University of Mississippi eGrove American Institute of Certified Public Guides, Handbooks and Manuals Accountants (AICPA) Historical Collection 1951 Accounting Firms and Practitioners 1951 American Institute of Accountants Follow this and additional works at: https://egrove.olemiss.edu/aicpa_guides Part of the Accounting Commons, and the Taxation Commons ACCOUNTING FIRMS AND PRACTITIONERS 1951 A REFERENCE BOOKLET FOR BANKERS, LAWYERS, AND BUSINESSMEN LISTING ACCOUNTING FIRMS REPRESENTED IN THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS ACCOUNTING FIRMS AND PRACTITIONERS 1951 A REFERENCE BOOKLET FOR BANKERS, LAWYERS, AND BUSINESSMEN, LISTING ACCOUNTING PRACTITIONERS AND FIRMS HAVING PRINCIPALS OR PARTNERS WHO ARE MEMBERS OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS 270 MADISON AVENUE • NEW YORK 16, N. Y. Copyright 1952 by the American Institute of Accountants NOTE This is a list of firms in the United States, its Territories and Possessions, which are represented in the membership of the American Institute of Accountants. The Institute, national professional society of certified pub­ lic accountants, was founded in 1887 as the American Association of Public Accountants. Its name was changed in 1916 to the Ameri­ can Institute of Accountants. Through amalgamation with other accounting societies, it is now the only national organization of certified public accountants. The maintenance of high professional standards and pro­ fessional ethics is one of the major functions of the Institute. This list of firms represented by principals or partners in the organization is conveniently arranged by geographical location. You will find here in this handy reference booklet the names and addresses of accounting firms in your own area as well as in other sections of the country. GEOGRAPHICAL LIST OF FIRMS AND INDIVIDUAL PRACTITIONERS Alabama Annistan Wallace , Roy L. & Associates , Hagedorn Brooke , Winston , 802 Commercial National Bldg. (Roy L. Wallace) Bank Bldg. (Winston Brooke) King , George D. & Co., Radio Bldg. (George Geneva D. King) Strickland , M. L. & Company , P. O. Box 206 Reynolds , Stuart M., 1330 Noble St. (Stuart (M. L. Strickland) M. Reynolds) Wooster and Andrews , Radio Bldg. (William Huntsville F. Andrews, Jr.) Reid , Self & Self, 108½ Washington St., N. (John E. Reid) Birmingham Arnold , Keller & Smith , 1015 First National Mobile Bldg. (J. Dozier P. Arnold, William M. Cooper , Edward J., 812 First National Bank Keller, Lindsay C. Smith) Bldg. (Edward J. Cooper) Borland , William Howard and Son , 1617 Cox, Robert A., 210 Greystone Bldg. (Robert Comer Bldg. (William Howard Borland, Wil­ A. Cox) liam Howard Borland, Jr.) Dill, Norman T., First National Bank Bldg. Christian , William J., 2212 Comer Bldg. (Norman T. Dill) (William J. Christian) Duffee & Duffee , 307 Merchants National Cobb , Howell C., 1623 Fourteenth Ave., S. Bank Bldg. (Julian Duffee, Julian Duffee, (Howell C. Cobb) Jr.) Downs , J. R., 940 Brown-Marx Bldg. (J. R. Godwin , Robert L., P. O. Box 1196 (7) Downs) (Robert L. Godwin, Sr.) Ernst & Ernst , 17 N. 20th St. (3) (H. J. Hart , Kermit T., 602 First National Bank Pratt) Bldg. (Kermit T. Hart) Evans , John E., 510 Farley Bldg. (3) (John Holliman , Childree and Ramsey , 504 First E. Evans) National Bank Annex (Lewie F. Childree) Franklin , W. M., 1227 Comer Bldg. (W. M. Mayton , James , 811 First National Annex Franklin) (James Mayton) Herzberg , H., Jr., 1510 First National Bldg. Partridge , Thad , P. O. Box 781 (Thad Part­ (3) (Hyman Herzberg, Jr.) ridge) Lehmann , Ullman and Barclay , 1702 Comer Pritchard , V. R., P. O. Box 1444 (V. R. Bldg. (Henry I. Barclay, Joseph L. Ullman) Pritchard) Lelievre & Lelievre , 1217 Empire Bldg. Richard , L. J. & Co., 211 Merchants National (Clara C. Lelievre) Bank Bldg. (Ralph A. Harold, Leslie J. Neville , Brown & Regan , 1304 Empire Bldg. Richard) (Lefay Frank Brown, Chris H. King, James Schutte & Williams , P. O. Box 1397 (George Regan, Jr.) W. Randall, Manager) Nichols , F. W. & Company , 1214 Brown-Marx Smith , Dukes & Buckalew , First National Bldg. (James T. McCarty, Jr., F. W. Bank Bldg. (Sylvester W. Brock, Vardaman Nichols) M. Buckalew, Gilbert F. Dukes) Orth , Edward J., Powell Ave. (Edward J. Wilson , S. L., 104 St. Joseph St. (S. L. Wil­ Orth) son) Potter and White , 448 Brown-Marx Bldg. (Raymond E. Potter) Montgomery Scarborough , Powers & Thomas , 501 Jackson Aldridge , Borden and Jones , 312 Catoma St. Bldg. (3) (Edward L. Powers, James Jackson (Mayer Westbrook Aldridge, John R. Bor­ Scarborough, H. O. Thomas, Jr.) den) Screven , Turner & Company , 309 Massey Crane , Jackson and Wilson , 308 Montgomery Bldg. (Clayton C. Carlton, James O. Screven, St. (4) (H. C. Crane, Douglass G. Jackson, James Patsie Turner) James W. Thornton, James Winfrey Wilson) Solomon , J. M., 1202 American Life Bldg. Grantham , Hal G., 122 S. Perry St. (Hal G. (Jacob M. Solomon) Grantham) Thomas , John R., 929 American Life Bldg. Richard , Fred A., Jr., 1116 Bell Ave. (Fred (John R. Thomas) A. Richard, Jr.) Whiteside , W. M., Jr., 409 Farley Bldg. (Wil­ Robinett , Carl C., Jr., 328 Bell Bldg. (Carl liam M. Whiteside, Jr.) C. Robinett, Jr.) Troy and Troy , 807 First National Bank Bldg. Decatur (Robert E. Troy, Robert E. Troy, Jr.) Ernst & Ernst , 18 State National Bank Bldg. (Grantland H. Davis, Manager) Selma Butler , Furniss & Carter , P. O. Box 636 Dothan (George E. Carter) McDaniel & Company , 201 Penney Bldg. (E. B. McDaniel, Jr.) Tuscaloosa Jamison & Money Co ., First National Bank Florence Bldg. (James E. Money) Jones , Henry J., State National Bank Bldg. Robinett , Carl & Co., 201 Wilson Bldg. (Henry J. Jones) (Claud A. Morrison) Senna , Charles A., Jr., 2319 8th St. (Charles Gadsden A. Senna, Jr.) Harwood , Ferd C., Philipson Bldg. (Ferd C. Harwood) Tuscumbia King , George D. & Co., P. O. Drawer 759 Donilon , Frank E., Jr., First National Bank (George Dodgen King) Bldg. (Frank E. Donilon, Jr.) 284 Firm List of Members 285 Arizona Casa Grande McMorris , Benard R., 424 Security Bldg. Tribby , Maurice B., 201 E. 4th St. (Maurice (Benard R. McMorris) B. Tribby) Millett, Max A., 803 Security Bldg. (Max A. Millett) Douglas Morgan & Stallings , 304 Arizona Title Bldg. (Robert L. Morgan, Oliver C. Stallings) Sill, Robert W., 620 10th St. (Robert W. Murray & Murray , P. O. Box 1189 (Leslie Sill) Murray, Jr.) Newbould , J. Douglas , 434 Security Bldg. (J. Holbrook Douglas Newbould) Connolly , J. P., Co., Hotel Chief (J. P. Con­ Racey , Laird A., 305 Arizona Title Bldg. nolly) (Laird A. Racey) Sheppard , George L., P. O. Box 4211 (George Mesa L. Sheppard) Hutcheson , C. Ralph , 106 S. Country Club Smith , James A. & Co., 860 Security Bldg. Dr. (Ralph Hutcheson) (Ethel W. McNinch, James A. Smith) Tauber , Milton , 813 W. San Miguel (Milton Phoenix Tauber) he armon udit ompany Altschul , Julius , 2970 E. Van Buren St. T H A C , 834 Security (Julius Altschul) Bldg. (Claud F. Harmon, Allan G. Munroe, Bobbitt , U. C., 520 Luhrs Bldg. (Uel Clay George R. Pool) Bobbitt) Tisor , Carl D., 500 Title & Trust Bldg. (Carl Briggs & Parker , 412 Professional Bldg. D. Tisor) (Lloyd O. Parker) Treadaway , L. N. and Associates , 507 Luhrs Burgess , Richard , 622 Security Bldg. (Rich­ Bldg. (Gordon H. Thomas) ard Burgess) Wilkes Accounting and Tax Service , 4018 Carson , Walmsley & Henry , Luhrs Bldg. N. 3rd St. (Paul H. Wilkes) (Marvin Henry, Lewis G. Walmsley) Woodward , Fred H., 520 Luhrs Bldg. (Fred­ Councilor , James A. & Company , Luhrs erick H. Woodward) Tower, (John Everett Brown, James W. Zaebst , Ivan R., 4553 N. Seventh Ave. (Ivan Coombs) R. Zaebst) Crane , A. W., 321 Heard Bldg. (Alex W. Prescott Crane) Cuthbert , Johnson & Co., 626 Heard Bldg. Foster , Arthur A., P. O. Box 1987 (Arthur (H. T. Cuthbert, George Wesley Johnson) A. Foster) Dale & Eikner , 826 Security Bldg. (W. Carl Gray and Williams , Ross-Favour Bldg. (Wil­ Dale, James C. Eikner) frid L. Gray, R. M. Williams) David and Rubenstein , 315 Arizona Title Jones , R. L., 1 Bashford Block (R. L. Jones) Bldg. (Martin David, Julius Rubenstein) DeMarcus , Cecil A., 411 Heard Bldg. (Cecil Safford A. DeMarcus) Bailey , Stuart M., 513 Fifth Ave. (Stuart Dennis , H. Marvin & Co., 514 Heard Bldg. M. Bailey) (H. Marvin Dennis) Dooley , Lloyd K., 223 Industrial Bldg. (Lloyd Tempe K. Dooley) Crance , T. T., 711 Lemon St. (T. T. Crance) Fagerberg , Dixon , Jr., 225 Luhrs Bldg. (Dixon Fagerberg, Jr.) Tucson Gallant , Sam , 707 W. Thomas Rd. (Sam Bates , C. T. R., 109 S. Scott St. (C. T. R. Gallant) Bates) Garrett , E. T., Luhrs Tower (E. T. Garrett) Elliott & Company , 615 Valley National Bldg. Hazelett , John M., P. O. Box 4035 (John M. (Thomas J. Elliott) Hazelett) Kaderlan , Sidney A., 37 N. Church St. Hilkert , E. J., 140 S. Central Ave. (E. J. (Sidney A. Kaderlan) Hilkert) Lawton and Ford , Valley National Bank Bldg. Hudson , William H., 1106 Luhrs Tower (Clark C. Ford, James M. Lawton) (William H. Hudson) Mindell , Robert E., 650 N. Sixth Ave. Keuper , Charles H., 67½ E. Thomas Rd. (Robert E. Mindell) (Charles H. Keuper) Moore , Merle & Co., 84 W. Pennington St., Kiviat , Samuel , 140 S. Central Ave. (Samuel (Merle Wayland Moore, Mary E. H. Ross) Kiviat) Paul , Aaron , 260 S. Scott St. (Aaron Paul) Lawrence , Theodore , 308 Security Bldg. Sarrels and Riordon , 902 Valley National (Theodore Lawrence) Bldg. (Robert B. Riordon, Oran Sarrels) Mackey , K. E., 520 Luhrs Bldg. (Karren E. Walsh , P. J., 703 Valley National Bldg. (P. Mackey) J. Walsh) Arkansas Batesville El Dorado Eaton , Frank L. & Co., First National Bank Breimo , Mark , 309 First National Bank Bldg. Bldg. (Frank L. Eaton) (Mark Breimo) Golder , William W., Box 1283 (William W. Blytheville Golder) Evans , Joe B., 202 Lynch Bldg. (Joe B. Evans) Greene , Chester L., First National Bank Bldg. (Chester L. Greene) Hartje & Hartje , P. O. Box 507 (Ingram G. Conway Hartje) Malpica , Fred W., First National Bank Bldg. Kinard , Caddie H., 303 Armstrong Bldg. (Cad­ (Fred W. Malpica) die H. Kinard) 286 American Institute of Accountants ARKANSAS (Continued) Fayetteville Lile, R. A. and Company , 627 Pyramid Bldg.
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