Lk'-* îivxi/ ihaspaper With A bri /I i D } VOLUME 29, NUMBER 55 <J MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1960 ' [J. • ON ,.K -ra.Vriits + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + . .¿ZÂV’.aÇi’ : nil WASHINGTON (UPI)—The House Rules Committee broke -it» deadlock over the controversial civil rights bill Monday by VOt* ing to hold hearings on the legislation this week, probably starting Thursday. , ■ ' , Calm AtMSU, But Government Suit Chairman Howard W. Smith D- voles on the 12-man committee.."and Va., ardent civjT rights foe, set no limit on the length of the hearings. But he said the committee was “of There are eight Democrats; loÿï Processed As Hard To Compete a mind to limit them to a reason - of -them- from -the-8outh,-qn.-?ttHI— committee and four Republican)^. to “dilly, dally or delay." The hearings were expected to Smith called the rules commit» ' w DH Background Of Whites tee meeting - the first Of this.ses- last about two weeks. If so, Smith sion of Congress - after supporters One of the eight Negro students' ed are; Ralph Prater, Luther Me- willW1U haveilLLVU wonWUil au pointpuiliv illin HIDhis fightllfeHU - “ " f X WASHINGTON (UPI)-Govern- against-thc-bill; No~ matter what -ü'c bill mustered °f ment tax collectors trumpeted enrolled at Memphis State Univer­ Clellon, John Simpson, Sammye 219 House signatures ' they neetfed happens, Senate Democratic Lead­ sity said this week that the only Burnett, Laverne Kneeland, Rosie on a discharge petitio: a discordant requiem Monday .difficulty, they . have, had at. the Blakeney, Eleanor Gandy and Ber­ er Lyndon B. Johnson will not have . ir; ■ 1 the measure out of the for C. M, (Sweet Daddy) Grace. Institution is “trying to compete tha Rodgers.__ -the-House—-passed- bill he had hoped for when the senate consid- MAKES CHARGE......... —An Internal Revenue Service with the academic background of T J the white students.” .... — ers civil rights legislation about During the committee's .puSle spokesman said the government I m All of the students passed their Feb. 15. hearing, Smith charged thdt 'ftid had been preparing to prose­ first semester courses and all are WITHDRAWS MOTION bill’s supporters "are mofe-iriwn cute the spiritual leader for in­ enrolled for the second. They be­ The rules committee took the ested in making a polltMfolglffll ■id than they are in civil righte.f-TEffa come tax evaison when he died came the first Negroes to attend action in closed - door session af­ , M8U when former immediate M8U statement was aimed chiefly,“¿m in Los Angeles last month at ter a public battle over a motion by President Jack M. Smith announced Rep. Ray J. Madden D-Ind., to Rep. Emanuel Celler D-N.Y. chUr* . the age of 78. last summer that the Institution clear the bill for House action im­ man of the House Judiciary' .Cflih had exhausted all delay tactics to mediately. Madden withdrew his mlttee which drafted the' blili-Sl \ To protect its $5,966,000 "assess­ Dr. Horace Mann Bond, former keep them out. motion after it became apparent Smith said Cellar had. "d®8*' ment” for back taxes and interest president of Fort Valley State Col­ “There have been no Incidents, it would be defeated. dallied and delayed," bottO- W for 1945 through 1956, the service lege in Georgia and Lincoln Uni­ minor or major,” the student The bill, which has been bottled the bill last year. He salff'jjSto' filed liens for that amount against versity in Pennsylvania, will be the spokesman said. "However, all of up in the committee since last Au­ never had pushed for rules-«##* Daddy Grace’s properties here and speaker for annual Negro History i ■ i à us have had to really get down and gust, would provide additional fed­ mlttee action to send in 12 other cities. Week celebration at LeMoyne Col­ work hard. The only real problem eral protectton for Negro voting floor and had not attended Staj, lege, it was announced by Prof. Officials said they could not es­ we have had has been competing rights and for school integration day’s Session. timate the size of Grace’s estate, Howard Sims, chairman of the pro­ with the academic background of. Martin of the S. C, Area Trade School, and orders. It is a pared - down version gram. PUBLIC RELATIONS INSTITUTE - CHARLOTTE - In the Senate, southern but it has been reported the self- the white students which is no of the program proposed by Presi­ crats continued their fight-Ndiffit. styled “Boy Friend of the World” Dr. G. M. Sawyer (left) Director of Public Rela­ Zack Weston, Director of Public Relations, Bene­ doubt responsible for their edge dent Eisenhower last year, left behind 25 million dollars, most Dr. Bond, now dean of the School a proposal to outlaw state’ ,pw| over us in academic achievement.” tions at.Tenn. A&l University, was a speaker at dict College, Columbia, S. C. In the rear are Smith said he saw no reason taxes. Action on the measiirftils of which he received in "gifts” of Education at Atlanta University, STUDY MORE THAN NEGROES the Third Annual Public Relations Institute held (left to right): T, J. Crawford of S. C. State why the conservative - dominated expected by mid-week, from his three million followers. will address a general assembly in "According to my observation, the rules group would not clear the be a prelude to the big li LEFT WILL LeMoyne’s Bruce Hall at 10:30 a.m. at Johnson C. Smith University recently. Shown College and Purdie Anders of St. Augustine's white students, because of their bill and send it to the floor this pected in mid-month bver;4 Friday, February 19. with Dr, Sawyer on the front row are; H. H. College. ---------The flamboyant- evangelist___ oL superior—environment, - have de- .mon tli. -He said -it-would-takeseven- -rlghts-legislatlon.------ ~ - flowing white hair and long paint­ veloped better study habits than Other affairs are being arrang­ ed fingernails died of a heart ail- have Negro students,” the studen* ed for the week. Victim Of New Jersey nient while, on an annual "retreat" added. "You’ve got to give it to I I sts in Los Angeles. He was burled last them (white students). They have Frontiers Chib Holds Mystery Murder Buried week in New Redford, Mass., after always had this superior environ-, AME Bicentennial lei cross country funeral with a ment and they certainly take ad­ Register For Free In Atoka, Tennessee stops en route so mourners could vantage of it. We have noticed <4 view the body in its $20,000 bronze, Water Safety Course Election Of Officers The maid ol a wealthy New Brus- that, generally, they study much glass - covered coffin, more than‘does the average Ne­ At LeMoyne College r wick, N. J., doctor who was slain Roy F. Tetgeira, a Boston law- gro student and we have found it Rev. H. Clark Nabrit was re­ along with ■the doctor's wife, an­ • i M is trying, to untangle tfre.W hard to keep up -wlth- them.” . The Memphis • Shelby County elected president of titejocal branch other domestic servant and a taxi arid financial complications Grace ■ Thp spokesman said, the Negri Chapter of the Red Cross recently of ¡frontiers of America Club fry. cab driver, was brought back to left; in (jis-wake a» the bishop of announced that li stlffriAs opihlrigs the IhW consecutive term, during her-native Atoka, Tenn., this Week students “have always had access "Thé House’ of Prayer for all Peo­ for funeral apd burlad services. to everything on the campus ex­ in its Water Safety Instructor a regular luncheon meeting in the ple.” The maid, Mrs. Cora Grandberry cept the cafeteria and the student course which begins Feb. 23 at Le­ cafeteria at Universal Life Insur­ Teixeira said Grace left a will Thaddle, was burled Wednesday af­ den.” He noted that some of the Moyne College. ance-building, Wednesday. saying the bulk of his estate goes ■ • ... - . ' ■ ternoon following funeral services white students are becoming more Other officers elected were:; to -the House of Prayer for all Classes will be held on Tuesday H. A. Caldwell, vice president; at St. John's Baptist Church in The resolution (H. Res. 422) in­ People, Inc. The trouble is, the friendly and that none have been and Thursday from 4 p.m. until J. T. Chandler, secretary; and Dy. Atoka. troduced in tribute io the two lawyer said, there was no such cor­ overtly hostile. 7 pm. through April 12. E. Frank White, treasurer. Mrs. Thaddle was the victim of a hundredth anniversary of the bh’tli II poration when the will was drawn. The students are still not per- mystery murderer who entered the of. Richard Allen follows:- Another problem: Although mltted to take physical education Classes are open to anyone wish­ Rev. Nabrit, an active commun­ home of Dr. Frances M. Clark of ___ ..•’“Mv: "Whereas Bishop Richard Allen, Grace claimed in the will to be or ROTC. "In these courses, espec­ ing to teach Red Cross swimming ity worker, is pastor of First Bap­ New Brunswick, N. J., last week the founder of the African Meth­ unmarried, Teixeira has been told ially physical education, there is and lifesaving, who is 18 years of tist Church-Lauderdale. Vice Presi­ and killed her and the doctor's odist ¡Episcopal Church, was bam by Mrs. Jan Grace of New Bedford the possibility of close body con­ age and-a reasonably good swim­ dent Caldwell is educational direc­ semi-invalid wife and the taxi- a slave in Philadelphia, Pennsyli- that she can prove she married tact.
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