calendar of meetings 1982 San Antonio, Tex. FEB. 16-19 With AGU/ASLO Joint Meeting on Ocean Sciences Washington, D.C. MAR. 14-18 Sixth Symposium on Temperature—Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry Ames, Iowa APR. 20-23 With ASAE Second International Livestock Environment Symposium Urbana, 111. APR. 27-29 With AGU Chapman Conference on Rainfall Rates The Hague, Netherlands MAY 10-14 *AMS/KNMI First International Conference on Meteorology and Air/Sea Interaction of the Coastal Zone Williamsburg, Va. MAY 25-28 •Second Symposium on the Composition of the Nonurban Troposphere Ottawa, Ont. MAY 26-28 16th Annual Congress of CMOS Philadelphia, F&. MAY 31-JUNE 4 With AGU Spring Meeting San Diego, Calif. JUNE 7-11 *14th Technical Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology San Diego, Calif. JUNE 8-10 *Fourth Conference on Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction Denver, Colo. JUNE 13-17 With AWRA International Symposium on Hydrometeorology Dublin, Ireland JUNE 16-18 Second International Conference on Boundary and Interior Layers—Computational and Asymptotic Methods Santa Barbara, Calif. JUNE 20-25 With 63rd AAAS Annual Meeting (F&cific Division) Madison, Wis. JUNE 21-25 *lith International Laser Radar Conference Seattle, Wash. JUNE 25-27 *12th Conference on Weathercasting (Radio and TV) Seattle, Wash. JUNE 28-JULY 1 *Ninth Conference on Weather Forecasting and Analysis Ft. Collins, Colo. JULY 6-8 CSU Symposium on Mesoscale Meteorology Ft. Collins, Colo. JULY 19-23 Workshop on Satellite Meteorology Roll a, Mo. AUG. 2-6 VI International Symposium on the Physics and Chemistry of Ice Seattle, Wash. AUG. 4-6 Second International Conference on Aerobiology Hanover, N. H. AUG. 23-27 Second Symposium on Applied Glaciology with IGS Bournemouth, England AUG. 23-27 With URSI Open Symposium on Multiple P&rameter Radar, Measures or frecipitation Pittsburgh, Ra. cancelled *Third Conference on Flash Floods Tsukuba, Japan OCT. 18-22 With WMO Regional Scientific Conference on Tropical Meteorology and Centennial of Meteorological Society of Japan (MSJ) Chicago, 111. NOV. 15-17 •Conference on Cloud Physics Los Angeles, Calif. NOV. 29-DEC. 3 Fourth Conference on Precipitation Scavenging, Dry Deposition* and Resuspension F&lisades, N.Y. DEC. 1-3 International Symposium on Milankovitch and Climate: Understanding the Response to Orbital Forcing •Meetings administered by AMS. Other meetings AMS cosponsors or cooperates. 224 Vol. 63, No. 2, February 1982 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/04/21 07:53 AM UTC Bulletin American Meteorological Society 225 San Francisco, Calif. DEC. 6-10 With AGU Fall Meeting 1983 Southeast, U.S. JAN. *63rd AMS Annual Meeting Southeast, U.S. JAN. •Second Conference on Climate Variations Boulder, Colo. MAR./APR. •Sixth Symposium on Turbulence and Diffusion Boulder, Colo. MAR./A PR. •Fourth Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Waves and Stability Boulder, Colo. MAR./APR. •Fourth Conference on the Meteorology of the Upper Atmosphere Ft. Collins, Colo. APR. •16th Conference on Agriculture and Forest Meteorology Ft. Collins, Colo. APR. •Sixth Conference on Biometeorology and Aerobiology Ft. Collins, Colo.. APR. •Seventh Conference on Fire and Forest Meteorology Toronto, Ont. APR. •Fifth Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation with CMOS Detroit, Mich. MAY 26-31 With 149th AAAS Annual Meeting Baltimore, Md. MAY 30-JUNE 3 With AGU Spring Meeting Omaha, Nebr. MAY/JUNE •Sixth Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction Omaha, Nebr. MAY/JUNE •Ninth Conference on Aerospace Ithaca, N.Y. JUNE 13-15 International Symposium on Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces Fairbanks, Alaska JULY 18-22 Fourth International Conference on Permafrost Lisbon, Fbrtugal SEPT. 26-30 Second International Meeting on Statistical Climatology Tulsa, Ok la. OCT. •13th Conference on Severe Local Storms Tulsa, Okla. OCT. •Fifth Conference on Hydrometeorology Edmonton, Alta. FALL •21st Conference on Radar Meteorology •Meetings administered by AMS. Other meetings AMS cosponsors or cooperates. New Meeting R*ocedures for Authors (for meetings administered by AMS) For meetings that have preprint or extended abstracts volumes, only reviewer's abstracts will be required; abstracts will not be published in the BULLETIN. For meetings that do not have preprint or extended abstracts volumes, both reviewer's abstracts and short abstracts (100 words) for inclusion in an abstract booklet to be distributed at the meeting will be required. Because of time constraints and escalating costs, AMS will no longer accommodate changes in authors' names, affiliations, paper titles, and/or abstracts once the program has been received at AMS from the program chairman. R-ograms are now set by computer. Mathematical/chemical equations and/or symbols may not be used in titles and short abstracts. Please substitute words, phrases, or sentences for mathematical and chemical expressions. Authors are requested to comply with the above procedures. Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/04/21 07:53 AM UTC 226 Vol. 63, No. 2, February 1982 AGU CHAPMAN CONFERENCE ON RAINFALL RATES, devoted to the papers presented at this meeting. These APRIL 27-29, 1982, URBAN A, ILL. manuscripts will go through the normal JGR peer-review process and should be prepared according to JGR Oceans and Atmospheres specifications. A Chapman Conference on Rainfall Rates will be held 27-29 The program was published in the January BULLETIN. April 1982 in Urbana, 111. Convened by D. M. Hershfield, the conference seeks to bring together an interdisciplinary group for an interchange of ideas on current research and to outline future research and instrumentation needs. The 16TH ANNUAL CONGRESS OF CMOS, MAY 26-28, 1982, information to be presented at the conference will be of OTTAWA, ONT., CANADA value to scientists and engineers in the fields of communications, space technology, atmospheric remote The 16th Annual Congress and Annual General Meeting of sensing, cloud physics, airplane safety, and others interested the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society will in very intense, short duration rainfall. The conference is be held 26-28 May 1982 at the University of Ottawa in cosponsored by the American Geophysical Union Ottawa, Ont., Canada. The theme for the congress will be R-ecipitation Committee, the Radar Meteorology and "Sea Ice." In addition to invited and contributed papers Meteorological Aspects of Aerospace Systems Committees relating to the general theme, sessions will be held on any of the American Meteorological Society, and the National other aspects of meteorology and oceanography depending on Aeronautics and Space Administration. contributions. Fbster sessions may also be held. Sessions are planned on the following topics: Atmospheric The deadline for titles and abstracts has passed. Direct physics as related to rainfall processes; Measurement—Mass inquiries to: Dr. George Isaac, Cloud Physics Research Div., (tipping bucket), photoelectric, magnetic, and remote Atmospheric Environment Service, 4905 Dufferin St., methods; Models—Hiysical, mathematical, and statistical; Downsview, Ont., Canada M3H 5T4 (tel; 416-667-4683). Applications—Fbint, area, quasi-horizontal path, surface, Other congress activities, including tours, are planned. In troposphere, and stratosphere. addition, commercial exhibits will be on display during the The deadline for abstracts has passed. For further congress. Organizations interested in obtaining display information, please contact: Meetings, AGU, 2000 Florida space should contact: Brian O'Donnell, Atmospheric Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009 (tel: 202-462-6903). Environment Service, Ottawa, Ont., Canada K1A 0H3 (tel: 819-997-3511). Two other meetings that should be of interest to potential participants are scheduled to be held in Ottawa during the congress. The Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) of FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) will METEOROLOGY AND AIR/SEA INTERACTION OF THE sponsor a conference during 17 May-2 June, with some COASTAL ZONE, MAY 10-14, 1982, THE HAGUE, sessions being meteorologically oriented. There will also be NETHERLANDS a meeting on Data Collection Platform Networks on 25-26 May sponsored by the CMOS Hydrology Special Interest Group, the Canadian Advisory Committee on Remote The First International Conference on Meteorology and Sensing, and the Canadian Remote Sensing Society. The Air/Sea Interaction of the Coastal Zone will be held 10-14 scientific papers for this meeting will be integrated into the May 1982 in the Hague, Netherlands. The conference is first day of the CMOS Congress. cosponsored by the American Meteorological Society and the A copy of the CMOS Congress and General Meeting Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI — registration and accommodation form is also available from Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut). AMS. The form must be received by the University of The conference is co-convened by: FVof. Hendrick Ottawa before 16 April 1982. Tennekes, Director of Research, Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut, P.O. Box 201, 3730 AE De Bilt, Netherlands; and Prof. Christopher N. K. Mooers, Chairman, Dept. of Oceanography, Naval Fbstgraduate School, 14TH TECHNICAL CONFERENCE ON HURRICANES AND Monterey, Calif. 93940, U.S.A. TROPICAL METEOROLOGY, JUNE 7-1 1, 1982, SAN The deadline for abstracts and manuscripts has passed. DIEGO, CALIF. Direct inquiries to the R-ogram Co-Chairmen (addresses above) or toe AMS Headquarters, 45 Beacon St., Boston, The 14th
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