DOCUMENT RESUME ED 293 713 SE 049 081 AUTHOR Fraknoi, Andrew TITLE Astronomical Resources. The Solar System: An Introductory Bibliography. INSTITUTION Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, CA. PUB DATE 88 NOTE 5p.; Photographs may not reproduce well. PUB TYPE Reference Materials - Bibliographies (131) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC01 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Astronomy; *Earth Science; *Physical Sciences; Physics; Science Education; Scientific Research; *Space Exploration; apace Sciences IDENTIFIERS Planets; *Solar System ABSTRACT This reference surveys resources of astronomical information including books and articles about the solar system, Mercury, Venus, Earth, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Asteroids, Comets, and Meteors. Also included is a list of seven available slide sets about the solar system. 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This bibliography is one of a series of educational resources being made Beatty,J.,etal.,eds.The New Solar available by the nonprofit Astronomical Society of 0.1 Pacific. Fora complete System,2nd ed. 1982, Sky Publishing & catalog and membership information, please send two first class stamps to: A.S.P., Cambridge U. Press. A slightly technical Catalog Requests Dept., 3.90 li,s6Ave., San Francisco, CA 94112 series of review articles by noted scientists. Briggs, G. & Taylor, F. TheCambridge Photographic Atlas of the Planets,2nd ed. 1986, Cambridge U. Press. Has many high-quality photographs. Jan. 1985, p. 19. Donne,J. & Burgess,E.The Voyage Chapman, C.Planets of Rock and Ice. Esposito, L. "The Changing Shape of Plan- 1982, Scribners. A readable introduction of Mariner 10: Mission to Venus and Mer- etary Rings" inAstronomy, Sep.1987, cury. to the inner planets. 1978, NASA Special Publication p. 6. #424, U.S. Gov't Printing Office. Sum- Elliot,J. & Kerr, R.Rings.1984, MIT Hartmann, W. "Cratering inthe Solar Press. Guide to our discovery and current maryoftheMariner missionand System"inScientific American,Jan. discoveries. knowledge of rings around the outer 1977. planets. Murray,B. & Burgess,E.Flightto Millman, P. "Names on Other Worlds" Mercury.1977, Columbia U. Press. Frazier, K.The Solar System.1985, Time- inSky & Telescope,Jan. 1984, p. 23. Life Books. A colorful survey by a science Strom, R.Mercury: The Elusive Planet. Young, A. "What Color is the Solar Sys- 1987, Smithsonian Inst. Press. journalist. tem?"in Sky & Telescope,May 1985, Miller, R. & Hartmann, W.The Grand p. 399. Tour: A Traveler's Guide to the Solar Articles About Mercury System.1981, Workmah. Illustrated with Books About Mercury excellent photos and paintings. Beatty, J. "Mariner 10's Second Look at Moore, P. & Hunt, G.Atlas of the Solar Mercury" inSky & Telescope,Nov. 1974, Cross, C. & Moore, P.The Atlas of p. 307. System.1983, Rand McNally. Large il- Mercury.1977, Crown. lustrated atlas; a nice reference book. Burgess,E."The Planet Mercury"in Davies, M et al, eds.Atlas of Mercury. Astronomy,Dec. 1975, p. 20. Preiss, B., ed.The Planets.1985, Bantam. 1978, NASA Special Publication # 423. Includessciencearticlesbynoted Cordell, B. "Mercury: The World Closest astronomers and science fiction stories to the Sun"in Mercury,Sep/Oct. 1984, based on reasonable science. p. 136. Sagan, C.Cosmos.1980, Random House. Hartmann, W. "The Significance of the There are several good chapters on planets Planet Mercury" inSky & Telescope,May inthiseloquentintroductionto 1976, p. 307. Murray, B. "Mercury"in Scientific Amer- astronomy. ican,May 1976. Srnolouchowski, R.The Solar System.19.83, Scientific American Library. A concise Weaver,K."MarinerUnveilsMercury primer. anc: Venus"in National Geographic,June 1975. Whipple, F.Orbiting the Sun.1981, Harvard U. Press. The most recent edition of a classic introductory book. Books About Venus General Articles About the Burgess, E.Venus: An Errant Twin.1985, Columbia U. Press. A summary of U.S. Solar System as a Whole and Soviet Venus exploration and results. Donne, J. & BUrgess, E.The Voyage of Beatty, J. "Planetary Satellites: An Update" Mariner 10: Mission to Venus and Mer- inSky & Telescope,Nov. 1983, p. 405. cury.1978, NASA Special Publication Ciaccio, E. "Atmospheres" inAstronomy, #424, U.S. Gov't Printing Office. Sum- May 1984, p. 6. maryoftheMariner missionand Cures,J. "Ringed Planets: Still Mysterious" Photomosaic of Mercury. (NASA discoveries. in Sky & Telescope, Dec.1984, p. 511; photograph) Fimmel, R.,etal.Pioneer Venus.1982, ---411111010,2111111 2 Articles About Earth Carden, B."Mars, Earth and Ice"in Sky & Telescope, Ju!, 1986, p. 17. Hartmann, W. "The Early History of the PlanetEarth"inAstronomy,Aug. 1978, p. 6. Jacchia,L."The Earth's Upper Atmo- sphere"inSky &Telescope,Mar. 1975, p.155; Apr. 1975, p. 229; May 1975, p. 294. Maslowski,A."GeologyfromSpace" in Astronomy, Nov. 1983, p. 7. Overbye, D. "The Shape of Tomorrow: Predicting ContinentalDrift"in Discover, Nov. 1982, p. 20. Wahr,J."The Earth'sInconstantRo- tation"inSky & TelescopeJune Venus. (NASA photograph) 1986, p. 545. Wong, C."Watchingthe Earth Move NASA Special Publication #461, U.S. from Space" in Sky & Telescope, Mar. Gov't Printing Office. Summary of the 1978, p. 198. Pioneer mission and discoveries. Hunt, G. & Moore, P. The Planet Venus. Moon. (Mr. Wilsonphotograph) 1982, Faber & Faber. An illustrated in- Articles About the Moon troduction. Beatty, J. "The Making of a Better Moon" Articles About Venus in Sky & Telescope, Dec. 1986, p.558. Brownlee, S. "A Whacky Theory of the SpaceOdyssey" .1 Beatty,J."A Soviet I Moon's Birth" in Discover, Mar 1985, in Sky & Telescope, Oct. 1985, p. 310. p. 65. About the VEGA missions. Burgess, E. "The New Moon: Scientific Beatty,J. "A Radar Tour of Venus" in Results of 18 Years of Lunar Expioration" Sky & Telescope, June 1985, p. 507. On .;-- in Mercury, Nov./Dec. 1977, p. 10. the Venera 15 Ind 16 missions. (Also: Feb. Cadogan,P. "The Moon's Origin"in 1984, p. 110.) Mercury, Mar./Apr. 1983, p. 34. Chapman, C. "The Vapors of Venus and Chaikin, A. "A Guided Tour. of the Moon" Other Gassy Envelopes"inMercury, in Sky & Telescope Sep. 1984, p. 211. An Sep/Oct 1983, p. 130. observing guide for beginners. Cordell,B."Venus"inAstronomy, French, B. "What's New On the Moon" Sep. 1982, p. 6. in Sky & Telescope, Mar. 1977, p. 164 and James, W. "Venus Radar Mapping Mission" Apr. 1977, p. 257. in Astronomy, Apr. 1983, p. 16. Hartmann, W. " The Moon's Early History" Mims, S. "Revealing the Venusian Secrets" in Astronomy, Sep. 1976, p. 6. in Astronomy, Jul 1982, p. 66. On the McConnell, D. "Basic Lunar Astrophoto- Venera 13 and 14 results. graphy" in Astronomy, Dec. 1985, p. 69. Nozette, S. & Ford, P. "A World Revealed: Register, B. "The Fate of the Moon Rocks" Venus By Radar'' in Astronomy, Mar. Earth from space. (NASA photograph) in Astronomy, Dec. 1985, p. 15. 1981, p. 6. Rubin, A. "Whence Came the Moon" in Pettengill,G.,etal."The Surface of Books About the Moon Sky & Telescope, Nov. 1984, p. 389. Venus" in Scientific American, Aug. 1980. Spain, D. "A Lunar Sampler" in Astron- Prinn, R. "The Volcanos and Clouds of Cadogan, P. The Moon: Our Sister Planet. omy, Feb. 1984, p. 35. A primer for obser- Venus" in Scientific American, Mar. 1985. 1981, Cambridge U. Press. A slightly ving the Moon. Schubert, G. & Covey, C. "The Atmosphere technical but clear introductory text. Weaver, K. "First Explorers on the Moon" of Venus" in Scientific American, July Cooper, H. Apollo on the Moon and Moon in National Geographic, Dec. 1969. 1981. Rocks. 1970, Dial. Accounts of the Apollo Wood, J. "The Moon" in Scientific Ameri- Weaver, K. "Mariner Unveils Venus and 11 mission and the materialit brought can, Sep. 1975. Mercury" in National Geographic, June back from the lunar surface; written by a 1975. science journalist. Books About Mars Cherrington,E.Exploringthe Moon A Few Books About Earth Through Binoculars and Small Telescopes. Burgess,E.To the Red Planet. 1978 1984, Dover. An observing guide. Columbia U. Press. Calder, N. The Restless Earth. 1972, Viking French, B. The Moon Book. 1977, Penguin. Carr, M. The Surface of Mars. 1981, Yale U. Press. A basic primer. Press. A slightly technical introduction by Carr, M. & Greeley, R. Volcanic Features Lewis, R.The Voyages of Apollo: The the leader of the Viking Orbiter Imaging of Hawaii: A Basis for Comparison with Exploration of the Moon.1975, team. Mars. 1980, NASA Special Publication Quadrangle. A science journalist'sac- Cooper, H. The Search for Life on Mars. 403, U.S. Gov't Printing Office. count. 1980, Holt, Reinhart & Winston. Cattermole, P. & Moore, P. The Story of Moore, P. The Moon. 1980, Rand McNally. Ezell, E. & L. On Mars: Exploration of the the Earth. 1985, Cambridge U. Press. A reference atlas. Red Planet1958-1978. 1984, NASA Sheffield, C. Earth Watch: A Survey of Moore,P. New Guide tothe Moon. Special Publication #4212, U.S. Govern- the World from Space. 1981, Macmillan. 1976, Norton. A basic book for beginners. ment Printing Office. Mainly a history of the Viking project. 3 Horowitz, N. To Utopia and Back. 1986, Yeates, C., et al. Galileo: Exploration of Books About Saturn Freeman.
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