§ 598.801 31 CFR Ch. V (7–1–03 Edition) Subpart H—Procedures APPENDICES TO CHAPTER V NOTES: The alphabetical lists below pro- § 598.801 Procedures. vide the following information (to the extent known) concerning blocked persons, spe- For license application procedures cially designated nationals, specially des- and procedures relating to amend- ignated terrorists, foreign terrorist organiza- ments, modifications, or revocations of tions, specially designated narcotics traf- licenses; administrative decisions; fickers and blocked vessels: rulemaking; and requests for docu- 1. For blocked individuals: name and title ments pursuant to the Privacy Act (5 (known aliases), address, (other identifying information), (the notation ‘‘individual’’), U.S.C. 552a), see part 501, subpart D of [sanctions program under which the indi- this chapter. vidual is blocked]. 2. For blocked entities: name (known § 598.802 Availability of information former or alternate names), address, [sanc- pursuant to the Freedom of Infor- tions program under which the entity is mation Act. blocked]. 3. For blocked vessels: name, sanctions Any record or information obtained program under which the vessel is blocked, or created in the implementation of registration of vessel, type, size in dead this part is not subject to disclosure weight and/or gross tons, call sign, vessel under section 552(a)(3) of the Freedom owner, and alternate names. of Information Act. Information re- 4. Abbreviations. ‘‘a.k.a.’’ means ‘‘also quired to be made available to the pub- known as’’; ‘‘f.k.a.’’ means ‘‘formerly known as’’; ‘‘n.k.a.’’ means ‘‘now known as’’; ‘‘DOB’’ lic under other provisions of the Free- means ‘‘date of birth’’; ‘‘DWT’’ means dom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) ‘‘deadweight’’; ‘‘GRT’’ means ‘‘Gross Reg- will be made available in accordance istered Tonnage’’; ‘‘POB’’ means ‘‘place of with § 501.805(a) of this chapter. birth’’. 5. U.S. financial institutions are cautioned § 598.803 Delegation by the Secretary to review the details of a transaction prior of the Treasury. to blocking in which the abbreviation of a foreign terrorist organization (‘‘FTO’’) ap- Any action that the Secretary of the pears in appendix A to ensure that the trans- Treasury is authorized to take pursu- action relates to the FTO. ant to the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin 6. References to regulatory parts in chap- ter V or other authorities: Designation Act may be taken by the [BALKANS]: Western Balkans Stabilization Director of the Office of Foreign Assets Regulations, part 588; Control or by any other person to [CUBA]: Cuban Assets Control Regulations, whom the Secretary of the Treasury part 515; has delegated authority so to act. [FTO]: Foreign Terrorist Organizations Sanctions Regulations, part 597; [IRAQ]: Iraqi Sanctions Regulations, part 575 Subpart I—Paperwork Reduction (*denotes targeted official of former gov- Act ernment); [LIBYA]: Libyan Sanctions Regulations, § 598.901 Paperwork Reduction Act no- part 550; tice. [NKOREA]: Foreign Assets Control Regula- tions, part 500: For approval by the Office of Man- [SDGT]: Global Terrorism Sanctions Regula- agement and Budget (‘‘OMB’’) under tions, part 594; the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 [SDNT]: Narcotics Trafficking Sanctions (44 U.S.C. 3507) of information collec- Regulations, part 536; tions relating to recordkeeping and re- [SDNTK]: Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Sanc- tions Regulations, part 598; porting requirements, licensing proce- [SDT]: Terrorism Sanctions Regulations, dures (including those pursuant to part 596; statements of licensing policy), and [SUDAN]: Sudanese Sanctions Regulations, other procedures, see § 501.901 of this part 538; chapter. An agency may not conduct or [ZIMB] Executive Order 13288, 68 FR 11457 sponsor, and a person is not required to (Mar. 10, 2003). 7. Changes to these appendices are made respond to, a collection of information through amendments published in the FED- unless it displays a valid control num- ERAL REGISTER. Frequently updated informa- ber assigned by OMB. tion on Office of Foreign Assets Control 976 VerDate jul<14>2003 10:10 Aug 08, 2003 Jkt 200118 PO 00000 Frm 00976 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\200118T.XXX 200118T Office of Foreign Assets Control, Treasury Ch. V, App. A (‘‘OFAC’’) designations is provided for exam- MUQTI, Fikiruddin); POB Tirpas-Selong ination or downloading on OFAC’s Internet Village, East Lombok, Indonesia; nation- site (http://www.treas.gov/ofac). Among other ality Indonesian (individual) [SDGT] data, the Internet site posts changes in des- A. BORTOLOTTI & CO. S.P.A. (a.k.a. ignations and identifying information, and BORTOLOTTI), Cremona, Italy [LIBYA] provides country–by–country lists of names. A. BORTOLOTTI & CO. S.P.A. (a.k.a. Information is also available by fax through BORTOLOTTI), Via Predore, 59, 24067 OFAC’s fax–on–demand system at 202/622–0077 Sarnico, Bergamo, Italy [LIBYA] and on various computer bulletin boards A.I.C. COMPREHENSIVE RESEARCH IN- serviced by OFAC. Updated information on STITUTE (a.k.a. AUM SHINRIKYO; a.k.a. OFAC designations should be consulted be- A.I.C. SOGO KENKYUSHO; a.k.a. ALEPH; fore engaging in transactions subject to the a.k.a. AUM SUPREME TRUTH) economic sanctions programs in chapter V. [FTO][SDGT] (Please call OFAC Compliance Programs Di- A.I.C. SOGO KENKYUSHO (a.k.a. AUM vision for current electronic sources of OFAC SHINRIKYO; a.k.a. A.I.C. COMPREHEN- information: 202/622–2490.) SIVE RESEARCH INSTITUTE; a.k.a. [62 FR 67729, Dec. 30, 1997, as amended at 63 ALEPH; a.k.a. AUM SUPREME TRUTH) FR 29609, June 1, 1998; 64 FR 34985, June 30, [FTO][SDGT] 1999; 64 FR 60661, Nov. 8, 1999; 65 FR 39100, A.T.E. INTERNATIONAL LTD. (f.k.a. RWR June 23, 2000; 65 FR 75630, Dec. 4, 2000; 66 FR INTERNATIONAL COMMODITIES), 3 57373, Nov. 15, 2001; 68 FR 38844, June 30, 2003] Mandeville Place, London, England [IRAQ] A.W.A. ENGINEERING LIMITED, 3 APPENDIX A TO CHAPTER V—AL- Mandeville Place, London, England [IRAQ] PHABETICAL LISTING OF ABASTECEDORA NAVAL Y INDUSTRIAL, BLOCKED PERSONS, SPECIALLY S.A. (a.k.a. ANAINSA), Panama [CUBA] ABAUNZA MARTINEZ, Javier; member DESIGNATED NATIONALS, SPE- ETA; DOB 1 Jan 1965; POB Guernica CIALLY DESIGNATED TERROR- (Vizcaya Province), Spain; D.N.I. 78.865.882 ISTS, SPECIALLY DESIGNATED (individual) [SDGT] GLOBAL TERRORISTS, FOREIGN ABBAS, Abdul Hussein, Italy (individual) TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS, [IRAQ] AND SPECIALLY DESIGNATED ABBAS, Abu (a.k.a. ZAYDAN, Muhammad); NARCOTICS TRAFFICKERS (AS OF Director of PALESTINE LIBERATION FRONT—ABU ABBAS FACTION; DOB 10 JUNE 9, 2003) Dec 1948 (individual) [SDT] 7TH APRIL CARD BOARD FACTORY, ABBAS, Kassim, Lerchesbergring, 23A, D– Tajoura, Libya [LIBYA] 60598 Frankfurt, Germany; DOB 7 Aug 1956; 17 NOVEMBER (a.k.a. REVOLUTIONARY POB Baghdad, Iraq (individual) [IRAQ] ORGANIZATION 17 NOVEMBER; a.k.a. ABBOTT, John G., 34 Grosvenor Street, Lon- EPANASTATIKI ORGANOSI 17 NOEMVRI) don W1X 9FG, England (individual) [FTO][SDGT] [LIBYA] 32 COUNTY SOVEREIGNTY COMMITTEE ‘ABD ALLAH, ‘Issam ‘Ali Muhammad (a.k.a. (a.k.a. 32 COUNTY SOVEREIGNTY MOVE- ‘ABD–AL–’IZ; a.k.a. ABD–AL–WAHAB, MENT; a.k.a. IRISH REPUBLICAN PRIS- Abd-al-Hai Ahmad; a.k.a. ABU YASIR; ONERS WELFARE ASSOCIATION; a.k.a. a.k.a. AL–KAMEL, Salah ’Ali; a.k.a. REAL IRA; a.k.a. REAL IRISH REPUB- MUSA, Rifa’i Ahmad Taha; a.k.a. TAHA, LICAN ARMY; a.k.a. REAL OGLAIGH NA Rifa’i Ahmad; a.k.a. TAHA MUSA, Rifa’i HEIREANN; a.k.a. RIRA) [FTO] [SDGT] Ahmad; a.k.a. THABIT ’IZ); DOB 24 Jun 32 COUNTY SOVEREIGNTY MOVEMENT 1954; POB Egypt; Passport No. 83860 (a.k.a. 32 COUNTY SOVEREIGNTY COM- (Sudan), 30455 (Egypt), 1046403 (Egypt) (in- MITTEE; a.k.a. IRISH REPUBLICAN dividual) [SDT] PRISONERS WELFARE ASSOCIATION; ‘ABD–AL–’IZ (a.k.a. ABD–AL–WAHAB, Abd- REAL IRA; a.k.a. REAL IRISH REPUB- al-Hai Ahmad; a.k.a. ABU YASIR; a.k.a. LICAN ARMY; a.k.a. REAL OGLAIGH NA ‘ABD ALLAH, ‘Issam ‘Ali Muhammad; HEIREANN; a.k.a. RIRA) [FTO][SDGT] a.k.a. AL–KAMEL, Salah ’Ali; a.k.a. 2000 DOSE E.U. (a.k.a. DOMA E M), Calle 31 MUSA, Rifa’i Ahmad Taha; a.k.a. TAHA, No. 1–34, Cali, Colombia; NIT # 805015749–3 Rifa’i Ahmad; a.k.a. TAHA MUSA, Rifa’i (Colombia) [SDNT] Ahmad; a.k.a. THABIT ’IZ); DOB 24 Jun 2000–DODGE S.L., Calle Gran Via 80, Madrid, 1954; POB Egypt; Passport No. 83860 Madrid, Spain; C.I.F. B83149955 (Spain) (Sudan), 30455 (Egypt), 1046403 (Egypt) (in- [SDNT] dividual) [SDT] A RAHMAN, Mohamad Iqbal (a.k.a. ABD AL–GHAFUR, Humam Abd al-Khaliq ABDURRAHMAN, Abu Jibril; a.k.a. (a.k.a. GHAFUR Humam Abdel Khaleq ABDURRAHMAN, Mohamad Iqbal; a.k.a. Abdel), Minister of Higher Education and ABU JIBRIL; a.k.a. RAHMAN, Mohamad Scientific Research; DOB 1945; Iraq (indi- Iqbal; a.k.a. MUQTI, Fihiruddin; a.k.a. vidual) [IRAQ]* 977 VerDate jul<14>2003 10:10 Aug 08, 2003 Jkt 200118 PO 00000 Frm 00977 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Y:\SGML\200118T.XXX 200118T Ch. V, App. A 31 CFR Ch. V (7–1–03 Edition) ABD–AL–WAHAB, Abd-al-Hai Ahmad (a.k.a. ABDULJAWAD, Muhammed I. (a.k.a. ‘ABD–AL–’IZ; a.k.a. ABU YASIR; a.k.a. ABDUL JAWAD, Mohammed), Tripoli, ‘ABD ALLAH, ‘Issam ‘Ali Muhammad; Libya (individual) [LIBYA] a.k.a. AL–KAMEL, Salah ‘Ali; a.k.a. ABDULLAH, Abdullah Ahmed (a.k.a. ABU MUSA, Rifa’i Ahmad Taha; a.k.a. TAHA, MARIAM; a.k.a. AL–MASRI, Abu Rifa’i Ahmad; a.k.a. TAHA MUSA, Rifa’i Mohamed; a.k.a. SALEH), Afghanistan; Ahmad; a.k.a. THABIT ’IZ); DOB 24 Jun DOB 1963; POB Egypt; citizen Egypt (indi- 1954; POB Egypt; Passport No.
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