c (I) KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS VOLUME XXIV. NO 49 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN ATOLL, MARSHALL ISLANDS FRIDAY. MARCH 13. 1987 u.s. Offers New Pentagon Policymaker Leaving By NORMAN BLACK dIStInCtlOn and 10 a way that has done AP MIhtary Wnter much to defme and reahze the polIcy Plan On Euromissiles goals and achievements of the presI­ By TIM AHERN and because the SOVIets already had WASHINGTON - RIchard N dent," the secretary said ASSOCIated Press Wnter the InfOrmatIOn Normally, the two Perle, the Pentagon arms control Perle's departure wIll stnp the ad­ Sides don't reveal detaIls of theIr po­ polIcymaker whose hard-hne VIew~ minIstratIOn of an unabashed hardlm­ WASHINGTON - The Reagan SItIOns earned hIm the tItle the "Pnnce of er whose vIews on the SovIet UnIon admlmstratIon IS offenng the SovIets On CapItol HIll, RIchard Perle, a Darkness," IS leavmg the admmlstra­ have frequently been embraced by a new 1OspectIon plan as part of the major adrrunIstratlon figure on nuclear tIOn Reagan effort to ehmmate medmm-range nu­ pohcy, told a House ForeIgn AffaIrS Perle saId yesterday he would re­ A protege of the late Sen Henry clear mIssiles from Europe, while subcommIttee the next "SIX to eIght SIgn hIS post as the aSSIstant defense M Jackson, D-Wash, the 45-year­ also appeahng to U S cntIcs for months are CrItIcal" m the effort to secretary for InternatIonal secunty old Perle IS credIted even by detrac­ more tIme to negotIate arms reduc­ work out arms reductlon treatIes polIcy thIS spnng after "an orderly tors for hIS sharp mtellect and an un­ tIOns Perle, who announced hIS resIgna­ tranSItIOn m my office" usually savvy understandmg of how The U S plan was presented yes­ tIon later Thursday as an aSSIstant "I came to the conclUSIOn that to WIeld Influence wIthm the bureau­ terday to the SovIet Umon m Geneva, secretary of defense, urged there's never a good moment (to cracy where the two sIdes are trY10g to Democrats who control both the leave), there's never a moment at He used hIS appomtment m 1981 work out a treaty The SOvIets already House and Senate not to force ad­ WhICh all of the Issues m WhIch one IS to a thIrd-level post wIthm the Pen­ have accepted the pnncIpal of on-SIte rrunIstratIon actIOns, such as contIn­ Interested m are resolved, but I thmk tagon to carve out a key role on arms InspectIon to help venfy comphance, ued complIance to the SALT II arms the dIrectIOn of the admInIstratIOn on control Issues - frequently to the which IS the major stumblmg block to treaty, WhICh he argued would tIe the the Issues IS pretty clearly set," Perle consternatIOn of the State Depdrtment an agreement hands of U S negotIators at Geneva SaId at a Pentagon bnefing Perle has fought any arms control The proposed pact would reqmre The same plea came from Kenneth Perle saId he had been asked by proposal that dIdn't call for deep re­ dlsmanthng, over the next fIve years, Adelman, dIrector of the Arms Con­ Defense Secretary Caspar W Wem­ ductIOns In nuclear weaponry or of 268 US weapons based In West trol and DIsarmament Agency, as he berger to contmue as a part-tIme which failed to protect Amenca's Germany, Great Bntam, BelgIUm, the testIfied at the heanng adVISor and would do so, but Intend­ nght to pursue research on a "star Netherlands and Italy, along WIth the "It IS IronIC that those m the House ed to pursue the hfe of a novelIst by wars" mIssIle-defense system 243 Soviet weapons targeted on and Senate who talk most about arms wntIng a book about Washmgton's He was frequently accused by Western Europe control and who are most cntIcal of bureaucracy and the way It works congressIOnal Democrats of advanc­ The latest U S venflcatIon pro­ us for not domg more are those who, He has reportedly been offered an mg arms control pOSItIOns that he posal has three parts FIrSt would be m my mmd, are the bIggest threat to advance In the range of $250,000 to knew would prove unacceptable to confirmatIon by on-SIte mspectors of gettIng a good agreement," SaId $300,000 for such a novel Moscow m hopes of blockmg any missIles deployed, followed by In­ Adelman, challengmg those who Wemberger saId he accepted Per­ accord Perle has, m fact, expressed spectors watchmg the missIles bemg would legIslate cuts m U S programs le's resIgnatIon with "profound re­ contempt for Virtually every arms destroyed that the Soviets hadn't even won at gret" control treaty ever negotIated WIth the The fmal stage would be statIomng the bargammg table "He has served us all WIth great Soviets U S mspectors m ASIa where they Perle dIsmIssed the cntlclsm yes­ would watch the 100 mId-range terday, however, saymg hIS only de­ SOVIet missIles as they are moved Guam To Vote On Political SIre was to aVOId agreements "for there, With the SovIets gIVen the same theIr own sake " rIght to Check on U S weapons, Status With U.S. which would pos~Ibly be put m Four Bombs Alaska AGANA, Guam (AP) - CItIzens Self-DetermInatIon State Department spokesman of thIS U S terrItory would vote The temtory's LegIslature fIrst In Belfast Charles Redman saId he was makmg Aug 8 on a new polltlcal status WIth must approve the date proposed last BELFAST, Northern Ireland the detaIls pubhc because there IS "a the UnIted States under a recommen­ mght by the commiSSIOn chaIred by (AP) - Four bombs exploded In great deal of mterest m thIS questIon" datIOn by Guam's CommISSIOn on Gov Joseph F Ada Belfast today mJunng at least five po- Guam was scheduled to vote on a hce offIcers, four of them at a ceme- Commission Report Urges Action umlateral draft Commonwealth Act In tery where a slaIn colleague was be- Apnl, but the Legislature faIled to ap- mg buned, polIce said Against Alleged Nazis propnate money for the ballotmg A car bomb blew up near OTTA W A (AP) - The govern- port SaId those numbers are grossly Should voters approve the draft Roselawn Cemetery on the outskIrts ment announced It would change Its exaggerated callIng for commonwealth status, the of Belfast as the funeral cortege was laws to allow prosecutIon of people Hnatyshyn rejected negotIatIng act would go to Congress for con sld- approach1l1g WIth the body of re- charged WIth NaZI war CrImes fol- new extrddItIOn arrangements WIth eratIon servlst Peter Nesbllt, who was kIlled 10w1Og pubhcauon of a report rec- countrIes seekmg the return of sus- The draft act, wntten by a by a bomb In Belfast Tuesday mght, ommendmg that urgent actIon be tak- pects, such as Israel and the SOVIet commISSIOn appOInted by former saId Supenntendent Leonard en agaInst 20 people accused of Umon, and said the government Gov Ricardo J Bordallo, proposes a Bleakney, a spokesman for the Royal World War II atrocIUes would not strIP suspects of CItlZen- number of slgmflcant changes 111 Ulster Constabulary JustIce MInIster Ray Hnatyshyn shIp retroactIvely, a~ the commISSIOn Guam-U S relatIons Three of the pohce officers suf- told ParlIament yesterday the gov- suggested One proVISIOn calls for the Umted fered shrapnel wounds and a fourth ernment would propose legislatIOn to Canada wIll seek eVIdence from States to make annual payments for was 111 shock, he said change the Cnmmal Code to permIt wItnesses In the SOVIet Umon and land occupied by mIlitary bases Another polIceman was Injured the prosecutIon of people on charge other countnes but wIll follow Its About one-thud of Guam's 240 when a bomb exploded at Smithfield of war cnmes they allegedly commlt- customary JudICIal safeguards, square mIles In m the hands of the Market 111 the center of the provInce's ted elsewhere Hnatyshyn SaId rruhtary capItal, Bleakney said A second He did not say when the govern- The JudiCIal comrrussIOn took two Another provlSlon would take Im- bomb exploded at the enclosed shop- ment would subrrut the proposed bIll, years to complete ItS work, at a cost mIgratIOn authOrIty away from the p1l1g mall a few mInutes later, but but the legIslatIon IS expected to pass of $4 rrulhon ($3 mIllIon US) U S ImmigratIOn and NaturaLIzatIOn caused no casualtIes, poLIce said easIly 10 Parhament, where PrIme Sol Littman, CanadIan represen- SerVIce and turn It over to Guam A bomb also went off on the Mll1lster Bnan Mulroney's tatIve of the SImon Wlesenthal offiCials DublIn Road, a commerCIal ConservatIve Party has a large Center, whIch hunts NaZI war The proposal also contaIns lan- thoroughfare, causIng no mJunes maJonty cnmInals, accused the comrrussIOn of guage that would reqUIre the federal There was no ImmedIate claIm of The government proposal was "wholesale dIsmIssal by meptness " government to return all of ItS surplus responsIbILIty for the blasts announced after the CommISSIOn of He expressed doubt of the land to the Guam government at no "We have also had a number of Inqmry on War Cnmmals released a government's commItment to cost Much of the Island was occu- suspect deVIces In and around the CIty report based on a two-year offICIal prosecute even those cases m whIch pled by the U S mIlItary shortly after center A number have been cleared 1I1vestlgatlon of more than 900 people atrOCIties can be proven World War II WIth no compensatIon and declared hoaxes Others are stIll suspected of war cnmes "We're g01l1g to watch and waIt, paId to the ongmallandowners bemg checked," Bleakney said The 966-page publIc report said but not waIt very long because the bl- Hondurans Say 4 Died In Plane Crash that of those cases, 698 were dls- ologIcal clock IS tIck1l1g away and By FREDDY CUEVAS tIfy himself missed for lack of eVIdence or be- some cnmmals may cheat Justlce by ASSOCIated Press Wnter The three crew members were cause the suspects
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