Music Trade Review -- © mbsi.org, arcade-museum.com -- digitized with support from namm.org 40 THE MUSIC TRADE REVIEW FEBRUARY 13, 1926 concert on a given night of the leading orches- Chicago Manufacturers Discuss Question tras of that community. The concert was held in the beautiful Majestic Theatre and everyone of Holding Semi-Annual Market There interested was invited and urged to attend. Through the medium of newspaper and di- Chicago Zone of Association, in Enthusiastic Meeting, Discusses Project of Holding Group Dis- rect-mail advertising, the affair was given a play of Products Twice Annually—Retiring Officers Presented Silver Service background of real interest and the result was an attendance that entirely taxed the capacity /CHICAGO, ILL., February 6.—One of the ' The members also discussed holding a semi- of the house. The orchestras participating in most enthusiastic and entertaining meetings annual musical merchandise market in this city, the event were Steve Gardner and His Orches- ever held by the Association of Musical Mer- for the purpose of having a group display of tra, the Texas Collegians, Fatz Obernier's Or- chandise Manufacturers, Chicago Zone, took the products of the member firms to visiting chestra and Harold Caldwell and His Orchestra. place on the evening of February 4 in the South jobbers. Another topic which was given much Steve Gardner, one of the best-known mu- Room of the Auditorium Hotel, the new meet- attention was the value of using quality strings sicians in the entire country, WHS director of ing place of the Association. It was attended on ukuleles and banjo-ukuleles as part of the the group and the program consisted of every- by thirty-five members and their guests, includ- original equipment, and in this discussion the thing from semi-classical to the pulse-quicken- ing F. H. Roberts, of Lyon & Healy, and H. C. string manufacturers took an active part. ing "Yes, Sir, That's My Baby." So much fa- Ruester, of the Ludwig Music House, St. Louis, The retiring officers of the Association, H. vorable comment was heard as a result of the Mo. H. Slingerland, past president, and Walter plan that it has been decided to make it an A feature of the gathering was a group in- Gotsch, past secretary, were each presented annual affair in Austin. It is also a notable fact struction on how to play the ukulele. With the with a silver cocktail service. that the orchestras participating in the unusuai compliments of the Regal Musical Instrument event all use and recommend Martin Hand- Co., Chicago, a Wendell Hall Red Head ukulele craft instruments, for which the .1. R. Reed was placed at each plate, and the members under J. R. Reed Go. Gives Music Co. is distributor. the instruction of William F. Ludwig, president Massed Orchestra Concert of the Association, joined in learning chords and finally playing some well-known strains with Event Proves So Popular That It Is Planned to 14,000 Hear_Old Fiddlers the piano accompaniment by T. Werner, of the Make It an Annual Event LAWRENCE, MASS., February 8.—R. G. Kneupfer, Harmony Co. proprietor of the Kneupfer & Dimock Music- Further ukulele entertainment was furnished AUSTIN, TEX., February 6.—Dealers who are Co., promoted an old fiddlers' contest here last by Cy Berg and Bob Witt of Premier Attrac- alert and sincerely determined in their efforts week which attracted an audience of 14,000 in tions, who appear at frequent intervals before to develop new business will find much food for the mammoth Ford garage. Twenty-two con- the microphone of Chicago's broadcasting sta- tions. The two artists played several numbers on the ukulele, banjo-ukulele, guitar and other stringed instruments. As an added attraction William F. Ludwig presented F. A. Delano, of the Chicago Talking Machine Co., local Victor jobber, who gave a demonstration of the Orthophonic Victrola, at the same time pointing out some interesting facts in regard to recording and tone. He traced the developments which have occurred in mak- ing records, securing artists and the develop- ment of a tone consciousness on the part ot the public. He played a number of records to bring out the different tone qualities of the Orthophonic, and members of the Association were especially delighted with the ukulele in- struction record by May Singhi Breen. A very important business meeting was held following the entertainment, during which the Association considered adopting a new insignia which will increase the eye value of the slogan "Make America Musical," and suggested repro- Massed Orchestra Ccncert in Austin, Tex. ducing this on the letterheads and literature thought in a plan recently adopted by the J. R. testants vied for honors and Mr. Kneupfer of each member of the Association. Jay Kraus, Reed Music Co., of this city. With a splendid and presented the first prize silver loving cup to president of.the Harmony Co., was appointed aggressive program of advertising creating in- Charles Holt, a seventy-six-year-old fiddler chairman of the committee to work on this and terest in its plan and with most of the mer- from North Andover. Mr. Kneupfer then en- will present his findings at the next meeting on chants of the city co-operating in an advertis- gaged Mr. Holt to play selections in his store March 4. ing way, the Reed store arranged for a massed window, which proved to be a big attraction. Mr. Dealer—Now Ready—New Distributes Gotz Violins (Sold only at music stores) America's standard SAXO POLISH Tonk Bros. Co. The William R. Gratz Import Co., importer For Silver and (lold Saxophones, Trumpets, of musical merchandise, New York, has been Hanjos, Drums, etc. Chicago made exclusive wholesale distributor in the America's best NICO POLISH United States and Canada for Albert Gotz vio- For Nickel and Brass Saxophones, Trumpets, Banjos, Drums, etc. Everything in lins, according to an announcement made by ]5oth polishes are made from the very best and Joseph Mock, secretary of the company. Gotz latest and most successful formulas known. High- est recommendations by the leading manufacturers. Musical Merchandise violins are well-known instruments and are Don't lose sales—Usual dealers' discounts. (Wholesale Only) made in Czecho-Slovakia, one of the great vio- Order now. lin manufacturing centers of Europe. Accord- N1COMEDE MUSIC CO. ing to Mr. Mock the first shipment speaks Manufacturers Altoona, Pa. 623 So. Wabash Avenue loudly for the excellent workmanship and fine tone of the instruments. Kant Krack Cases Banjo and Drum Heads Gonns for Slaves of Music Genuine Rogers "Quality brands" CANTON, O., February 8.—Jack Crawford and were given Medal and highest awards His Slaves of Music, formerly Paul Biese's "The Quality Supreme" over all others. band, current at Moonlight ballroom, broke Five grades to select from, cheapest into the newspapers here by a tie-up with the to the very best. Nusbaum Co., local Conn instrument dealer, GE1B & SCHAEFER CO. when this store used a large display ad, with Manufacturer* White calf in thin, medium and heavy. cuts of Crawford and the band and a signed Musical Instrument Cases testimonial of what Crawford thinks of Conn Joseph Rogers, Jr., & Son instruments. This band displayed a large plush Sold by all Leading Jobbert Farmlngdale, N. J. banner informing the public it used Conn in- 1751-9 N. C.«tr«l Park AT.. CM. struments..
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