> ’ 'v' " • • V> The Clinton Independent. VOL. XXX—NO. * 2. ST. JOHNS, MICH.. THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 21, 1896 . WHOLE NO.-1544. HEBE AND THEBE. her faithful service to her family and THE El*WORTH EEAG(IE. The “Famous Fox ” Bicycle is made of to her God. the highest grade of material, by the Mr. Stephenson was a member of the Seventh Anniversary of its Organization best skilled mechanics, strictly up to —Death claimed the Infant son of first board of trustees elected in 1858 Observed Sunday Kvenlug. date in appearance, and sells for less Last Sunday evening Rev. D. D. money than any other high grade wheel Judson Bullard, of Riley, on Saturday An Old Merchant of St. Johns is and was re-elected for three years there ­ Silverites Have Issued a Call for on earth. Spaulding & Co., Agts. last. after ; was elected president of the vil­ Martin preached to the members of the Dead. a State Convention, Epworth League, it beiug tbe occasion Furniture Repairing and Upholstering. —R. G., the little afflicted son of R. lage in 1863, also village treasurer in I am prepared, at moderate charges, S. Clark is daily improving, we are 1367; was presidential elector for of the seventh anniversary of the or­ to do all manner of furniture repairing, To b« Held In L»n»in( July 10, to Choose ganization of that society. happy to say. Hud Been • Constant Resident of St. Johns Weaver in 1880, and was a member of Delegates to the National Silver Conven ­ overhauling of lounges and mattrasses. —The weather permitting, the seniors Forty Tears, Three-Fourths of Which the board of managers of the state Rev. Martin ’s remarks w ere very in ­ Shop first north of Osgood ’s elevator. tion to be Held at St. Louli, Mo., July 31 1. A. Hooker . of the high school will picnic at Round Time He Had Been Actively Engaged in house of correction at Ionia in 1883, teresting and instructive, and included 28 ,1800 . a description of the organization aud Lake next Saturday. Merchandising —'The Merchants Paid His during Gov. Begole ’s administration. Why does Spaulding & Co. sell more —We invite attention to the announce ­ He was a democratic candidate for state remarkable growth of the League. wheels than any other concern in the Memory Due Respect by Closing Their II. J. Patterson, secretary of the S|. Seven years ago representatives of the country? Price. ment of Mrs. L. Canfield m our adver­ Places of Business During the Tiind of senator during the Tilden campaign. Johns branch of tbe National Bimetal­ tising columns on last page. In April, 1894, he was visited with various young people's societies con ­ Harrows at rock bottom prices. Holding the Funeral Tuesday Afternoon. lic Union, is in receipt of tbe following nected with the Methodist Episcopal —State and home-grown strawberries epilepsy. He was a man possessing communication from the secretary of At St. Johns Iron Works . are making their appearance in our mar­ great force of character and a radical church met and organized themselves George W. Stephenson, prominent the Lansing branch: into one society, w hich started out with Save your horses, time and money, by ket. The ruling price today is 10 cents. advocate in wTiat he believed to be ’J i. II. J. Patterson , buying the Cork Faced Collar. among the oldest merchants and busi ­ a membership of about 50,000. Tbe F. A. Hyatt , 8 ole Agent. —The large brown horse owned by ness men in St. Johns, died at the old light. We have never known of him St. Johns, Mich. Mr. Sage and driven on his street sprink ­ doing a dishonest or an unjust act. He Epworth League now has a member ­ family residence on Cass street east, at Dear Sir:—Believing that a settled ship of 1,100,000 and tbe Junior aux­ All Spring Capes and Jackets at Ken ­ ler, died of kidney disease last Saturday. 7 o ’clock, Friday evening, May 15,1896, leaves a family of upright and respected purpose exists on the part of this ad­ drick’s from now to close of season at —The water board is considering the children, also 23 grandchildren and 7 iliary of 250,600, a total of 1,350,000. exactly half price. in the latter part of his 82d year. He ministration to use its great power to The League derived its name from the question of putting in a two inch ex­ great grandchildren. Paints nod Wall-Papers. had no disease and old age was the real stifle the voice of the people, and that the town of Epworth, England, the tension on Lincoln street for the con ­ All that belongs to this earth of that such purpose is shared by tbe political A fine stock of good goods at the popu ­ cause of his death. He was trundled home of the Wesleys and the birthplace lar drug store. C. E. Van Sickle . venience of a number of residents. about our streets in his wheel chair only old and honored pioneer now rests in machine men of both parties, and is —The farmers report the growing the family lot in St. Johns cemetery. of Methodism. two or three days previous to his death. supplemented by corporations, trusts The local chapter has a membership Before you buy a Bicycle see tbe wheat as in bad condition on account He passed away without a pain or strug­ and monopolies, and that there is small Warwick Perfection. ” of the dry weather and the fly. The of 160, a gain of about 40 during the F. A. Hyatt , Agent. gle, aud the corpse remained as natural hope of any honest declaration in favor year. The junior auxiliary has a mem­ meadows are also suffering for want of as if he had been sleeping. The re­ of bimetalism by the coming national Spaulding & Co. have tbe best ladies’ moisture. A NARROW ESCAPE! bership of 60, a gain during the year of Bicycle on earth for the money. mains wrere clad in a black suit, and on conventions, a resolution was unani ­ —The Italian band composed of a ft - - about 20. his left breast was a beautiful bunch of mously adopted by our union favoring The officers off St. Johns Chapter are The Carpet business at Kendrick ’s harp and three violins, furnished the flowers, which rendered his remains A St. Johns Lady Has an Un ­ the calling of a mass bimetallic conven ­ still continues to boom. The reason is working earnestly and faithfully in the they are the best makes and the lowest music for a very enjoyable “hop ” by more life-like, as it had always been his pleasant Experience tion in this state at Lansing on July 16 the young people at Newton hall, last interest of the society, and with the prices ever made in Clinton couuty. pleasure to be dressed in black and wean next, to choose delegates to the national hearty co-operation of the members, Good Ingrains at 20, 25. 30 and 35 cents, Monday evening. flowers, of which he was very fond and Willi a Gasoline Stove —Filled the Tank silver convention to be held at St. Louis, are doing a good work among the young good extra supers at 37$ cents, and all —The game of base ball between the Mo., July 22,1896. In accordance with wool extra supers standard makes as low took great delight in cultivating. Without Extinguishing tlie Flame—The people of our village. The meetings of as 50 cents. Ovid and St. Johns high school nines His children, all of whom are resi­ Gasoline Ignited aud She Was Severely such resolution we invite you to sub ­ at Athletic Park, this village, last Fri­ the League are held Sunday afternoons, dents of Michigan, were present at the Burned About tlie Hands While Carrying scribe to tbe enclosed call (and get other at 5:00 o ’clock, to which everybody is It is economy to use the Deer Hair day afternoon, resulted in a score of 11 funeral, being George II., of St. Johns; the Blazing Tank From the House. representative men), and return the cordially invited. Sweat Pads for sale At F. A. Hyatt ’s. to 7 in favor of the home team. John II. and daughter Marie, of Lan ­ same to me at your earliest convenience, — Keep in mind the fact that the sing; William, of Eagle township; Thos. to the end that the call may be published Notice. For your plow repairs, go to the St. Clinton County Pioneer Society will Mrs. M. T. Streeter, of this village, J., of Detroit; James A.,of Menominee; at an early date. Notice is hereby given, warning all Johns Iron Works. hold their next annual meeting at the had a narrow escape from being burned Mrs. Anna Emmons and Mrs. Mary Very truly yours, bicycle riders not to ride on sidew alks We have a large line of cultivators, court house, Saturday, J une 13. A good to death a few’ days ago. She was en ­ Chapin and husband, of Port Huron. gaged in doing some work in the kitch ­ Schuyler Champion , under penalty of arrest and fine for vio­ including the Kraus, patent wheel cul­ program is being prepared for the occas­ tivators. St. Johns Iron Works . There were also present eignt grand en and was using a gasoline stove. The Secretary. lation of an ordinance governing the ion. Following is the call: For Exchange or Sale. —F. E. Aldrich has on exhibition at children and a neice and nephew, Chas.
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