Sedimentary evolution of the Cretaceous to Palaeocene Potosi Basin (Eastern Cordillera, Southern Bolivia) Dorothee Mertmann & Kerstin Fiedler FR Allgemeine Geologie, Institut für Geologie, Geophysik und Geoinformatik, Freie Universität Berlin, Malteserstr. 74-100, D-12249 Berlin SFB 267 Introduction Conclusions Within the Andean orogen, the Eastern Cordillera forms a distinct geologic province. The southern part of the Potosi Basin is sandwiched between the "San Pablo de Lipez" Precambrian and Paleozoic rocks are widespread in southern Bolivia. In places, this structural high in the west, and the "Subandean" foreland high in the east. The sequence is disconformably overlain by Cretaceous and Palaeogene strata, or by the subdivision of the Cretaceous to Palaeocene sequence into a synrift- and a postrift Neogene infill of intramontaneous basins.The Cretaceous and Palaeocene deposits phase is evident. occur mainly in the Potosi region, the Otavi- and Camargo synclines, in the Atocha- The oldest Cretaceous synrift deposits are confined to a graben segment between Tatasi- and theTupizaareas (fig.1). Potosi and Tupiza.The extensional tectonics may have been in part controlled by the Potosi break-up of Gondwana, related to the formation of the South Atlantic(WELSINK et al. The latter deposits were accumulated in the Potosi basin.To the south, it is connected 1995). Only once, during the Cenomanian sea-level high, marine waters reached the with the Salta rift system in north-western Argentina (SEMPERE 1993). Interaction of northern part of the graben. Otherwise fluvial and playa environments predominated tectonic uplift and subsidence, eustasy and sediment supply controlled the (fig.4). sedimentation patterns within the basin, causing lateral facies changes. The A major change during the basin evolution took place, when widespread subsidence sedimentary sequence is grouped into the Puca Group and parts of the Corocoro integrated previous parts of non-deposition (fig. 5,6). Presumably Group (L&BOHMANN RANISA 1962, S EMPERE 1993, 1995). Santonian/Campanian sediments considerably onlap onto the Palaeozoic basement. They show a marked facies differentiation into a western marginal facies, a basin The present day backarc region of the Central Andes was integrated into continent- center facies, and an eastern marginal facies. The basin shows an asymmetrical wide rifting processes during the Late Mesozoic and Early Tertiary times. The shape with a steeper gradient in the west, relative to the east. Both marginal facies extensional structures of that phase strongly influenced the following compressional contain basal breccias, conglomerates and coarse grained terrigenous sandstones deformation. We investigate the Cretaceous to Palaeocene sequence of the Potosi (FIEDLER et al. 1997). A pelitic playa facies persisted in the basin center (fig. 5). Basin with emphasis on its palaeotectonic development. This study attempts to Sarcarca Sedimentation is arranged into two sedimentary cycles. Each consists of basal fluvial evaluate the lithostratigraphy and facies of the basin center deposits versus their and overlying mainly lacustrine sediments.The El Molino Formation (Fig. 5,6,7,8) and marginal equivalents. It contributes new data to the general discussion concerning the upper part of the Santa Lucia/Impora Formation represent the lacustrine parts.The the evolution of the Potosi basin. sedimentary change from the El Molino Formation to the Santa Lucia Formation was controlled by a reactivation of the eastern hinterland, providing new detritus.Together We selected five well exposed sections, La Palca, Otavi, Culpina, Sarcarca, and with synsedimentary tectonics along the western margin this reactivation may indicate Tatasi, for a detailed facies analysis. They were measured and described using a gradual transition into a foreland basin. Late Palaeocene tectonic movements and lithostratigraphic methods. subsequent erosion only occurred along the "San Pablo de Lipez" high (MAROCCO et Otavi al.1987). An equivalent unconformity is missing along the eastern margin. Isla Margarita +140 m 500 km Culpina Tatasi C haco Brazilian Shield La Paz Inter Eastern Cordillera andean-Subandean Bolivia Impora Fm. Impora Altiplano + ? m Wester n Cordiller A a C B Santa Lucia Fm. A Sucre 19° facies 1 w-margin Potosi Betanzos El Molino Fm. Otavi 0 + 110 m 20° B Ostkordillere Uyuni 50 m Fm. Torotoro Chaunaca Fm. Sarcarca Camargo Legend Atocha Altiplano Villa Abecia Culpina Impora Fm. synrift deposits 21° Santa Lucia Fm. Tatasi El Molino Fm. Tarija Torotoro Fm. Mudstone Mafic volcanics Tupiza deposits Postrift Chaunaca Fm. Siltstone Slumps Aroifilla Fm. Sandstone Cross bedding San Pablo de Lipez Miraflores Fm. Marl Ooids C Tarapaya Fm. Carbonate Gastropods Palaeosols 22° Synrift deposits ntinien La Puerta Fm. Conglomerate Ammonoids Fish remains 67° Arge 66° Villazon 65° Palaeozoic Basement Breccia Ostracods Stromatolites Quaternary Cretaceous (undifferenciated) Tertiary Palaeozoic (undifferenciated) Tertiary/Quaternary Location of sections Ignimbrites of the Tertiary Magmatic rocks of the Cenozoic Figure 1 The study area in the Central Andes of Bolivia, their morphotectonic units Figure 2 Facies of the postrift deposits in the studied sections. (A, B, and a generalized geological sketch map of southern Bolivia with the D location of the sections (C). Figure 3 Schematic block sketches of the sedimentary environments of the Potosi Basin (not to scale, view towards the south). A - The synrift phase is characterized mainly by continental sediments. A marine ingression during the Cenomanian reached the northern part of the basin, only. B - The basal postrift deposits show an onlap onto the Palaeozoic basement. Marginal faciestypes are influenced by terrigenous input from eastern and western source areas. In the basin center a playa environment was established. C - Widespread subaquatic conditions are typical for the El Molino Formation during the Maastrichtian to Palaeocene. Oolitic shoals and lagoons were present. D - Fluvial and lacustrine settings prevailed during the Upper Palaeocene. Legend see fig.2. Figure 4 White cross-bedded, fluvial Figure 5 The basal red mudstones and Figure 6 A greenish Ordovician sequence is Acknowledgments sandstones of the La Puerta Formation. siltstones of the Chaunaca Formation are overlain by red sandstones of the Torotoro Potosi-area. overlain by the white carbonates of the El Formation and white carbonates of the El This study was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) through the Special Molino Formation.Both belong to the postrift Molino Formation.Camargo area. Research Program 267 - Deformation Processes in the Central Andes (SFB 267).We thank Dr. phase.Potosi area. R. Rößling (La Paz), Decano Ing. D. Howard (Potosi), Ing. H. Salamanca, and Ing. H. Castro (Potosi) for their cooperation in Bolivia. References cited FIEDLER , K., M ERTMANN , D. & Mü LLER, J. (1997): Sedimentäre Entwicklung während Kreide und Alttertiär im Potosi-Becken (Ostkordillere-Südbolivien).-Terra Nostra,97/2 :49-50. LOHMANN , H.H. & B RANISA, L. (1962): Estratigrafía y Paleontología del Grupo Puca en el Sinclinal de Miraflores-Potosi.- Petróleo boliviano,4 :9-16;La Paz. MAROCCO ,R.,S EMPERE ,T.,C IRBIAN ,M.&O LLER, J.(1987): Mise en évidence d´une déformation paléocène en Bolivie du Sud. Sa place dans l´évolution géodynamique des Andes Centrales.- Comptes Rendues Academie Science, Paris,304 , serie II:1139-1142. SEMPERE, T.(1993): Kimmeridgian? to Paleocene tectonic evolution of Bolivia.- In:SALFITY , J.A. 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