Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 12-15-1995 The BG News December 15, 1995 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News December 15, 1995" (1995). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5943. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/5943 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. "Celebrating 75 years of Excellence // Inside the News Opinion CcitnpUS • Northwestern supports gays and lesbians 4 Joe muses about Nation • Politidans bait leaders for contributions 5 Christmas woes. SpOrtS • Falcon men take on James Madison 7 NEW S Page2 Friday, December 15,1995 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 82, Issue 59 Veteran works for memorial Jim Barker tV'.- The BG News PERRYSBURG - World War II veteran Richard Berry is fighting a battle with Washing- ton from his home. Berry, 74, a retired elec- tronic technician, served in the Pacific Theater aboard the U.S.S. Hudson and participated Diverse in the pivotal invasions of Iwo Jima and Okinawa. f He has spent nearly a decade V tF grad lobbying to make his greatest wish - the construction of a World War II veterans' memor- ial - become a concrete reality. students "This is something I've wanted for a long time," Berry said. "Fifty years have gone by sought since we won the war, and still there is no veterans memor- Andrea Wood ial." The BC News Berry began his quest by talking with local government For more than two decades, officials and veterans organi- Project Search has been seeking zations concerning his plans out and recruiting prospective with only limited success. Ac- graduate students from all over cording to Berry, most local the U.S. in an effort diversify the politicians and media dis- University. missed the idea of a WWII For the past two years, Lisa memorial located on National Chavers has directed Project Mall grounds. Search. Within the graduate col- "People were reluctant to lege there are now 277 multicul- touch the idea. There were An artistic rendering of Richard Berry's World War II Memorial architectural rendcrist Dudley Fleming. tural students, according to people saying we shouldn't glo- Museum design. The rendering was executed by Bowling Green Chavers. rify the war," he said. "But The program began in 1972 at what about the 400,000 Ameri- the insistence of J.S. Scott, who is cans who died on the fronts? following December which in- sponsible for designating a Some historians believe The rendering, created with now writer-in-residence and They deserve to be recog- tended to "establish a memor- WWII Memorial site and ap- America lacked justification the help of Bowling Green ! professor of ethnic studies. nized." ial on federal land in the Dis- proving the structure's design. for its involvement in the War architect Dudley Fleming and ! Under the direction of Peace Soon after Berry began trict of Columbia or its envir- On Sept. 19, the commissions and have expressed opposition artist Walter Chapman of Champion, the program has seen lobbying politicians for sup- ons to honor members of the designated a site for the WWII to a memorial. S°me Washing- Toledo, appeared in the Sep- :. 120 minority graduates receive port he met Roger Durbin, a armed forces who served in Memorial on the National Mall tonians feel the memorial will tember issue of Popular Me- • doctoral degrees and 1200 Blissfield, Mich., resident and World War II and to comme- at the East end of the Reflect- ruin the asthetic appeal of the chanics magazine. receive their master's degrees. fellow WWII veteran also In- morate the participation of the ing Pool. This location will Mall and favor a low-to-the- Berry's design includes a Chavers said Project Search is terested in building a memorial United States in that War." place the new Memorial within ground, discreet design for the large rotunda structure to an "arm" within the graduate col- in the District of Columbia. In May 1993 the bill was ap- walking distance of the Viet- structure. house the museum portion of : lege that is extended to multi- The two veterans approa- proved and signed into law. nam and Korean Conflict me- Berry, determined to have the memorial. Surrounding the ! ethnic students. Chavers said her ched state representative The Commission on Fine morials. his say in the matter, submit- rotunda would be a circular - responsibilities include identify- Marcy Kaptur in early 1987 Arts, the American Battle Choosing a design for the ted an architectural rendering base covered by a projection- : ing, recruiting, admitting, retain- with their "Memorial Mu- Monuments Commission and WWII Memorial has proved a to the ABMC depicting what he style map of the northern hem- ing and placing multi-ethnic seum" proposal. the National Capital Planning more difficult decision for the believed the Memorial should graduate students. Kaptur authored a bill the Commission were made re- commissions. look like. Sec MEMORIAL, pact four. See GRAD, page four. University receives grants Kaplan considers Brandon Wray operative education in the Col- to improve the quality of the sites disadvantage The BC News lege of Technology, said the we send people to and the level of Joan Morgan, director of the improvement for grant will help the department customer service we can give to academic enhancement office, The University has received hire more job coordinators and students," Piersol said. said her program helps students more than $700,000 in grants developers. The College will also use the with learning or physical disabi- from the U.S. Department of Ed- grant to sponsor more student health center "The College of Technology is lities, or those students who show ucation for several of its pro- the only college that requires workshops and job fairs. potential but were not adequately Genell Pavelicn posing a bill to implement a pro- grams that help students with students to do three full-time co- The Office of Academic En- prepared in high school. The BC News gram like this, which they will special needs. ops," Piersol said. "We work with hancement recieved $351,411 for "We have counselors in finan- vote on In the first USG meeting The College of Technology was the students to find them the Its programs that help low- cial aid and other academic af- In order to improve student next semester on Jan. 22 the recipient of a $468,125 grant right jobs." income, and first-generation col- fairs," Morgan said. "Our office satisfaction with the Health Jeff Stcfancic, USG president, to help with its cooperative edu- Piersol said the College works lege and disabled students. also sponsors workshops and Center, there are proposals to said this proposal would be an- cation program. The co-op pro- with the companies to improve The Office of Academic En- writing labs." have a student working part time other way to help improve cus- gram places more than 400 stu- the quality of the student's expe- hancement will use its grant The Office of Academic En- in the building to find out how tomer service for students. dents into jobs each semester. rience. money to help students who may hancement works with about 450 students feel about the center 'This would send a message Barry Piersol, director of co- "Hiring these people allows us have started college with a slight students annually. and the care they receive there. that students as consumers at thai Dr. Joshua Kaplan, medical di- University deserve the best pos- rector of health services, said sible treatment," he said "Cus- they want to provide the best tomer service should be a No. 1 service possible to students. priority to gauge the customers; "We want the Student Health level of satisfaction and what Students' case overturned Center to provide good service to could be improved on." students, but in order to do that Ron Russell, USG cajpgaaj Jot Boyle not read their Miranda rights. nine party-goers who were ar- City of Bowling Green, and the we need to know what people ex- member and member of the The BC News Fleming represented five of rested, along with the three arrests will not appear on any pect and want," Kaplan said. "We health advisory board, said he the party-goers In Judge James women who hosted the party. of the defendants' permanent want to give more ownership to agreed that it is Important to in- Hie Wood County Appeals Bachman's court, who granted Fleming said the case was records. the students." crease customer support at the Court overturned the arrests of the appeal on the basis of broken into two separate parts Fleming commented that the Kaplan said the idea for doing health center. five University students ar- Inadmissable testimony. - the part iers and the hosts. trial "really shouldn't have this was something he was in- "The idea is to have a student rested for underage drinking "Their rights were violated The duration of the case was taken this long. formed of when he attended a to do random surveys for those in January. because they were Interro- not imuniwl for the appeals "The case shouldn't have meeting of college health direc- leaving the building to find out Rodney Fleming, managing gated without having their process, according to Fleming.
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