TlMra^* hopK Celt* Late: give fan* a reason <j5- to believe / page 11 Pollution: Court won’t force rain rules / page 10 Bm xdm tn Hrralii ) * / t< r,<>/ 'I* V H')': ".'■'T Monday, June 8,1887 80 Cant* U.S. to ease trade penalties against Japan By Ttrtnc* Hunt Prime Minister Amlntore Faofanl. Th* Attocloftd Prtsa In addition to hla talks with FanfanI, Reagan bad meetinga VENICE, Italy - President schedule with Japaneae Prime Reagan announced an easing of Minister Yasuhiro Nakaaoae and U.8, economic sanctions against West Oerman Chaneellor ffalmut Japan and aald the United States is Kohl b^ore the the I M annual not bluffing about warnings to Iran economic summit got under way. on the Persian Oulf as allied Nakasone arrived In Venice leaders gathered amid heavy se­ today. A Japan Air lines DC*10 -j'-— curity today for the economic Jetliner carrying Nakasone and hla summit. delegation touched down at Veni­ Answering reporters' questions ce's Marco Polo airport at 11:80 about tough U.8. statements about a.m. local time. Hm Hi ptwio ky Mnle the poaalble deployment of antlahip Joining them at the summit were mlaslles by Iran, said, " I haven't Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher Manohester High School students listen Intently this Juniors and seniors at MH8 will attend similar AIDS bluffed once since I've been here. of Britain, President Francois morning during a class on AIDS. From left are Chris classes throughout the week. It's Just a statement of fact." Mitterrand of France, Prime Min­ Lyder, Deborah Schwarx, and Wendy Pedemonte. And In a gesture of harmony Just ister Brian Mulroney of Canada and before the formal opening of the Jacques Dolors, president of the 13th International summit, Reagan European Communities announced that the United States Commission. was partially lifting economic After a formal welcoming cerem­ Students get frank lesson on AIDS sanctions it had Imposed against ony tonight at the Imposing Pal- Japanese electronic goods. laxxo Ducale on St. M ark's Square, the leaders will assemble with Sy Andrew Yurkeviliv lifetime." Ouatafaon told the atudenta. Reagan refused to aay what he translators — but no aides — for a Herald aeaerter Many young people leaned forward In their aeata would do it the Iranians deploy while Ouatafaon apoke. Except for two atudenta. antl-ahip mlaslles In the Persian political discussion over dinner. On a warm Monday tnomlng. you would expect who appeared to be atudylM for a teat, the majority Oulf that could threaten oil tankers. Administration officials earlier had that a group of high achool gtudenix would have a llatenM carefully to what Ouatafaon aald The only hard time concentrating In claai. But there wax no laughter came when ahe aaked the atudenta whether urged Iran not to "run the risk of fidgeting thia morning when is Junlora and aenlora they knew what French klaaing waa. retaliation" by deploying the wea­ Energy may pons, known as Silkworm missiles. attended an A ID S education claaa at Mancheater Although there la no proof that AID S la When a reporter suggested th a t, Hleh School. tranamitted through aallva. Ouatafaon aald. re- warnings voiced by ms key aides Studenta llatened attentively at Lynne Ouatafaon. •earchera believe It may be poaalble through klaaing be problem here had amounted to a threat M HS head nurae. told them now the AID S virua la to contract the diaeaae through aorea In the mouth. against Tehran, the president said, tranamitted and how Uiey can protect themaelvea Mancheater achool officlala ekpect about 1,160 P*' "No. It's Just a statement of fact." from contracting It. The 40-mlnute preaentatlon, Junlora and aenlora to attend the one-claaa AIDS for region Following a meeting Reagan held begun laat week, la beln made to all Junlora and preaentatlon by the end of thla week. An In-depth II with Prime Minister Yasuhiro aenlora In the high achool. AID S program for all high achool atudenta la to be Nakasone, the president said adopted thla fall. By Christopher Collahon Ouatafaon waa frank about the waya In which In Bolton, where an A ID S curriculum laalao being through spokesman Marlin Flts- The Associated Press 'AIDS la apread. apeaking In a atralghtforward developed, a almllar A ID S claaa la being held for water that he was removing 17 percent, or 881 million, of the 8300 W ASH IN G TO N - Continued eco­ manner about the riaka Involved In varloua aexual aenlora. practlcea. Including anal and oral aex. Bealdea million In penalty tariffs he Im­ nomic prosperity could leave New Ouatafaon admitted that aome of thoae In thla abatinence. Ouatafaon recommended condoma to posed April 17 on Japanese compu­ England with massive energy morning'a claaa are probably already aexually prevent the apread of the diaeaae. ters, television sets and power shortages through the 1990s, trig­ active, but until now, moat of their frienda have been tools. gering a loss of up to 900,000 Jobs AIDS, or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syn­ people they've known alnce grade achool. Reagan's statement said the and billions of dollars in business drome. la tranamitted through the exchange of body when they leave MHS, the atudenta will be faced reduction of the duties Is In revenues, according to a study Dulda. moat commonly through aexual contact and with the poaalblllty of a aexual encounter with a response to some improvements conducted for an Industry group. Intravenoua drug uae. So far. IB,000 Americana have recent acquaintance. And that will mean making an made by Japan In complying with a "If the power shortages of the died from the diaeaae. Intelligent declalon, Ouatafaon aald. LYNNE GUSTAFSON 1986 semiconductor pricing early 1990s and consequent eco­ "There la noauch thingaaaafe aex. Unleaa you're " I don't want anybody from MHS to aay. 'I never . n o sex safe agreemenmt. nomic losses are to be avoided, willing to have one partner throughout your knew.'" ahe aald. "As we open this economic decisions to develop new baseload summit, one of our primary con­ capacity must be made soon. cerns must be the removal of Waiting longer can have grave barriers that seek to maintain trade repercussions to the economy of the Imbalances and lead to protection­ region,” the report said. Ranks of deputy commissioners grow ism ," Reagan said In a statement The study was conducted by announcing the move. Management Information Services The Iranian navy said It would Inc. for the U.S. Committee for Energy Awareness, a non-profit By Brsnt Loymon Increase. Several of the posts are said. The recommendation resulted 86,693 that the state's "Executive attack any military bases estab­ lished in the gulf by the United Industry group representing 160 Tht Aiaoclated Frsai currently vacant. In the decision to let commissioners Compensation Plan" provides for States, the official Islamic Repub­ utilities, manufacturers, labor The growth In the number of determine how many deputies they commissioners and their deputies lic News Agency said today. groups and industry associations. HARTFORD — The number of deputies has far outpaced the would have, he said. who are physicians or dentists. Twelve state agencies now have Adams Is a dentist. The agency, monitored In Nico­ In an attached memorandum, the deputy commlaalonera In atate growth in the number of state sia, Cyprus, quoted the naval researchers argue for the comple­ more than one deputy. Including Transportation Commissioner J. agenclea haa nearly doubled in the employees. The state budget tor command headquarters In Tehran tion of Seabrook II, the partially transportation with seven and William Burns and the governor's decade alnce the Oeneral Aaaembly 1977-71 had money for 48,234 full- as saying that any use by U.S. constructed twin reactor of Sea- administrative services with six, budget chief, Anthony V. Milano, decided to let each Commlaaloner and part-time employees, com­ forces of bases in the gulf would be a brook I that the owners gave up on earn 883,373. decide how many to hire. pared to B9,S1B now, a IS percent according to figures supplied by the violation of the Interests of Iran. last year, and building new atomic Until O'Neill got a raise last year, CrItIcB aay the additional depu- increase. state Department of Administra­ "Defending the interests of the plants as part of an effort to six of his commissioner's earned tlea, who earn aa much as 171,000 a State agencies used to be limited tive Services. Islamic Republic of Iran and Increase capacity. year, may well be needed but to one deputy, with a few exceptions The two highest paid deputies are more than he earned. safeguarding security in the... gulf Even strong nuclear-power advo­ There are state employees who queatlon the wladom of the leglala- spelled out In state statute. Includ­ William Latarek in the transporta­ is the natural right and responsibil­ cates like New Hampshire Gov. earn well above 8100,000, primarily ture'a abdicating reaponatbiltty lor ing the departments of transporta­ tion department at 171,637 and ity of the Iranian navy and... It will John Sununu have said getting doctors at the University of Con- Betting the number. tion, correction and mental health. Howard RIfkin, deputy secretary In powerfully fulfill Its duties,” the additional nuclear plants on line la nnectlcut medical center. But " I don't think that'a aomethlng A special commission appointed the Office of Policy and Manage­ agency quoted the navy as saying In unrealistic in the foreseeable among "regular" agency heads. the leglalature ahould delegate to In the 1970s to study how state ment, at 169,826.
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