PUBLIC UBRART 425 E* BROAD ST. WESTFIELD,N.I, 07' Sale of Discarded Books West field Memorial Library Parking Lot Saturday, 9 A.M. THE THI UA01NO AND MOST WIMLY CWCUUTID WEIKtY NEWSPAPBt IN UNION COUNTY Published Second Class postage Paid EIGHTIETH YEAR—No. ? Every Thursday WBSTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, I960 at Wastfield, K.J. 36 Pages—10 Cent* Are You Registered? Extended periods for registr*- Seek Nominees Una for the Nov. * General United Fund Goal $276,512; 8800 Enrolled Election have &een scheduled by the Town Clerk's Office* Resi- dents may register until next Thursday, Sept. 25. Is $9,329 More than '68 Tn 19 For Bd, of Ed. The fothming extra Man for A goail of $276,51$276,312 hasteis been estab- tain toeirtheir -vital services for the com- (up $4,000); Boy Scouts, $20,000$20,000;; AiA _1_ sSajaj registration Save been set: Sept. lished for this year's United Fund munity. Cerebral Palsy, $2,300 <up $200 >; Nominees for anticipated vacancies on the Board of Education are IS, 1», 23 through 35 from « .campaign, according to Arthur C. According to Vincent h. Fisher, Westfield Community Center, $36,700 With classes coming to the close of the second week of the 1969-70 now being sought, according to Howard J. Lunin o£ 105 Stanmore PL, p.m. to 8 p.m. Fried, fund <Ji*ve chairman. chairman of the budget review com- (up $1,700>; Girl Scouts, $1-1,000 (up school year, enralbneiit figures show a school population of 8800, an in- chairman af Westfield Joint Civic Committee. To register,, persons mutt be The residential phase of the annual mittee, this year goal represents $1,0003; Mental HeatHi, $3,200. crease of 42 students compared will) approximately the same time last Current members whose terms expire in February are Chanles M 21 years o< age on or before appeal will begin at 1 p m, Saturday, less han a five percent increase and, Also Psychiatric Clinic, $5,500; year. With the exception of Grant School, alt elementary schools have t>anke*«h Jr., Mrs. Julian {tielps ant George 0. Plenty. Kone has fewer students enrolled this year; however, with the largest senior class Nn, 4, must tarn lived fa New Sept. 27. ' agency requests have been pared Betarded Children, $4,500; USO, yet announced whetehe irili « .———'- . •...;,„.•••;.: —_ Jersey six nmtflu add IK Ike , __ tfiei!d High School This year's quota represents g to reach a realistic figure "wtaicr< $1,900 !«p $100); Visiting Home- in its llistory) Wes welt 001 ^HtfC pft vJitKBXlWwu tfmt 00 ^$izffl!)g&2£$§&^^^w&^^ caoaijr « 4ajrt »y Noy. 4. Ns- makers, $1,300; Visiting Nurse and has increased its student body by the board. • - - $9,329 increase over but year'* goat can and must tie readied by West- •ruHwd CMBM nMft aretenl field contributors." Services, $17,500; YES, $940; 117, reaching an all time high total 15K Joint Civtc Committee is thttr MtaraitmtiMi pa(«rt wke* (which was suewsjfuHy reacted far oX 2137. the fifth coneacutfve year. "We are Counseling Serv- WeatftekTu long standing -'vatgfe for tt fkitiiag. Seven of the agencies nave been 0); YMCA, Ad secondary schools have larger otttiaiog, on a noo-p«rtUM buii, confident," said Mr. Fried, 'tltat allocated the same amounts as last enrollments, with 31 additional stu- H a voter kas ekaaged Ma more residents than ever Wore 500 (up $1,500); and YW0A, board candidate* wfto are rejre- address he jn»»t Mllfy tke year, Eight others have been in- dents at BooseveM. Junior High sedtttthw at the educational initr- mil each give a little bit more thia creased, bat only one local agency, (up I'HMr Saard «f JEkctiaw, ! School, and 43 more at Edison Jun- t*U of ** entire communtty, Mr., CaaH Unite, EHiabeth, New yew to continue Westfield'i 'tradi- the Youth Employment Service, has Carnp9i gn and office expenses, as ior High School, the current tally LUDIII MpUiwed *t the gnoup'* re- Jersey. CkaMe at addreM card* tion of response.' " .beet gives the amount requested. well as a contingency for unseollected shows 4336 attending secondary cert inecHBg. He reviewed the pw- majr be aMahe* ff*m the Tmm The $378,512 gMt, he empbaaittit f .Member agencies and their aHoca- .pledges, constitute the difference sehoofe rand 4484 in elementary I»K «l the wvaafMUm atating tJart Clerk's Office. in a minimum need to insure that ttas in this year's camjiaiga quota feetween the agency allocations and classrooms. tut Joint Civic Ooimrotte* had been It la passiMe *• ref Isler at *e the IS member ageocica cam msav ate: American Red Cross, $27,000 the total goal in the campaign. The increased enrollment at the HtaMM»«l iii 1MI «**» resident! •Mm «f an; Maakiaal Clerk ta ^^^^HBF 3£nior hign school has made it nec- •f fhatfWd betitvrt that the sum- Data County rcgdfdtn* if ^^^^^^^^^.w^ issary to discontinue the rotary *** af cmMatw fer fee Board ! p fNHMMNt fiVCft* y^^^^^L^^^ ^M^kw.' 'Cliedule in efiect many years and <K EiMtMlM «Mdi tot be e«ected j^^^^^^L A a^^^Hai .!«titnte a traditional daity schedule by. * —iptMrtfl body with mam- ^^^^^^^k ^L^^^^^l -i seven class periods. Oasset are ti|fJMii»nrtiiillitlri of the entire ^^^^^^^^^ ^B ^^^^^H J minutes long am) meet each day MA ite fitfmdHvt jweMstly coo- Temple to Mark ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^H it the same time. When necessary, •M» «t tfcwt ai4M*Klt from each ^^^^^^^^^Kaaam^^^^H -.ssf.'iiblies, clubs, and ctaat meet' Yom Kippur •••••^•^•^•^••"^••^••^••^ in,gs wjM be aoowmwdated by de- Mn. Warrw T, Vitet of S7 Kim- GORDON D. MaeCONNACHtE creasing all periods five minutes. tali Aw., ahainw rf the screen- Tne music and sojemnity of Kot In order to serve the record num- *«"™^. "•*«***«** HILTON DAVU idee services will initiate the con* ber of students, a fourth lunch pe- . .,, «•*. Mr*. VHet aafc- eluding phase of the Jewish New Forrest Allen riod has been added. The new luadi adtlMt aame* be aatiwtod to her Year celebration at Temple EmanU- system is similar to that used ia the pi* fa OH. 1. T» faa «a»ibk, a WACHRtoHcar £1, 798 E Broad St. Services will junior high schools. ptrwk mat toe a cttttM, » year* be«ii! Sunday eveaing «t •:» pin. Names Manager sf aft, »tjle to r»ad *ad write, be in tile Temptes Sanctuary. a rwMtat of WeatAeld hr at least 'Now is the Time" Gordon D. MacCwmachie of 744 mm jreart aasl aot b» M interested Bf YflBI KipBW, ** Nor Norgate, well-*n»wE resident active in community work, will man- 27 Student* Here party in anr eaatract or claim The next public meeting of the afHttwt (he BMr4 af JBducatton dl- tinye on MomMr «Wa mMm$mf ' age Republican Forrest, E. Allen's tea Committee on Hu- ten at 19 ••». campaign for election to Town Coun- redly or in*r*edjr. Kights at B:W p.m. Thursday, Merit Semifinalists la aft e«art »• datarmtoe tl» oon- .*, at Hie YMCA, wiB be ad- cil representing fee Fourth Ward, •f prospsct Mr. .Alien announced today, Twenty-six Westfield HWl Mml ratatrv* ta «duc»- u:« p.m. in accepting the appointment as and one Holy Trinity Hbtfi Uwal to the kMdaf to N.J. Di- campaign manager, Mr. Connstchie KMI 4s«isM to 0* Civil Bi«Wts Mr. Onvii' students are amm ttte »,IH «i aite to praised Mr. Alien as aft "outstand- nation's mast inteltecSaaSh; tatfatai , mm titled "Now U the ing citizen with a deep interest, in Tim*," w*H coararn the ijnatian al rZ^— iC~i7 high school wntors honor** by ta- a aasl tteMI , «H*. m. the continuing development of West- il* named MtntMwiliiU ia Ma W+ • liekf ae'one td the naCian's finest TO Nat^al Merit fefcolarsN* (**• emtmmmm. ,Ut. Atteft, «*w has ,,,£f-v4-,^ |*;#i#g| •* , late', w^h'-w »• —nwj purtini! h!j elertiwi to assure ctmtin «r*t B. Fowtomt, J«ef M. <MH»pri*«»»Jtw. , - A» orHmmcr, ta its pi-svimiaw "Diie ct our first tasks in femw- James D. Gilbert, Steven R. w«* Mi* «*KaUm program m be for the fourth year ami all mime- W pr»vi- fill be in ' iquen* years from tbe *tte ol Ws the campaign," Mr. MacCdfi- Bichard P. Haney, Jean K. i t«w <***•«* fey )»• akar- Holy Trinity <m<'». Milani nacbte stated, "is lo line up a team Patricia A, Kane, Ma« J. iwtJhMf tohes of Westfield, aMt ^*WM MM $U,m>; captain, appoinWn*!ii!:, $lfl,S00. In addition to the above salaries, of workers that will reach into every PWip M. IJeb. thtmfl of the course*,. K.2,6«»: detective lieutenant, tia,- section of the Fourth Ward and will is as MlMri: (Centinued on a««e t) a aaMai taarMf ,|ieut«»ilt, m,**; sergeant « hwgevity payment will be made Also .Susan K. Li.wnan, T. Mat- MMn: Dawd In tihe wonb af Msgr. Chartei S. Wi reflect all of the interests of the at tlw I ffce Mn*r Mi defective, *ll,7»; detsctive, »!»,- «» a<Mitiow9i eormpensirtioii Iwsed Ward. Many persons a!rea<ly have thew Marshall, Alexander *M*vhi- c» «., A. F. K«*r *t. Mur{% aiMl the Jtev. IMMM tis, Diane J. Ne«ly, Aim L. P«Ur- m raw- Meaney, pastors at the faa*w»vc . wt0*. at fcH*- att, swgeMie, iji,**; patrotoraii, «» **« l«*S* <>* servkre and amuai indicated ttheir desire to work for «fra»Ave.; *r**m Teen Caateen 11» fattwaMI » #»r- I,, the pntatiowary parted «t noe »»iary af members et the police de- Mr.
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