EXHIBIT 8 Additional AT&T Marketing Materials Distributed in Kenosha America 17048539.1 ,:=z: ,-?~j~ ~::.~ .. ~.•,-:r- \.::-,;{):, .., j ~ ~'-"~A~,· ~at;&.t r:·:·c.LJ~. Get high,-speed Internet FREE for 6 months when you bundle it with wireless or digital home phone and advanced TV! Ccllll-877~9!7'~185.1\ click att.com/uverse1851 \visit an AT&T store ·' Geographic and service restrictions apply to AT&T U-verse services. at&t can or go to uverse.att.corn to see if you quaUfy. Your·.:-:-:-~:~:. ),~-.-·. s:t:-C ··, ... ·· ~ Add access to HD service· fvr a hug~ HD lineup and brilliant picture( Buy 2, get 1 free bundle offer also Epplres to any higher TV package 450 Anytime Minutes, Unlimited digltai calling to Rollover• Minutes, and the U.S., Cansda. and Puerto unlimited Mobile to Mobile Rico with ovEr 20 features, calling (more plans available} includinc ad.vanceo features '~-- ,· that lnte:-grat~ ;yith. Tv. Internet. and ~'-':rei~ss ~ Downstream speeds up to 3Mbps Want a faster speed? 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R~dt:mptlon daml'.s p.ro,..kiud to cus:orr.of w!thtn' 4 w~ks ~f actlva.tion·Of q~~UfY{ng $.efvta:: earo;~t to _cuStof!!~rs:_4-&~~;ttf;ei- ~~'?~~?~ Rf?cl~~ptton:r~qutic_s ~uSt~mer~O [-t;i.-8!n .q~UfY.~~g ~rV.tC~;~:fr,t.r;~Tu": Ct'3~·a.;ryj ~a a<~fne prp~ns of r~:ard !s. compl':ted. otlcr may not bl! caf;l-r.tnl!d wlth·otiwf AT&"T: womoU.Ofial·ofJOf.S·oo~.~.!iami!.S:~f'VI~: Offnt eJ¥1~ 4f20(1D:. the.Ai~T-Raw.ard ~.~..:P,~p~~~d~~ _Is not rede-ec:n~le fOr ca$.}", :anq ~cy no;, b~fi~~~-IU.ltO"!~ted gasolln:e ?Umps_ gr fo[ ~h :----tthdrawal at arty.cash·dlspenslng lo~;lor~. C~:d rn.ay not .be 1..'Sed 't::J purchlf~ ~T~T'p(Od~it.s: ind/J?r ~~'feeS in·ter~ln !i~tes. ~;t.~ ex.p~· ~0 d~ ~e( ~~~.a~ce:'f<,!~. P!llP~ci cap ~C' ~~~ ~y ~c~<:~S~n.JorT P"J. .rs.~"rt. ~ .~_lfc.ettS.c)rorn ~/sa· U.S.A.. !nc. ~-~ i;3r~oLd~r ~gf-<!trnlfnt .a!'ld c.ar~ a:.n1of tor otht!r to~>:nnJ. a:>d ccndlt.!onJ:.. FQr m~ntrte.(ls go. tc ~ll'rdO!tr:l~·•tt..i:on:t/myrcmri:V~a'TJc;nt.Paf.AT&T_U~~ Prldng ~u~ 'r.:lxes.-ter::s;. ';'l_nd ot~t etta~~; loclUd!,ng City ~~a~:; co_st-ri!-~ry fans arn:l Un~.e~l Sa-Mce- Fund fe~. 'o1:hare appllc;:,.bl-e. Kesid-c::.tJ .... l CIJj.torn~t:s:. only. PriCes. p.ro.gr.ummlng,. ~d O~erS sUbJect w ~ht~Og!: Wl:thOUi notice. Credit ~nd 01Mf~~~t10f.:S~pply~ O'l~J'le~.w~n~:toctudi!- ?Jnlona.l.~~.'l"cu. av3Uiltlt.~ t0.Pta,n_;:m.mrrit'> ~~.d. ~tJ.lm!sl r~pi~t-se."tt "lr.osxlrriJJm :;;!CWnst.ream -and/ot up:;:trev..-n !\'P~d ap.a!l-lltt!.,_,.s, Sp~s- m~~:y vary atld .act nOt sua~riieed •.~"~Y. fact~?r:i-,nn aff~e:t cCltU:t ~e~dg, tn?~d1n.g .~~use or other U:-\'et'SIJ 10af'~1c~ ?t:rcha~c·~.~iJ~~e TV rt-:q~l~ect to or:d.er~'W!~I~s Nt:tWO<'ki\)9 m~y r~ulre. adl;l:?ar purcha::oe<i separnt~ly.ln~tett.ntlort !nctt:~et: wUh most p~c\iagt::5... Qffilr ~od.$. f/20flO:I~t<~J~t10;n.no~;i~ch.u:l:ed wUJ:l U-b4SIC Pi:ldatg~. AT&T.l.:l~fH)I~.~z:ill~ltMI P~ l~cludesu.1~ql~ ~ling. ~!t~l~.~-~ U_.S; ~nd to Capf!da-w~.U;S:.. t~':fltOfll!'s.:.l':~E~~o~l .caU~ bn!e? at adcUtiona! per~mlnu1~ ra.t()S. U-'le-ts..: Voke, Jnpudlng 9l!:dt~liog;w1U not fuC'Id.l~ d~rlng ~o"!~r_Ot.nl:l'9~~thout bnttt-ryb~ckup power. %~rvlt;e ~ n?l pO~te-; W'Ll !Unct~n only Ill:. yo~ b.orne.~Jay b~ !~p~bl~ with moottored'hOftl~ .a..Utrms ~nd ::nedic;;,l monttcrlng s~t-:rru:. Rel~r :c L~:c.:n Mor.c: oa~ ft~r u~vers.e VOICe- {l.t u~~!!..ltU:~!ll for !JlCre tnform.trtlo.n o.'\ 911.. b<)t~cry Q.aO;up. an611~~e.il~~f!.r.~ ~llNI:~~.!ftimAT.U"': AT&T ~~-~o tmpos.c-~ ffi?Olh1y a ~egulatory·Cos:r. R~ary Chatg.Q vf up to Sl.2S to heip da1'r'ay C:~ts Incurre-d In complytno; wtt:. 5ta!u 1::d Feder<.! tl!'tcco'm regula! lens.. State :and Fedel<!l Univr:r:s:~! Se-rvice ·cMrge.s, aod: :>urclus.rge5- for ettstt~mer~based ~no rr:~ue-has<Xt state llo~·locn1 a:ssessments:·on A.T&T,;the:;e. are not ~<JXC$. or g"C7Vtmm~nt-rll'qUirM chllrge-s. Cted!t .a;::~prov.atand nt"w' l·ye.u wirtlt""'..:< :s.e-:"tio: cor:n~tt~en;. on eligl~le AT&T Wlf!!~f-S:!!' ~~.log p(an$ reqt:lr.ed •. cc-.-emge not av.:l\lo:ble In ati ,<lf_(!,a$.. SC<!- ~p il~ ~~~elen,a~t.cor:t fo/ ~~..at~ qt.'1cr. ~ndi~Ons ~o:f ~J;rlctlor.!< appty.·So~ ~r.tt;lct .and rate pta.~ Crocf.urt!. t.x th!~t~. Sub~rlbur m:.t~~ ~N..- .-:::t.C :zvu -1\ m<:H!n; addr~ss within AT&-T'~ ~wn~ wir"!hts$n~twoik cOV'Cfll9.~ ar(!~'Up to S35 actl_vat/on (~~ pe- }}n~ .a.ppU~S!m~t.:-.~~. aqulpm-:nt ~Q: ~~~.~.mage-s for demOnstr~~on p~~:S:: onty;::rcl~l ~qolpm~nt .2:nd I'!'ages :=y -.-a:y.
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