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CaU Today :::,NEWSTAN~ "- some winning ~ ~ '" "" --:L-t~.@ , tigers football title 313-343-5577 -lB -10 96 lross£ Pointe..,.~"'.,,, SUIt.t.. 19...0 ~ws serving the five Grosse Pointes and Harper Woods Woods library finally checked out By Brad Lindberg "Tomght, we have a rare Staff Writer opportullIty to bet the course for the next generatIOn of When Rvan Bowers Wdb a outbtandmg hhranes 10 the little gtrl ~TJowlng up In the Grosi:>e Pomtes, ~ John 411 CIty of Grossp Pomte, she Bruce, head of the library ~EastemStandard e '<;pent many an a(ternoon~ board, told members of the l'xplolmg the world through Woods cIty councd on begins at:2 a,m Sunday, Oct 26 hooks at the nearby mdlll Monday "It's now In your Turn your clocks back one hour branch of the pubhc hbrary handi:> to help us make thIS Now a mother hvmg III going to bed Saturday mght VlbJOna reality ~ F Grosse POll1te Woods, she "Movwg forward With thIS want., hel 3-year-old t",m project Will open much-need- ~ Take this time to change .,on dnd daughter to have ed classroom spdce at ..; 'le;;YOur sm<Jkealarm batterie ~ the bdme adventure Parcells,~ added Vlckey The Journey WIll be eaSler Bloom, hbrary dm"ctor now that a modern branch "You can tell a lot about library has been approved whdt a commumty values by for con"ltructlOn on the front the amemtles It prOVIdes INSIDE Idwn of Parcellb MIddle resldents.~ saId Dr Suzanne Pholfl JlIUo."tdlllHl h\ F InmngfI{mq \ A..,..,nCllh. to,. School at the corner of Mack Klelll, school supermten- Above is a rendering of the new Grosse Pointe Woods branch library and Vermer dent • The future IS neanng for the City of superimposed in an actual photograph taken from the northwest cor- "If we're gomg to rank Wlthm mmutes of wm- Grosse POinte as It steps ahead In Its ner of Mack and Vernier. Below is a photo illustration looking up ourselvps among the mng approval, hbrary lead- Sunningdale Drive toward Vernier. master plan approval process Page Blrmlnghams, Bloomfield ers put the past behmd 3A Htlls and Royal Oaks, we "We can't walt to move for- need facllihes for young ward,~ Bloom saId "We'll get famlhes,~ Bowers "laId our bUlldmg commIttee mov- The Woods cIty councll 109 on It" • A bond for $3 1 million to refurbish Monday mght approved "Our next step IS for the the Harper Woods PublIc Library wIll rpvlsed site plans that WIll architect to prepare bid doc- be on the Nuv 4 ballot Supporters say allow the $9 5 mllhon, uments," he saId "We hope an expanded meeting room as well as 26,500-bquare-foot library to that can be done withm 90 an elevator are good reasons to vote get ofT the ground - 42 feet days" for It Page 13A to be exact, seven feet taller By March, Bruce wants to than the cIty's nonnal 35- have acquIred bonds to fund foot cap the project Groundbreaklng Two addItional vanances could take place In May allow the bUlldmg's foot- "Wit Wlli be wor~~. .. print to encroach OD a 76- ly With the public sc1i00l WJfIIl loot setbaLk (41 feet flOm tern to schedule constructIOn Mack, 33 feet from Vermer) that meets the needs of the Friday, Oct. 24 In addition, the councl1 hbrary and safety of clul- granted a specIal land use dren at Parcells," Bruce The Rev, Richard W Ingalls Jr of vanance to allow library sald Manner's Church In Detroit will be the constructIOn on school prop- The bwldmg will have a featured speaker at the Ecumenical erty The hbrary wIll rent slate roof and walls of brick Men's Breakfast at Grosse POinte the property for $1 per year, and hmestane. Memonal Church at 7 30 a m ~ Plans submItted by "ThIS faclhty WIll serve as hbrary archItects mcluded' a signature burldmg for the Sunday, Oct. 26 • a dedIcated pIck-up and Woods," Bruce said, "one drop-off area wlthm an 18- that the commumty can be Cappella ArtemiSia performs Songs No late fees for Park space parkmg lot off Mack, proud of for the next 100 of the ClOisters at Grosse POinte • a 30-spot parkmg lot off years" Memona! Church at 7 p m Sunmngdale Park, whIch "ThiS has taken a long Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for bIsects the hbrary sIte and time (but) was well worth students and seniors, and are avaIlable library construction Lochmoor Country Club, It," saId Woods councIl mem- at the door For more Informallon, call and ber Enc Stemer, who based By Brad Lindberg structlOn of the new Park branch (313) 882-5330 • a separate nght-tum- hIS deCISIOn to not seek Staff Wnter hbrary on former cIty-owned land only eXIt lane from east. reelectIon, m part, by how The foundatIOn for a new century of next to the mUnIcIpal complex on Monday, Oct. 27 bound Vermer onto long the cIty was takmg to readmg and research has been set m lower Jefferson The Grosse POinte Public library Sunnmgdale Park address the hbrary Issue "I concrete m Grosse Pomte Park Now that the foundatIOn IS fin- Board meets at the Neighborhood Club LIbrary leaders feel bad for the Park LIterally Ished, the next step IS dehvery of approached the Woods near- because we've Just outdone at? p m "W,,'le reddy to pour the floor slab,~ enough cement to prOVide the 15,000- ly three years ago about them ~ Tuesday, Oct. 28 saId l\Iike Taj lor of S G Con'itructlOn square-foot bUIlding a floor fOUf Inch- plans for a new hbrary A Senlce SImilar effort IS under con- The Grosse POinte Senior Men's Patron-friendly Taylm ~ [omp t' \ J' mill 1;.,ln_ ( JI] 'iee PARK, page 2A structIOn, ahead of schedule, Club Willmeet at the Grosse POinte War III Grosse Pomte Park See WOODS, page 3A Memonal Lunch Willbe at 11 a m followed by a short business meeting Dr Ann Duncan, DVM, from the Detroit Zoo Willspeak on the dally care of animals, Including medlcmes and surgery Thursday, Oct. 30 Grosse Pomte Farms Mayor AOl'lald Knelser holds open office hours from 830 to 10 a m at the Farms CIty hall Opinion , .6A Harper Woods 12-13A Obituaries ..24A Schools .. " 25.29A Busmess . 30.31 A 108 Entertainment Photo h, HrAd I mdheTl! Autos .. 1C Nowthat the foundation is finished for the new branch library nen 100 to city hall Grosse Pointe Park. the next step is pouring the concrete Classlfleds/Crossword Door. Comptete L8~ng Dealgn & Construction 11*.*SEE OUR AD IN YOUR HOME 586-774-0090 I 'I' " + - • • Fe - .... r-' October 23, 2003 2A News Grosse Pointe News yesterday's headlines 50 years ago this week 50 years ago this week • Former Grosse Pomte dnve to obtam two tavern • There soon will be 125 Woods councilman Arnold lIcenses, whIch permIt the Dlesmg appears before the sale of beer and wme by the more parking spaces In the VIllage shopping dlstnct councIl protestmg the city's glass CIty of Grosse POinte offi- announced constructIOn of a • ThISSunday the Detrmt cIals WIllcreate extra park- mUnICipal garage m a reSI- Free Press Motor City 109by leasmg a stnp of land dentIal area on Marter Stnders InternatlOnal runmng parallel to Road Marathon Wlllbnng an esti- Kercheval and extendmg Ai> a result of the protest, mated 2,300 runners mto ~]'Hld th~ Kreber, Kresge the councIl schedules a spe- the Grosse Pomtes and Cunmngham stores. CIalseSSIonlater thIS month "he route Ull.lUU,"" • Parkmg faclhtles Wlllbe to dISCUSS an ordmance Jefferson-Lakeshore to amendment allowmg mumc- Kerby, to Kercheval and extended In thp lot behmd the Grosse Pomte Farms Ipal structures In a reSIden- back to DetrOIt Dnvers are tial zone busmess dlstnct on the Hill warned to be on the lookout Members of the Farms for Joggers and bamcades city councIl say It will cost from 9 a m to 2 p m $1,200 to prOVIdespace for 25 years ago this week • Grosse Pomte South another 50 cars The present • The owners of two and North hIgh school foot. lot WIllbe pushed mto a por- Grosse Pomte Woods restau- ball teams WIn theIr home- tIOn of the Richard rants, Le Cafe Francau, and commggames South's semor quarter- Elementary School play- Da Eduardo, combme forces back Bob Baker throws two ground on an InItIatory petitIOn touchdown passes to help the Blue DeVils come from behmd agamst RoseVIlle27- 18 North's Norsemen beat Grosse Pointe Coach L'Anse Creuse 19-6 Luxury Sedan Transportation 2003 Lincoln Town Car 10 years ago this week • Local real estate agents are up m arms over (}Qv Saturday is U.N. Day John Engler's proposed 4 Mrs. Thomas Tilley show Mrs. Courtney Rankin the new poster honoring percent transfer tax on the Oct. 24 as United Nations Day. Both ladies are members ofthe Grosse Pointe sale of homes Agents clalm Chapter of the United World Federalists, a national organization which is the tax WIllhurt real estate seeking to strengthen the U.N. by giving it adequate powers to maintain sales and IS not a stable peace and ensure world law. Many Grosse Pointers are planning to attend form of fundmg the U.N. luncheon scheduled for noon at the International Institute in Within Grosse Pointe area $15 Based on the average cost downtown Detroit.
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