n e y l i b r a r y b a t u b o a t , m a y i s , i s a MARY, fA O l lOOlTEB* AmirlffjBtfr Eoftting Ipfalb Of drlnklnf fortlflad wIm . as told bare weeks ago. Eogaged to W«d Highland Park 9,500 A bout Town But there was o m tiny dlffer- Frank Maddan Heard Along Main Street aaoa. Dixon said that tha vle- Hsdgea, trsas, abrubs and tba Blcctrienl CentneU r Uasa whan they sobered up, start- Uks have'always constituted a mtnacs to safety whmi growlag at PTA Meeting And on Soma o f HanchatUr't SUio StroeU, Too ad handing out money to not only ConiRitto AO Rnnnd S tn lcc MmtdutUr—^A City of FOIsa* Chm m 75 5 e Ord£ thalr friends, but to total atran- street oocnen. One at Hartford «( KeoM, at Uarfbj^ rMtaurant, gara road and Pina street for asany P lio n « 4 9 7 6 Mv«ral atw mambart ware m * "Wlnoa” In our county pogle years obstructed tha view for dri­ To Hold ^*Open Hoose” 18) MANCHB8TBR, CONN., MONDAY, MAT 17, IMS (ffOUBtlKM PA 6B ) lollad. Two MW offtcert ware in- A Main strMt merchant, who. Jenny, commercial hawkare put out employed a young man to help in the first hon^^-to-betoy l u n c h ^ never, sober up and almoet never vers of approaching vehicles. Just • yoL. Lzm, Na im recently the owner the property In Afternoon, Hear p gia store Jobs soma time ago had It was quite a showy oontrap-oootrap- have any money. fit tion and was a rich man’s equip­ St the Hartford road-Plns street TlM Matbadlat TooUi PaUow- occasion to have soma erranda run Lecture in Evening ment. The boa. brass bound and Ths mallmsn visited us this comer had the hedge cut down umI rfiip at 8ouU Mathodlat church from day to day. RMh time he now the view both ways, la unob­ Alica Cofran Wedge of GaMrdsmen Clean Streets Auto Workers gave hla car key to this youth - ample In else, was usually actually week with the following: 'Workers Go wUl conduct UM avenln* a«7»<* carried by the lackey. Poor man "Dear lidltor of Heard Along Main structed. The Highland Park ecbool will Uaaday aranln® at 7:80 o dock the Srat time ha did so furnishing Owners of comer properties Egyptians Thrust atm ate crow at noon. But whan Street: hold "opea boqae” Wedneaday, aad pnaant a panal dlacuaaion on the boy with a description of his throughout the town perhspo do ReadlngB Daily Threaten GM car, so that ha would easily Snd they started to sell shoes In boxes, *1 read In your highly esteemed May 19 from three to four In the Into Struck “ UnlWraal Military Tralnlnc.” the poor man got his liming. ’T ^ not resliae It but they are potent­ 169 CkniTli SL Hartford it and complete tha errands. paper an article which waa written afternoon and from seven to eight Savard o f tba membera of tha was his lunch box and replaced the by one of our outstanding citlsens ial contributon to possibly fatal Ail want wall for some time, the Talcphona 6-2024 fallowablp will participate The hunk of old shawl that the for­ relatlva to the work done by the accidents by allowl^ shrubs and in the- evening. The glee club com- Walkout Soon aarrlca and panal haa bean plan- errands were dona In quick time. hedges to grow to such a height Plants Today I tunate noon eater had put up with local W. T. C. U. or ahould 1 say, poeefi o f fifth And atath grads pu­ • —toS Miles Into Palestine; | M d undar tha direction of MIh Than, one day. the merchant u to obstruct the view. There are until then. pils win sntertaln. after which the . 4 had occasion to go with the youth. the work not done? This gentle­ Sylvia Luahbough who haa aarred there on tha next step was a great many places around town Tha merchant and the youth From man seemed to belittle the projects annual meeUng of the P.TJt. wUl Cornea Against Back* p u t year an counaallor of the The manufactured met­ of this very fine organlssUon where these obstructions nro n Some Cal’Calliiig by walked out to tha merchant's car. Inevitable. menace. take ptaoe. Officers for the past Mathodiat Youth railowahip. AU lunch box bit the streets. Labor­ which has been working In our This It A Good drop o f Strike at Chrya* al The state expends plenty of Pickela Bat No Inei- paraona are cordially Invited to be •*Thla Isn’t your car. It Is." the everywhere snapped at it. achoola year after year bringing year will make thalr annual re­ ing men money on promotion of highway praaant. boy asked. lunchbox came to be regarded temperance education to the school ports and election of new officers Time To Sell ler Plant and Ford Expect Acre to Fall The safety. Why not a campaign to wiU follow. (leota at Minneiola "Why, yea,” said the merchant as a symbol of a working man. children, recently in two days 1700 Move to Cnt Wages Troop 1. Olrl Bcouta, win hold a In some surprise. "You ought to remove comer and atrect intsncc- Robert K. Wickware, assistant Planta of Pockera Blokes who didn't work, like store­ children were contacted here by tion obatructlona? Your Property rauniOa for manjbera o f the troop krtow. You’ve driven it enough." keepers and profesaional people, Mrs. Mabel Preuaaer in our local profenmr of sclonce at WllUman- o f ten yaara a(o, and giva a aup- "Not this one,” the boy replied. tlc State* Teachers college will be We have many buyers BaDetla! brael’a Army Strikes Arab Higher Executive would no more have been caught achoolai ' She presented films From the mailbag: Mlaa A lee M. Emerson BnlfeUa! par for tha former naembara. ‘Tve always taken that one over the guest speaker. He te at present waiting for singiM and 2 Provisional Hea^ (lead with a lunch box In their which portrayed to the children 'T o Heard Along Main Street, Dstralt, May IT — (ff> ~ Com m ittee Aaacrta ScouU of 1938 will bava many there!" hands with a copy of the the evils of alcoholism.’ So. Mr. working with students at the col­ ,m ay n — Seven Miles into LdMh taiaa of adventure and experiences than po­ "Though modemiaatloa hae Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Emerson of family hnuaca. Bfsftol aqaads sf state psBsa The merchant looked, and near­ lice gazette.- Catlsen our union Is resUy going to 10 Deepwood Drive announce the lege In acience and aoclal studiea wssa rasbed late aUbwhan non and Dealroya Fopcea W ithin 3 0 Mttaa to tall tha girls of today. by stood another automobile of changed the janltor’a dutlaa some­ He will bring along foaterlala and But that IS not to say they didn't town, and it is not simply s aoclsl. what, why ahould the word jani­ engagement of their daughter, W e buyt seii or Park today to aopa thec same make iwand u __color.• ^ appreciate the economic advent tea-drinking organisation which demonstrate rather than lecture. Of Tel Aviv; Also Sa^ The South Methodist W8CS ex- tor, become archaic? Janitor Alice Mae, to Morgan Van Op- Ivaa la aaa- eatbreak ef plehit Strategic Bridge) Snr- The keys St both cars perfectly. | carrying your own. meets for a good time as your ar­ Hie subject wlU be “ Planning Si- exchange, acutlve board will meat Monday So seema to me to be as dignified as stall, son of Mrs. Anne Van Opatall ace areaad eaa eC I t Jewish Ageney Hail ticle would iMd our town's people ence Experiences for Children.” I WHk the alriha af CIO render of Arab City avenlng at 7:15, preceding the all­ they took to subterfugsa the word custodian. Many o f the o f Bast Hartford and the late Uattod VmMmgkmm Wark- ■d CAryeler Oei^ We are about to burden you to believe. In the same article group meeting at 7:30 sharp, af­ Huge numbers o f office girlH janitorn had the atudenta mepi Harry A. Van opstall. Mr. Wickware 'did undergrad­ aea. P a aMd ha waa Oytag ta Expected at Any Mo­ Authorized Snrrendfr with a reference to the lowly noticed that you lauded the efforts Allen Reolty • ter which Mrs. Charlaa E. Ollbert ■uddeiily seemed Interested In the and did not have much put over Mias Emerson la a student at uate. work at the University of CMeagu to attar Ma eervleeB Into the Detroit area liy Oau. lunchbox; Its use, and the camou­ of the A. A. of. our town which Of Jews in Old €3^ o f Norwich, wall Known lecturer piano, and young men appeared on them by the studenU. Rome had Manchester High school. Her Montana and received hla Master'e to try te settle tha aattoual aisi Sigler at tke iiiqu t a( ment; Planea Bomb flage thereof. was veiy commendable oil your fiance la s graduate of John Fitch Company win addtaaa the gathering on in- overenme with the Idea of sawing the respect of both the atudenta and Doctor’s dgrees from Colum- dtiauta Ba had aaUad Um HIghlaad Park Mayor Nor- Tel Aviv Third Day To Arab Command tanatlonal affaln. During the We would like to speak of, not on a violin. Pure humbug.
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