THE DEVOTED TO MARCH, 1951 VOL. X No.3 BARBER SHOP THE INTERESTS OF QUARTET HARMONY ( Cherry Blossoms, Washington. D, C. The District of Columbia Cbapter is a guild of the Pinafore Sailors featuring bassi profundo. So quartet singers which from the beginning has ad­ many singers value the privilege o[ membership and mitted to membership only competent singers who desire to appear in public perJormance that it has through auditions have demonstrated the ability to become impossible to use all of the available talent in the Harvest of Harmony held in Constitution sing in a quartet. With few exceptions, the members Hall in October o[ each year. Therefore a second sing in organized quartets, in the Red and Green annual show of equal calibre ",ith an all-different sections of the Singing Capital Chorus, and in cast and with all-different songs will be presented special choral groups such as the Precisionists and during blossom time. CONSTITUTION HALL, Washington, D. C. Friday, April 27, 1951, at 8:30 P. M. Guest Quartet:; Tickets MTD STATES FOUR. Chicago DR. EVART F. WARREN BUFFALO BILLS, Bufi'aIo Southern Building, Washington, D. C. MELLOAIRES, Penns Grove, T. J. ,3.00 ­ $2.40 - $1.80 ­ $1.20 THE SOCIETY FOR THE PRESERVATION AND ENCOURAGEMENT OF BARBER SHOP QUARTET SINGING IN AMERICA. INC. ·VOLUME X NO.3 MARCH, 1951 1500 ALL·EVENTS BOOKS INT'L BOARD OK's 20% Report on Armed FOR TOLEDO ASSIGNED FOR STAGE PRESENCE Forces Collaboration All indications point to an S.R.D. Int'l Meeting at the Palace Hotel, San by Int'l Pres. Jerry Beeler Convention and Contest at Toledo Francisco, January 19th and 20th, June 6th to 10th. More than 1500 the Int'l Board of Directors of the (Pres. Beeler's summaI:Y of the report of All-Events Books had been sent out Society placed the official OK on the the Int'} Armed Forces Collaboration from Detroit Hq. as of February 1st. Int'l Contests and Judging Commit­ Committee, as presented to the Int'l Add to that several hundred quartet tee's proposed changes in the Con­ Board at San Francisco, while originally men and wives, for whom rooms must test Rules. These changes will take be reserved, and a very 'Sizeable group effect immediately which means that intended for his column, is important of harmony pursuers is already guar­ quartets competing in the 1951 Int'l front page news. Eds.) anteed present and accounted for on Preliminary Contests will be judged the banks of the Maumee. according to the new rules. Actually, The biggest thrill I've had in all my the changes, other than the raising years of barbershopping c a ill e on Just as at Omaha last year, limited of Stage Presence from 10% to 20% Saturday morning in San Francisco size of Toledo hotels makes neces­ of the total possible score, are minor when the Board saw and heard, (I sary the use of two headquarters and have more bearing on Judges and say "saw", because we did see). the hotels. Fortunately, the Commodore the method of judging than they do Perry and Secor are directly across on the quartets. Armed Forces, or rather representa­ the street from each other. The quar­ tives of all the services, (and we cer­ tets will be housed in the Secor. Int'l Henceforth, there will be five Judges tainly heard some stuff - both talk­ Board Members, Judges, etc., in the instead of foul'. Each will have an ing and singing - tllat convinced all Commodore Perry. After these hotels equal number of points to work with. present that the program is really are filled, the Fort Meigs, Willard, The categories to be judged are the rolling). Hillcrest, Argonne, Park Lane and same with the exception that the old Toledo Club will be used, possibly category, known as "Harmony Ac­ Unfortunately, Committee Chairman others if needed. curacy and Blend", has b,een split into Dean Snyder was unavoidably held "Harmony Accuracy" and "Balance at Washington. Captain H. H. Cope­ Large Theatre and Blend". Here's how the five cate­ land, also a member of our Washing­ The two Semi Final Contests Friday gories will stack up:­ ton, D.C. Chapter, represented Dean morning and afternoon, the Finals, Arrangement ~ 200 points and also himself in his other role as Friday night, and the Saturday after­ Voice Expression 200 points head of the Music Section, Special noon Jamboree will be held in the Services Division of the Army. The fine 3500 seat Paramount Theatre, Harmony Accuroc;y 200 points Captain was ably supported in his within easy walking distance of the Balance and Blend 200 points presentation by four soldier quartets downtown hotels. The Saturday night Stage Presence 200 points and representatives from each of the Medalist Contest v\I'ill take place in services - quite an assortment of the Toledo Sports Arena, a 6500 seat Heretofore, a quartet that sang hal'­ "brass", 30 or 40 people altogether. auditorium. After Toledo was awarded mony in other than the recognized the 1951 Convention and Contest at barbershop style suffered only the The Committee's report was read by Buffalo in 1949, repeated tests of the penalties exacted by the Arrange­ Sec'y Adams aft e I' which Captain Sports Arena acoustics \vere made ments Judge. Under the rules now Copeland set out to furnish substan­ with Society quartets, under Society in effect, a quartet which does not tiation of the claims set forth in the supel'vision, and 1000/0 satisfaction is conform to the barbershop style will report. He called upon Col. Duncan, guaranteed on that scote. The Arena be disqualified. Copies of the re­ Lt. Col. Croom and Captain Thelen, of is a mile from the downtown hotel vamped rules will be mailed from the Air Force, to discuss the progress area. Detroit Hq to all quartets entering of barbershopping among the airmen. the Int'l Regional Preliminaries. Col. John S. Mallory, Special Serv­ Earlier Meetings ices Officer in the San Francisco area, Because of the conflict resulting from Membership Requirement told of the introduction of harmony so many meetings being held Satur­ During the past six months there has in the region his command serves. day, the Conference of District Of­ been considerable discussion on the Lt. Robert W. Schoen then told what ficers and the Class for Chorus Direc­ subject of setting a minimum age IColltinued on page 51 (Contin1/C(i on page 4) (Continued on page 4) Barbershop Bafflers by Charles M. MerrilL 48 I See by The Papen 31 Barbershop Bafflel's (Answers to) 55 Keep Posled__________________________________ 12-13 Coast to' Coast by Districts :38-39 New Chapters Chartered___________________________ 6 Coming Events__________________________________ 7 Old Songsters! The - Sigmund Spaeth 24 Community Service 40-47 Over the Editor's ShouldeL 36 District Contest Winners 39 President's Column - J. D. Beeler__________________ 5 Do You Remember?-J. George O'Briell..- 29 Public Domain Songs_~ 27 Directory of Int'!. Officers and Board Members______ 8 Registered Quartets___________________________ 51-55 Editorial Pages ~ 8-9 uSbare the Wealth"-C. A. Ward 20 Founder's Column 10 Stub Pencil Notes from Pacific ~__ ~ 14-20 Information You want (about songs) 30 The Way I See It-Deac Marti"-- 34 MARCH, 1951 4 INT'L BOARD HOLDS "OPEN" MEETING Following the Armed Forces presen­ tation Saturday morning at the Pal. ace. the Int'! Board Meeting was opened to membel's from the Far At lert-Joo Kyle Western and Pacific Northwest Dis­ At rl;lht-lnt'l Pres. tricts. Representatives from man y Jerry Beeler chapters w ere on hand, including Hersch Taylor, Eugene, Oregon; Bob Perkins, Brookings, Oregon; Chet Gammel, Santa Monica, Cal.; Howard Cooper, Whittier, Cal.; Dick Miller, LonK" Beach, CaL; Reedy Wright, Bill Hopkins and Otto Ness, Pasadena; Dick Schenck, San Gabriel, Sec'y BOARD OK's 20% PRES. BEELER HONORED Far Western District; '''Hub'' Stone (Continued hom page 3) A notable honor was received by of Klamath Falls, Ore.; See'y Pac­ limit for membership. Possibility of Int'l Pres. Beeler November 17th when NW District and Ernest Cullen Mur­ setting up "Junior Championship" the Evansville B. P. O. E. conferred phy. of Eugene, Ore.; C. H. Grnyshel, l"atings, etc., also was considered. on him a life membership, a distinc­ Brookings, Oregon; Charlie Forrest­ Proposals as to minimum age ranged tion permitted only to men who have er, San Diego and Les Nelson, of from seventeen to twenty-one. After remained members for twenty years Huntington Park, Cal.; Jack Hare a thorough debate, the Int'l Board after a term as Exalted Ruler. Top and Warren Coutts of San Francisco decided to insert the word Hadult" in U. S. Elk, Joseph B. Kyle, Gary, Indi­ were there, as were of course, the the lnt' Constitution, leaving it to ana, made the presentation before a the individual chapters to interpret crowd of a thousand, many of whom two Far Western representatives on the word in the light of local condi­ were barbershoppers from Evansville the Tnt'J Board-Earl Reagan, San tions. and elsewhere. A half hour broadcast Gabriel and Dayton Colville, Reno, featured the presentation ceremony Pres. Far Western District. (There The proposal to increase the mini­ and the Evansville Chapter Chorus. were others, but the Harmonizer re­ mum required membership in a chap­ porter failed to get all the names). ter from sixteen to twenty was de­ Quartets then put on a show, enliv. reated, the concensus being that ened by the singing of the visiting changed world conditions since last Minor Chords, Terre Haute; Village­ Pres.
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