1854 Biographical Directory County, N.Y., and Wellsboro Academy, Wellsboro, Pa.; stud- Eighty-second Congresses); interment in Forest Home Ceme- ied law; was admitted to the bar in 1847 and commenced tery, Forest Park, Ill. practice in Lawrenceville, Pa.; district attorney of Tioga Bibliography: Boxerman, Burton A. ‘‘Adolph Joachim Sabath in Con- County 1850-1856; during the Civil War assisted in the or- gress: The Early Years, 1907-1932.’’ Journal of the Illinois State Historical ganization of Company A of the famous Bucktail Regiment; Society 66 (Autumn 1973): 327-40; Boxerman, Burton A. ‘‘Adolph Joachim appointed by Governor Curtin paymaster with the rank of Sabath in Congress: The Roosevelt and Truman Years.’’ Journal of the Il- linois State Historical Society66 (Winter 1973): 428-43. major in the reserve corps; moved to Pottsville, Pa., and resumed the practice of law; elected as a Democrat to the SABIN, Alvah, a Representative from Vermont; born in Forty-sixth Congress (March 4, 1879-March 3, 1881); presi- Georgia, Franklin County, Vt., October 23, 1793; attended dent of the Pennsylvania National Bank for several years; the common schools and Burlington College; member of the also interested in various other business enterprises; died State militia and served during the War of 1812; studied in Pottsville, Schuylkill County, Pa., March 12, 1901; inter- theology in Philadelphia; was graduated from Columbian ment in St. Patrick’s (No. 3) Cemetery. College (now George Washington University), Washington, D.C., in 1821; was ordained a minister and preached at RYTER, Joseph Francis, a Representative from Con- Cambridge, Westfield, and Underhill until 1825, when he necticut; born in Hartford, Conn., February 4, 1914; at- returned to Georgia, Vt.; was pastor of the Georgia Baptist tended the parochial schools and St. Thomas Seminary, Church over forty years; member of the State house of rep- Bloomfield, Conn.; was graduated from Trinity College, resentatives 1826-1835, 1838-1840, 1847-1849, 1851, 1861, Hartford, Conn., in 1935 and from Hartford (Conn.) College and 1862; served in the State senate in 1841, 1843, and of Law in 1938; was admitted to the bar in 1938 and com- 1845; secretary of state of Vermont in 1841; elected as a menced practice in Hartford, Conn.; assistant clerk of Hart- Whig to the Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth Congresses ford Police Court 1939-1941, and of Hartford City Court (March 4, 1853-March 3, 1857); chairman, Committee on 1941-1943; delegate to the Democratic National Convention Revisal and Unfinished Business (Thirty-fourth Congress); in 1940; president of Pulaski Federation of Democratic Clubs was not a candidate for renomination in 1856; delegate to of Connecticut 1939-1942; elected as a Democrat to the Sev- the first Anti-Slavery National Convention; county commis- enty-ninth Congress (January 3, 1945-January 3, 1947); was sioner of Franklin County in 1861 and 1862; moved to Syca- an unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1946 to the more, De Kalb County, Ill., in 1867 and continued his min- Eightieth Congress; resumed the practice of his profession; isterial duties; died in Sycamore, Ill., January 22, 1885; resided in West Hartford, Conn., where he died February interment in Georgia Plain Cemetery, Georgia Plain, Vt. 5, 1978; interment in Mount Saint Benedict Cemetery, SABIN, Dwight May, a Senator from Minnesota; born Bloomfield, Conn. near Marseilles, La Salle County, Ill., April 25, 1843; moved RYUN, Jim, a Representative from Kansas; born in Wich- to Connecticut with his parents in 1857; attended the coun- ita, Sedgewick County, Kans., April 29, 1947; graduated try schools and Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.; served from Wichita East High School, Wichita, Kans., 1965; B.A., in the Union Army during the Civil War; employed as a University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans., 1970; president, Jim clerk in Washington, D.C.; returned to Connecticut in 1864 Ryun Sports, Inc.; silver medalist, Olympic Games, 1968; and engaged in agricultural pursuits and also the lumber product consultant; motivational speaker; elected as a Re- business; moved to Stillwater, Minn., in 1868; engaged in publican to the One Hundred Fifth Congress; became a lumbering and the general manufacture of railroad cars and Member of the One Hundred Fourth Congress under the agricultural machinery; member, Minnesota State senate provisions of Kansas State Law (K.S.A. 25-3503[d]) on No- 1872-1875; served in the State house of representatives in vember 27, 1996, to fill the vacancy caused by the resigna- 1878 and 1881; chairman of the Republican National Com- tion of United States Representative Sam Brownback; re- mittee 1883-1884; elected as a Republican to the United elected to the One Hundred Sixth Congress and to the two States Senate and served from March 4, 1883, to March succeeding Congress (November 27, 1996-present). 3, 1889; unsuccessful candidate for renomination in 1886; chairman, Committee to Examine Branches of the Civil Service (Forty-ninth Congress), Committee on Railroads (Fif- tieth Congress); engaged in the coal, lumber, and manufac- S turing business; died in Chicago, Ill., on December 22, 1902; interment in Fairview Cemetery, Stillwater, Washington SABATH, Adolph Joachim, a Representative from Illi- County, Minn. nois; born in Zabori, Czechoslovakia, April 4, 1866; attended the schools of his native town; immigrated to the United SABINE, Lorenzo, a Representative from Massachusetts; States in 1881 and settled in Chicago, Ill.; was graduated born in New Concord (now Lisbon), N.H., February 28, 1803; from the Chicago College of Law in 1891; was admitted moved to Boston, Mass., with his parents in 1811 and to to the bar in 1892 and commenced practice in Chicago, Hampden, Maine, in 1814; completed preparatory studies; Ill.; ward committeeman and district leader in Chicago 1892- at the age of eighteen moved to Eastport, Maine, and be- 1944; appointed justice of the peace for the city of Chicago came employed as a clerk and afterward engaged in mer- in 1895; police magistrate 1897-1906; member of the central cantile pursuits; editor of the Eastport Sentinel; founder and executive committees of the Democratic Party from 1909 of the Eastport Lyceum; incorporator of Eastport Academy to 1920; delegate to all the Democratic State conventions and Eastport Athenaeum; member of the Maine house of 1890-1952; delegate to all Democratic National Conventions representatives in 1833 and 1834; deputy collector of cus- 1896-1944; elected as a Democrat to the Sixtieth and to toms at Eastport 1841-1843; moved to Framingham, Mass., the twenty-three succeeding Congresses, but died before the in 1848, having been appointed trial justice; elected as a convening of the Eighty-third Congress; served from March Whig to the Thirty-second Congress to fill the vacancy 4, 1907, until his death in Bethesda, Md., November 6, caused by the death of Benjamin Thompson and served from 1952; chairman, Committee on Alcohol Liquor Traffic (Sixty- December 13, 1852, to March 3, 1853; was not a candidate third through Sixty-fifth Congresses), Committee on Rules for the Thirty-third Congress; moved to Roxbury, Mass., hav- (Seventy-sixth through Seventy-ninth and Eighty-first and ing been appointed secretary of the Boston Board of Trade; Biographies 1855 also served as special agent of the United States Treasury ney general of Pennsylvania in February 1935 and served Department; died in Roxbury, Mass., April 14, 1877; inter- until January 1937; elected as a member of the Democratic ment in Hillside Cemetery, Eastport, Washington County, State committee in 1936 and served until 1942; elected as Maine. a Democrat to the Seventy-fifth and to the two succeeding Congresses (January 3, 1937-January 3, 1943); was an un- SABO, Martin Olav, a Representative from Minnesota; successful candidate for reelection in 1942 to the Seventy- born in Crosby, Divide County, N.D., February 28, 1938; eighth Congress; served at Army Air Forces Eastern Flying graduated from Alkabo High School, Alkabo, N.D., 1955; Training Command, with the rank of lieutenant colonel, B.A., Augsburg College, Minneapolis, Minn., 1959; graduate from January 4, 1943, to January 10, 1946; resumed the studies, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn., 1960; practice of his profession; member of State Veterans Com- member of the Minnesota state house of representatives, mission 1951-1969; chairman, registration commission of 1960-1978, minority leader, 1969-1972, speaker of the house, Philadelphia 1952-1965; member of Military Reservations 1973-1978; presidential appointee on the National Advisory Commission 1957-1967; died in Philadelphia, Pa., March 11, Commission on Intergovernmental Relations; president, Na- 1972; interment in Shalom Memorial Park. tional Conference of State Legislatures; president, National Legislative Conference; elected as a Democrat to the Ninety- SADLAK, Antoni Nicholas, a Representative from Con- sixth and to the twelve succeeding Congresses (January 3, necticut; born in Rockville, Tolland County, Conn., June 13, 1979-present); chair, Committee on the Budget (One Hun- 1908; attended the parochial school; was graduated from dred Third Congress). George Sykes Manual Training and High School in 1926 and from the Georgetown University School of Law, Wash- SACKETT, Frederic Mosley, a Senator from Kentucky; ington, D.C., in 1931; special inspector for the Department born in Providence, R.I., December 17, 1868; attended the of Justice from July 1941 to December 1942; assistant sec-
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