EOS Data Products Handbook Volume 2 ACRIMSAT • Aqua • Jason-1 • Landsat 7 • Meteor 3M/SAGE III • QuikScat • QuikTOMS • VCL EOS Data Products Handbook Volume 2 ACRIMSAT • ACRIM III Aqua • AIRS • AMSR-E • AMSU-A • CERES • HSB • MODIS Jason-1 • DORIS • JMR • Poseidon-2 Landsat 7 • ETM+ Meteor 3M • SAGE III QuikScat • SeaWinds QuikTOMS • TOMS VCL • MBLA EOS Data Products Handbook Volume 2 Editors Claire L. Parkinson Acknowledgments NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Special thanks are extended to Mi- chael King for guidance throughout and to the many additional individ- Reynold Greenstone uals who also provided information Raytheon ITSS necessary for the completion of this second volume of the EOS Data Products Handbook. These in- clude most prominently Stephen Design and Production W. Wharton and Monica Faeth Sterling Spangler Myers, whose tremendous efforts Raytheon ITSS brought about Volume 1, and the members of the science teams for each of the instruments covered in this volume. Support for production of this document, provided by William For Additional Copies: Bandeen, Jim Closs, Steve Gra- ham, and Hannelore Parrish, is EOS Project Science Office also gratefully acknowledged. Code 900 NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD 20771 eos.nasa.gov Phone: (301) 867-2037 Internet: [email protected] NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland Printed October 2000 Abstract The EOS Data Products Handbook provides brief descriptions of the data products that will be produced from a range of missions of the Earth Observing System (EOS) and associated projects. Volume 1, originally published in 1997, covers the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM), the Terra mission (formerly named EOS AM-1), and the Data Assimilation System, while this volume, Volume 2, covers the Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor Satellite (ACRIMSAT), Aqua, Jason-1, Landsat 7, Meteor 3M/Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III (SAGE III), the Quick Scatterometer (QuikScat), the Quick Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (QuikTOMS), and the Vegetation Canopy Lidar (VCL) missions. Volume 2 follows closely the format of Volume 1, providing a list of products and an introduction and overview descriptions of the instruments and data processing, all introductory to the core of the book, which presents the individual data product descriptions, organized into 11 top- ical chapters. The product descriptions are followed by five appendices, which provide contact information for the EOS data centers that will be archiving and distributing the data sets, contact information for the science points of contact for the data products, references, acronyms and abbreviations, and a data prod- ucts index. I Table of Contents Abstract I Foreword IV List of Data Products (Organized by Mission Name) 1 Introduction 11 Instrument Descriptions and Data Processing Overviews 15 Radiance/Reflectance and Irradiance Products 47 Precipitation and Atmospheric Humidity 71 Cloud and Aerosol Properties and Radiative Energy Fluxes 87 Atmospheric Chemistry 123 Atmospheric Temperatures 131 Winds 139 Sea Surface Height and Ocean Wave Dynamics 147 Surface Temperatures of Land and Oceans, Fire Occurrence, and Volcanic Effects 151 Vegetation Dynamics, Land Cover, and Land Cover Change 165 Phytoplankton and Dissolved Organic Matter 187 Snow and Ice Cover 203 Appendix A: EOS Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) Contact Information 217 Appendix B: Points of Contact 218 Appendix C: References 225 Appendix D: Acronyms and Abbreviations 246 Appendix E: Data Products Index (Organized by Instrument Name) 252 III Foreword This is Volume 2 in a planned three-part series known as the Earth Observing System (EOS) Data Products Handbook (DPH). Each of the three volumes in the series will contain product descrip- tions for the science data products that are, or will be, available as standard products from sensors on existing and planned EOS satellites. The objective of the information presented in the series of Handbooks is to promote a broader understanding of how EOS data products can be used to contribute to and facilitate science research that will lead to improved monitoring and analysis of Earth phenomena, and ultimately to improved understanding and prediction of global climate change. DPH Volume 1 is dedicated to data products from instruments of the first era of EOS platforms, the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and Terra (formerly known as AM-1). The reader is therefore referred to Volume 1 for information on the TRMM precipitation-related instrument products derived from the TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI), the Precipitation Radar (PR), the Visible Infrared Scanner (VIRS) and the Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS). TRMM also carried the Clouds and the Earthʼs Radiant Energy System (CERES) instrument, and its products will be found in Volume 1 as well. There are also products based on the analyses performed by the Goddard Data Assimilation Office (DAO). The instruments on board Terra are the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER), Clouds and the Earthʼs Radiant Energy System (CERES), the Multi-Angle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR), the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MO- DIS), and the Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT). All standard products for these instruments are described in Volume 1. This Volume 2 of the DPH brings us to the era featuring the second major EOS mission, Aqua (formerly PM-1) and includes product descriptions not only for the instruments on board Aqua but also for those instruments flying in the same era on missions not included in Volume 1. The additional missions and their sensors are ACRIMSAT (Active Cavity Irradiance Monitor, ACRIM III), Jason-1 (Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite, DORIS; Jason Microwave Radiometer, JMR; and a radar altimeter, Poseidon-2), Landsat 7 (Enhanced Thematic Mapper +, ETM+), Meteor 3M/SAGE III (Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment, SAGE III), QuikScat (SeaWinds), QuikTOMS (Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer, TOMS), and Vegetation Canopy Lidar (VCL, Multi-Beam Laser Altimeter, MBLA). The Aqua instruments whose products are featured in Volume 2 are: Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS), Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A (AMSU-A), Humidity Sounder for Brazil (HSB), Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-E (EOS version, AMSR-E), Clouds and the Earthʼs Radiant Energy System (CERES), and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). Note that there has been a deliberate plan to have CERES fly on three missions, TRMM, Terra, and Aqua, with the intent of achieving maximum near-simultaneous coverage but at different viewing angles of Earthʼs radiances and clouds. Processing Level – Data set processing level is referred to throughout this document (see defi- nitions on facing page). Level 1 data (radiances, brightness temperatures, etc.) require knowledge regarding the instrument calibration and characterization, agreed-upon algorithms, and computer processing capability for conversion from Level 0 (unprocessed raw data in counts). Level 2 data measure the biogeophysical properties of Planet Earth derived from the calibrated and geolocated Level 1 data using scientific remote sensing principles. IV Data Products Handbook - Volume 2 Foreword Level 3 (mapped/gridded) and Level 4 (modeled) products can be used by interdisciplinary scientists to combine data from different areas of knowledge without necessarily having to know the details or undertake all of the processing that would otherwise be necessary (to process Level 1 to Level 3 or 4). The availability of Level 3 and 4 data is a major advantage of the EOS Data and Information System (EOSDIS) in promoting data usage from outside the science field in which the data were generated. Some data sets are being produced and archived in both a Level 2 (unmapped) and Level 3 (mapped and/or temporally sampled) form. Access to the actual data from the EOS instruments can be obtained most readily through the EOS Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs), and they are listed in Appendix A of this volume. In addition, names and addresses of key investigators are to be found in Appendix B: Points of Contact. Other information concerning all the EOS instruments can be found in the 1999 EOS Reference Handbook, which can be found, along with Volume 1 of the Data Products Handbook, by accessing the EOS Project Science Office home page at http://eos.nasa.gov/. As was typical of the information supplied in Volume 1, the information supplied here in Volume 2 has primarily been obtained from the principal investigators of the various instru- ments or from key staff members of the science teams for the instruments. We are extremely grateful to all the many contributors who have made it possible for us to assemble this material. We hope the information contained here will be of great use to a wide variety of potential users. Michael D. King EOS Senior Project Scientist Level 0 - Reconstructed unprocessed instrument/payload data at full resolution; any and all communications artifacts (e.g., synchronization frames, communications head- ers) removed. Level 1A - Reconstructed unprocessed instrument data at full resolution, time-refer- enced, and annotated with ancillary information, including radiometric and geometric calibration coefficients and georeferencing parameters (i.e., platform ephemeris) com- puted and appended, but not applied, to the Level 0 data. Level 1B - Level 1A data that
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