Client Information Education in Jersey Education Education provision in Jersey is excellent, ranging from nursery and pre-school classes through to the age of 18. Nursery education has to be funded privately but a selection of nurseries and pre-schools offer excellent provision to pre-school children. Most of the States Primary Schools have a pre-school attached. Children are eligible to start pre-school if they are 3 years old on 1 September. Forms can be obtained from your local school. All pre-school children are allowed 20 hours per week for free at an approved nursery (this can be attached to the school or a private establishment). Primary Education Each parish on the island has at least one local States primary school, with the exception of St Helier, which has six. The choice of school depends on your catchment area and how big the school is – some primary schools have one class per year and some have two classes per year. There is only one intake per year at the start of September and any child who is 4 years old on the 1 September will be eligible to join Reception. The parish primary schools are listed below: East of Island Grouville School 49.185967,-2.041504 Plat Douet School 49.17913,-2.08715 Samares School 49.170509,-2.083502 St Clement’s School 49.170655,-2.068943 St Martin’s School 49.219727,-2.054577 St Saviour School 49.194045,-2.084071 St Helier Springfield School 49.190578,-2.098356 D’Auvergne School 49.194553,-2.104359 Grand Vaux School 49.203274,-2.090819 Janvrin School 49.198122,-2.107873 Rouge Bouillon School 49.192586,-2.107884 St Luke’s School 49.178958,-2.095363 Centre of Island Bel Royal School 49.200512,-2.148594 First Tower School 49.194192,-2.126155 St Lawrence School 49.215165,-2.141433 St John’s School 49.244949,-2.138633 St Mary’s School 49.237461,-2.166876 Trinity School 49.229078,-2.093330 Page 1 © Quintessential Relocation Consultants Ltd 2017 tel. +44 (0) 1481 257200 email. [email protected] tel. +44 (0) 1534 854574 www.qrcci.com West of Island La Moye School 49.188698,-2.214721 Les Landes School 49.246854,-2.226351 Mont Nicolle School 49.189105,-2.188076 St Peter’s School 49.212478,-2.185131 Children attend States primary schools from 4 to 11 years of age. The school years are split into Key Stage 1 (Reception and Yrs 1 & 2) and Key Stage 2 (Yrs 3, 4, 5 & 6). The curriculum follows the UK and national CAT tests are taken in Year 5 (age 9/10). All States schools are non-denominational but provision can be made for Catholic classes in school if you wish. In addition to States primary schools, you have the option of a few fee-paying schools: Helvetia House School is a small independent girls school, teaching students from ages 4 – 11. It is a non- selective school but class sizes are small (approx. 12), therefore, spaces don’t become available very often. The majority of the girls will continue their education at Jersey College for Girls but also have automatic places at Beaulieu if required. http://www.helvetia.org.uk De La Salle is a boys school which has a primary intake at 4 years of age and a secondary intake at 11 years of age through to 18 years of age. The school is based on Lasallian values with a strong Christian theme. It is a non-selective school, therefore, no entrance exam is undertaken. http://www.dls-jersey.co.uk FCJ (founded by the Society of the Faithful Companions of Jesus) is a co-ed school for children starting at 4 years old through to 11 years old. The school has a strong Catholic ethos and is non-selective also. http://www.fcj.sch.je Beaulieu Convent School is a girls school which is similar to De La Salle in that it has a primary and secondary intake through to 18 years. The school has a strong Catholic ethos and is also non-selective. http://www.beaulieu.jersey.sch.uk Jersey College for Girls Preparatory school is part of the Jersey College system linked with Victoria College. The Prep school is co-ed from ages 4 – 7 (ie, Reception, Yrs 1 & 2) then the boys usually transfer to Victoria College Prep at age 7 and girls continue until transfer to the senior school at age 11. Transfer into either school at age 7 or 11 is assessment based and students will need to meet strict criteria to receive a place. For students wishing to attend Jersey College for Girls Preparatory School from age 7, an entrance test/assessment is held. http://www.jcgprep.sch.je Victoria College Preparatory School is a selective boys school catering for students aged 7 – 11 years. Entrance into the school is determined by entrance test/assessment and most boys will continue onto Victoria College for their secondary education through to age 18. http://www.victoriacollege.je St Christophers School is a small pre-prep school teaching children aged 3 years to 7 years. It is a co-ed school and most boys will continue education at Victoria College Preparatory School and most girls will join Jersey College for Girls Prep school. http://www.st-christophers-st-helier-jersey.com/ St Michaels Preparatory School is a co-ed school catering for students from 3 years to 14 years of age. The school prepares students for entrance into boarding schools in the UK or local secondary schools. http://www.stmichaelsschool.je/ Page 2 © Quintessential Relocation Consultants Ltd 2017 tel. +44 (0) 1481 257200 email. [email protected] tel. +44 (0) 1534 854574 www.qrcci.com St Georges Preparatory School is an independent school owned by Jersey Educational Trust. Pupils join at 2, 3 or 4 years of age through to 11 years of age. The school is co-ed and most pupils will enter a local Jersey secondary school or a few will enter a boarding school in the UK. http://www.stgeorgesprep.co.uk/ Secondary Education There are 4 States secondary schools to cover the whole Island. All the schools are co-ed and students are aged between 11 years and 16 years. On the West, there is Les Quennevais situated near the Sports Centre. Centrally located is Haute Vallee (situated near B&Q) and Le Rocquier and Grainville are in the east of the Island. Please see the following websites for further information: http://www.lesquennevais.sch.je/ http://www.hautevallee.sch.je/ http://www.lerocquier.com/ http://www.grainville.sch.je/ Hautlieu is a States secondary school assisting students aged 14 – 18 years of age. Any of the pupils from the above 4 schools can elect to transfer to Hautlieu at aged 14 to study for GCSE’s or at age 16 to study for A Levels. All students entering Hautlieu must have a proven record of academic success. Hautlieu is also associated with the International Baccalaureate World School and some students opt to study for the International Baccalaureate Diploma rather than A Levels. For further information, see the website: http://www.hautlieu.net Along with the States secondary schools, there is also the choice of fee paying schools as follows: Victoria College and De La Salle school both have an intake of boys at age 11 and educate them through to age 18. Boys attending these schools also do have the option of transferring to Hautlieu at age 14 or 16 if preferred. (See websites mentioned above under “Primary Education”) For girls, the choices are Jersey College for Girls or Beaulieu Convent School. Both these schools provide education up to age 18 years. Again, pupils at these schools also have the option of transferring to Hautlieu at age 14 or 16 years. (See websites mentioned above under “Primary Education”) Further Education Highlands College offer vocational courses related to your chosen career along with adult education and degree courses. Highlands recently became a Partner college with the University of Plymouth and now offer Foundation and Masters Degrees in various subjects. http://www.highlands.ac.uk Uniform All branded items of uniform can be acquired from each school and your School Secretary will have details or provide you with uniform. Alternatively, the JSSK shop at Les Quennevais precinct stock the uniform for the following primary schools:- Bel Royal* d'Auvergne* De La Salle Prep* First Tower* Page 3 © Quintessential Relocation Consultants Ltd 2017 tel. +44 (0) 1481 257200 email. [email protected] tel. +44 (0) 1534 854574 www.qrcci.com Grouville* Janvrin* JCG Prep* La Moye Les Landes Mont Nicolle Mont á l’Abbé Samares St Clement St John* St Lawrence* St Peter St Mary St Saviour* And Secondary Schools:- De La Salle College* Les Quennevais Le Rocquier* You can order via telephone (01534 742649) or online at http://www.jssk.co.uk/. Once your order is ready, you can either collect it from the shop, have it delivered to school or have it posted to your home – it couldn’t be easier!! Another supplier of uniform is Lyndale Sports who supply the following schools (as well as the asterisked schools above):- Grand Vaux Haute Vallee Hautlieu Helvetia Jersey College for Girls Rouge Bouillon Springfield St George’s St Martin Trinity You can order via telephone on 01534 862411 or online at http://www.lyndalesports.com. The schools marked with an asterisk above are also supplied through Lyndale Sports. For other schools, it is slightly different:- Beaulieu Primary and Secondary Schools sell their uniforms from Vowden’s Sports Shop, 24-28 Don Road, St Helier.
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