BILLESDON, WITH THE VILLAGES OF TUGBY, SKEFFINGTON AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. B ILLESDON is a parish, in the hundred of Gattree. the chapelries of GOADBY and ROLLEsToN-containing the village. which once boa:'!ted a ,,,ell-frequented together in 1861, ~09 inhabitants: the population of market, is 93 miles N.N.W. from London, and 9 K. from the whole union being 7,272. Leicester. Although the trade Md population of this TUGBY is a parish, partly in the hnnrlred of G artree. town are now but inconsiderable, there is reason to but chiefly in that of Goscote-the village, a neat aut! believe that in the tiiIJe of the Romans itwasa place of pleasant one, is situatt'd 00 the road le'l(ling from Lei­ fiome consequence-which opinion is streugthenet! by cester to Uppingham, 12 miles E. by s. from the former, the vestiges of a strolJg Homan encampment existing 7~ w. from the latter, and about 4 w. by s. from Billes­ in the vicinity of the lown. it enclo~es eighteen acres, don. Lord Bernarrl is lord of the manor. The parish and appears to have been fortified with a high rampart church of Saint Thomas a Becket (which has latt'ly and dee(l ditch; near it was a Roman pagan temple. undergone considerable repairs) is a ~malllleat builc­ The Uuion workhouse for thirty-six parishes, is situ- ing: tile living is in the gift of the CrowJl; the Rt>v. ated in this parish. The places of worship al'e the George Irving Winslow is the pre~ent incumbent. parish church of Saint John the Bapti~t, and two Popula~ion of the parisb in 1861, about 300. Bapti~t chapels. The living of Bille~don is a vicarage, SKEFFI/IIGTON parish, ill Goscote JlUndred, contains in the patrona!!e of H. Gr'een, E~q.; the Rev. Joshua a small vj])a~e ahout two miles N.N.W. trom Tugby and Scholefield is the present incumbent. A school-house the same distance east from Billesdon. The church was erected here in 1650, by William Sharp, which (whose patron is the same as that of Tngby) is an has since b:!en endowed by various benefactors. Fairs ancient structure: the Rev. John Charles D,wenport is are held ht're on the first Monday in May, the last the present incllmbent. The inhathants of the padsh Monday in August and the first Monday in October, for number about 200-alL of of whom may be said to be hones, cattle, sheep, pigs, &c. The parish comprises employed in agriculture. POST OPE"XCE, BILLESDON, Richard Eales, Post Maater.-Letters from LONDON and all parts arrive every morning at foul', and are despatched at ten minutes past nine in the evelling. The Money Order Offiee is opell daily from nine to six. Post, TUGBy.-Receiving House at Robel't Sparkc's.-Letters from all parts arrive every morning at four, and ar'e despatched at eight in the eveninf{. NOBILITY. GENTRY AND Timms George Fowler. Billesdoll Shellaker Sarah, beerretailer,Tugby CLERGY. Totlllill Thomas, Billesdon Slawson William, tailor Carte l\Jrs. Hannah, BilIesdon Waldl'Oll John, Tugby St~bleford Thomas, joiner Combe !.\1 rs. Harvey, BiIlesdon Winter George. Tugby Stllrgess WiIIiam,feterinary surgeon Cl'eaton Hev. Wm. Henrv,Billesdon lNNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Swift John, tailor and drapt'l' Davenport Rev. Jonn Charles, B.A. Black Horse, 5arah Fl'etson, Tllgby Timms George Fowll'r, cattle dealer Skeffington Rectory F & H rfl B . Wadkin Humphl'cy, black~mith Farmer Miss Mary, BiIlesdon ox ounds, wmas uttenss, Skeffi ngtoll [Tugby Wakerley John, farmer Fowlie Sir Fre.1erick G. Bart. (ma. Fox and .Hounds, Thos. Butteriss, Waldron John, wheelwright, Tugby gistrate), Loseby Hall G h W 1 Walton John, haker Freer Capt&in Charles Thomas rey ollnd, il iam Stllrl-(eSS, Billesdon [BiUesr1oll Wehster' Alfred, joiner, Skeffington (magistrate), Cop low HOllse Old Greyhound, Edwin ElIi~, Woodcock Thollla~, hoot maker Green Henry, Esq. (magistrate), Queen's Head, ThlJmas Burdett, RolIeston Hall lliIJe!'1don. Places of Worship, Hazlerigg Sit Arthur G. Bart. WJlite Hart, Wm. Bishop,BilIesdon AND THEIR MINISTERS. (magistrate), Noseley Hall ST. JOHN THE n,\PTIST CHURCH, BiI­ Neale George, ESQ. Skeffington SHOPKEEPERS & TRADERS. lesdon -Rev. J oshllil. Scholefidd, vicar Schnlefidd Rev. Joshua, Hillesdoll The names without address are in ST. THOMAS A SECKET'S CHURCH, SI,effington-Rev. JohuCharlesOaven­ Vic3l'ae;e rton Hall IhLLEBDON. Sutton Richard jun. Esq. Skeffing. port, rector Bent William, carpenter & joiller ST. THOMAS A BEeKET'S CHuRcH,Tug- Wilson Lord Henry William, Key­ 13rown Ed\\ard, tailor, Tugb)' by-Rev. Geo.lrving- Winslow,vicar thorpe Hall Bryan George, cattit' dealer BAPTIST CHAPEL, Billesdon Wioslow Rev. Geo. lrving, Tugby BAPTIST CH,\PllL (Particular), BiIlesdon Dove Joseph, ~I'ocer and draper INDEl'ENDJl!\lT CHAPBL, Skeffi!lgton PROFESSIONAL PERSONS ~:l1is Edwin, saddler INCLUDING SCHuOLS. Goodman William, shopkeeper, Poor :Law Vnion. Atkin Emily, schouhnbtress, Bil- Sheffington It'sdon Green WiIliam, cattle dealer WORKHOUSE, Bille~don. Atkin John, surgeon, HilIesdon Harrison Thomas, cattlt! sale~man, Master-Edward Thompson Cowdell Ja~.schoolml1stt'I',BiJlesdol1 Tugby [officer Ma.tt'on-Mary 'fhompson Franks WilIiam l<rancb, surgeon, Schoolmistress-A nn Thompson Harrison Wm. registrar & relieving Sllrgeo'1.-William lorancis .. ranks and med~cal officer of the UlIion, Hawley John, baker Chaplain-Rev. JObhua Scholefield Hillesdon [Tugby Humphreys Lionel, grocer & iroll­ Clfr" to the Board of Guardians-Th09 Hearne Susannah, schoolmlstreSl<, monger J ngram, Leicester Relieving Ojjicer-William Harrison FARMERS AND GRAZIERS .J ohnson J ~aac,shopkeeper, BilJesdn Alien Joseph, Tugby Kempin Tho~. boot & shoe mal,cr, R.ailway. Atkins WiJliam, Sketfin~ton Tugby The nearest Station isat KIBWORTH,Oll Hoyer William, Skeffington Kelllpiu Thoma~. shopkeeper,Tughy the MIDLAND LINE, about 6& miles Brown John, jun. Skeffington Ketleriugham Thomas, bhopkeeper from Billesdon Clal'ke Juseph S. Billesdon ami blacksmith, 'rugby The nearest Station for Tugby is at CUl'tis Jonathan, Skeffington [.ee Charles, wheelwright MELBOURNE BRIDGR, on the STAM­ Eales Thomas, BilIesdon Lewin Wm. painter & stone cutter FORD and RUGBY LINE, about 6 miles "i"n:tsoll John, Bille-don Loseby John, stone cutter from the village Harrison Thomas, Tugby LMeby William, bricklayer Coach. Heap Edw3rd. Billesdon ~hyfielrl WiIliam, joiner To LEICESTER, every Sat. morning Horliepool Thomaq , Hillesdon Payne ThGma", blacksmith, BiIles- Carriers. Horsepool Willia'll, Billesdon IIOll and Tugby To LEICESTER, William Uastow,!\fon­ l\larriner William, Togby Porter GeOl"ge, butcher dil.Y, Wedllesday, Friday and Saturday, Neale George Cowdell, ::;keffington Porter John, hutclier and Joseph Miles, Monday, Wednes­ Ogdt'n l\lary, BIUe,don RoweJohu, boot & <;hoemkr. Tugby day and Saturday, from Billesdon, and Joseph Alien, from 1 ug by, Tuesday Smith Robert, Biilesdon Sharpe Thomas, grocer and brick and Saturday Summers Daniel, BiUesdon and tile manufacturer To UPPING HAM, Joseph Miles, from Sykes Robel't, Skeffingtoll ShelIul{er Richard, boot mkr. Tugby Billesdon, Wednesday 8 bee .
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