FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACTS smmzcw ILA /92/u£5&#39;I&#39;3g J;-EL/~/92z1-I/1 FILE NUMBER [33-HQ" /Q30_ T SECTION NUMBER__ 1 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION !*s&#39; 1.;-,~~;_-a.-.¢_.92 . _ "" I-"&#39;*&#39;i-1?"--3Z&#39;,., > - - +=»< --1 .- <>~.¢~ M I-&#39;>-_:¢g:*: T _~ V, - _ ___d_..;.-.._1_:F:-_4_ _._- ._. Ber __.5&#39;4&#39;. -r lE@ 1 . - At *-&#39;592p~_.~.--.-. _~ - ,---- P5.,éJ.&#39;;i+-.4--.=-.-. 3.~>:>¢t:-1~.u.&#39;*;-- . .--.- - &#39; I . _ _ _,._-.92._92-ea*-u 4 _. - 7." " - . 1b_ 11-. OBTAINABLE IS INCLUDED .u- X- .7;_1,_.I ~:&#39;-_§_3" -~ .¢92. IN THE REPRODUCTION OF THESE DOCUMENTS. PAGES an INCLUDED THAT ARE I *5; BLURRED, LIGHT, OR OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO I READ ARE THE RESULT OE mm THE CONDITION OP THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT. NO BETTER COPY CAN BE * REPRODUCED. r_- . 4®@E§IE§1@@E§1@ If-.--.. - T:,f&#39;,&#39;§;;&#39;.~&#39;.-.. -___..1&#39;.» &#39; &#39;l_1*"*-§,~;§;=. * &#39; - __ &#39; - "&#39;&#39;e%:?-f.:_?A_ ;-"&#39;2-.A . - _+1...-=--,-$1:1 I: ~ 4:-, . .- _ -&#39;_, _ ~ _ - _ _- _ _ _ -_.._ ~_ ___ _--___amP&#39;--"H "-+"~_-=~;<.. -.2:. -A - *4 ., . < I 4;, - A , iii =-_~.;-; &#39;1. _ - &#39;-- &#39; .-6-. &#39; FD-36 Rev. 2-14-74! . .;:=~:-~>~=::.:.;.-_¢- >*""3"-92wz1n»s92xn&#39;:.;---»-- -- ;;:>s~_--~»=+~_ -; -1-»:~ -:~~~-r-~_~_-:-:.; -;+,¢.;...i_.,,=,_, 92g// Dam FBI 3/17/11. Tt8n5 I,lhl: followingin _ VV .,_ _ _ _ __ _ .__ _ ___,___ Type in plaintexl or code! AIRTEL Via ,_ e 7, e _ _:. &#39;, To W, _ _ 7 _ _ -..._.,_..~,_._...L H Precedence! T0: -92____.---_._--_-_---.._-~__._,.._._..~.___-~......-_.__.._._._.-~.__.--_..__-_..-. FROM: nxnncwon, FBI _& k;@ SUBJECT: SAC, SACRAMENTO < . ¥ , LP NUESTRA "PMILIA, aka "Our Famlly n &#39;- -.-~ 1 AR; ITAR - EKTORTION, PROSTITUTION O0 Sacramento SC 92-1212 ll II MXICAN MAFIA, aka : Y EME AR; ITAR " EXTORTION, PROSTITUTION ~ b7C O0: Sacramento X ? b7D 3 sc 92-1213 .E;>9292 "ARARYAN BROTHERHOOD&#39;65? V gg:92&#39;S;c0 @-62 e _ 92 . §§§7§E§3hiE:§/yge/030 21* APRs 1977 " $3- O0: Sacramento/ I %///// 8- SC 183-73 I// I 3 _ 92 Y 92 8 Bureau Enc. 2! _ Los Angeles Enc. 2! ATTN:Supv.[:::::::::] YE; 3 v San Francisco Enc. 2! , - San Diego Enc. 2! m1-- Sacramento ON 559$ 92 ¢_ ~92121z!~92-1213! gbB5 » - ~92-1214!-1e3~73! --1 CBS:ema 11 Q ! " "" o &#39; "* 4,-4 1 1 +5.;-. Approved: Q Special. _ , Agent _ ,_Charge in Seat W e _ M Per» _ 55 <>~°i> In -_&#39;= - iii " ~_~_~ ,._ 7 V _,-_-.~___ &#39;_ 4 _ _ _ _ E. &#39;;_ ~ .&#39; -4 4 i A SC 92~1212 I - Enclosed to the Bureau and receiving offices are two copies each of an article appearing in the Fresno Bee newspaper of 3/ll/77 which synopsizes the current problem of the Mexican Mafia and the Nuestra Familia in the State of California. For the information of the Bureau and receiving offices, Sacramento is instituting investigation of the captioned organizations and individuals, based on the enclosed newspaper article and the following information. In recent years, there has been an increase in violence and criminal activity on the part of the captioned organizations, which had their origins within the California Prison System. These groups have now spread to the civilian population outside the prison system and have evidenced a high degree of organization. Recent informant information obtained by state and local authorities indicates well organized criminal activity is planned and perpetrated by these groups. Documents seized during local arrests of Nuestra Familia NF! members discuss in succinct form the intended criminal activity to be undertaken to finance the gangfs operations in the areas of prostitution, narcotics, robbery and extortion. Some examples of criminal activity undertaken by these gangs in the recent past, in the areas of E81 jurisdiction, are as follows: ~ 0 - 7 b7C b7D 10/30/75,b7F,92 an .h _2uIo &#39;92 I k .esH -. .. ei-¢T§92_;4F.&#39;.:_,~..___;;.§;5;_»?-1; E f -~*_=-&#39;5.&#39;._"::3- ans! .. H I _ ,. W . i .. - *- ~%n,_ni~ 3&#39;. I! $ Q O ¢ SC 92- &#39; r I I |Cali£ornia Department of Corrections, ree , acramento, California, has advised that he has been following the progress of ]&#39; . the NF and the MM for the past four years. He advised b7C these two organizations have increased their membership b7D dramatically and may have as many as 300 to 400 members .r ~~»-in~the~$tate~ f caliorniaT-He-stated-all of-the~prison___bF92 narcoticsgang organizationsrobberies. areand i in murder, as in beenextortion, recentcontact with the state authorities in exas, New Mexico and Arizona whoin their respective acknowledgedhave states. As ofseveral captioned of existencetheorganizations members of captioned organizations have been convicted of federal violations and are now serving sentences in federal institutions, recruiting for these organizations will undoubtedly be conducted within the Federal Prison System and in all probability will further the organizations I geographical| I I influence.I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l 1 1 A.: &#39; 4t . L-.1__;;-;92-~:=: &#39;_;--_ -_;;- »-*#I&#39;r»..".i. 1" -53*"--.-I-*.&#39;.~.&#39;._.._......,. -strata _ . .. * -"-,=/lee.*- ,--.&#39;.1,. -I-=; v -=2.-.-.~=-~+-..-,-".&#39;Z..>4&#39;.-s$£n!-. &#39;-- &#39;1.92-~_Yn~1&#39;~;-&#39; A1. .- 511:. 7-1;-jl - --.~;&#39;_~..;4;.;,,¢_-,_ _. -4,.¢y*_-&#39;;&#39;.,~.~,_:; &#39;.at 1~ - -,y_&#39;_&#39; -qv _ ~ , &#39;r&#39; . ¢;;g._1!.&#39;_-;_ 2 .-_x-Lt?-r&#39;r..&#39; ~_,-_|.-&#39; "*~=§-W-5* &#39; &#39; g,-.-g---.I - &#39;af." U.-,.-< &#39; &#39; - . 4 - _~."!~.~..~.;=,,&#39;. &#39;-&#39;-"- &#39; .- A _ n. :r~ . - - -.: &#39; &#39; .-&#39;.*--1 .»"" v &#39;1 J " "&#39; :5-Ir u , ¢ . ; .1, ;§&#39; * 5 &#39; .§_ »~ F so 92-1212 groups have become, and are rapidly becoming more so, a major crime problem in specific geographic areas within the State of California and to the state as a whole. It appears an excellent opportunity for the FBI to make a ~ concerted effort to make a significant contribution in a » the areas of major crime problems involving these. organizations. 4 Q The primary-initial thrust will concern the alleged extortion of businesses and development of . informants. If, at the end of a 90-day period, or earlier as determined by investigation, it is established there are no prosecutable violations, a closing report will be submitted. b&#39;7C --- ._ . ....-..._____________v________ __ _ ________ _ _ __ _>_ _ _~_ w 6 U t =1 *3 . -6- -» %1,.._ &#39;T-"ff*1 rL~.--. ~ -_.¢_é,,;.,<.- -_-.;_=;»-.~._. egzgr_ 533"." - 1=&#39; a 1 1 Q V " mm-~ §;=&#39;-r -*1"~=¢1=&#39;- &#39;<111-1::--i~""~-&#39;-&#39;=&#39;»~&#39;-- 4.3 -1mr- . _ i A; &#39;_ I&#39;;~.-.&#39;..~1 " , . , . .. _ ~~ - <- .. , . - ._,. -;_,,,,,._..-.......4-4.........~-.__..--....~.--~ miainan-.,.a-»s.~-.-=-..»-~a»u-Li-»d,¢-.-~-e.._.~,¢ -V v v ,. - AfL¢».,§~%92h1--- -A4--~ . _ - Ilhwc. b*ir.__i~. _ 1] DGP»AD Ah. _ _~- i D§P. AD lav... R ~ &#39; - - *1-v F B I I , mm.idm Dir. ,1-.7&#39; D-=1==1/17 7/2 " 92 I Idem. &#39;~ Transmit.following thein ,7 wea a I a a ;:::,,,,,,, 7/ x Typein plaintexlor code! | LegG1 mu: &#39; Plun& Ins 1 vm AIRTEL H &#39; &#39; : 7 7 Precedence! AIR MAILi K T 7 _ 77 K i N 92 |p""&#39;Ru MgnL&#39;___ Z L Spec. Inv,_____,__ 1" Ieeh.-Sene- - -.__._...._,__._>__...,._-.-.-.-.__.--_-~-...___.- -__-__..._._.~._._.-..-..._--...__¢-.---_.? TO.. 1 DIRECTOR, FBI Pnb;:"j;?& O. .. mom SAC, sm FRANCISCO83-161! P! i"§?:§§T.°;Z°s§?, RE: .@LA NUESTRA ramxmn,aka uestra Familia, L1! L N |F u &#39; - Farmers , A / @ Our Family ;j_;;,; 92 ~ , RICO _ r O0: SF &#39; E =»f&#39; 1 -J MexicanAmerican inmatesat San Quentin Prison, Ca1i{i{ ;. began forming La Nuestra Familia NF! as a prison gang during i at 1966-1967, for protection against another prison gan, 5 2» the Mexican Mafia. During 1971, a constitution was X y drawn up setting out the structure and laws of NF. There are 1 "-&#39; approximately 400-500 members of NF in prisons and on the : ___ __&#39;1st;:_ee_ts_&#39;_&#39;....of&#39; California at the presenttime. .--..__. .. by: ; The structure ofthe NFas setout in their "b"/D M J constitution is headed by a General, under which are ten * 0! Captains, under which are unlimited Lieutenants, and b&#39;7F under which are soldiers. Rank is obtained by being _ a good soldier and making a certain number of "hits" murders! [ on "hermits" enemiesof e N 26 33.9 /3,. » -.__ __ i I L9, Bureau &#39;3?i? 19??*- AUG - Sacramento 8373! Info.! ,:_____..,, _ &_ 92 2" Los Angeles 92s4s5! Info.! _ 92 210 San Diego Infq.! 2 - San Francisco 92 PAD:rvs - , 0! Appfp; 1 L Z1,7 7/ 1 _o _, Sente M P°Y--- 4 S genz in Chwse - __ A 92 K r Q is O 4 iqnge 1;lee» &#39;133-13 sc Several of the entries have been covered over by markings in an attempt to obliterate the original notation.
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