July 24, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6201 doctor since the days of Hippocrates, the Fulbright Scholar Program. This I hope also to restore constitutional should be guided by that eternal prin- would devastate a successful and flour- integrity, and I expect to introduce ciple: First, do no harm. ishing project. legislation dealing with preventing the f Our country benefits enormously President from firing the special coun- from Fulbright Fellows past, present, sel and from abusing the pardon power RECOGNIZING F.X. MATT BREWING and future, and I urge all of my col- to pardon people who are under inves- COMPANY OF UTICA, NEW YORK leagues to continue supporting this ex- tigation. (Ms. TENNEY asked and was given cellent program on a full basis. I ask that we work together, and that permission to address the House for 1 f is to save lives. Vote ‘‘no’’ on that Sen- minute and to revise and extend her re- ate bill. SECRETARY PRUITT WELCOMED marks.) f Ms. TENNEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise TO SOUTH CAROLINA HONORING EUGENE WING OF today to recognize F.X. Matt Brewing (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina FAIRFIELD, MAINE Company, located in Utica, New York. asked and was given permission to ad- Founded in 1888, Matt’s Brewery is the dress the House for 1 minute and to re- (Mr. POLIQUIN asked and was given fourth oldest family-owned brewery in vise and extend his remarks.) permission to address the House for 1 the United States. Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. minute and to revise and extend his re- An award-winning brewery, F.X. Speaker, this morning at Cameron, marks.) Matt Brewing Company is famous for South Carolina, I was grateful to join Mr. POLIQUIN. Mr. Speaker, their pale ale lager, Utica Club, the EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, Sen- throughout America’s 241-year history, first beer licensed for sale after Prohi- ator LINDSEY GRAHAM, Attorney Gen- millions of brave men and women have bition, in addition to international eral Alan Wilson, and Commissioner of fought for our freedom, and we are taste test winner Saranac beer and Agriculture Hugh Weathers to discuss grateful for their service. Sometimes, Mr. Speaker, we find an soda lines. the waters of the United States rule American hero who worked behind the F.X. Matt Brewing Company is cur- published by the prior administration. scenes to keep us free. Eugene Wing of rently among the 15 largest beer pro- This harmful rule geometrically ex- Fairfield, Maine, in central Maine, is ducers in the Nation, and the Matt panded intrusion of the Federal Gov- family continues to develop new rec- one of these heroes. ernment, imposing greater Federal Gene was a gifted student who grad- ipes each year. overreach, dictating the definition of Matt’s Brewery has played an impor- uated from Bowdoin College in 1905 and waterways, and destroying jobs of tant role in our local community by then studied economics at Oxford Uni- original conservationists who promote hosting Saranac Thursdays, a weekly versity in England. He was then hired, a clean environment. summer concert series, where a portion Mr. Speaker, by The International I appreciate Administrator Scott of the proceeds are donated to the Banking Corporation and sent to the Pruitt who facilitated the roundtable United Way of Utica. Matt’s Brewery Philippines, where he became an expert to learn directly from local agricul- also hosts the post-race celebration for on the trade of natural resources in the tural community leaders about the the world famous Utica Boilermaker Far East. harmful consequences of the rule. The 15K road race. At the start, Mr. Speaker, of World men and women of the roundtable, I am grateful to Fred Matt, Nick War I and, later, World War II, the hosted by Jim and Karen Roquemore, Matt, and everyone at the brewery for Army Intelligence Service asked Gene clearly explained the real impact over- their hard work, ingenuity, and dedica- to help defeat the enemy and save the reaching regulations have on environ- tion to our community as they con- world. Mr. Wing took extraordinary mentally positive development for tinue this historic family business. I risks to locate and help control the jobs. encourage my colleagues to stop by my flow of coal, oil, gold, silver, and iron I am grateful that President Donald office to try some of their great prod- ore which were desperately needed by Trump and Administrator Pruitt have ucts. the enemy’s war machine. His daring On a personal note, as a lifelong committed to review the rule and, spirit and extraordinary knowledge of friend of the Matt family, I will always most importantly, considered the input these raw materials gave America and be grateful to Lillian ‘‘Duffy’’ Matt, af- from grassroots organizations about our Allies the upper hand to win both fectionately known as Duff, who the negative impact. World Wars. Mr. Wing’s unusual skill taught me how to ride a bicycle. In conclusion, God bless our troops, made him a target of our enemies, and and we will never forget September the f he was eventually captured and put to 11th in the global war on terrorism. death. SUPPORTING THE FULBRIGHT I appreciate Rusty Shannon of Sandy Mr. Speaker, Eugene Wing from Fair- PROGRAM Run, South Carolina, for alerting me to field, Maine, is a true American hero. (Mr. RASKIN asked and was given the destructive consequences of the Millions of people around the world permission to address the House for 1 rule. who live in freedom today are the bene- minute.) f ficiaries of his sacrifice, his bravery, Mr. RASKIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise MEDICAID and his patriotism. We are grateful for today in strong support of the Ful- Mr. Wing, and we will never forget. (Ms. JACKSON LEE asked and was bright Program, which more than f 370,000 people from the United States given permission to address the House and over 180 countries have partici- for 1 minute.) REMEMBERING JIM VANCE pated in since its founding in 1946. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, (Ms. NORTON asked and was given For 70 years, the Fulbright Program within hours, the Senate will begin a permission to address the House for 1 has promoted strong relationships be- sinister unraveling of the safety net for minute and to revise and extend her re- tween Americans and other people and millions of Americans—$774 billion cut marks.) stimulated international education and from Medicaid—and they will throw on Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, Jim progress. Some 57 Fulbright Fellows the ground some $200 billion that is Vance, our local NBC news anchor in have received Nobel Prizes; 82 have re- just a bait to be able to bring votes in. this region, who died Saturday at 75, ceived the Pulitzer Prize; 33 have gone It was sad to see the administration probably set a record, local or national, on to serve as head of state; and 10 speak today about having people lose as news anchor. have been elected to the U.S. Congress. their lives because, without healthcare, For 45 years, while being only him- All over the world, more than 370,000 they will. I ask the Senate to vote self, Vance presented the news to a re- Fulbright alumni are making waves in ‘‘no.’’ Kill this bill. gion that challenged D.C. TV news science, medicine, public service, art, It would be important if the Presi- with vast changes racially and eth- business, philanthropy, and education. dent would also have an agenda—6 nically, economically and politically. Mr. Speaker, President Trump now months and he has no jobs bill, no in- Jim Vance took the dare and told our proposes a staggering 55 percent cut to surance, and no infrastructure bill. ever-changing story straight. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:06 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.080 H24JYPT1 lotter on DSKBC18HB2PROD with HOUSE.
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