annual' banque. and in- YPSM. Major John Pickup will Both' aent him b i ^ to India to ment. Mrs. Allan S. Taylor, chair­ Washington, Jan. 31 (A*)— Mrs. 0>acles Lathrop Sr. etallation of officers of the French pronounce the benediction. start the Army mieiionary work man of the Board of Directors, sad To Speed Defense Senate rackets investigators Club of Manchester Feb. 16 at the there. / Dr. Frank Horton, steering com­ BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. served notice today they want WINDOW SHADES The Knights of Columbus set­ Knighte of Columbus Home. ’The colonel lUso showed movies mittee chairman, were also intro­ back tournament this week will be to ask union boss William E .' He will spoek In' both French Marine Citation of India. duced. WASHABLE held tonight Instead of tomorrow WsRhinffton. Jan. 81 OF)— fwhlch the Senate passed after Maloney whether he knows 5 Years of Prosperity night. and English on "Human Relations, • • - ' ^changing some house provisions. ; anything about two gangland- INTERSTATE Happiness in the Home.” Given Postmaster The Senate, appropriationn None of the chaAges involved' jstvle killings in the early A teacher at West Hartford's committee today approved money amounts, but the House AQUA SHADES 1930s. Sedgwick School, Francoeur has «The Marines have presented s unanimouflly a 11,410,000,000 must act on the Senate amend­ taught Latin, French ana English M Ar Made to Order certificate of appreciation to Poet- ments before the bill can become for the past 10 years. He is a emergency defense money w ith Tour Rollers Personal Notices master Alden'E. Bailey for hie as­ law. Washington, Jan. 31 OP)— Sees Boost graduate of the University of Mon­ sistance in the Marine Recruiting bill. Aa passed by the House the ' Staff aides told the Senate Only one major change was Full Line of Custom treal, has a master's degree from program here. money bill would provide $1,280,- Rackets Committee today Card of Thanks the. University of Connecticut and Recruiter Sgt.. Edward E. W il­ made in the measure aa it passed 000.000 in new funds and authority the Hbuse last week. Chairman that u^ion boss William E. In Economy VENETIAN BLINDS IS eludying for a doctor's degree at son made the presentation that to transfer to other uses another ' Hayden |D-Ariz> aaid the Senate W« wish to thank all.ot our neish- UCoiip. He is a graduate of Dale points out Bailey’s help in provid­ m $150 million previously appropri­ Maloney has three Cadillacs bora, friend, and relative, for the many Carnegie School of Instructors of group knocked out all reference to and an Imperial automobile, act. of kindnea. and aympathy ahown ing office space for enlietment and the advanced reseai)ch project ated. j E. A. JOHNSON ua in our recent berMvement. the to., New Ybr^k in 1954. - Of this, $190 million would be processing of Manchester young agency the Pentagon la about to | j bought for him by the Inter­ Later in ’58 of our huaband and father. We ea- Reservations and returns may men entering the Marines. for the Air Force for new missiles, peclally thank all Ihnae who aent the aet up. national Union of Operating- PAINT GO. beautiful floral trihutaa and apiritual be made With any member of the The certificate was suthorizsd ballastic missile platforms, enemy houqueta. Hayden said, however, that 110 'Engineers. j Washington, Jan. 31 (/F) — 723 Main St.. Tel. M l 9-4501 committee, which U headed by Mr. by Maj. S. Davis, commanding of­ million would be msd^ directly I missile ind airplane warning and Mrs. W. C. Marsh. ficer for Marine Recruiting In Con­ They aaid u-nlon records also President Eisenhower told < lira. John McGretor and aon. available to Secretary of Defenae | tema anfl disperaal of Strategic show that union funds provided McElroy for use in any such sgen- , Republicans today they can -y The other $350 million of new Maloney with garages for the four ^cars, a chauffeur to drive them, an campaign on a “ five yeats of Some Democratic aenatora have funds is for the Navy, with $296 , I apartment in Waahington, hee prosperity’’ platform despite advocated voting aa much aa one - millions to gp for construction of i mold and telephone service, air the current business reces­ or 12 billion more now to step up three atomic submarines capable | N e w ' D i t i r ! conditioners for his Washington and the Common denominator. missile end bomber production, but of firing the Polaris balliatic mis- i sion. Yves Saint Laurent. 21, Chicago area residences, and tele- Hayden said the committee decid- sile. i The President told a breakfast above, scored a- fashion tri­ ■ vision acts for both. sponsored by the Republican Na- ed to go along with McRlroy’a re -, Forty miUiona of the transferred , Investigators Jack Balahnn and HALPS SELF SERVE MEftT DEPT. queat, ' funds—an addition to President umph when he made his debut tionsl Committee that the ecwiomy James .Mundte said two of the "This secretary is an able man/’ Elsenhower’s initial request — in Paris yesterday as succes­ will pick up later this year because sor to the Iqte Christian Dior.
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