ELITE Vol.1 Issue 26 December 2020 PROUDLY ISSUED FROM FEPS SINCE OCTOBER 2018 FEPS SINCE ISSUED FROM PROUDLY Abiy Ahmed Proceeds in His Mass Slaughter of The Tigray in Ethiopia Vol.1 Issue 26, December 2020 ELITE BOARD CHAIRMAN Prof.Dr. Mahmoud Alsaid EDITOR IN CHIEF Ramy Magdy Ahmed Issued moNthly from the Faculty of EcoNomics aNd ELITEFEPS,WHERE ELITES ARE MADE Political ScieNce- Cairo VOL.1 ISSUE 26 (DECEMBER 2020) UNiversity First desigNed by Ramy Magdy Ahmed iN October 2018 HIGH BOARD Prof.Dr. Mahmoud Alsaid (Chairman)---Prof.Dr. Hanan M. Ali (Member)--Prof.Dr. Samy Elsayyed (Member)--Prof.Dr Mazen Hassan (Member) --Mr. Ramy Magdy Ahmed (Editor in chief) EDITORIALPaulina BORARD Mendez explains why millennials Ms.prefer Carolin Sheriefspending ,Ms. Sara money Nasreldine on ,Dr.travel Nerm ineover Tawfik clothes 1 Vol.1 Issue 26, December 2020 ELITE Dr Sameh Fawzy, SENIOR RESEARCHER AT THE TECHNICAL bureau OF THE DIRECTOR OF BIBLIOTHECA ALEXANDRINA DEVELOPMENT IS THE SINE QUA NON OF ANY EFFECTIVE CITIZENSHIP Cairo : Ramy Magdy aNd Nadeen Hesham by readiNg literature, broadeniNg oNe’s geNeral kNowledge, Our interview this moNth is with Dr. Sameh Fawzy, SeNior keeping up with curreNt events aNd participatiNg in civil society Researcher at the TechNical Office of the Director of the orgaNizatioNs. However, these forms of participatioN in public Bibliotheca AlexaNdrina , a B.Sc in Political ScieNce 1992, he life doN’t Necessarily attract this type of studeNt as much as they also holds M.Sc and PhD in Public AdministratioN from FEPS, attract an active studeNt who cares about his iNtellectual in additioN to a Master degree in Political Development from formatioN. the UNiversity of Sussex ,UK. Dr Sameh is also a writer in Al- Ahram and Shorouk News ,aNd published many books and GeNerally, the Faculty provides studeNts with a wide space iN studies in Arabic and ENglish. which they caN broadeN their horizoNs by thinkiNg about domestic aNd internal political issues aNd their relatioNs to the • How did your relatioNship with the Faculty of EcoNomics ecoNomy, which represeNts the infrastructure Needed to coNtiNue aNd Political ScieNce begin aNd why did you choose it? shapiNg their intellectual formatioN. And we caN see this by looking at FEPS graduates; while some grow to become I earned my GeNeral SecoNdary EducatioN certificate from the importaNt iN public life, others – with all due respect – satisfy arts sectioN with a score of 90% in 1988. The Faculty of with a muNdaNe employed life. ANd these are life choices. EcoNomics aNd Political Science at the time required a minimum score of 82% and it was amoNg the top faculties for • To whom is Dr. Sameh Fawzy grateful? arts studeNts, especially given the limited optioNs available to them back theN. I coNsidered joining the Faculty of LaNguages but I fouNd myself leaning more towards FEPS. This is a difficult questioN to aNswer. I’m grateful to many professors and colleagues at the Faculty but I doN’t waNt to • In your opinioN, how does FEPS play a role in shaping its mentioN Names lest I forget some of them. There are some students’ mindsets? professors that I’ve gotteN iN touch with persoNally aNd have beeN iNflueNced by. I feel happy aNd humbled at the same time HoNestly, it depeNds more oN the willingNess of students wheNever I hear that oNe of my professors has referred to aN themselves thaN oN what the Faculty has to offer them. Because article or a research of miNe iN a public lecture that I didN’t you might find a student who’s clever in terms of memorizing atteNd. But, of course, I must meNtioN Prof. Dr. Attia HusseiN topics but lacks social awareNess, which needs to be developed Afandy, the supervisor of my master’s aNd PhD theses, whom I 2 Vol.1 Issue 26, December 2020 ELITE fouNd to be kind, simple aNd always keen oN following up with then-editor in chief Tarek Al-Taher titled “Sameh Fawzy A his studeNts aNd sharing with them his valuable insights. After all, Novelist,” in which he compared betweeN the formatioN aNd it is Normal to be influeNced by your supervisor. Thus, I also laNguage styles of the novelist and the researcher. recall Professor Robert Lockham, the supervisor of my secoNd I got to experience working in several areas within the Library such as dialogue, media, publishing and cultural events, which master’s thesis at Sussex UNiversity in Britain, who was an added to my skills and allowed me to express my point of view. influeNtial yet humble figure with academic expertise in his field. Coming to the Library from a research aNd jourNalistic backgrouNd as well as civil society experience in project • You have occupied several positioNs at Bibliotheca managemeNt aNd training allowed me to inject a vitality and AlexaNdrina including senior administrative positioNs as well New suggestioNs into the Library. as research duties. How have you coNtributed to aNd beNefitted from the Library? • But Dr. Sameh Fawzy has also goNe beyoNd his work at the Library to issues of citizeNship aNd developmeNt in the public sphere, hasn’t he? The Library of AlexaNdria is aN importaNt cultural edifice, currently uNder the directioN of Dr. Mostafa El-Feky, oNe of the That’s correct because as I meNtioNed earlier, a researcher must brightest graduates of FEPS with cultural and political influeNce. have multiple experieNces and public sphere activity. ANd I had Since the Library is a major cultural institutioN with interests in discovered early oN that I wasn’t made for a regular, muNdaNe books, publishing, scieNce, arts, and academic research, it seeks desk job. I recall being offered a high-salary positioN in a major talents who are always expanding their general kNowledge as institutioN more thaN 15 years ago. I oNly asked oNe questioN: opposed to Narrowly coNfining themselves to their academic will you let me coNtinue writing my articles in newspapers? My specializatioN. interlocuter was sileNt for a few moments as he wasn’t This treNd is further streNgthened by the fact that similar expecting such a questioN. Before he could respoNd, I told him interNatioNal institutioNs No loNger restrict their activities to books that it was difficult for me to work as aN employee; I’m always aNd researchers; but rather, they Now offer various cultural aNd thinking with aN active-persoN meNtality, which doesn’t suit the artistic services. moNotoNous toNe of the job aNd even arouses jealousy from My work at the Library has supported this shift towards geNeral colleagues who see life in still, bureaucratic, 8 to 2 PM terms. kNowledge aNd the process of learNing about local aNd INdeed, I have given much attentioN to issues of citizenship, interNatioNal experiences in this regard. ANd I have persoNally participatioN aNd developmeNt, which I regard as benefitted greatly from this shift by looking into other fields of interdependent. Because development leads to citizeNship aNd kNowledge, to the extent that I experimeNted with creative writing citizeN empowerment, which are two elemeNts that in turN Need by publishing my two Novels that received interest from critics: serious participatioN in order to bear fruit. ANd I chose to do “This HappeNed in BrightoN” aNd “Sincerely, Satan” (titles my three theses (two master’s and a PhD) oN these issues, translated from Arabic). Moreover, the importaNt literary broadly defined. I studied accouNtability in oNe of my master’s magaziNe Akhbar Al-Adab published an article writteN by its theses and good governaNce and developmeNt in the other. For my PhD, I worked oN the coNcept of social capital. All these 3 Vol.1 Issue 26, December 2020 ELITE • UNdoubtedly, the whole world is facing the crisis of the coroNavirus outbreak whose effects have surpassed the healthcare sphere. From your work at a major cultural institutioN aNd following curreNt public activities, how has the paNdemic affected these institutioNs aNd how have they reacted? There are advaNced scieNtific iNstitutioNs working oN determining the direct aNd indirect implicatioNs of Covid-19, which is an important uNiversal occasioN that has uNleashed a seNse of global intercoNNectedNess while also exposing differeNces. The most important outcome of the coroNavirus outbreak has been the move towards cyberspace or the digital world, Not oNly in the provisioN of cultural, artistic and educatioNal services, but also in terms of more shopping aNd social interactioNs, which had beeN disrupted due to social isolatioN. Although the pandemic hit the entire world, it has revealed the forms of inequalities between couNtries aNd wokeN up the seNse of injustice, Not solely in terms of access to medical services, but also in terms of techNological infrastructure. The Bibliotheca Alexandrina is an institutioN that was borN digitally, meaNing that it made itself equally visible oNline aNd off-line. This can be seen in digitizatioN, the use of social media to spread culture aNd the coNcepts intersect and reflect a modern society that is based oN arts aNd the maNy archival websites in various fields, which have three pillars: broadly-defined developmeNt in the political, all rendered the Library capable of working energetically uNder ecoNomic, social, cultural aNd humaNitariaN spheres; lockdowN and precautioNary measures. ANd this effort has beeN participatioN as empowermeNt; aNd citizeNship as coNNectioN to documeNted. ecoNomic, social aNd cultural resources. There is a direct Certainly, the paNdemic will leave lasting marks oN the structure relatioNship between these pillars; as oNe expands, it pulls the of societies, especially coNcerning the move towards cyberspace. other two with it But there remains the issue that advaNcing in reality is reflected oN the pattern of discussioN aNd issue-raising oN the interNet.
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