University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 6-13-1968 Kabul Times (June 13, 1968, vol. 7, no. 68) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (June 13, 1968, vol. 7, no. 68)" (1968). Kabul Times. 1795. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1795 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ::, ;, I • 'r , . , ,j .1 , " , '\ " . , . " ~ "0 • ;f I." I I , \ ' .\ • , J' : " 1, .... 'I . , , ,I , , I,' , , , .' . '. , , , " " , ~ " , ". I'" _ " ~, " , ,~ , . , ') " .1 ~, ,,' . " 1~6~' PAGE 4 ., JpNE J,2, " -, " 1 ~--......._~--~ -----~-_:..' ~_.....:.._'~.......,.;.'.......-~" --- - ( rid ., . ~ '''''l,: d World News In Brief '1 .. : Afghan' Diary 0.4 ''•.J 'i'LT'"f., 4' • I"•: FOR SHEER WASHINGTON, June 12, (AP) tened to blast their waY into the (ConAinu.d fr01n"~'3)" I -Teary-eyed secretaries Tuesday county jail here to kill iSirhan "culjl,rj~" .., :.... li 'DELIGHT 'who 'was arlxfOusW.wai. ES · .... began the sad task or. closmg Sirhan, alleged assassin of Sen. ting to";be brought in' :, l,i, , down the campaign heudquarters Robert Kennedy, a Los Angeles But the senior friend 'still, in­ and the Capitol Hill office of Se­ radio station reported. sisted oil avoiding him and"as­ nator Ro~rt F. Kennedy. !Sle.! !luring;us that, I),e <lid" ,l!6t hate It said 59 death threats had '~o,*D:lon ol;lr ,Mend aut that see. ,.~ r,' FRANKFURT, Jube 12. (Reu­ been made against '24-year-old ing< him ,might· provoke his an­ VOL. VII, NO,68 , .1' terl.-TWo aides of executeJ Na­ Sirhan, who is being held under ger: :aija that" ". he was a'fhiid to _KABUL, TI;IURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1968 (JAUZA 23, 1347 S.H.). PRICE AF, 4 zi war criminal Adolf Eichmann close guard in the county jail say somethiilg ·n.as~ contrilry ,to went 00 trial here Tuesday for here. - our,,1"i(ilies ,art!! good~w111.efforts. the second time in connection .But"we stuck to bur' gun~.. He EX.P'LAU~S:G:dVER with the wartime kilIing of mo­ LONDON. June 12. (AFP).­ had either to make up with him PM 'NMEMT'S Their Majesties; u.s. Presidential Campaign re than 300,000 Hungarian Jews Former British Press Baron Ce­ and forge their differences or I Former S.S, Captain Olto lIu­ cil King warned that Britain we leave his house and never Starts After Week's Pause osche and former S.S. Colonel was heading into an· "economic see his face again. ' :FO:R,EI'GN PO'LICY, STR,ESSES· Du£ Back Today Hermann Krumey are accused whirlpool" which could be comp­ how~"er, WASl"UNGTON, June 13, (Reu­ aIdes as Federal Secuflty Officer!) The old man, could ier).-The presidentiar' campai­ of complicity in the murder of ared only with thc war threat not take this because he liked and New York State Police. 1 KABUL, June 13, (Ba.k\ttar).'7 In ~ockefellor the Jews, who were deported to of 1939. all of us individually and col1ec_ gns began picking up speed aga ,Iold the rally he 5UPPORT F'O'RPASHTOON1STAN Their Majesties the King and Yesterday after a week long mora. believed It was l'cleatly time' the Auschwitz gas chambers 10 'tively. When we urge1 him ago the Queen are due baek home 1944. King wrote in the economic airt to let the messenger give the Prime Minister NOor Etemadi In. his speech to the House of 'Representatlves on torium follOWing the assasslnali­ lhat the ,upreme NATO comm­ AIun'ad .this evening after paying ....' on of Sep.. Robert F. Kennedy. newspaper. the llFinancial Ti· junior party tbe green light, be TU:~y afternoon while answering the questl.ons of the deputies during the exPl~t1on / ander be a European rather-than NEW YORK. Juoe 12, (APJ.­ mes" that the government, hea­ official and friendly visit to the Democratic presidential 'hope­ an Amencan .kept quiet for a while but we ,session touehed on the good re1atlo!,& betw'een the Executive and the Leglslatore, 'the activities ,Soviet Union. Their Majesties A young man was seized Tues­ ded' by Harold Wilson, scarcely ful Eugene McCarthy, who met "Because Western Europe has were sure that a cha"gc of he· of 'various, mlnJstries, and departments of the 'Government, the foreign policY of Afghanlstaii, PIl\De is expected. back' in day on the stePs 01 city hall af­ had the competence to resist the art had pervaded him from the President Johnson Tuesday and prospered economically and re­ leI' he pulled a paring knife fr­ threatening storm. and other matters related to &,overnnlent, work. - Kabul at aroQild fOUf P.rn. full raised some speeulation he might gained polillcal stab:lity, the outset, report on the Satui'day Issue. om h,s belt and said, "I want The "culprit' was fll'ally br-. The Prime Minister In hJs spe ech delivered to the 1I0use of Representatives saId: be 'reaehing, out for eonciliation Amencan predominance' shield­ to see the mayor." ought in, His handsome and pr­ With the administration, put to Ing Europe In the 1940, aod 1950s I "Mr, President, Esteemed Dep­ governmental departments mak­ rest this idea yesterday. glv~ The young man. not ident:tied, oud head was bowed out 01 she­ prer"lluisites for preventing them must no'...· .way to f\ true AI­ uties. reference~ ~:drl I' put up a brief tussle as he was Cambodia Frees er respect and under the group in the future. Ing to questions that Without commenting on the lantic partnership" hf' "Du.ing the explanation ses­ had beon raised by deputies dur­ , House Senate , subdued by two patrolmen. pressure. His air refi~ctej a fi­ That is why I am hopeful of '40-minute meeting with the Pre- sion. I heard Questions and view­ Ing the previous explanation 'sident, McCarthy formally an­ The youth was identifll'd as gure motivated mor~ by modesty being able to prevent the recUr­ ses­ points forwarded by represehla­ sions. On the foreign policy o[ Carlos Valle, 19, a worke:' for Two Captured than by regrets. And he went renee of these iactors as far as nounced his resumption of cam· I mobilizatlon for youth. an antI­ t,ves of the nation. Now I would possible in the future and also Afghl\nistan the Prime Minister Committees Meet paignlng for democratic conven­ straight to the old "'an to kiss like to present government's ex­ poverty agency his hand as a junior IS supposed to look into negligence and em­ said, . tion votes. Palestinians Form U.5. Ollicers planations, bezzlement during recent years Since some of the esteemed KABUL, June 13, (Bakhtarl­ "The issues remain essentially to do upon reconciliatL\n with a "The government was mform­ deputies posed Certain questio~s CAPE TOWN, June 12. IOPA> senior. and sec that those responsible The various cornmitees of the lhe same." he said attacking the -National Assembly South Afrlca's long ~urvlVlng PHNOM PENH. June 11, (Reuter) ed orallY about the convening of receive their due punishments. about Afghanistan's foreigo poli­ House met yesterday and diSCU­ admmistration's domestic. miJita- I these explanation sessions, in Saur he,rt transolant pat,ent. Dr -Two UnJt~d States officers detai­ The scene was so moving lhat Serlous prevention of abuse cy T consider it necessary to ex­ ssed matters related to them, ry and diplomatiC policies again. BEIRU I, LEBANON, Jllne IJ, I turned my head to .voii sob­ 23 (May 13). From the view plain once again tbat the funde­ The minister of Planlllng, Dr. He conceded that his aides had Ph,lip Blalberg. 59. wa, back ned 10 Cambodia smce last month and embezzlemenl III financial (AP, - PalesllOian" have namcd bing. but I couldn't help having paint of the spirit and letter of mantal role of our foreign poli­ In hospital Tuesday 10 be treat­ \\Icr(' freed here yesterday. mntters necessitate cooperation Abdul Samad Hamed, accompa­ made "overtures" to the follow­ 100 members ~lf a "Palestlne Na tears in my eyes fma~me the the Constitution and the usual Cy IS safeguarding the national nied by the deputy milllster of ers of Kennedy but indicated ed of a suddenly develoP' -I \lver , . betwcen all organs of the State. IltHl,tl A,-o;;clllbl~' Ihat Include~ rep­ two most intimate friends being " parhamentary procedures we interests. mdependence. natlOnal Planoing, Wahab Haider, and thal he was not seeking any alii· complaint 1 he rc:lease of the men. Ronald ". The important result of these rl'scnt~IIIVCS uf Ihe Fat.lh Gucrrilln alienated for a long ti,ne for so­ '-'" found ourselves confronted with dignity and preshgc of Afghan­ ond- or bloc transfer of Keonedy Jerr~' sesSions 15 that my colleagues the Presldeot of the SuperVision Organl<;alJon II \\ ;1... dl111clUnccd Lehrman and Tester. was or­ me trifle. Then thinl( how this two dlshnct quest!ons' Istan and attractmg fricndship delegate votes to hiS cause dered by head of state Prince Nor­ and myself have become acqu­ and Control. Aminullah Baha, here WcdnesJa}, estrangement can vanish into thin Flrstl the explanation session. of all nations, expandmg our atlended the InternatIOnal AlI­ Asked aboul polls shOWing th"t EAST BERLIN. June 12. fTass) adom Sihanouk wh~1 liiald II was a ainted with an Important sector A slatemenl OJ Ih~ Amman office air given the good-will and the should be heId on specific mat­ of your Views relations With them and servmg aIrs Committee rnee.1'ing In Vice-PreSident Hubert Humph­ --Talks have begun here betw­ mark of r~spcct fnr the laiC' Sen of the P.dc'illne I lhcrc:ltlon Organ!' concerted efforts of ,1 few self­ tet's and even then on outstand­ the cause of world peace.
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