PORT BOOK Vol. V. No 2 NOVEMBER, 1927 The U. S. S. Cruiser "HousToN," now under ~onstru~t.:o, for the United Shth’s Navy, will be built along the lines of the above ship and will be read7 for scrlicc ~d~ont 1930. This crlliser is named for the Ci/y of Hoztslon and is [,c,ing con~!ruc/,,I a/ a cos/ of approxMlately $17,000,000.00. Published twice annually, in May and Nozember, by authority of /he Navigation and Ca- nal Commission. Additional copies may be obtained b), addre.~ong the Director of the Port, Courthouse, Houston, Texas. TEXAS HEADQUARTERS FOl~ M S P R .... p 1 L 1 N E E S SHIPS FROM THE SEVEN SEAS Steamers Sading Ships Coasters Tugs Yachts Trawlers Speed Boats Barges Dredges They all know that their supplies and repairs can be had in PORT HOUSTON. A fleet of fast trucks is always ready to deliver their needs to any point on the channel from PEDEN’S. EVERY PORT NEEDS A SUPPLY HOUSE We make it our Business to give HOUSTONShippers the best to be had in Service, S:oeks and Quality Merchandise. PEDENIRON & STEEL CO. Largest Supply House in Southwest MARINE DEPARTMENTON SHIP CHANNEL HOUSTON SAN ANTONIO November 1927 HOUSTON PORT AND CITY 1 THE HOUSTON PIPE LINE CO. WHOLESALERSOF NATURAL GAS / The 650 mile natural gas system of the Houston Pipe Line Company is proving to be of inestimable value to all other industries of south Texas either direct- ly or indirectly. In Houston alone the saving J ~.~ to domestic consumers is around $500,000 J ~" annually and double as much to indus- ~ ~ tries, yet as an industrial undertak- //~-’\~-~ ing this company has broken ~ allotherrecords. /N.__~ ~ Together with the -~ ~ Houston Natural Gas \ ; Company these ~ ~l -~~ two ccmpanies 1~, a v e ex- 0~ pended more millions of dol- lars in developing a modern physical plant and have secured more millions of business annually than any other Houston or south Texas industry in so short a time. The first joint of pipe was laid two and a half years ago and delivery of gas com- menced just a little more than two years ago. Consumers now use around 90,000,000 feet daily and the 150 miles of lines now under construction will permit increase to 130,000,000 daily. HOUSTON NATURAL GAS COMPANY Distributors of Natural Gas in Houston and Other Townsand Cities Petroleum Building HOUSTON, TEXAS Phone: Preston 1656 2 HOUSTON PORT AND CITY November 1927 November 1927 HOUSTONPORT AND CITY 3 Southern States Line LYKES LINE Texas Star Line To West Indies Three sailings monthly from Houston, Galveston Regular Liner Service--Houston, Galveston and and Sabine Ports to Porto Rico, Haiti and Santo other Texas ports to French, Belgian, German, Domingo. Holland, Baltic and Scandanavian ports. LYKESBROS.-RIPLEY S. S. CO., Inc. LYKESBROS. S. S. CO., Inc. AGENTS AGENTS Cotton Exchange Building Cotton Exchange Building HOUSTON, TEXAS HOUSTON, TEXAS American Pioneer Line ISTHMIANLINE (Gulf Division) (Norton, Lilly & Co., Inc.) Regular Liner Service to Regular Liner Service to Japan, China, Hawaii and Phillippines JAPAN AND CHINA GULF-WEST MEDITERRANEAN LINE Regular Liner Service to Spain, North Africa and Portugal DANIEL RIPLEY& CO., Inc. TAMPAINTER-OCEAN S. S. CO., Inc. AGENTS AGENTS Cotton Exchange Building Cotton Exchange Building HOUSTON, TEXAS HOUSTON, TEXAS LYKESBROS.-RIPLEY S. S. CO., Inc. LYKESBROS. S. S. CO., Inc. DANIELRIPLEY & CO. Inc. TAMPAINTER-OCEAN S. S. CO.,.Inc. Cotton Exchange Building Houston, Texas 4 HOUSTON PORT AND CITY November 1927 INTEPJOP. LINEEXCAVATIN(i30 FT, ETATIOI’IEQUIPPED WITH 20-160 H,P. blATUP.ALGAS BblGIHBS. TEP~t~INUS OF HOUgTON PIPE LINEDETAILING INTEP~IOP. OF-, STATION ]00 PT INSIDECITY LI/~ITS’. November 1927 HOUSTON PORT AND CITY J At Your Service HIS BOOK"Houston Port & City" the official publication of the T Houston Port Commission, was executed and printed in our plant. We are proud of the privilege and honor bestowed upon us by the Houston Port Commission in giving into our care the responsibilities of producing their official publication. At Your Sevvice SUGAR LAND PRINTING COMPANY SUGAR LAND, TEXAS !Marine Repairs-- FLOATING EQUIPMENT--LATEST TYPE ENABLES US TO GIVE INSTANT SERVICE FOUNDERS AND BLACKSMITHS, MARINE ENGINEERS-- GENERAL MACHINISTS STEAM, GASOLINE AND OIL ENGINES REBUILT AND REPAIRED ELECTRIC AND OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING, GEAR CUTTING, CYLINDER REBORING, ETC. ¢ BOILER AND PLATE WORK, TANK CLEANING AND BOILER SCALING ¢ Wayside 4554 Wayside 2777 , HARRISBURG~ MACHINE SHOP, INC. LONESTAR PLATE & BOILERWORKS, INC.’ ON THE SHIP CHANNEL J 6 HOUSTON PORT AND CITY November 1927 November 1927 HOUSTON PORT AND CITY 7 j Brammer & Wilder # GENERAL CONTRACTORS 308 Stewart Building Phone Preston 6137 Houston, Texas THE TRADE MARK # OF ¢ # BANKINGSERVICE j In industry and commerce J trade marks have long , been used to identify ,a particular product. ’ Many trade marks are To Serve You~ valued at millions be- ’ cause of the good will they represent. j AS A SHIPPERI Above is the trade mark of~ # 9 ’ the South Texas Com- mercial. It is the sym- Fast, DependableFreight Service bol of .a financial ser- , vice distinguished b.y its dependability. This , "Katy Flyer Freight , mark has earned the confidence of the peo-~ ple. It is our pledge of service. AS A PASSENGER! ’ SOUTH , ¢ ¢ ,¢ TEXAS ,¢ ’ ’ COMMERCIAL ii The 11 o’Cloc~ Katv , NATICNAL ’ AlamoSpecial ’ BANK ’ ,# Houston, Texas ’ HOUSTON, TEXAS H. L. BROWNE, A. W. HERR Ass’t Gen. Freight Agt. Division Passenger Agt. CAPITAL$1,500,000.00 ’ SURPLUS $750,000.00 _( 8 HOUSTON PORT AND CITY November 1927 November 1927 HOUSTON PORT AND CITY 9 The Industrial Growth of Houston~ AS BEENgreatly dependent on the Large Oil Companieswho have H headquarters here and on the abundantsupply of Natural Gas. These two Natural Resourcesare very essential to the future de- velopmentand expansion of the HoustonShip ChannelIndustries. Wehave been drilling Oil and Gas Wells for a good manyyears for many of the largest distributors in the countryand our service has been always par excellent. j. s. ABERCROMBIE& COMPANY OIL AND GAS WELL DRILLING CONTRACTORS 617 WESTBUILDING HOUSTON, TEXAS Main Office and Plant "Hughes Tools" are used throughout the Rotary Oil Hughes Tool Company Fields of the World. HOUSTON, TEXAS Service Plants: Los Angeles, Calif. Export Office OklahomaCity, Okla. New York City \ \ 10 HOUSTON"PORT AND CITY November 1927 CAPTAIN EDWIN GOUDGE ALBERT E. GOUDGE SHIPPERS COMPRESS E. Goudge Son COMPANY CONTRACTING STEVEDORES Surveyor to Bureau Veritas Houston, Texas Vice Consul Republic of Latvia GALVESTON AND HOUSTON All work entrusted to our care will receive Plant at Hill Street Bridge prompt personal attention Plant at Clinton Estimates Furnished OFFICES: Total Capacity I00,000 Bales Galveston: 4 Marine Building. Phones 936, 1348 Houston: 422 Cotton Exchange Building Phone Preston 1321 tl .i ,i "NEWTEX LINE" NEW ENGLAND, NEW YORK & TEXAS INSURANCE STEAMSHIP CORPORATION OPERATES ALL LINES Class "A" All Steel Steamers between the Ports of New York, N. Y., Baltimore, Md., EXCEPT LIFE AND MARINE Brunswick, G a., and Houston, Texas. Regular Dependable Weekly Service with Direct HomeOffice Service in All Reduced Rates. Southeastern and South-Central States ,and California Rates on Application Boost the Port of Houston CHRISTIE & HOBBY INCORPORATED SHIP "NEWTEX" INSURANCE MANAGERS The Economical Way 4’ GEO. R. CHRISTIE, President S. P. FLEMING,Asst. Gen. Mgr. Pr. 2380 1002-8 Washington Ave. Second National Bank Building HOUSTON, TEXAS Houston, Texas "Advertisln$3 Houston to the WoT, ld US N PORT and CITY OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE PORT COMMISSION HOUSTON, TEXAS VOLUMEFIVE NOVEMBER1927 NUMBER Two ~,i~l~, J,,, i i,rlt~tl,,,,,ram.m,, ii, i llll~,, ,llll,,,,,L,, ,,, .,’ L"""’".l I,...," .""’ Ir,l"~ ,~"""’ I LLlII4,1111’" "’"m.m...,., ..,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,Jill,Ill JJ I,,,I I,,,,,,,m, rim..., ,,, ,,,, ,.m,..Emllllllllml,,m~l,i JJIJlJ,JiJlllr,rl,,Er~ ,i,,,,Frl,..,, ,,,., .,,,,....,,,..,,,,,,,.,,..~,,,,,,,,,i i,,, i,,,,,,,,, ,,, .,,ll,llllll,ll,,,,,,,,,,,,.i i i i, i i.,,.,~lllllll.l., i llll~l,llll~l,,,, ~.,,,,,r, Ill,,, ,. LI,,,, ,~ i FOREWORD Through the cooperation of the shipping and industrial interests of Houston, the Port Commission has been en- ab’ed to arrange for the publication of this book twice annually. Its purpose is to inform shippers and all others interested in the Port of Houston of its development, charges and other matters of interest, and inquiries will at all times be welcome. Address the Director of the Port, Court House, Houston, Texas. ~,~L, m...,,,, i i Ji i, i,,...,,, ,....Ji, i.., ,,,, u,..mllllllm,..,,,,,,,, ~liJIll,,,,, ......mL,,,, I Illll,ll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ..’ .’"’ ’"""’" 1.m, mm,,,~ L~*~IIIE~EIEIIiiit~IIIIlIIll’I’’’~’I~I~I~IJ1~I’IIIIIi’II’II’IIIIIIIIIII’’’’’’’’’’’’’~’’’ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,, ~......,,~,m,, ,, m,,,,,.I II~LL~JIJJI,I,IIIIIllELrrIILI~II,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~ It I I J I,,,,,,. ~I~I,,I,,,,,L,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .,,,,,..,,,, ,, ,,11,,,,,I J,,- TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Page Administration of the Port ................ 12 Exports and the Banker ................ 33 Directory of Port Officials ............ 12 Houston’s Foreign Trade ....... 39 Description of the Port ............... 14 The U. S. S. Houston ................. 43 Private Wharves ....................... 16 The AmericanAssociation of Port Authorities ............................... 43 Public Wharves : .... 16 Houston Chamber of Commerce ..... 45 Privately Owned Terminals and Industrial Facilities ....... 19 Why the Investment Banker __ 46 The Seamen’s Church Institute .......... 21 Commerce Through the Port
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