January 16, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H613 Born Alive Act, which will require all gave in; and he never wavered in his principles that all are created equal, healthcare providers to give babies who patriotism, his faith in God, his cour- and we cannot back down from the survive abortions the same level of age, his sacrifices, and his commitment fight to preserve life and to protect care as other newborns and to ensure to this country. those who can’t protect themselves. that they are immediately admitted to America is eternally grateful for his I look forward to continuing work to a hospital. The illegal fetal tissue traf- service. ensure that our taxpayer dollars do not ficking industry profits most from After he got back from the Hanoi Hil- fund death and abortion, a procedure abortions that increase the likelihood ton, he came back to his beloved Shir- that denies the right to live and con- of a live birth. Congress must provide ley and his children back in Texas. He tradicts the core founding principles of born-alive infants with lifesaving care, was in the Air Force for a while, and our freedom and our Nation. not exploit, kill, and sell them to the then he went into business. f highest bidder. But he wanted to continue to serve. IN SUPPORT OF LIFE I am also introducing the Prenatal In 1984, he ran for the Texas House of Nondiscrimination Act, or PRENDA, Representatives, and he was elected in The SPEAKER pro tempore. The which will prohibit sex-selection abor- the Third District in a special election Chair recognizes the gentleman from tions or forcing a woman to obtain a in 1991. Wisconsin (Mr. GROTHMAN) for 5 min- sex-selection abortion. The sad truth is Here in the United States Congress, utes. that victims of sex-selected abortions he served for 28 years. He served on the Mr. GROTHMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise are overwhelmingly female. It is esti- Ways and Means Committee and con- today to support life. mated that 117 million girls are demo- tinued to be an icon of virtue, a par- Mr. Speaker, 46 years ago when I was graphically missing from around the agon of service, and a man whose shoes a senior in high school, it was decided world due to sex-selection abortions, I can never truly fill but in whose foot- by the U.S. Supreme Court, or the U.S. infanticide, and other forms of gender- steps I resolve to try to walk in. Supreme Court felt, that the United States Constitution required abortion based violence. f Girls are targeted for abortions not be legal in this country, despite the only in countries like China and India, RIGHT TO LIFE fact that, for much of the past century, but right here in the United States. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The every State in the Union felt that abor- These abortions victimize both mother Chair recognizes the gentleman from tion should be made illegal. This deci- and daughter and have no place in a Arkansas (Mr. WESTERMAN) for 5 min- sion directly led to the deaths of over just society. utes. 40 million children who should have Mr. Speaker, there is so much bipar- Mr. WESTERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I been living a full life. tisan work we can do to protect Amer- rise today to talk about a fundamental John Adams said that our Constitu- ica’s mothers and babies, and I hope we human right, a right declared to be an tion was meant for moral and religious can act together to serve and protect inalienable right by our Founders who people. How can a country built for a all God’s children. proclaimed we are all created equal moral, religious people living under I thank all of those who will march and have the God-given right to live— our Constitution allow this to happen? for life this week. I stand with them, to live freely and to pursue happiness. We know how it happened. About 10 and I will continue to fight and pray Our Founding Fathers carefully ar- years ago, Justice Ruth Bader Gins- for the day when abortion is not only ticulated that life, liberty, and the pur- burg let the cat out of the bag. This de- illegal but is unthinkable. suit of happiness are the human rights cision was meant to prevent the f that encompass the American way and growth in populations we don’t want to are the logical foundation for freedom. have too many of, the progressives’ RECOGNIZING SAM JOHNSON FOR dream. DECADES OF SERVICE TO b 1115 But how did the progressives get UNITED STATES Unfortunately, it seems that Planned their dream? Some politicians some- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Parenthood has a logic problem. The times talk about science and say we Chair recognizes the gentleman from CEO of Planned Parenthood tweeted don’t take into account science enough Texas (Mr. TAYLOR) for 5 minutes. just last week that the organization’s around here. Mr. TAYLOR. Mr. Speaker, I am hon- ‘‘core mission is providing, protecting, It is interesting that, in 1973 when ored to stand here today as the Rep- and expanding access to abortion and this decision was reached, we didn’t resentative for Texas’ Third Congres- reproductive healthcare.’’ And she have ultrasounds. Now, with sional District. This district was first called the procedure of an abortion a ultrasounds, it is more apparent than represented by William Thomas Clark, ‘‘fundamental human right.’’ ever that every new baby in that womb a general in the Union Army in 1870. Mr. Speaker, abortion is not a human is a unique individual, with its heart Since then, 19 people have represented right. Abortion, to the contrary, is beating, with its feeling pain. Never- the district, including myself. Most re- death. Abortion is the antithesis of theless, we continue to ignore that cently, a true American hero, Con- life, the fundamental human right. science and continue to allow this hor- gressman Sam Johnson, represented For years, we have been fed the same rible stain on our culture. the Third District in the Congress for argument that Planned Parenthood op- Indeed, right now, the United States 28 years. erates to ensure women’s health and is one of only seven countries to allow Prior to that, Congressman Johnson prenatal care, but straight from their late-term abortions. There we are, in was in the U.S. Air Force. As I like to CEO, we know this is not the truth. the same list as North Korea, China, say, he shot down his first MiG in Planned Parenthood’s mission is abor- and Vietnam. I guess you can kind of Korea. He served a ground tour in Viet- tion. Planned Parenthood’s mission is look back and see why, in the sixties, nam, and in his second tour of Viet- death, and their actions prove it. the progressives would talk about Ho, nam, on his 46th mission, he was flying Planned Parenthood ended the funda- Ho, Ho Chi Minh and why they wanted his jet over an enemy gun position mental right to life through 321,384 the Communists to win in Vietnam. when his gun jammed. He did a circle abortions in 2016. That is 881 abortive This is probably one of the reasons, the around. He flew a second time, and deaths per day. This means that every type of country that they like. that time, he was shot down. He then 98 seconds a life was extinguished by Our forefathers wanted this country went to the Hanoi Hilton. There, he Planned Parenthood. to be a country that would shed a light survived pernicious beatings and tor- The CEO said in the same tweet that on the world. Nevertheless, we appear ture. the organization ‘‘will never back down to be going backwards. The new major- But, Mr. Speaker, do you know what? from that fight’’ to not only expand ac- ity recently brought a bill to the floor Despite the tremendous pressure that cess to abortion but to deem it a to allow the United States to pay for he was under, Sam Johnson was unique human right. abortions abroad again. among the prisoners of the Hanoi Hil- Mr. Speaker, as freedom-loving Is this what we want America to be ton in that he never broke; he never Americans, we must stand on our core known for: the United States telling VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:45 Jan 17, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K16JA7.015 H16JAPT1.
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