INDEX A Armstrong, Anna Willard, 294; Da'fid, Abel. Dr. Annie H., 109� 445; David Irwin, 420n; F. W., 427; John R. Francis. 293, 420n; 'Francis W., 299, Abernathy, Dr. , 239. 361, 429; Francis Wells, 293, 294,0, '2 Adair, Frank, 287; George Washington, 422; Frank. 445, 451; Frank C., 295, 195n; James Thompson, 287; Martha 451; Col. James, 292, 294; James Martin, 287; Mary Fannie, 287 ; Samuel, ( ..Trooper") , 420; Jane Crozier, 293. 32; T. J., 181n, 455; Mrs. W. A., 167; 294; John, 293; Joshua, 293; Margaret, William Penn. 195, 287. 420n; Mary Elir.abeth, 420n; Nancy Adams, H. H., 313, 316; J. R., 283; Ma­ leeah, 405. (Ann) Tevis, 293; Nancy hwin, 420n; "Administration of William C. Rogers, Gen. Robert, 443; Robert, 293; Robert Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation," W., 424-; Susan W ., 424, 438; Susan by Elzie Ronald Caywood, 29-37. Wells, 292, 294, 420; "Trooper", 293; - William, 19, 21, 22, 293, 295, 296, 299, Ai-ni chi-ho-yo, mother of David Folsom, 420, 422; Zella, 293n. 453. Armstrong Academy, 242, 446. Alabama, Creek Indians in, 429. "Armstrongs of Indian Territory, The,'' by Alaska, Indians in, 144. Carolyn Thomas Foreman, 292-308; 420- Alberson, -·-········-············• Chickasaw chief, 448. 453. Albertson, Isaac, 20, 303, 434.. Arrington, Colone], 2.86. Alberty, Bluford W_, 181; Elim, 181, 196; Asbury Manual Labor School, 287. Moses, Jr., 11; W. B., 196. Asher, (Okla.). 277. Alexander, Rev. C. L., 281. Atkins, Louise, 317n; R. D., 316. Alfalfa County, (Okla.), first rural school Atoka, (I. T.), 151, 273. in, 129; ghost town in, 127. "Austin, W. C., Irrigation Project," by Alford, Mary Grinnell, 276; Thomas W., Monroe Billington, 207-215. 276. Aylesworth, Allison, 315. Allenrod, Mrs. -···························• 345. -B-. Alligator, Seminole Indian, 19n, 4.36. Altus, (Okla.), 207. Baker, Robert, 302, 425, 427. Alva, (Okla.), 128. Ballard, Freeman, 395; Dr. J. D., 385. Amathla, Eneah, 426. Ballenger, T. L., "The Andrew Nave let• "American Indian as Conservationist • ters: New Cherokee Source Material at The," by N. B. Johnson, 333-340. Northeastern State College," by, 2-5; Amorita, (Okla.), naming of, 129. "The Life and Times of Jeff Thompson Anderson, John, 275. Parks, Pioneer Educator, Jurist," by, Andresen, Georg, 464. 173-199; "The Colored High School of "Andrew Nave Letters: New Cherokee the Cherokee Nation," by, 454-462. Source Material at Northeastern State Ballenger, Mrs. T. L., 186. College," by T. L. Ballenger, 2-5. Bank, in Oklahoma City, 124-126. Anti-Horse Thief Association, 187. "Banks & Banking in Oklahoma, Early," Apache Indians. 336, 342. by E. H. Kelley, 475-476. Apalachacola Band of Indians, 434. Bannock Indians, 409. Arapaho Indians, ghost dance of, 410. "Baptist Pioneers in Eastern Oklahoma," Arapaho & Cheyenne Indians, missionaries by Herbert Miner Pierce, 279-284. to, 349. Baptists, in Cherokee Nation, 462;. Arbuckle, Col. Matthew, 8, 10, 302, 423, Choctaw Nation, 446. 429, 448. Baker, <Okla.), 216. "Archaeological Discoveries at the Morris Bark, Che)'enne Indian, 410. Site, Cherokee County, Oklahoma," by Barnes, Rev. Columbus Lee, 280, 282; Robert E. Bell and Richard H. Fraser, Rev. Joseph, 281. 216-235. Barry, Elaine Biu.ell, 256n; Jack G., 25611. Ardmore, (Okla.), 241. Bashore, H. W., 210. Arkansas, state of, 12, 445. Bass, H. B., 487. Arkansas City, (Ks.), 379. "Battle Axe" Railroad, 329. Arkansas College, 149. Battle of the Washita, 344, 376. Arkansas Constitutional Convention, first, Battle of Little McOellan Creek, 473. 160. Baugh, Joel, 455. Arkansas River, flood of, 421. Bayou Menard. 10, 4.23. Arkansas Tom, 238. Beach, CapL W. C., 341. 1 Bean. Col. Robert, ffl. Bodecbr, Ella. 387. Beard, Dr. --- 318. Bou, Depot, 427; Wright home atOld, Beattiee Prairie, 174. '-85. 474; traders at, 488. Beatty, Jim, ,389 395. Bohanon, Luther, "Matthew Anton Swa­ BeaYer City, (Okla. Ten.}, 238. tek," by, 134.-135. BeaYer County, (Okla. Ten.), 39, �239. Bonnerille. Lt. B.LE., 7. ·Beanr Ri•er, 237. Book Reviews: U Cuuk to thelndum Beck. Emma, 396. Tribes of Oldalunna. Wright), 132-lM; Belknap, Gen. W. G., 161, 162. (Henry Derin«er's Poe/rd Pi.std, Par­ Bell, John A., 4.14; Hooley, 180; L B., sons), 361; (The Katy R.ailroatl tmd 388. the Lim Frontier, Maateraon), 477-478. Bell, Robert E., "Archaeological Diaco-Yer­ "Books Abroad. Twenty-F'dth Anniversary iea at the Morrie Site, Cherokee County, of," 122-124. Oklahoma," by Richard H. Fruer and. Boone, Capt. Nathan, 10. 216-235; "Karl Schmitt," by, 479-481. "Border Tier Road", 477. Belleu, Jennie D., 248. Borum, Gen. Fred C., portrait of, 483. Belvin, J. W., Choctaw chief, 347. Bosto� John, 189. Bemo, John D., Seminole Indian, 448. Boteler, Alexander R., 300. lk-nea, Eduard. 258. Botkin, Dr. B. A., 129. Benham Mrs. Webster L., 485. Boudinot, Cornelius, 196; Elias, 434, 478; Benjamin, J. P., 310. Elias C., 116, 473; Eliu Cornelius, 179; Bennett, Dr. Henry G., 250. Frank J., 36; William P., 186. Benson, Rev. Henry C., 444. Bowman, George Lynn, 470n. Berrien, John Macpherson, 162n. Braddock, Bruce, 208. Berryhill, Jeff, 400; Lester, 404; Mary, Bradley, Mrs. George D., 246. 404; William, 401. Bradly, Mrs. David M., 362. Berthlet, Heald & Company, 443n. Branson, Fred P ., 156. Bethabara Crossing, 474. Brearly, Col. David, 7. Bethel, Harrison, 395. Brewer, Henry, 181n; O.H.P. 182, 418, Billington, Monroe, "W. C. Austin lrriga• 485. tion Project," by 207-215. Bridges, H. E., 316. Bitting Springs Mill, painting of, 474. Brizzolara, James, 401. Bixby, Tams, 36. Bromwell, William J., 310. Bizzell, Barbara, 256n; Carrie Wray Sang. Brown. Annette, 387; Donald N., "The ster, 256; Edith Hocker, 256n; Elaine, Ghost Dance Religion Among the Okla­ 256; "William Bennett," by Morris L homa Cheyenne," by, 408-416; E. E., WardeJI, 256-261; WiJliam Bennett, II, 346; E. R.• 126; Frances Rosser, "When 256n; William Sangster, 256. East Met West," by, 417-419; Frank 0., Black, Tom, 344. 314, 316, 317; Capt. Jacob, 296, 425; Black Coyote, Arapaho Indian, 412n. John, 35; Mrs. L. T., 459; Mary M., Black Dirt, ···················-·······• Indian chief, 277; Richard C. S., 160; S. W., Sr., 425. 397n, 399; S. W., Euchee chief, 398; Blackfox. E-nah•lee, Cherokee Indian, 180. Samuel C., 19n; Tecumseh. 434; Brig. Black Sharp Nose, Cheyenne Indian, 412. Gen. W. C., 473; William, 273, 275. Blaine County, (Okla.), 119. Browning, Fannie Mae, 387. Blair, (Okla.), 214. Bruner, Alice, 362; Annie, 398, 407; Blake, Ed W., M.D., 461. Emanuel, 407; Esther, 407; Flora, 407; Blakemore, J. L, M.D., 315, 318. Mrs. G. E., 362; George, 398; Lewis, Bland, Arliet, 313n, 323; David, 313n, 323; 407; Louisa, 405; Mary, 405. Era, 313n, 316, 323; Hazel, 313n, 323; "Bruner, William G., Member of the House John, 313n, 323; Dr. John C. W., 312, of Kings, Creek Nation," by Orpha B. 329; Owen, 313n, 316, 319n, 323, 329; Russell. 397-407. Sue A., 312, 319n; Sue A. Davis, 313n; Bruton, W. 0., 181n; W. W., 33. Vera, 313n, 314, 316, 323. Bryant, C. B., 459; H. H., 458. Blanding, Don, 258. Buck Gang, 151. Bliss, Capt. William W. S., 439. Buckner and Concord Baptist Association, Block Bar Ranch, 373n. 279. Bloomfield Academy, 453. Buffalo Hump, Comanche chief, 21. Blue, B. F., 127. Buffington, Thomas M., 30, 187. Bluegrass, (Okla. Terr.), postoffice at, Burgess, ........................, 423; William, 401, 236-237. 403 404. Bluejacket, Carrie, 395; Riva, 395. Burials, ancient, 218, 223. Blunt, John, 434. Burke, Edmund. 450. 2 Burnett, Frank, Ml. Drab, 136; Ione Marpbny, 136; Jolm, Buniley, A. T., 22. 344; Rw. John IL, 455; Meryl. 136; Duma, EUabetb, 37311. William T., 136. Burton, W. T .. oft of. 485. Canon, Kit, 14', 338; Usher, 318. Buhyhead, Bader, 163; Dennis W., 163, Carter, Mrs. ____ _, 9; Da\'id, 165; 195; Eloiee Butler, 163, 164; Frances, Jacob V., 274. 163; Henry, 163; Jack, 163; Rev. Jesse, Carter Seminary, 241. 418; Nena Walker, 163. Cua-Te-Ho, 398. Butler, Sen. A. P., 161; Andrew Pickens, Cass, Lewis, 294, 435. 6n, 162, 164; Behethland F., 162n; Be­ Catesby, (Okla.), 264; Methodist church hethland Foote Moore, 6; Elise W. L, at, 266. 162n; Eloiae, 163; Emma1a F., 162n; Cattlemen in Cheyenne & Arapaho Reser• Fannie Townes, 172; Frances Taylor, vation, 381. 16.l; George, 162-164; J. B., gift of, Cavin, Bill, 238. 252; James L, 1621:a. 163; Jane Tweedy Caywood, Elzie Ronald, "The Adminis­ Peny, 16.l; John E., 181n; Gen. M. C., tration of William C. Rogers, Principal 1�; Matthew Colbraith, 162n, 163; Chief of the Cherokee Nation 1903- Nanny Thurston, 164; Oliver N., 162.n; 1907," by, 29-37. Pickens P., 162n; Pierce, 161; Gov. Cement. in Oklahoma, 466. Pierce M., 149, 160, 440, 449; "Pierce Census of 1860, Oklahoma counties in. 118. Mason," by Carolyn Thomas Foreman, Chahta Tamaha, 242. 6-28; Col. Robert, 28n; Sally, 150n; Chamberlain, W. C., 388. Sally W., 162n; Thomas 0. L., 162n; Chandler, Bert, 395. Dr. William, 149, 160, 161; William, Chapman, Dr. Berlin B., 109, 236, 485; 6n. 162n; "Dr. William and George, Mrs. Delma, 250; Lleut. Rohen C., 310. Cherokee agents," by Carolyn Thomas Charlotte, (No. Car.), 311. ·Foreman, 160-172. Cherokee, (Okla.), 128. Butler School in Cherokee Nation, 180. Cherokee Board of Edu.cation, 183. Butte, Joe, 395. "Cherokee County, Oklahoma, Archaeo- Byers, Rev. J. H., 283. logical Discoveries at the . Morris Site," Byington, Rev. Cyrus, 4.53. by Robert E. Bell and Richard H. Fru• er, 216-235. -C- Cherokee Female Seminary, 184, 196, 472. Cabe, Lena Tittle, 248. Cherokee Freedmen, education of, 454. Cabin Creek Battle Ground, 486. Cherokee Indian Agency, 7, 165. Caddo County, (Okla.), 39. Cherokee Indian Agent, 160, 161. Caddo Indians, 201, 410, 433, 450. Cherokee Indian History, pages from, 393.
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