A Bibliography of the Lobsters, Genus Homarus By R. D. LEWIS, Fishery Biologist Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory West Boothbay Harbor, Maine 04575 ABSTRACT A total of 1,303 references are given. INTRODUCTION This bibliography was begun in the summer Andrews, New Brunswick; the Bureau of Com­ of 1964. It was mimeographed and distributed mercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, West at a meeting of United States and Canadian Boothbay Harbor, Maine; and the Department scientists concerned with the biology of the of Interior Library and the Library of American lobster held on November 9-10, Congress, Washington, D.C. 1965, at the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Lists of references that I had overlooked Laboratory, West Boothbay Harbor, Maine. in the 1965 manuscript were provided by References in the 1965 manuscript were H. J. Thomas, Department of Agriculture and compiled from the original papers, their cita­ Fisheries for Scotland, Marine Laboratory, tions, and the bibliographies ofHerrick(1911), Aberdeen; D. G. Wilder, Fisheries Research Scattergood (1949), and Dawson (1954). The Board of Canada, Biological Station, St. present list also includes references from Andrews, New Brunswick; and R. J. Ghelardi, the bibliography of Bergeron (1965). Fisheries R esearch Board of Canada, Biologi­ About 80 percent of the references were cal Station, Nanamio, British Columbia. found in the library of the Marine Biological The library staffs of the Marine Bio­ Laboratory at Woods Hole, Mass., and the logical L aboratory at Woods Hole and the rest at the libraries of the Fisheries Research Biological Station at St. Andrews assisted Board of Canada, Biological Station, St. me. BIBLIOGRAPHY A Alexandro -icz, J. S. 1951. Muscle receptor organs in the abdo­ Abbott, Bernard C., and 1. Parnas. men of Homarus vulgaris and Palinurus 1965. Electrical and mechanical responses vulgaris. Quart J. Microsc. Sci. Ser. 3, in deep abdominal extensor muscles 92: 163-199. of crayfish and lobster. J. Gen. Physiol. 48; 919-931. 1952. Receptor elements in the thoracic muscles of Homarus vulgaris and Abelous, J.-E., and G. Billard. Palinurus vulgaris. Quart. J. Microsc. 1897. De l'action anticoagulante du foie des Sci. Ser. 3, 93: 315-346. crustaces. C. R. Soc. BioI. Ser. 10,49: 991-993. 1953. Nervous organs in the pericardial cavityofthedecapodCrustacea. J. Mar. Ackerman, Edward A. Biol. Ass. U.K. 31: 563-580. 1941. New England's fishing industry. Uni­ versity of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1967. Receptor organs in thoracic and ab­ 303 pp. dominal muscles of Crustacea. BioI. Rev. (Cambridge) 42: 288-326. Adelman, W. J., Jr., and J. C. Dalton. 1960. Interactions of calcium with sodium Alexandrowicz., J. S., and Mary Whitear. and potassium in membrane potentials 1957. Receptor elements in the coxal region of the lobster giant axon. J. Gen. of decapod Crustacea. J. Mar. BioI. Physiol. 43: 609-619. Ass. U.K. 36: 603-628. 1 Allen, Edgar J. Appellof, A. 1894. Nerve elements of the embryonic 1899. Mittheilungen aus der Lebensweise lobster. J. Mar. BioI. Ass. U.K., New des Hummers. Mitt. Deut. Seefisch­ Sere 3: 208-209. erei- Ver. 15: 99. 1894. Studies on the nervous system of 1903. Hummerunders~gelser 1902. Norsk Crustacea. Parts 1-3. Quart. J. Fiskeritid. 22: 114-132. Microsc. Sci. 36: 461-498. 1904. Hummerunders~gelser 1903. Norsk 1895. On the nervous system of the em­ Fiskeritid. 23: 112-119. bryonic lobster. Rep. Brit. Ass. Advan. Sci. 65th Meet., pp. 470-471. 1909. Unders~kelser over hummeren (Homarus vulgaris) med saerkskilt, 1895. The reproduction of the lobster. hensyn ti~ dens optraeden ved Norges J. Mar. Bio!. Ass. U.K., New Sere kyster. Arsberetn. Vedkom. Norg. 4: 60-69. Fisk. 1909(1): 1-148. 1895. Additional observations on the nerve­ 1909. Untersuchungen ueber den Hummer elements of the embryonic lobster. mit be son de r e r Berucksichtigung J. Mar. BioI. Ass. U.K., New Sere seines Auftretens an den norwegischen 4: 70-72. Kusten. Bergens Mus. Skr., New Ser. 1(1): 2 -79. 1896. The protection of crabs and lobsters. J. Mar. BioI. Ass. U.K., New Sere Arudpragasam, K. D. , and E. Naylor. 4: 182-187. 1966. Patterns of gill ventialtion in some decapod Crustacea. J. Zoo!. (London) 1897. Studies on the nervous systems of 150: 401-411. Crustacea. Part 4. Quart. J. Microsc. Sci. 39: 33-50. Atwood, N. E. 1864. The habits and geographical distri­ Alley, Armine. bution of the common lobster. Proc. 1934. The effect upon the gastric JUlce Boston Soc. Natur. Hist. 10: 11-12. secretion of various cooked prepara­ tions of haddock (Melanogrammus B aeglefinus) and of lobster (Homarus Baird, Frederick T., Jr. americanus). Amer. J. Dig. Dis. Nutr. 1950. Lobster plugs and their effect on the 1: 182-184. meat of the lobster's claw. Maine Dep. Allison, James B., and William H. Cole. Sea Shore Fish., Res. Bull. 2,12 pp. 1940. The nitrogen, copper, and hemocyanin content of the s era of several arthro­ 1953. Probable effects of a size change upon pods. J. Bio!. Chern. 135: 259-265. the lobster industry. Maine Dep. Sea Shore Fish., Fish. Circ. 9, 10pp. Allison, William S •• and Nathan O. Kaplan. 1964. The comparative enzymology of Ball, Erik G., and Bettina Meyerhof. triosephosphate dehydrogenase.In 1940. On the occurrence of iron porphyrin Charles A. Leone (editor), Taxonomic compounds and succinic dehydrogenase biochemistry and serology, pp. 401-406. in marine organisms possessing the Ronald Press Co., New York. copper blood pigment hemocyanin. J. Bio!. Chern. 134: 483 - 49 3. Altman, Philip L., and Dorothy S. Dittmer (editors). Bales, Henrich. 1961. Blood and other bodyfluids. Federa­ 1930. Wanderungen bei Decapoden (Crusta­ tion of American Societies for Experi­ ceen). Ergeb. Bio!. 6: 305-326. mental Biology, Washington, D.C., 540 pp. 1944. Decapoda. In H. G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs 1940, ill. Amberson, W. R., H. S. Mayerson, and Morphologischer Teil. Bd. 5, Abt. 1, W. J. Scott. Buch 7: 22-671. Akademische Verlags­ 1925. The influence of oxygen tension upon gesellschaft, Geest & Portig K-G., Leip­ metabolic rate ininvertebrates. J. Gen. zig. Physiol. 7: 171-176. Anderton, T. Barnes, Earnest W. 1909. The lobster (Homarus vulgaris). 1906. Lobster culture in 1905. R.I. Comm. N. Z. Mar. Dep.Rep. 1908-1909,pp.17- Inland Fish., 36th Annu. Rep., pp. 111- 23. 119. 2 Barnes, Earnest W.--Con. Bergeron, Julien. 1906. Methods of protecting and propagating 1961. Rapport preliminaire des travaux sur the lobster, with- a brief outline of its Ie Homard (Homarus americanus) aux natural history. R.I. Comm. Inland Iles -de-la- Madeleine au cours de la Fish., 36th Annu. Rep., pp. 120-152. saison 1960. Sta. Biol. Mar. Grande­ Riviere Qu~., Rapp. Annu. 1960: 50- 58. 1907. Lobster culture at Wickford, R.I. in 1961. Resultats preliminaires de l'emploi 1906. R.I. Comm. Inland Fish., 37th des casiers en aluminium pour la peche Annu. Rep., pp. 89-94. du Homard aux Iles-de-la- Madeleine. Sta. Biol. Mar. Grande-Riviere Que., 1911. Revised edition of "Methods of pro­ Rapp. Annu. 1960: 113-115. tecting and propagating the lobster, with a brief outline of its natural history." 1962. La peche commerciale duHomard aux R.I. Comm. Inland Fish., 41st Annu. Iles -de-la- Madeleine en 1961, sta­ Rep., Append. A., pp. 83-127. tistiques et echantillonnage. Sta. BioI. Mar. Grande-Riviere Que., Rapp. Annu. 1911. The season of 1910 at the fisheries 1961: 45-49. experiment station at Wickford, R.I. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 40: 365-369. 1962. Peche experimentale du Homard dans la lagune de Havre-aux- Maisons et 1939. An analysis ofthe objectives oflobster dans la baie de Plaisance, Iles­ rearing and problems of reinvigorating de-la- Madeleine en 1961. Sta. Biol. the lobster industry. Commonw. Mass. Mar. Grande-Riviere Que., Rapp. Annu. House Doc. 2051, Append. A, pp. 10-32. 1961: 51-61. 1939. The lobster fishery. What maybe done 1962. Efficacite des casiers en aluminium to benefit it? North Atlantic Confer­ pour Ie peche du Homard aux lles-de­ ence on Lobster Conservation, Boston, la- Madeleine. Sta. Biol. Mar. Grande­ Feb. 2, 10 pp. Riviere Que., Rapp. Annu. 1961: 119- 124. Barnes, T. C., J. P. Sell, and W. Spofford. 1963. La peche commerciale du Homard 1932. Responses of a teratological crus­ aux Iles-de-la- Madeleine en 1962, tacean limb to electrical stimulation. statistiques et echantillonna~e. Sta. Z. Vergl. Physiol. 18: 280-283. Biol. Mar. Grande-Riviere Que., Rapp. Annu. 1962: 147-153. Bateson, William. 1894. Materials for the stud) of variation 1963. Taille minimale legale et captures treated with especial regard to dis­ commerciales de homards (Homarus continuity in the origin of species. americanus) aux Iles-de-la-Madeleine Macmillan and Co., London, 598 pp. en 1962. Sta. Bioi. Mar. Grande-Riviere Que., Rapp. Annu. 1962: 155-160. Bean, Tarleton H. 1964. Deuxieme eChantillonnage des cap­ 1896. Report on the propagation and distri­ tures completes de homards aux !les­ bution of food-fishes. U.S. Comm. Fish de-la-Madeleine-1963. Sta. Bioi. Mar. and Fish., Rep. Comm. 1894, Pt. 20: Grande-Riviere Que., Rapp. Annu. 1963: 20-80. 79-84. - Bell, F. Heward, and Alonzo T. Pruter. 1964. La peche commerciale du Homard 1958. Climatic temperature changes and aux Iles -de-la- Madeleine en 1963, commercial yields of some marine statistiques et eChantillonnage. Sta. fishes. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 15: 625- Biol. Mar. Grande-Riviere Que., Rapp. 683. Annu. 1963: 85-94. 1965. Bibliographie du Homard (Homarus Belloc, Gerard. americanus Milne-Edwards et Homarus 1935. Le au crustaces. In E. Le p~che gammarus L.). Sta. Bioi. Mar. Grande­ Danois (editor), Manuel des peches Riviere Que. Cah. Inform. 34, 81 pp.
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