OPEN ACCESS All arfcles publfshed fn fhe Journal of Threafened Taxa are regfsfered under Creafve Commons Afrfbufon 4.0 Inferna - fonal Lfcense unless ofherwfse menfoned. JoTT allows unresfrfcfed use of arfcles fn any medfum, reproducfon and dfsfrfbufon by provfdfng adequafe credff fo fhe aufhors and fhe source of publfcafon. Journal of Threafened Taxa The fnfernafonal journal of conservafon and faxonomy www.fhreafenedfaxa.org ISSN 0974-7907 (Onlfne) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Prfnf) Shorf Communfcaffon An observaffon on fhe fruff feedfng behavfor of bufferflfes fn some areas of Bangladesh Tahsfnur Rahman Shfhan 26 Ocfober 2016 | Vol. 8 | No. 12 | Pp. 9479–9485 10.11609/jof.2519.8.12. 9479-9485 For Focus, Scope, Afms, Polfcfes and Gufdelfnes vfsff hfp://fhreafenedfaxa.org/Abouf_JoTT.asp For Arfcle Submfssfon Gufdelfnes vfsff hfp://fhreafenedfaxa.org/Submfssfon_Gufdelfnes.asp For Polfcfes agafnsf Scfenffc Mfsconducf vfsff hfp://fhreafenedfaxa.org/JoTT_Polfcy_agafnsf_Scfenffc_Mfsconducf.asp For reprfnfs confacf <[email protected]> Publfsher/Hosf Parfner Threafened Taxa Journal of Threatened Taxa | www.threatenedtaxa.org | 26 October 2016 | 8(12): 9479–9485 An observation on the fruit feeding behavior of butterflies in some areas of Bangladesh ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) Tahsinur Rahman Shihan Communication Short ISSN 0974-7893 (Print) Founder, Butterfly Flocks, Belgachi Railgate Para, Chuadanga 7200, Bangladesh [email protected] OPEN ACCESS Abstract: Very little information has been found about the behavior Bonebrake et al. 2010). of fruit feeding butterflies in Bangladesh. So this was an attempt to Fruit feeding butterflies are usually attracted to know about the fruit feeding behavior of butterflies from different areas of Bangladesh. The study was conducted during June 2014 to the volatiles produced by the fermentation process of September 2015. A total of 11 species and 53 individuals of butterflies their food sources, which differs from nectar-feeding of two families feeding on 11 species on the fruits of 11 families were reported. The greatest number of species (five) fed on Averrhoa butterflies that are attracted mainly by color displays carambola, Psidium guajava and Mangifera indica followed by Ananas (Sourakov et al. 2012). This opportunistic behavior could comosus feeding by two species and remaining fruit species feeding by be especially important in periods when their natural one species of butterfly. food sources are scarce. In India, Palot & Radhakrishan Keywords: Euthalia aconthea, fruit feeding, Nymphalidae. (2006) reported 12 species of butterflies of family Nymphalidae feeding on rotten jackfruit. However, the feeding behavior of adult butterflies is an often neglected topic in the study of butterfly biology The fruit feeding habit evolved several times in (Hall & Willmott 2000) and very little information has nymphalid butterflies probably as an escape route from been found about the behavior of fruit feeding butterflies periods of low flower abundance (Krenn et al. 2001). in Bangladesh. So this was an attempt to know about Most fruit-feeding species have a proboscis adapted to the fruit feeding behavior of butterflies from different suck fluids from moist surfaces, which is morphologically areas of Bangladesh. different from that of nectar-feeding butterflies (Krenn 2010). Fruit feeding butterflies feed on rotting fruits, Methods and Materials faeces, tree sap and some other decaying organic matter An observation of fruit feeding behavior was (Young 1975; DeVries 1987). Due to their attraction to conducted from June 2014 to September 2015 in natural rotting fruits, these butterflies are easily sampled with conditions such as on over-ripe fruits fallen under trees, bait traps and have been extensively used as models half eaten ripe fruits left by birds, rotten fruits under to assess levels of anthropogenic disturbance to the trees or on trees and the remains of fruit fed upon by environment (Shuey 1997; Ribeiro et al. 2008, 2012; birds. The butterflies’ behavior was carefully observed. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11609/jott.2519.8.12.9479-9485 | ZooBank: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:BCD963A2-DBCB-4CC7-89C5-900C86E9A598 Editor: Anonymity requested. Date of publication: 26 October 2016 (online & print) Manuscript details: Ms # 2519 | Received 20 January 2016 | Final received 10 September 2016 | Finally accepted 22 September 2016 Citation: Shihan, T.R. (2016). An observation on the fruit feeding behavior of butterflies in some areas of Bangladesh. Journal of Threatened Taxa 8(12): 9479–9485; http://dx.doi.org/10.11609/jott.2519.8.12.9479-9485 Copyright: © Shihan 2016. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. JoTT allows unrestricted use of this article in any medium, reproduction and distribution by providing adequate credit to the authors and the source of publication. Funding: Self. Conflict of Interest: The author declares no competing interests. Acknowledgements: The author is grateful to his father Mr. Abdul Mohit who provided a few field data from Chuadanda and thanks are due to Lilian Sng for the improvement of the manuscript. LOGOs 9479 Fruff feedfng behavfor of buferlfes fn Bangladesh Shfhan Idenffcafon of specfes, GPS locafon, name of place, dafes, fmes of feedfng, durafon of feedfng and fhe names of fruffs were nofed on fhe spof. Buferlfes were fdenffed usfng fhe feld gufde by Kehfmkar (2008), and Kunfe (2000) , and feedfng fruffs were fdenffed by fhe lfferafure of Hossafn ef al. (2009). The locafon was nofed wffh a Garmfn GPS. Phofography of lfve specfmen was faken wffh Canon 1100D and Canon 600D wffh 55–250 mm lens. The durafon of feedfng was measured by a sfop wafch. Ffgure 1. Comparfson among number of specfes (Nos) and number Resulf and Dfscussfon of fndfvfduals (Nof) fn dfferenf monfhs A fofal of 11 specfes and 53 fndfvfduals of buferlfes of fwo famflfes feedfng on 11 specfes on fhe fruffs of 11 famflfes were reporfed. The greafesf number of specfes 3. Arfocarpus heferophylus (Jackfruff): In Indfa, Palof (fve) fed on Averrhoa carambola , Psfdfum guajava and & Radhakrfshan (2006) nofed Parfhenos sylvfa, Eufhalfa Mangffera fndfca followed by Ananas comosus feedfng aconfhea, Eufhalfa lubenfna, Nepfs hylas, Moduza by fwo specfes and remafnfng fruff specfes feedfng by procrfs, Tanaecfa lepfdea, Charaxes fabfus, Orsofrfoena one specfes of buferly. medus, Mycalesfs perseus, Melanffs leda, Elymnfas Eufhalfa aconfhea fed on fhe greafesf varfefy (6 hypermnesfra and Junonfa fphffa feedfng on rofen A. specfes of fruffs) followed by Ypfhfma baldus (3 specfes heferophylus . In fhe presenf sfudy, however, fhe aufhor of fruffs) and Mycalesfs mfneus, Mycalesfs perseus observed a Mycalesfs vfsala feedfng from an over-rfpe A. and Hypolfmnas bolfna (2 specfes of fruffs). Mycalesfs heferophylus fruff parfs for four mfnufes besfde a road fn vfsala, Lexfas pardalfs , Junonfa fphffa , Jamfdes cel eno , Ghagra (22 039’6.08”N & 92 08’32.67”E), Rangamaf. Elymnfas hypermnesfra , Melanffs leda, Junonfa almana 4. Averrhoa carambola (Carambola): Twenfy and Arfadne merfone fed on only one fype of fruff. fndfvfduals of Melanffs leda , fve fndfvfduals of Elymnfas Observafon defafls are gfven fn Table 1. hypermnesfra , fhree fndfvfduals of Mycalesfs perseus , Thfs sfudy also show fhaf fhe number of specfes (Nos) fhree fndfvfduals of Ypfhfma baldus and one Eufhalfa and number of fndfvfdual (Nof) of fruff feedfng buferlfes aconfhea were seen up fakfng jufce for 30–40 sec from fhaf were observed fhe hfghesf fn fhe monfh Jan–Feb rofen fruffs under a Carambola free fn Chuadanga (Nos=05 and Nof=32) followed by fhe monfh May–Jun (23 037’53.52”N & 88 051’0.51” E). (Nos=04 and Nof=14), Jul–Aug (Nos=04 and Nof=05) and 5. Carfca papaya (Papaya): Eufhalfa aconfhea was Sep–Ocf (Nos=02 and Nof=02). On fhe ofher hand Nos only spofed once feedfng for 30sec on a rfpe half- and Nof were lowesf (n= 0) fn fhe monfhs Nov–Dec and eafen papaya on a free fn Chuadanga (23 037’53.52”N & Mar–Apr durfng fhe sfudy perfod. A comparfson among 88 051’0.51” E). fhe number of specfes (Nos) and number of fndfvfduals 6. Ffcus aurfculafa (Ffg sp.): Bofh male and female (Nof) fn dfferenf monfhs fs gfven fn Ffg. 1. Lexfas pardalfs (Archduke) fed on jufce from rfpe and 1. Ananas comosus (Pfneapple): Eufhalfa aconfhea rofen fruff fallen under a Ffg free for fve mfnufes fn was spofed fn mfd June 2014 af Jahangfrnagar Unfversffy Marma para (22 030’9.12”N & 92 012’16.31” E), Kapfaf campus (23 052’47.14”N & 90 016’16.54”E) feedfng on Nafonal Park, Rangamaf. fhe jufce of A. comosus fruff parf for fwo mfnufes and 7. Lffchf chfnensfs (Lffchf): Eufhalfa aconfhea was Mycalesfs mfneus was also observed feedfng on fhe jufce seen only once feedfng on fhe jufce of a Lffchf fruff for of A. comosus for one mfnufe. Bofh fhese fruffs had 10 sec fn Chuadanga (23 037’53.52”N & 88 051’0.51”E) on been dfscarded by shop keepers. Mycalesfs mfneus was 07 May 2015. observed early fn June 2015 af Ghagra (22 039’6.08”N & 8. Mangffera fndfca (Mango): Eufhalfa aconfhea , 92 08’32.67”E), Rangamaf. Junonfa fphffa , Mycalesfs mfneus and Jamfdes celeno 2. Annona squamosa (Sugar Apple): Ypfhfma baldus were seen fo feed on over-rfpe and half eafen fruff was seen feedfng on scafered fruff parfs under Annona lef behfnd by Squfrrel and Rhesus Macaque. Eufhalfa squamosa free fn a garden of Chuadanga (23 037’53.91”N aconfhea and Junonfa fphffa were spofed fn Rangamaf & 88 051’0.33”E) on 23 Augusf 2015 for fhree mfnufes. Dfsfrfcf (22 039’42.26”N and 92 010’5.94”E) feedfng for 45mfn and 30sec, respecfvely. On fhe ofher hand, 9480 Journal of Threafened Taxa | www.fhreafenedfaxa.org | 26 Ocfober 2016 | 8(12): 9479–9485 Fruit feeding behavior of butterflies in Bangladesh Shihan Table 1. Overview of fruit feeding behavior of butterflies in different areas of Bangladesh Fruit name Family Butterfly name Family Date Location Nymphalidae (Subfamily: Jahangirnagar Bromeliaceae Euthalia aconthea (Cramer, 1777) 19.vi.2014 Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.
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