applicant must obtain the recommendation of Additional Institutes Being THE PENNSYLVANIA FREEMASON a Master Mason. During the next twelve to Issued Every Three Months By eighteen months he is examined very closely Conducted by Committee on The Right Worshipful Grand lodge of The Most Ancient in all ways, by various Brethren of the Lodge Masonic Culture and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons as well as by the Council of the Lodge. The of Pen11sylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto The new series of pamphlets, which are to Council gathers all the information it can con­ Belonging, through its be used primarily for the instruction of the cerning the candidate. This is done severely COMMITIEE ON MASONIC CULTURE- William E. Members as well as Initiates in the fascinating and accurately. His entire li fe's record is scru­ Yeager, Past Grand Master, Chairman; William E. and inspiring fundamentals of Masonic his­ Montgomery, G. Edward Elwell, Jr., Frank R. leech, tinized; if the verdict is favorable he receives tory, tradition and symbolism, have been dis· William A. Carpenter, Charles A. Young and Ashby the first degree. For a year the Entered Appren­ 8. Paul, Grand Secretary. tributed to the Lodge Officers and Members of tice receives instruction nearly every week. the Lodge Committee on Masonic Culture. APPROVED AND AUTHORIZED TO BE PRINTED BY After passing a thorough examination, he is These new pamphlets will amplify the instruc­ SANFORD M. CHILCOTE passed to the degree of Fellowcraft. Another tion contained in the present booklets ("On Right Worshipful Grand Master year of instruction follows. The Brother is the Threshold," et al.) , the use of which will FREEMASON again judged, and when the results are accord­ Moiling Address: be continued. ing to the aims of Masonry he becomes a Master P.O. BOX 688, WARREN, PA. To indoctrinate the Members of the Lodge Mason-two years, with systematic in~truction Committee on Masonic Culture and Lodge AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE RIGHT WORSHIPFUL GRAND LODGE OF FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF PENNSYLVANIA WILLIAM A. CARPENTER, Editor between the First and Third Degrees. Officers in the aims, objectives and procedure In addition to the Craft Degrees there are VOLUME VI AUGUST • 1959 NUMBER 3 Change of Address: of the Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic practiced in The Netherlands the degrees of Notify above address, your Lo dge number must be included. Culture, Institutes will be held in various sec­ the Ancient and Accepted Rite and the Royal tions of the Jurisdiction. These Institutes Vol. VI August, 1959 No. 3 Arch degree. generally embrace the Lodges in two or more Originally the degrees of the Ancient and Pennsylvania Freemasons Have Part in Pittsburgh Bicentennial adjacent Districts. Accepted Rite (to us in the United States the The first of these Institutes embracing the "Scottish Ri te") were conferred under the Lodges which comprise the 30th, 39th and 41st Freemasonry control of the Supreme Council of Belgium. Districts was held in the Masonic Temple, However, in 1912 a Supreme Council of the m The Netherlands Johnstown, at 3 P.M. on Saturday, May 2nd. Rite was organized in The Netherlands. Official A Message from Our Grand Master The twenty-three Lodges were represented by recognition of this body was given by both the By R. w. wARD K. ST. CLAIR a total of one hundred fifty-five Officers and Northern and Southern Supreme Councils in Chairman of Museum and Library Committee Committee Members. Following a meeting of NE OF THE outstanding Communications of the Grand Lodge At the conclusion of the Constitution of the Col. Henry the United States in 1913. The Supreme one and one-half hours in duration, conducted R. W. Grand Lodge of New York Council of The Netherlands was formed under of Pennsylvania in recent years will be held in the City of Bouquet Lodge No. 787 and at 12 o'clock Noon sh arp, a by Brother Will iam E. Yeager and Brother the authority from the Supreme Council of OPittsburgh on September 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 1959. The City Memorial Plaque will be dedicated. This plaque is in memory William E. Montgomery, Chairman and Secre­ Freemasonry was first introduced into The Belgium. The First Degree of the Rite con­ of Pittsburgh is celebrating its Bicentennial year and it is mos t tary, respectively, of the Grand Lodge Com­ of all Masons wh o have by their individual efforts contrib uted Netherlands from England in 1731, when a ferred is the Rose Croix of the 18th. The other mittee, those present participated in a de­ fitting that Freemasonry be r epresented as an integral part of to the growth and development of the City of Pittsburgh during delegation visited The Hague for the purpose degrees of the Rite which are worked are the licious dinner. the many activities in connection with the Bicentennial. A great the past two hundred years. This plaque has been beautifully of conferring the First and Second Degrees on 22nd, 26th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st, 32nd, and the Duke of Lorraine, afterwards the Emperor The second Institute was held at 8:30P.M. deal of thought and planning is involved in bringing the Sep­ designed and arranged and will be so located on the Fifth 33rd. Membership in the Rite is by invitation on Monday, June 1st in the Masonic Temple Francis I. He received the Third Degree subse­ and the degrees beyond the 18th are controlled tember Quarterly Communication of our Grand Lodge to Avenue side of the Masonic Temple that it will be viewable and quently in England. There is a legend that at Erie. Each Lodge in District No. 24 was by the Supreme Co uncil. Pittsburgh. For the first time in the history of the Grand Lodge readable by all who will in future time walk on the Fifth Avenue there were several Dutch and English Lodges represented by the Worshipful Master and The Royal Arch Degree has been introduced of Pennsylvania a Quarterly Communication will be held away operating in The Hague prior to 1735 but this other Officers and Members of the Committee sidewalk abutting the Temple property. The proceedings in since the end of World War II. A number of on Masonic Culture, a total of ninety-four from the City of Philadelphia. connection with this dedication will be televised and broadcast legend has not been confirmed. Dutch Masons made a journey to England Brethren being present. On September 30, 1734, a Lodge was opened where they were initiated into the Royal Arch. It is urged that every Mason make careful n ote of what is in the Pittsburgh area. by Bro. Vincent de la Chapelle, who may They then obtained a Charter for a Chapter Institutes have been scheduled for: said here. Especially, we call the attention of all Masons in the Following the dedication of the Memorial Plaque luncheon be considered as the originator of Masonry in to be held in The Hague and have since that August 29th- New Castle- Pittsburgh area and southwestern Pennsylvania to note well will be served to all Masons present, in the Dining Room of the The Netherlands. This lodge received a patent Districts No. 26, 27, 37, 53 and 54. time worked in their own country. They use the program hereinafter discussed. If you can plan to be present Masonic Temple and also in the Dining Room of Syria Mosque from the Grand Lodge of England in 1735 and September 5th- Altoona­ the English method of work and only confer at some or all of the various activities we feel quite certain that located nearby. At the conclusion of the luncheon a Special proceeded to establish several other Lodges. the Royal Arch Degree in their Chapters. Districts No . 20, 21 and 34. you will be well rewarded. Communicati on of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania will be On November 30, of that year the States Neither the Cryptic Rite nor the Order of September 12th- Oil City­ General issued an edict prohibiting all Masonic the Temple operates in The Netherlands. Districts No. 23, 25, 52 and 56. On the evening of September 1, 1959, at 7:30 o'clock, P.M., held in Syria Mosque at which time many distinguished Masons meetings. Most of the Lodges ceased to func­ Netherlands Freemasonry is a great chari­ The meetings will convene at 3 P.M., fol­ in the Masonic Temple located at Fifth, Ly tton and Tennyson from all over the United States and Canada will be received and tion but the Lodge in Amsterdam continued table organization. The amount of its charity lowed by a dinner at 5:30P.M. Avenues, a most prominent citizen of the Commonwealth of introduced 'by the Grand Master. At the conclusion of this to operate in secret. This action by the Lodge It is hoped that arrangements may be made far exceeds that of many countries with a Pennsylvania will be made a Mason At Sight. He will receive Special Communication Dinner will be served to all Masons was soon discovered by the government au­ larger membership. They maintain schools and which will enable all of the Districts in Phila­ his Degrees in Verona Lodge No. 548, which on that evening present, in the Dining Rooms of Syria Mosque and the Ma­ thorities. The resulting action led to the can­ orphanages for the children and orphans delphia to participate in an Institute which is cellation of the edict and the Lodges again re­ of Masons. to be held on a Saturday in October. will meet in the Masonic Temple.
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