National Council on Family Relations ReportSpring 2015 // Volume 60.1 In this issue: Family Resource NCFR Fellows 2014 Management pages F1 – F20 Next issue: Effective Communication Special center insert: NCFR Awards Brochure 2015 RODNEY CATE SARAH BAHIRA SHERIF SCHOPPE-SULLIVAN TRASK The National Council on Family Relations Fellows are nominated by their peers (NCFR) has conferred its organization’s and selected by the Fellows Committee. prestigious Fellow status to three members. Members of the 2014 selection committee were: Marilyn Coleman, chair; Adriana Fellow status in NCFR is an honor award- Umaña-Taylor; Francisco A. Villarruel; ed to members who have made outstand- Katherine Allen; Joyce Chang, board ing and enduring contributions to the field liaison; Jeanne Strand, staff liaison. of the family in the areas of scholarship, teaching, outreach or professional service, The 2014 Fellows are highlighted on page including service to NCFR. 3. They will be recognized at the 2015 NCFR Annual Conference. Jason Hans named Family Relations editor Dr. Jason D. Hans of the University of Dr. Hans has been Kentucky has been named the new editor an associate profes- of Family Relations: Interdisciplinary sor in the University Journal of Applied Family Studies (FR), of Kentucky’s De- one of NCFR’s three family research partment of Family journals. He will begin his four-year term Sciences since 2010 as editor of the peer-reviewed journal— and became the de- which, since 1951, has published basic partment’s director and applied articles focused on diverse of graduate studies family forms and issues—with the publi- in 2011. He began cation of its February 2016 issue. his faculty career in JASON HANS “Jason has already excelled in each of 2004 as an assistant the three areas of academe—teaching, professor at the university. He completed research, and service,” wrote Dr. Marilyn his bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate Coleman in her nomination letter. “[He] is degrees at the University of Missouri. the hardest working academic that I know. In addition to publishing and presenting ... He is extremely attentive to every task his scholarly work widely, he has served NCFR 2015 he takes on.” on the FR editorial board since 2008 and has served as a reviewer for FR, NCFR’s 77th Annual Conference Dr. Hans will succeed current FR editor Dr. Ronald M. Sabatelli of the University Journal of Marriage and Family, and Vancouver, Canada of Connecticut. many other journals. Dr. Hans also is the editor continued on page 2 Report Innovation Grant winners named of The National Council In December, the Board of Directors awarded and family law to tackle issues pertaining on Family Relations the NCFR Innovation Grants for 2014. to challenges facing families with transgen- Stipends of up to $10,000 are given to two der and gender-nonconforming children. Mission Statement for Report: research projects each year. The following are Investigators will conduct a study of parents REPORT, the quarterly newsletter of the the 2014-2015 NCFR Innovation Grant re- involved in custody disputes pertaining to National Council on Family Relations, strives cipients, chosen from 26 submitted projects: their transgender and gender-nonconforming to provide timely, useful information to help children to explore parents’ experiences as members succeed in their roles as researchers, “Sexual Scripts in Music Media: How Do well as the implications for children with educators, and practitioners. Articles ad- Parents and Teens Talk About Violence and one parent who accepts their gender identity dress family field issues, programs and trends, Sex in Music Media?” and one parent who does not. The investiga- including association news. Principal investigators: Kathleen Boyce tors also will create a website to translate President: Paul Amato Rodgers, Ph.D., and Stacey J.T. Hust, Ph.D. findings into easy-to-access information for Board Members: William D. Allen, Frank D. Fincham, Hilary Rose, For this study, which brings together the parents, lawyers, judges, and other family Sandra Stith, Karen Seccombe, disciplines of health communication and professionals. family science, investigators will observe Rebecca Ward, Rachel Engler Jordan Dr. Kuvalanka is an associate professor in parent–teen dyads discussing popular music Executive Director: Diane Cushman the Department of Family Studies and So- that contains sexual and violent content to Family Focus Managing Editor: cial Work at Miami University. Dr. Goldberg Jennifer Crosswhite, Ph.D. identify strategies parents use to communi- is an associate professor and director of News Editor: Charles Cheesebrough cate their views about such media content. clinical training in the Department of Psy- Results will inform the development of a How to contribute to the NCFR Report: The chology at Clark University. Dr. McGuire is research-based parenting program that uses magazine is member-written. Articles ac- an associate professor in the Department of media to foster parent–teen dialogue about cepted for publication will be edited using Family Social Science at the University of standard editorial practice, and given priority romantic relationships and dating violence Minnesota. Mr. Orr is a staff attorney at the based on (1) relevance to the Family Focus in order to prevent teen dating violence and National Center for Lesbian Rights. theme, or (2) brevity due to space limitations, promote healthy relationships. and (3) how articles form a complementary The recipients will report on their research Dr. Rodgers is an associate professor in collection. For information and guidelines, at the 2015 NCFR Annual Conference in the Department of Human Development at contact the editor, Jennifer Crosswhite, at Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. [email protected]. The contents of Washington State University. Dr. Hust is an Report articles represent the views of their associate professor in the Edward R. Mur- About the grant program author(s), which may not represent the row College of Communication at Washing- The NCFR Board spearheaded this exciting position of the entire organization. ton State University. new initiative to highlight the interdisciplin- ary and translational research and practice To advertise in NCFR Report, please see the “The TransKids Project: Strengthening for which the organization is known. It specifications and price list at http://www. Community Connections” builds on NCFR’s rich heritage and ongoing ncfr.org/adrates _report .html. Principal investigator: Katherine A. Kuva- commitment to promoting innovative inter- NCFR reserves the right to decline any lanka, Ph.D. Co-authors: Abbie E. Goldberg, paid advertising at our sole discretion. disciplinary approaches to theory, research, Ph.D.; Jenifer K. McGuire, Ph.D.; Asaf Orr, Deadlines for each of the quarterly issues and practice to support the well-being of Esq. issues are: Spring issue—deadline Decem- families. The grant initiative is an investment ber 21, Summer issue—March 21, Fall is- This project will integrate expertise in fami- in innovative interdisciplinary approaches to sue—June 21 and the Winter issue—deadline ly science, human development, psychology, facilitating the NCFR Global Ends: September 21. Send submissions to: Charles Cheesebrough at charlescheesebrough@ncfr. l providing opportunities for professional org. For all submissions, please supply an development and knowledge development email address to allow readers to contact you. editor continued from page 1 in family research, theory, policy, educa- NCFR Report is published quarterly by the editor of NCFR’s Degree Programs Guide. tion, and practice; National Council on Family Relations, He has been a member of NCFR since 1998 l supporting the dissemination and ap- 1201 West River Parkway, Suite 200, and a CFLE since 2001. plication of research- and theory-based Minneapolis, MN 55454-1115 information about family well-being; and “Dr. Hans is an exceptional candidate who is Toll free: 888-781-9331 l establishing standards for research, passionate about the field of family science,” Fax: 763-781-9348, website: www.ncfr.org. education, and practice by advocating wrote NCFR’s journal editor search commit- for the development and advancement of Third class postage permit. tee. “He is committed to the current mis- the profession. Reprints of this publication are available by con- sion of Family Relations to be the premier tacting NCFR headquarters at the address above. applied family science journal and is excited The NCFR Board will be accepting pro- Copyright © 2015 National Council on about several ideas he would like to imple- posals for the 2015-2016 round of NCFR Family Relations. All rights reserved. ment, including applying technology in new Innovation Grants in the near future; watch ways in pursuit of that mission.” n for announcements. n 2 ncfr report // spring 2015 Fellows 2014 Rodney Sarah Bahira Cate Schoppe- Sherif Sullivan Trask Rodney Cate, Ph.D., is professor emeritus Sarah Schoppe-Sullivan, Ph.D., is a profes- Bahira S. Trask, Ph.D., is professor and of family studies and human development sor in the Department of Human Sciences at associate chair/graduate coordinator in at the University of Arizona. Ohio State University. the Department of Human Development Dr. Cate received his bachelor’s degree in Dr. Schoppe-Sullivan earned her bachelor’s and Family Studies at the University of pharmacy from the University of Texas, degree in psychology from Northwestern Delaware. Dr. Trask also is affiliated with Austin; his master’s degree in family University and her Ph.D. in developmental the university’s Center for Community Research and Services. studies, with an emphasis on marriage and psychology from the University of Illinois family therapy, from Texas Tech Univer- at Urbana–Champaign. She is well known Dr. Trask earned her bachelor’s degree in sity; and his Ph.D. in human development for her scholarly contributions in the areas political science with a concentration in In- and family studies from Pennsylvania of parenting and children’s socio-emotional ternational Relations from Yale University development and is a prolific scholar whose State University.
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